TTC after Tubal Reversal Surgery

Angel baby

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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I had a tubal reversal surgery May 16, 2011. I was told by my fertility doctor not to try till after my 1st period. I should have tried to figure out my normal pattern of periods prior to this surgery but I didn't. I did buy a ovulation test and did it right after surgery to get a idea. My cycle was 29 days. We did have sex after the surgery and didn't do what we were told but I got a BFN anyways. (I was being impatient)! lol! Well I am now on day 15 of my cycle. I drink alot of fluids and little concerned I may have missed a positive ovulation. I started doing a BBT on day 12 with 96.56, the next day it dropped to 96.24, then back up to 96.50. This morning I got 96.64. I tested 3 times yesterday and all were negative for OPK. I guess I'm covered though because we have BD for 5 days in a row. I did have 2 glasses of wine yesterday that may explain the increase in the temp this morning. My doctor did suggest BD every other day starting on day 10 and I am on prescription prenatal vitamins for the past month! I really want a BFP this go round but if not, I'll try to do everything correctly next month. Oh and I did check my cervix this morning and it is very high that I almost can not touch it and I really can not reach far enough to feel the opening and this has been normal up until this morning. I have a app on my phone that I chart on. Do you think with the temp increase that it is possible I have already ovulated? I was using the early pregnancy test OPK's but the lines are so faint and even the control line is faint that I don't know if I trust them and bought clear blue OPK this morning. Anyone else have tubal reversal? Also, for those TTC what do you think about my temp increase?
i had my tubal reversal in may as well 0n the 26th. the doc went ahead and did the hsg test while he was in there and said everything is very open and there is no scar tissue. i started my period right after my surgery. the doc said the hsg shocked my cycle so my period would come the day or the day after my surgery. and it did and it was very aweful and the cramps were the worst. so now i am 3 days late and having all types of symptoms. took 5 hpt a week before af was suppose to arrive but all bfn. if i dont start af before july1st i will retest. i have decided i am not going to do the temping and opks we are just going to bd every other day and hope that gets it for us. we are using prayer right now as our main thing and i beilive it will happen with dust to you i hope we our bfp very soon. oh amy doc said we could ttc as soon as my staples came out which was 8 days after surgery and we did .i am three days late and my cervix is very high and closed as well. my symptoms are... nausea , aches im my legs and lower back, dull crapms im my lower stomach , sensitive nipples and blue viens in my nipples. also i had light pink on the tp when i wiped on the 18th that lasted for three days.
I had my surgery in Feb 2010, less than 1 year from having tubal done and it took 45 days to get my cycle (talk about taking lots of HPT) but I was still BF too. We started TTC in Aug 2010. I had HSG in Sept 2010 and just found out yesterday after seeing FS that my left tube is pretty much blocked, it has spillage where the were cut and reattached. 3 cycles ago I had a + beta but started af on time so had doc not done it, I would have never known (she was checking my progesterone so she checked beta too but I was still BF then too). Then in April I did Clomid but got a bfn (no cm on clomid). Last cycle I got a bfp on frer, cb digi and beta but sadly lost that one too. Thinking maybe IUI or IVF for next cycle. Its all costing me a fortune but I really want just one more baby! I hope you ladies have better luck than I am. I'm 11 mo ttc now.
hi i had mine done on the 6th june 11 and had my period on the 8th june and when i asked my doctor who did the surgery how long to wait till we try he said start when you feel ready and the sooner the better lol so i am doing as he said and i have had 2 opks the last 2 days and had the hubby the past couple of days and now its just wait and see if i get a sticky bean, i am due my af in july just before i go on holiday lol lets hope she dont come.
good luck to you all and hope you all get a bfp.
Please keep me posted everyone! Do you know how long your tubes are? Mine was open when they tested it during surgery, and she told me minimal scar tissue. Both of my tubes are cm in length now. I figured it wasn't as bad as I read on some 2-3cm long. My doctor told me that if I don't get pregnant in the next 6 month that I'll do a HSG to make sure they remained opened. I am using OPK's, started doing temps this month. I am 7 dpo. I have absolutely no signs. I just want one more too. I have 3 teenagers already! LOL! I am re-married to a man that does not have any kids. What scares me the most is as Grumblea said and after reading so many post tubal reversal is miscarriage the first 1-2x's. I almost wonder if it is because of the tube length! Yall keep me posted please and I'll do the same. I'm 34 so my percentage is up to 70% right now but drops next year. Grumblea, I looked up the IUI as I wasn't sure what that was. If this doesn't work, IVF is next in the next couple of years! I had my tubal done at fertility clinic in Texas.
angel you said they did hsg during surgery . did you get your period right after surgery like i did? i just tested as i am 4 days late and got another bfn. i am cramping so bad in my lower back and lower stomach and its different than period cramps i am so scared something is wrong .
I bled for a week. They told me it wasn't my period though. Sure enough I had my period 29 days from the last. But I bled for a week after the surgery. Hmmm... I'm not sure what it could be if your getting BFN but even if it was an ectopic you would still get a BFP. Maybe you are testing too early. You might need to check up and have a HCG blood test. Also, my doctor told me if I was 3 days late that I needed to call to come in. So maybe you need to go follow up. Keep me posted!
thanks i am going to go ahead and give them a call . i had light pink when i wiped for three days on the 18th but on by the 20th it was gone and it was never more than just when i wiped so i am def gonna call them . today has been a good day no symptoms at all and i had alot of energy today eben did some paintingsi i dunno....
I believe we have a little more feeling after the surgery, I guess due to the scar tissue. I know exactly what side I'm ovulating these days! Let me know what the doc says! Pink and blue, you sound like you are due for AF around the same time as me. I'm 9 dpo right now, however, I don't have one symptom other than increased CM.
pink and blue did you get af ? i am currently 6 weeks late for mine...
just realized i am only 12 days late gah i really am going crazy........
pink and blue did you get af ? i am currently 6 weeks late for mine...

hi i am due my af on the 12th july i am getting all the twinges in lower belly and going to the loo at lot now and bbs are very sore and changed colour, but am not getting my hopes up, so am just waiting now. will let you all know if af dont come
I'm 3 days late. Hope this isn't going to be a long one! I probably really be nuts if I'm 12 days late! Still continue to get BFN! Pink or Blue, I think this is going to be harder than we thought! LOL! I just ordered a bunch more of OPKs and pregnancy test. Almost considered getting the fertility monitor. I saw one for 200 and another for 300 but I have spent an awful lot on the OPK and pregnancy test since my reversal already. I was told to come in if I am 3 days late but I'm going to wait at least a week. I'm not going to run there every time I'm late!
I'm 3 days late. Hope this isn't going to be a long one! I probably really be nuts if I'm 12 days late! Still continue to get BFN! Pink or Blue, I think this is going to be harder than we thought! LOL! I just ordered a bunch more of OPKs and pregnancy test. Almost considered getting the fertility monitor. I saw one for 200 and another for 300 but I have spent an awful lot on the OPK and pregnancy test since my reversal already. I was told to come in if I am 3 days late but I'm going to wait at least a week. I'm not going to run there every time I'm late!

hello so i took another hpt today and of course bfn
i am now 13 days late
no signs of af
i have been using opks and think there getting very close to positive but unsure as i have never seen one positive before. i wonder if i just missed my cycle and am on to the next one. well heres pic ...tell me what you think ...[/ATTACH]


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It sounds promising. I looked up late bfp and that gives a little hope! It's a shame your clinic will not let you just come in for blood test. 12 days is awful long time. Some women I read didnt ever get their bfp! I also read opk show lines if u r pregnant but more likely to have positive hpt before positive opk. More likely is the key words so I read that as not always! Lol! Maybe this surgery has us messed up and it's just resetting back to normal.
thanks for looking and everything i am going to keep posting my opks until i get a very strong positive and as for hpts i have one left so i will use if and only if i just cant help we will see how long that will last.
i am now 14 days late and feeling very crampy in my back and legs and lower stomach. maybe its af.....who knows
Hope so that you can try again. My temp had dramatic drop this morning so I think I'll start by the end of the day!
well no af and since im 14 days late i did another hpt because i have heard so many people getting bfp at 2 weeks late and it is negative i also did my opk and it was negative also so i just bummed .
hi all i went om holiday for 3 weeks and AF got me while there so on am now on next cycle now and hoping for a BFP. hope all is well with you all :thumbup:

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