Ugh, I hated that bloodwork! I won't be going alone this time, I though I was going to keel over!! I was like more?!? Really?!? Lol!! So excited to see your "looks like a baby-not a blob" scan!!
I'm probably crazy but I don't mind bloodwork at all. But then again, look how many tattoos I have - I think I can handle the needle lol. Thanks! Me too. I'm going to the same practice as my last pregnancy, just with a different doctor and she's affiliated with 2 hospitals. One being the one I always delivered at/go to and another one. She sends her patients for their scans at her other hospital that I've never been to so I'm not sure what to expect from the scan. At the hospital I'm used to, I know I'd get pictures and at my anatomy scan with Hannah, they even popped on the 3D probe to give me a few pictures of her in 3D as well. This other place? I have no idea what to expect or if they'll even give me pictures. I really hope I get a good skull or nub shot if nothing else lol. I just so desperately want to guess and see if I'm right.
Kara- OH I KNOW about the due date.. His friends already know, coincidence?! Hmm.. Yeah lol.
Omg btw I just bought a bunch of Naked Juice from the store.. one has 93 strawberries 20 apples and 120 blueberries!! They are bigger bottles- but wow. I am gonna live off this stuff!!! Mmm
My cousin was born on 4/20 and hates it because of that lol.
Did you hear about the huge lawsuit against Pepsi Co for Naked Juice? Anyone who purchased a Naked between certain years could fill out a form to be eligible for a piece of the "settlement", I think at most $47 or so. I totally filled out the form lol. I used to drink the Strawberry Banana one regularly.
My mom has a friend that teaches hypno-birthing. I wanted to do a water birth but no where around here does it, some places have the spa tubs for relief but won't let you actually do the water birth. Either way-I know it might sounds nuts but I'd really like to go without the epidural but hey...I've never been in labor before so that could change real quick!! Lol, she did hypno-birthing and she's my favorite mom blogger! I'm sure if you scour her blog you can get some of her personal experience with it. It seemed lovely but not for me. I'm okay with the hospital and an epidural. With my first, I was terrified of the epidural for fear of being paralyzed so I first asked for something else for the pain. They gave me a shot of Nubane (sp?) and it was horrible. I felt like I was on fire from the inside out and got instantly groggy and scared and hated it. I went ahead with the epidural and the pain relief was great. I was also 19 and really didn't know much about using one vs not using one.
With Hannah, I went into it knowing I'd get the epidural if I felt I needed to but wasn't expecting to. However I was having back labor because she was sunny-side up so I got the epi at 4am (I was admitted around 2am lol.) The way I look at it (from personal experience and reading the experiences of others)... go into your labor with little expectations because it never goes as planned and stressing out over NOT getting labor in this certain position or ending up having to have a c-section is only going to send stress signals to your baby or delay your labor.
The more afraid and stressed you are, the more likely you are to slow down your labor/progress. If you're in a lot of pain and you can't handle it, don't be afraid or ashamed to just go ahead and get the epidural. 9 times out of 10 (not an actual stat but just go with it...) you will get the epi, feel instant relief and your body will be able to relax and before you know it, you'll be ready to push. SO many women have posted online about how their labors stalled and they were being stubborn refusing the epidural but were talked into it and once they got it & relaxed their body... their body was able to do the job at hand and progress more quickly. So I say go into labor and delivery knowing that you may need or want the epidural and if you have to get it, that's okay... and if you are able to tough through it without one? More power to you!
This time I'm going to go as long as I can without the epidural to see if I can go all natural but I also know that if I really can't handle it, I won't be afraid to get one.