TTC and Beyond!

Oh and yes I am getting to the point where the movements baby makes are getting painful. I love having an active healthy baby, trust me! But my insides feel worn out.
We are having an ongoing disagreement about whether or not heels should be placed in ribs...
Since we're sharing animal pictures... I'll share my mom's Mastiff. One of him the day we got him and one of him last month (or the month before?, roughly 2 years old.) He's taller than Hannah when he's sitting. And if I can find pictures of our 2 cats, I'll share those too.

It's bugging me that I can't find pictures of my cats lol. I'm on a mission now.
Kara - I can't wait to see your scan! Everything is going to be fine, hun! You have a healthy baby in there!

Waves - Tomorrow is an exciting scan! I loved seeing the little one looking like a real person for the first time!
Oh and yes I am getting to the point where the movements baby makes are getting painful. I love having an active healthy baby, trust me! But my insides feel worn out.
We are having an ongoing disagreement about whether or not heels should be placed in ribs...

LOL. Autumn was way up in my ribs while also being way down low in my pelvis. I'm short and she was long and it was painful. However with Hannah, I just carried her SO low so she never really got into my ribs but I had some nasty SPD-type stuff going on & it caused me to go on medical leave several months before I was due. I already feel it starting up again and I'm not too happy about that lol.

Sooooo cute Amanda! I hope to document well with pictures.. Gotta get a nice camera from Santa though ;) I'm totally checking out the one you have. Any recommendation on a good one under $500? My dad always had Nikons and said they're good but I just want something that is NOT a digital camera lol and have no idea how to work all the crazy stuff. Although I really want a panorama lens or setting or w/e, I love those pics.

Thanks!! I wish I'd had a better camera when Autumn was little but oh well. I have it now. I have a Canon Rebel T3i and I'd recommend it in a heartbeat. Even just shooting it on auto-mode and not messing with all the functions would give good pictures but I believe it was $600. I don't remember... we got it with our tax return this year and added some insurance to it and then with taxes it came to like $700-800.

Canon Powershots are good cameras. That's what I had before this one. It's a little point-and-shoot digital camera but very user-friendly I think. I prefer Canon over Nikon personally (and my first DSLR was a Nikon lol.)

I had an all-natural labor at a hospital and wouldn't have changed a thing. They were wonderful and I never felt pressured into anything. I labored at home for 5 days. Yes, 5 days... it was "pre-labor" but by the 5th day I was pretty ready to get the show on the road. Finally on Saturday my mucus plug came out, and then my water broke at like 12 or 1 in the morning on Sunday (and it was a huge gush, not a little leak...). I got to the hospital 3 cms dialted at like 2 in the morning, but he was born at 7:50 AM. So getting to 3 cms took FOREVER! But once my water broke and labor started in was between 6-8 hours, which is really not bad. I went from 7-cms in one hour! It was intense... but I have no reservations about doing it all over again! I hope it goes just as well as the first time.

My first, I was in pre-labor for 3 days or so and on Sunday evening I did a lot of walking & squats (I was only dilated to a 1 at this point, 12 days early), had sex around 2:30am and then at 3am had my first contraction. Got to the hospital around 8am and was told I was 4cm, 90% effaced, station -1 and having my baby that day. They broke my water around 10am, started Pitocin slight after and around 4:45 or so it was time to start pushing. She was born at 5:23pm. I didn't know how to push and it was taking forever. They almost wanted to use the vacuum to get her out but I said "hell no" and just beared down with all I had.

With Hannah I was admitted to L&D 15 days before my due date to be monitored because I was having regular contractions but they weren't changing my cervix enough over the course of 2 hours so I was sent home. I was 2cm at this point. The next day we walked a lot, did lots of squats, sex, etc. That evening and night I felt like my waters were leaking. Nothing crazy but I definitely felt some wet action going on down there that felt more than normal. I was having really bad back pains as well. Talked to the on-call OB who sent me to L&D just to be safe and the nurse that swabbed my pantyliner (for fluids) said it was probably just normal increased discharge you get at the end of pregnancy & that my pantyliner tested negative for my waters but the L&D OB swabbed inside me anyway. Around 1am she walks back in and says "It was positive for your waters, you're going to be admitted." I was in such shock because they sent me home just the night before and I asked the nurse, "So this means I'm not leaving until I have my baby?" LOL. I mean, you have to deliver within 24 hours of your water leaking/breaking but I still couldn't believe it. When they checked me, I was 3cm and like 100% effaced. She was sunny-side up so I had nasty back labor and got the epidural around 4am. The leak was a slow/high leak so my labor kept stalling out and they were talking c-section until they had another doctor come in around 2 or 3pm to check me. So she checks me and she goes, "Um... there's another bag of waters that hasn't yet been broken." So they broke my water and before we knew it I was 10cm and ready to go. LUCKILY I was given the best piece of advice this time... push like you're pooping... so that's what I did and I pushed for maybe 15 minutes and she was born at 5:45pm. The doctor and nurse kept going on & on about how great I was at pushing which really helped and I make sure I pass that tip along to everyone I know in labor lol.
Kara - I can't wait to see your scan! Everything is going to be fine, hun! You have a healthy baby in there!

Waves - Tomorrow is an exciting scan! I loved seeing the little one looking like a real person for the first time!

I know! Baby goes from looking like a jelly bean to looking like an alien and I'm so excited to see! I just really hope to get a copy of a picture. I've never been to this facility before so I don't know how they do things here. The place I usually go gives out pictures all the time so I have no idea what to expect.
I think my torso is just really short. Both boys are high and low and the same time and seem to run out of room quickly, even though both measured small (Danny was only 6 pounds when he was born, and this one is smack in the 50 percentile.
I'm short with a short torso and both my girls were long.

I'm only 5'2 and both girls were born at 21" long, in the 90th (or around there) percentile. But with Hannah carrying so low (I swear she could have fallen out at any time she was so low) she never got into my ribs. She stayed curled up with her butt sitting near my hip until she turned but by that point, I'm pretty sure my vagina was falling out so she was nowhere near my ribs.
Mornin girls :)

Waves that mastiff is freakin awesome!!! SO cute! & your tattoos look really sweet too! :)
oh p.s. found a powershot one for $249 (SX510 HS?? lol) that I may have to order. I would really like to start taking my belly pics with one! And it just so happens to be FRIDAY, payday!!!

BB- I got a BLARING POSITIVE on a FRER with FMU on 10DPO. I can post my chart if you'd like!! I'll post it on the other thread so you all can compare ;)

LOL @ the jellybean->alien->human, so true!

Sippin' on my Vernor's!!! :coffee:
Kara and Waves-I can't wait to see your scans tomorrow!!! Seriously, mine is 13 days away...I have a countdown on my phone! lol It's so scary to think there could potential be no heartbeat! I just keep telling myself it will be fine and I have nothing to worry about. On that Good luck girls!!!

I was terrified there'd be no heartbeat at my first scan especially since girls due around the same time as me already had theirs and saw the hb. But with all the losses, I just expected the absolute worst and of course at my first scan, all we saw were the gestational sac and yolk sac but no hb. I was a wreck waiting for the next scan and thank goodness there was a hb. But I was afraid of a MMC after that because I feel like I've had chemicals, a m/c at 7ish weeks so the only thing I had left to experience was a mmc but so far, so good. But I understand it's so hard to just relax and enjoy it. With my first I didn't research anything about conceiving or the first trimester & had no idea how common m/c were so I had no worries at all. I just expected everything to go as "planned" lol. I wish I could be that innocent throughout my pregnancy again!

I'm just so scared bc I don't feel pregnant and my morning sickness hasn't been very bad. My boobs are sore and nipples are sore/sensitive, but that's basically it...I keep thinking, how do I know I'm really still pregnant? I just want to know its in there and growing like it should. I was really nervous about it this morning bc I just don't feel pregnant. It's just scary when other girls are puking and I'm barely nauseous...

My mom has a friend that teaches hypno-birthing. I wanted to do a water birth but no where around here does it, some places have the spa tubs for relief but won't let you actually do the water birth. Either way-I know it might sounds nuts but I'd really like to go without the epidural but hey...I've never been in labor before so that could change real quick!! Lol

You can do it!!!! I'm obsessed with the business of being born. You should watch it if you haven't seen it.

How many DPO did you all get your positives? :)

I was 12dpo. I had a negative at 9dpo.
Julie don't worry. I didn't get sick until 6 weeks on the DOT! Both pregnancies. So it may still be coming for you. But either way I am TELLING YOU this sickness is AWFUL. Be thankful lol plenty of ladies have no symptoms and are just fine! Actually it is really normal. My sickness is ABNORMAL. I think it will progress to hyperemesis gravidarum like last time. Blech. And I HAVE to keep working.

P.s. Just took my very first Zofran!!! Lol hoping it kicks in soon, pizza party at 11:30 for us!! :)

Excited for pics from Waves!!!!
Thanks Girls. Just trying to decide when to test! Last time I was pregnant I didn't get a positive until I was 4wk 4days. That's why I was thinking of waiting until 17DPO because if I am pregnant I won't be 4+4 until then?
Were you temping that time so you know it was right on?

I say 14DPO is the safest day. 90% positive if pregnant from that day on.

No because we were NTNP. I found out on 17th February. Had a scan on 25th March and was 9wk 5days so think that means I was 4+4 when I got my BFP?
Ohhh! I thought you mean you had tested & tested and finally got a BFP on 17DPO!

I'm sure you would have had one earlier. Like I said mine was 10DPO and by the looks of your chart, if you are pregnant, implantation already happened. Looks like about 7DPO. I think mine was the same! :)

Oh actually since you're 9 DPO it could be happening now! Lol I suggest to at least wait til tomorrow :)
I tested when my period could have been due (usually 28-32 days) and it was negative 28 and 32 days but nothing. Positive was CD43! I have no idea when I ovulated though.

How long after implantation does it take for HCG to build? I have my fingers so tightly crossed, I really want a BFP!
Hmmmm.. they say 2 days after! If you are a late implanter, like @ 9DPO, it may take til 11/12DPO to see a positive though. I promise though- by the day your period is due, that test should tell the truth!

But ANYTHING is possible as we all know!! & your chart looks faaabulous :)
BB - I didn't get my BFP until 17 DPO, and it was light! I don't think I implanted until like 12 DPO, and I think I am one of those women whose Hcg rises slowly, since I didn't get a BFP until 2 days after my missed AF with Danny.

Morgan - I saw the discussion on the other thread about the name issue. I just want to add that I see no problem in honoring Jaxon by giving little one the name as a middle name. My aunt and uncle lost a son at 6 years old, and then gave their youngest son his name as a middle name. I think it is a way of building a connection from Jaxon to your next son, since they will never meet while on Earth. <3
Kara - So happy about your scan!!!! <3

Sorry if I missed, but did Waves have her scan yet???
Totally agree Emily. I just thought it would be really nice and couldn't imagine why old Gma would say that! Lol. She is set in her ways. Still harrasses me over the church we attend, haha.

And I have to make a confession. Lastnight my DH said something about the story of Gabriel in the bible and how he was conceived. He was the angel, the rainbow after her storm. So long story short, he said he would want that name more than anything.

I have never even considered the name Gabriel, but I really loved the reasoning behind it and the fact that DH really felt strongly about it. (He NEVER cares about this kinda stuff, lol last time he said he didn't care & that I could pick.) So that may be on our list. I still love Elijah Jaxon, but he isn't sold. Thought I'd mention that just in case I have a Gabey baby too! ;) I promise I didn't know this yesterday when you told me! Lol

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