TTC Buddies! April is our month for BFP!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2014
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Hey Everyone!

We are TTC #2 This is our first cycle TTC this year!

I an 25 years old and my husband is 23 we have a little girl she's almost 2, we are desperate to give her a sibling! I don't track temps or do Opk's. We are hoping we have good luck - We are due to test April 4th!

I feel April is the month ladies! Who's with me?!
Hii :) I'm 23. We're TTC #1 and hopefully it will happen soon! My dh and I found out we were 5 weeks pregnant. We were both told we'd have a 1 in a million shot of ever conceiving. I was noticing symptoms of pregnancy for weeks but just thought it was AF since we were told a pregnancy would be impossible. Unfortunately, at 5 weeks 6 days I passed 2 blood clots and had an ultrasound done and my hcg dropped below 50, they concluded I miscarried due to empty uterus/hcg levels. But we wanna get back on the boat ASAP especially since we now know it's possible!! I'm now 10days past the loss of our baby. According to FF I should be ovulating between April 1-7th. Hopefully we can make it happen this month. I also don't use charts or opks. It happened so easily the first time I feel it should the second time hopefully :) I could really use a TTC buddy since all my friends around me are already pregnant or just had babies. I feel so alone sometimes we don't wanna tell anyone that we're trying again so we don't jinx anything.
I'm so sorry to hear your about your loss! miscarriages are not easy.. I'm glad to hear your getting back in the saddle. I feel that April is the lucky month!
I have been having pregnant symptoms on and off for two weeks now so I'm just waiting for Friday to test.

I just found out about FF! I cant believe I have never heard about it before! haha I'm pretty new to all the abbreviations too. but I'm getting it.
I'm so sorry to hear your about your loss! miscarriages are not easy.. I'm glad to hear your getting back in the saddle. I feel that April is the lucky month!
I have been having pregnant symptoms on and off for two weeks now so I'm just waiting for Friday to test.

I just found out about FF! I cant believe I have never heard about it before! haha I'm pretty new to all the abbreviations too. but I'm getting it.

Thank you :) don't worry about the abbreviations I'm guilty of having to google almost all of them. Some of them I can guess but dh - dear husband and AF - Aunt Flo. I was at a total confusion state, scratching my head. I tested this morning even tho it's only been 10+ days after my miscarriage, I got a neg. but my doctor is sending me for post miscarriage hcg levels and to see if I have a bladder infection since I've been peeing every hour and still nauseous. She wants it to be 5 or less so that I can get the green light to try again. I too didn't know about FF and the period tracker apps. I wish I would've had it all along. Normally I just wait until AF shows up and never tracked it. My periods have always been all over the place up until I met my dh they seemed to normal out. We're waiting a couple cycles before we use OPK's. My dh doesn't wanna know if I take them tho. We're afraid it will kill the romance so if we do need them I'll just use a different reference instead of I'm ovulating! I'll prob just say something like I need you now! LOL I will be praying for you and sending lots of fertility vibes. Keep me posted! Also if you ever need to talk I'm always available :)
Hi ladies.
I'm 26 and ttc baby number 2! I've got a 26month old little boy who hardly stays asleep in his own bed long enough lol. Should ovulate either today or tomorrow according to my app on my phone but I don't temp or use opk's so who knows!? We dtd on monday, missed yesterday as OH was at the football and didn't get back til late, hoping to dtd tonight tomorrow and friday and hopefully that covers it.

Goodluck when you test mommylion! Or have you caved and tested?

Sorry about your loss dpopl622! It's the hardest thing to go through as I miscarried at 11 weeks last June. Good that your getting straight back to it :)
Hi ladies.
I'm 26 and ttc baby number 2! I've got a 26month old little boy who hardly stays asleep in his own bed long enough lol. Should ovulate either today or tomorrow according to my app on my phone but I don't temp or use opk's so who knows!? We dtd on monday, missed yesterday as OH was at the football and didn't get back til late, hoping to dtd tonight tomorrow and friday and hopefully that covers it.

Goodluck when you test mommylion! Or have you caved and tested?

Sorry about your loss dpopl622! It's the hardest thing to go through as I miscarried at 11 weeks last June. Good that your getting straight back to it :)

Hey and welcome!!

We've recently moved our DD to her big girl bed too. But luckily we've never had problems with her sleeping! But since youre not sleeping anyways might as well try for another one! Lol

I tested on Sunday and yesterday with negs. But my body doesn't produce a lot of HCG I guess. I went to the clinic thinking I was 4 or 5 weeks with my DD and they tested to confirm pregnancy and the nurse said "we'll you're just barely pregnant" then after talking about cycles discovered I was around 8 or 9 weeks pregnant. But also told me to prepare for a miscarriage. Thankfully I never had one :). I tested for fun when I was 8 months pregnant and the line was just as light as the first time I tested. I find it weird but my doc wasn't worried. I also didn't have hardly any symptoms. My DH took most of them including the morning sickness haha.

I haven't had any symptoms this cycle either. Except I'm not having my normal "your period is coming" symptoms. I want to be hopeful but I don't want to get my hopes up.
The only thing I can absolutely remember from last time is the twinges in my cervix. They started close to two weeks ago. Fingers crossed! And thanks for the good fertility vibes! I got my fertility gemstone bracelet on!
Hi girls I'm 23 years old, TTC #1 for 7 months now. Been trying for 7 months with no luck. Had hormone levels checked and all went well, boyfriend (of 5 years don't worry I'm not crazy and trying to trap him lol) also had semen test and he's good too. I am about 5 dpo and I'm trying to figure out if I'm having a few symptoms or playing mind games. Anyone have suggestions on how to best track ovulation or any helpful tips?? Much appreciated! Also hoping April is my month for BFP! Easter is the magic day..
Hi ladies! I'm 31 and DF is 36 we're ttc our first together. I have a 5 yr old son from an ex and he has 5 kids from his ex wife, she lost them to the state cause she got into drugs and the wrong people.
Hi girls I'm 23 years old, TTC #1 for 7 months now. Been trying for 7 months with no luck. Had hormone levels checked and all went well, boyfriend (of 5 years don't worry I'm not crazy and trying to trap him lol) also had semen test and he's good too. I am about 5 dpo and I'm trying to figure out if I'm having a few symptoms or playing mind games. Anyone have suggestions on how to best track ovulation or any helpful tips?? Much appreciated! Also hoping April is my month for BFP! Easter is the magic day..

Some ladies O before they're supposed to. It could just be you have the timing off. The way I track it is by observing cervical mucus. I started showing O symptoms around the 1st. Light cramping and sore breasts. Then the 2nd to the 6th I had cm present. According to FF the 7th- 8th were my dark green "high fertility" days. So hopefully we caught it when we should have. Now my dh and I bd the days leading up to, day of and day after. Cause everything I read says it's better to have the sperm there ready to go then trying to play Russian roulette with the egg. If that method doesn't work for you there's also OPK's that you start taking at cycle day 7 and test from there. If you don't get a positive OPK then it could be you're not ovulating when you think you are or not at all.
Hey ladies! I wish you the best of luck! Where is everyone in their cycles?
Hey ladies! I wish you the best of luck! Where is everyone in their cycles?

I'm on CD 22. I have 9 days left until I should expect AF/start testing. We BD more the last two weeks then we ever have before. Hopefully we got it on the right day. How are you doing?

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