My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over a year and a half. In December 2013, I finally went to the doctor. He said I had PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) from leaving in a tampon too long on a heavy flow. TMI, I know. I took all the meds and antibiotics he prescribed me and he said to come back when I got pregnant. He didn't do a ultrasound or anything to see if there was scarring of my tubes. It's now April and I've been using a lot of pre-seed, been charting my BBT and even doing a saliva test with fertile focus, and a digital clear blue ovulation test. We BD like crazy during the whole month. Ovulation test showed I got my first peak day of the 30th of March but I don't have the right kind of mucus ever (that's why I got pre-seed). I don't know how to read my chart to even see what day I ovulated on if I even ovulated. Can someone help me out and look at it. My next period is due to start in 8 days.
I also must mention I forgot to take my BBT march 31. I'm trying to post my chart. It goes through today. It's not completed yet. Does it look like I may be pregnant?
I also must mention I forgot to take my BBT march 31. I'm trying to post my chart. It goes through today. It's not completed yet. Does it look like I may be pregnant?