Lemon! I am in Month 5 and on my first round of femara (which is like clomid). How do you like it? I ovulate on my own and DH sperm is completely ok, but doc saw I was getting ttc antsy and said this would help produce big "shiny" eggs, LOL
Are you monitored with it? I went for a u/s on Monday and had 3 follicles that were pretty big, but the right side was the one that was releasing the biggest egg.
Hey Jchic! Interesting that you're on Femara -- I'm thinking about asking our RE about it next time I see her, because I'm seriously worried about the fact that Clomid is said to dry CM.
So far so good though (but it's only the first month) -- I haven't had any major side effects that I can think of. I went by some suggestions I saw online, and chose to take it at night (so if I had hot flashes or anything like that, I'd just sleep through it). Do you have any major side effects with Femara?
Now I'm just waiting to O. My O date was all over the place before Clomid, so I have no idea when to expect it -- I'm on CD13, and still very faint lines on my OPK strips, so I'm not thinking it's anytime soon.
I am not being monitored -- the RE didn't mention it, and I didn't think to even ask her about it until I started coming on the boards and reading about ppl who are being monitored. I'm not too worried about it though. Clomid isn't known to cause OHSS in many cases so I'm not worried about producing too many follicles. And, I had some mild cramping around my ovaries (both sides) a couple of times during the five days I was on Clomid, and then off and on during the past couple days, so I'm pretty certain SOMETHING is happening.
I'm undecided about whether I'll be asked to be monitored next month. On the one hand, it would be neat to see for sure that the Clomid is doing something, and if so, exactly how many follicles I'm making. On the other hand, I think if I go to a doctor and see a bunch of follicles, and then later have a BFN, it will be all the more depressing.
What CD is this for you?