So, I've only had one full cycle since ds5 was born and not been opk. Working from other ovulation signs and my lp from my previous cycle, I should have started AF yesterday. I had all the signs that she would arrive, but she didn't turn up yesterday or today, and the cramps I've had for the last few days have disappeared. I bought a test but only managed the tiniest wee and got a BFN.
I either didn't O when I thought I did, my lp is not yet set and has changed which isn't as likely, or I am in fact pregnant but didn't have enough wee or enough hold to show. I'm only 12dpo, but last month AF arrived at 11dpo and before ds5 I only had a 10 day lp. I wish I hadn't wasted the test. I'm already having to resist doing the next one as it was a 2 pack.
Now I've tested and told someone I expect she'll arrive.