TTC looking for buddies!

Every day!? Will try lol but will be shattered. They do say before ovulation is more important though, but Bding tonight! It looks pink to me the clearblue test I am using.

The test your using sounds good. Do you find it's a good test?

My Sunday has been quiet, busy through the week though!
Well I bought it because I thought it sounded good but after you have established roughly when u ovulate you generally know when yo star bding so only for the 1st couple months. However I can imagine if you have long irregular cycles it would be great as give you more warning!

Ok so the pink will probably ovulate tomorrow!

Hi ladies! I decided to take a break from ttc land for the weekend and it was lovely to come back today and see your conversation and catch up. I bought the internet cheapy type OPKs... hoping they work ok and I am planning on doing them twice a day! The smiley face does seem kinda fun, though. There should be more things in life that involve getting a smiley face, ha.
My husband is leaving town today for a few days, so I am hoping that the OPKs don't turn dark until he returns on Friday, when we are going out of town for the weekend - always a good time to engage in some out-of-context BDing!
I think I am going to try every day once it turns dark, at least for a few days. But like you said - Shazney - every day can be a bit tiring. Must find ways to keep it exciting. Not that husband will mind too much, but I feel like being in mid-thirties with child etc makes me a tired lady by the end of the day! nothing like thinking about possibility of a baby to reenergize, though...
Fuschia - you are in England, how lovely! Shazney, you are in Scotland! Goodness. Well, I live on a little island in California, is lovely and quite far from you two :)
Good luck and baby dust and all of that...
i did just realize that I will be bringing my OPKs to my in laws' home for the weekend. am picturing some stealthy peeing on sticks in the guest bathroom. will make for a funny story later, surely! I hope I can interpret these things on my own - or else will be back here asking panicky questions.
The cheapie ones work just as well as the digital... you just have yo interpret the results yourself!
I think its a good idea to have break every so often! This ttc malarky is all consuming!

Ive been good with my grapefruit juice as nasty as it is!

I think I might start opk testing tomorrow!

luckily i like grapefruit juice - though am rather anti-juice, so my husband is confused at the sudden daily ritual, haha. let us know how the OPKs go! I hope mine arrive in the mail soon, seems like at least peeing on something means DOING something :)
Yes I know what you mean!

I have some cheapie opks I got when I bought my thermometer that I might do as well!

1 problem with the digital is that I don't think you can do it mkre than once a day so id really like to be able to work out exactly when I ov if I can!

Meant to officially start the every other bding cd10 but got mega busy days cd 10 and 12 so im gonna go tonight then cd11 ! X
Hi Anthro,

California sounds great to live in. Scotland is such a horrible wet country! Wishing Spring would appear. I only got a smiley face on day 12 and that was it. I'm having a break from Bding till tommorow lol. Hoping the BFP is coming soon as I was dreaming about being in labour last night lol. xx
Im ok! My clear blue kit seemed to malfunction this month. ... gave me a solid smiley on cd 11 which is way too early and it skipped flashing smiley which I usually always get 1st as that's high before peak. I did a cheapie ov test after that and it was neg so my guess is that the kit is broken! Ive had it 3 months. And skipped the second month. .. bit annoying though. Temp chart isn't suggestion I would have oved either. Hopefully I haven't missed it and not realsrd though!

So far sticking to smep.... bd day 7, 10 and 12! Quite proud !

Hi ladies! I just got my first positive yesterday on the internet cheapie OPK. So excited. Plan is to BD yesterday (check), today and tomorrow, at least. Poor husband has been rather worn out lately, but am going to have to motivate him!
So sorry about your faulty - sounding OPK test... best to just keep on keeping on your schedule though I guess! Good luck ladies.

I reverted to cheapies and I also got my positive yesterday!

So we bd yesterday too... will do tonight and maybe tomorrow morning if my temp has not risen!

Good luck to you!!
Anthro- do you think you have oved yet?

My temp has risen this am suggesting I oved yesterday which would be same as last month!

My temp rise isn't that significant but it wasn't last month either and it got higher after so maybe that's just how my body does it!

Will wait a few days to def settle into 2ww though! ! X
woohoo, fuschia! yay for opk positives. my temp is going up gradually, so looks like we got the timing right. I guess the rest is up to, well whatever the rest is up to :)
the next two weeks seem like quite a while to wait - luckily am going away for work for a week, so hoping that will keep my mind busy and not thinking about running out to test every other minute haha.
let us know how you ladies are doing!
Hi Ladies am loaded with the flu so not having a great week and the wee one has impetigo so shes not at nursery
Sorry shazney. Are you feeling any better from flu?

Brand new cycle and chance for you now :)
Sorry, Shazney! Flu sounds terrible. What on earth is impetigo?? Perhaps we call it something else here, or I just haven't had to deal with that one yet. Don't know about you ladies, but for me the TWW is the hardest part - I always think I will be sad when AF arrives but instead, I get this crazy rush of energy and optimism and I catch up on all the work I didn't do during the 2ww while reading these kinds of forums instead! Anyway. I am 5dpo today, feels like a long way to go to know one way or another. Am eating pinneaple core (sounds like possibly helps with implantation) but otherwise I guess there's nothing to do.
My daughter's been sick, too, so tending to her at home.
How are you doing, Fuschia?
Are you going to do anything different this cycle, Shazney?
Have a lovely weekend, both of you - and hopefully no more illness :(
Sorry shazney. Are you feeling any better from flu?

Brand new cycle and chance for you now :)

Hi fuschia,

That's true! Am still loaded with flu had a virus but hopefully feel better next week. Going abroad next month so really need to get better soon. Hope ur having a good weekend xx

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