Hi kiley
whoever posted about the 12 week wait being worse than the 2 week wait is right !! When I was pg after my mmc I started a thread called the 12 week wait
it ended up being such a positive thread
try not worry
I had zero symptoms until about mid way through my 6th week . All of a sudden I had the urge to vomit !! Out of the blue , no sick tummy just came over me . I thought it was all in my head until it happened every morning till 32 weeks lol.... Also things like food aversions crept slowly in . I TOTALLY went off some foods I knew I loved and by about 11 weeks I could not cook at all !!! Its weird but so wonderful . My cravings were ICE water , buckets of the stuff !! Could not get enough of it and the only thing I could eat was super noodles , the dried out processed one and only the curry ones . So I pretty much lived on them and water for 18 weeks lol.....
Also things your not told ... You get lightening pains ( shooting pains ) in your vagina !! Quite normal. You cramp alot !!! I spotted a couple of times in the first 8 weeks and all was just fine . Your cm increases dramatically in that you feel " wet " down below alot lol..
I'm so excited for you
so your first appointment the 11th right ? Is it with a obgyn or midwife ? Do you think they will scan you ?
Does it feel real yet ??? Try take every day as it comes
can't wait to accompany on your journey
MMMM so wonder who will be next ???? Exciting isn't it !!!
I'm Regina btw xxxxxx