TTC over 38, Phase 3 'Baby Buddies '


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Sep 1, 2014
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A place for all us over 35 ladies to graduate to when we have had our babies!

Seeing as my lo is 3 months old today and I have been meaning to create this thread for a while now, I best crack on!

These past 13 weeks have been tough yet fantastic spending every day with my first son. I have settled into the routine of breastfeeding, playing and never sleeping longer than a few hours at a time. Lo doesn't like to nap so everyday I pop him the carrier where he will sleep for a couple of hours. He's happy to go down at night in his sleepyhead bed nest which we have in a bedside cot. He does wake 2-3 times per night though to feed. Usually in bed from 9pm to 7am each night but will sleep 3-4 hours then 1-2 hours after the initial sleep of the night. For the past 3 weeks he has really discovered his hands and is getting good at picking toys up, which go straight into his mouth!

Please feel free to join if you are over 35 if it's your first baby or your fifth!
Found it Heidi!! Hoping to join soon! 37 weeks tomorrow and as of Wednesday I was 3cm dilated, 80% effaced. Next Doctor appointment is Thursday the 15th. Interested to see how I've progressed if she doesn't arrive by then. My guess is she will be here sometime during the week of the 19th.

Sounds like you and baby are doing well. Call me crazy but I am actually looking forward to my sleepless nights to come! I can't wait to start experiencing everything that you are with your lo!
Hi Kiley!

How exciting for you, sounds like she won't be hanging around! Do make the most of this time before though as once baby arrives you will find it hard to do anything which doesn't involve caring for baby for at least the first few weeks. Raquel gave good advice on the pregnancy thread which I hope you have done a few things from

Need to track down the other ladies now who have had their babies 😊
Hi! I am 38 and I had my first child 3.5 months ago. It has been a crazy three months but I think it is finally getting easier (for the time being). I think it is mentally harder to have your first child so late in life because we have had many years of just worrying about ourselves and our lives where we can control everything. With a baby, they are definitely in charge, lol! I have tried so hard to control everything since day one. I quickly learned that nothing is in my control! This baby runs everything at the moment. Well actually we have had a schedule for about 2 months now, so maybe I am starting to control some things ;)

It has been a great experience so far and I'm sure it will only get better! I would like to have another child but I want to wait a couple of years. I don't know how it would be having a child at 40 though?
I found it! Thanks Heidi. I'm due in 5 days, but it's looking like I'll go late. Kiley and I are taking bets on which one of us will go first :) My money is on her. Yes, let's try to round up the others. I miss them. Hello hlynne. Nice to meet you. I'm having my first at 39...actually I'll be 40 in a week! you have an early start on things compared to me :)
I found it! Thanks Heidi. I'm due in 5 days, but it's looking like I'll go late. Kiley and I are taking bets on which one of us will go first :) My money is on her. Yes, let's try to round up the others. I miss them. Hello hlynne. Nice to meet you. I'm having my first at 39...actually I'll be 40 in a week! you have an early start on things compared to me :)

Hi Stacey! I'm sure you are so ready to have your baby. I sure was at that point. My son was 40+4. I went into labor at 40+2 by my back waters trickling. So they broke my fore waters but I wasn't having strong enough contractions, so they started me on Pitosin. I was on that for 16 hours with out any pain meds. It was so hard to say the least, but I would do it all over again for my son. The instant bond that you have is the greatest feeling. It is all worth it.

Is this the first time that you tried to get pregnant? This was my fourth time trying. I had three miscarriages prior to having my son. I also had to take Progesterone to get pregnant. I'm wondering that if we try to have another child if I will have to go through the same thing again. I have a friend that had a son at 42 and she also had to take progesterone to get pregnant.
Hi ladies can I join? Am 41 and just had my third. Actually all three of mine were born at an advanced maternal age lol.
Hi ladies.

Thanks for setting this up, Heidi. Great to hear your boy is doing well.

Kiley and Stacey, not long for you now. I'm also wondering who will be first out if you. I was nine days late, hopefully neither of you get to that fun stage!

Welcome Hlynne and Septie. I'm a 37yo first-timer, it's great to have a few more people here who have either done it before or whose babies are a little older as I'm sure you'll have some great advice.

Our little bug is almost ten weeks old now. It has been hard but also really rewarding. She is sleeping and growing well, although I can't really say she has a routine as it changes every day. I've just started trying to keep a record of her feed and sleep times every day, so that I can see if a pattern emerges. When she is awake, she is a lot of fun. She has become a lot more active in the last few weeks and is all smiles. We've even had a couple of rolls from tummy to back (although they may have been flukes I think).

Looking forward to hearing all your news.
Welcome hlynne & septie! Nice to have some more ladies on board to share advice and stories with.
Hi Raquel! Sounds like you are having fun with your lo and getting in the swing of things.

I hope you don't go late Stacey, I was induced at 12 days over with propess leading to a 16 hour labour which didn't progress once my cervix reached 9cm hence the c-section. I think I lost the propess insert when my waters broke after about 9 hours from insertion as the toilet in my room was constantly trickling water so didn't see it go but they wouldn't put another one in which I am sure contributed to my failed induction.

Ds has fallen asleep after feeding so I shall pop him down beside me and get some sleep as it's almost 3am and on 2nd wake up of the night!
Hi. I had my first 6 days after my 39th birthday and my second 2 months shy of 41.
Hi Taurus! Welcome to our little group. There are more of us older mums about than the pregnancy boards have led me to believe!

At this stage we are not considering any more babies but who knows how we'll feel in a year or so. I will be 38 in Dec so still have a little time on my side.

How are everyone's lo sleeping at night? Things here are getting better but so slowly! I usually get a 5 hour stretch from Joe but only about once a week, the usual is 3 hours with a total of 7 hours per night(was 6 but has improved). He just doesn't seem to need the loads of sleep mythically quoted on the baby sites.
I'm so glad you made this thread Heidi. It's so nice to have updates about Joe and Mo. What is your baby's full name again Raquel? I'm glad some other ladies have joined us. It's so nice to meet you all. I prefer to have conversations on here with women who are a bit more mature, so it is really nice to try to all gather in one place!

Hylnne, I'm sorry that it took awhile to get your baby, but you did get there! To answer your question, yes it was our first time trying and we were pregnant within a month. I didn't do anything special. I feel very lucky. My husband and I have been together for quite some time (9 years), but it took me a while to warm up to the idea of having a family. We waited because, for us, not getting pregnant wouldn't have been a huge thing. We would have adopted if it wouldn't have happened, and still have been equally happy. My husband is younger than me though (32) so it's possible that his age helped us out some. I am quite healthy though too, and I haven't had any medical issues with the pregnancy at all, so age isn't necessarily the determining factor in whether you conceive and have a healthy baby in my opinion. Some of my younger friends have actually had more issues that I have. It's interesting.
A little update after my appointment today...

My gremlin has not made any progress, and my cervix is still high and a fingertip dilated at most. Due to my age, the doctor has recommended that I be induced, so I am scheduled for induction on Sunday. It doesn't look like I will be able to go naturally before then, and I think he's recommending induction because it doesn't look like anything will change in the near future. I'm a bit disappointed in some ways; but I'm also relieved in some ways as well... I think at this point I should do what the doctor thinks is best. He warned me that it might be a longer, tougher labour, but hopefully I'm doing the right thing. Canada works on a triage system so they will call me Sunday to confirm that they have space, and then if not, the process repeats on Monday, and then Tuesday, until I have the baby :)
Waiting for you Stacey to officially join the thread! 😊
Hello everyone I finally made it to this group lol

How the heck is everyone!
Mya is almost 4 months already 😁
Hi ladies!! Just a quick update, I had my beautiful baby girl on Sunday at 12:13pm! She decided to come two weeks early at 38 weeks + 1 day but is perfectly healthy. She was 6 lbs, 13.5 oz, 19 inches long. We named her Ireland Clara.

This week has definitely been tough. She is nursing well but is cluster feeding a lot. When we left the hospital on Tuesday, she was 6lbs 9oz and at her first pediatric appointment Thursday was 6 lbs 7 oz. Doc isn't worried, said this is normal but she should be back up to her birth weight by two weeks old. So we go back for a weight check on Nov 2. She is also slightly jaundice so I have to put her in direct sunlight until it clears up. Everything else is great. We are both learning as we go.

Off to try and get more sleep. Hope everyone else is doing great.
Hi Jenny, glad you have found us! Can't believe how fast time goes, 4 months already. Joe will be too in 2 weeks, am hoping for an easy time with the 4m sleep regression as he still doesn't sleep as good as some do. I have been taking him to bed earlier for the past 10 days or so and have increased his first long sleep from 3-4 hours to 4-5.5 meaning I get around 8 hours in total too instead of 6!

Hi Kiley! Sounds like you are doing brilliantly with Ireland. Joe lost 14% of his birth weight by day 5 so 2oz is great. Remember feeding also helps break down the bilirubin as well as daylight. Joe had bad jaundice almost needed a transfusion but got better with 2 lamps over his incubator. I think this was why he lost so much as he was in there for 2 days which affected how often I could feed him, sticking to the 3 hour rule rather than on demand. Try to get a nap when baby does to get through these first few weeks.
Hey guys! Jenny you finally found us! I should be able to hang out here some since my husband is able to stay home with me and the baby for a few weeks. I'm not very mobile right now, so it's probably a good thing that he is here. My labour was really long and difficult for a variety of reasons that the doctors couldn't really explain. My contractions weren't strong enough, even with very strong medication, to push the baby into the birth canal or to fully dilate my cervix. After 50 hours of labour I was still only 90% effaced and 7 cm dilated. My water had broken first late Monday night, and then another large pocket needed to be broken by the doctor on Tuesday afternoon, so it was dangerous for me to continue to labour due to the risk of infection, and to the possibility of the baby going into distress from all of the medication they were using to help me have contractions. Honestly, I couldn't have kept laboring anyway at that point. I was just too tired, and pain for that long, at that magnitude, was hard for me to cope with.

Having a c-section doesn't bother me at all, but the baby and I are having some issues with breast feeding at the moment, which probably has a lot to do with how hard the process was for my body and hers. My milk didn't come in yet, so she has been frustrated. She lost 7 oz. within 24 hours so we started formula feeding her at around the 28 hour mark. I felt like it was the right decision, but the hospital staff makes everything so difficult. At first, we waited to formula feed as the pediatrician said that the weight loss was ok at that point (8% loss is the mark he said that causes worry and we were only at 6.5%). I trust the pediatrician, but some staff made comments about how hungry she was and that she needed to eat, which made me feel terrible. Then after we fed her, some people started to question how often I was pumping for my milk supply, how often I was putting her to the breast, what was I doing to latch her better, etc. which made me feel bad again! Yikes! People cause so much stress for new moms. It seemed like either decision was wrong, and that I somehow have to force my milk to come out, because the only 'right' choice is to somehow have milk and feed the baby. Once again the pediatrician said that it is normal for my milk not to come in after the trauma with labour and the c-section, so I trust him, but it is still difficult. I had to leave the hospital before I was physically ready because every different person who came into the room tried something new to 'fix' the situation. It was upsetting because I didn't know there even was a 'situation'. I mean, I have a healthy baby who has to formula feed until my milk supply comes in. And? Now I have a million things in my head about how hard it is going to be to switch her to the breast once she has gotten used to formula, and how often I should pump, even if nothing will come out. Ugh. People are the worst! Anyway, we are using a finger feeding technique at the moment which encourages her to keep her suck strength, and allows us to avoid using a bottle nipple. I got two drops of colostrum after a pump yesterday night, which made me way more happy that it really should have. Hopefully once I am rested it will work out. I feel like even if it doesn't, and she needs to use formula, life will move on. After things not going so well, you'd think people would be happy that I have a healthy baby, and not make me so crazy worrying about when I will have milk. Unfortunately, the public health nurse who called this morning at 9am and asked me about breast feeding might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, and might have gotten a few more choice words than she probably deserved.

Oh well. Rant over. I'm taking the day to rest. My husband has to make all of the trips to get things because every bump in the car is excruciating. Did anyone else have that after a c-section, or did I just leave the hospital too early?

I really am glad that things worked out so well for you Kiley. You sound so happy. Enjoy it! Yea it's funny that our babies are pretty much the same size, given that I was 1 week overdue, and you are two weeks early! I'm not sure why Regan is so small. She's really strong though! I hear the jaundice can clear up pretty quickly, but it's probably scary at first. All of the things these babies make us go through! :hugs:
Hi Stacy,
I just wanted to offer some bf encouragement!
It was hard for my little one to latch especially since she was Soooo hungry.

What helped me is that I would hand express some colostrum in a little cup (I wasn't able to get much from the pump) then I would feed her it from a medicine dropper! I only got about 2mls but it made me so happy to be able to calm her. And once she got a little bit she was able to calm herself and latch :)
Hi Heidi,
Mya was starting to sleep 7-9 hours a night but I think she hit the 4 month regression and started to wake up every two hours again lol

Slowly she is getting better...however I just got my AF for the first time and I think that may have affected my breast milk! I was so disappointed to get it so quick but I guess the good news is that I am fertile again lol

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