TTC Prayer Thread--68 Members & 16 BFP'S!

Hello Ladies,

DH and I have been TTC#2 on and off for I'd say more close to 5 1/2 years now. We've never used birth control or any type of preventative methods. I would like you all to pray that we are able to conceive soon and have a healthy baby. I also need prayer for patience which is something I am lacking greatly but my DH has an abundance of. He is always telling me that It will happen again for us when the time is right. I get so frustrated sometimes and just want to give up. Thank you in advance.
Need a little help ladies, a woman I know from another thread, Tryforbaby2, lost her brother last night to suicide. Please pray for her family and for our BnB sister who's 9dpo and could possibly be PG during this stressful time. Thank you and God bless.
Heavenly Father plse be with tryforbaby2 & her family through this very difficult time,
guide them Lord & ease the pain & comfort them. Amen

Also we like to pray for Southern girl, Madly, Mamadonna, Sianyld & all other expecting mothers on this thread & their lil :baby: keep them safe in their mommys wombs :flower:

Lord i also pray for Isi, Sweet Alida & all the wonderful ladies on this thread.
guide us Lord, help us to be patient while we await our little mircles.
Give us strenghth to continue & faith to know that it WILL HAPPEN when we feel like its never going too. Amen
Oh my goodness! Dear Lord please be with Try4baby2 and her family in this difficult time.

So sorry to keep this brief. I just want to thank God for my transfer this morning. We were able to transfer 3 lovely embryos. Praying everything works according to plan.

Praying for everyone on this thread. I know God is definitely up to something on this blessed thread!
Dear Lord, please be with tryingforbaby2 and her family right now. Send them comfort during this difficult situation.

Lord, thank you for letting Isi's transfer go smoothly. Please bless her and her husband. Let this be the only treatment they have to endure.

Lord. Please be with all my friends on this thread.
Lord I am praying for all my Ladies on this with them no matter what point in their journey they`re currently at and please answer their prayers!
Lord I just want to thank You for all my friends on this thread.
I thank You for blessing my husband and I with a baby, and I thank You for the extra time we have had with my grandfather. Please comfort him during this illness and comfort my grandmother as she sits by his side.
Hello Ladies,

I'm new to this thread. DH and I have been TTC since April. we havent been doing it enough I guess but past 2 month we have been doing it well and still no :bfp: for me :cry: I have never taken BC for the fear of MCing. My mother was on BC and she had MCed. Offlate I have been losing my patience and first 2 days of AF leaves me depressed and I console myself to be patient and have faith in Lord. Please pray that I should get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Lots of :dust: to you all!

Ladies, I'm really sorry to post because I know that there are many ladies who really need our prayers but I was hoping that someone could lend me some prayer in the next few days. I am feeling, after 11 months TTC, that it's never going to happen and I'm beginning to feel really despondent about it. I know that God has a plan but I'm just asking if you can lend me your support in prayer.

Thank you so much lovely ladies.

Lord, Please bless lauraclili with a baby this month.
You say in Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.
Lord we are asking in prayer and believing that you will grant it.
In Jesus name.
Dear Lord,

Thank you Lord for all the ladies on this thread and for those you have blessed with babies, bless them with healthy babies and keep the mums healthy. Dear Lord, we pray that the medical professionals each and everyone of us will be dealing with will have the mind of Christ. For those still expectant, your word says the expectation of the righteous one will not be cut short...thank u for your promise. Amen

Please bless the mother to be on this thread. Give them strength, joy and unspeakable peace. Bless the child they are carrying to be God fearing people and a blessing to their parents.

God, for those of us that are trying give us patience to know it is in your timing but please bless us with a child.

Dear Lord,
I understand you have a plan for each and every one of us and we are doing our best to understand that and to be patient. Please lend us a hand and reassure us that we will get to the finish line with a little bundle of joy in our arms. Day after day and Month after month I find my self back in this same spot yearning for something and mourning for something I've never had...a BFP(a second bfp). Maybe it sounds crazy but every month that AF shows up instead of a BFP I feel as though I have lost the fight and I always feel so defeated. Lord please be with not only me but with all the ladies on here that are still trying to reach their goal of a BFP. Hold our hand and guide us Lord and help us be PATIENT!
Lord for all the ladies that are Expecting please be with them and their growing bumps. They have been where I sit and they have been blessed with the miracle of life. Please allow these ladies to have an uneventful pregnancy and birth.
Lord please hear my special prayer for Isi. I hope and pray Lord that if it is your will that you find the perfect little baby just for her. Please let the IVF work the first cycle so she does not have to go thru the treatment again.
In Jesus name I pray,
Hey laddies! Awesome thread! I am in need of some prayer! I've prayed and asked God for some Prenancy signs. 1st night i got a headache, second time i started drooling in my sleep! My gums were swollen 2 days ago and bled the next day after brushing my teeth which happen my last pregnancy so i'm hopping for a BFP!!! I was crying over cake and so moody I just feel like i have to be cause who cries over CAKE?!?!? I'm 10dpo and i haven't had cramping or spotting so that scares me, no sore boobs or getting sick, but i didn't my last pregnancy so i'm trying not to look too much into that. my temp is around 99.2 for the last few days and im hopping pregnancy! I did have a dream Af showed up so that scares me now. PLZ Keep me in your prayers plz!;7;30;16
My life has been so hard recently. I would appreciate some prayers, please. :cry: My TTC blood tests keep coming up bad. AF arrived today. I found out I have low progesterone the other day. Also, my parents are going through a hard time physically and emotionally. Thank you for your prayers. :hug:

Dearest Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for the BFPs on the thread. Thank you for our husbands and families. Heavenly Father, we pray to thee that you will bless and watch over all of the ladies on this thread and our families and friends, that we may be able to be healthy, happy and fruitful in our efforts to bring children into this world. Please bring us and our families peace, comfort, and health. We pray that we may be able get pregnant soon and have healthy and happy pregnancies. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sending lots of love to my TTC Prayer Thread Ladies :kiss:

Dear Lord

Please continue to support all my TTC Ladies and guide them on the path to Motherhood. I understand that sometimes this road is not as striaght and has easy as we would like so please bestow patience upon us because although we know patience is a true virtue it is so easy to become very impatient in our desparate attempts to fulfil our dreams of being mummies.
Please continue to hold all my expectant mummies tight within your grasp and please look over their babies as they continue to grow stronger and stronger for their journey into this world!
Lord as you know I am struggling emotionally right now and questioning my abilities to be the best mummy I can be to not only to Oliver but also to baby Charlie. I dont know if this is my previous postnatal illness trying to escape again but I am trying to be strong and have confidence and believe in myself that I am capable and I am a great mummy....I dont want this illness to take over my life again like it did after I had Oliver but right now I dont know what I should do to prevent this...Please guide me in the right direction because I dont want this experience to be plaqued by illness again. I am strong and I know I can come out the other end but right now especially with all the re-occuring infections I seem to be attracting my strength is weakening. As always I wish to thank you for the very special gift you have given me and I will continue to cherish baby Charlie...I also ask for your continuing help in guiding me and DH down the right path financially so we can provide adequately for our babies and also please can you help a little where my work is concerned....I dont think my boss/colleagues will be very impressed as I take yet more time off sick to recover from more infections so I ask for a little direction where this is concerned from you :( Please help them to see that I am not shirking my duties and my reason for not been in work is truly genuine pregnant or not! People are so quick to judge putting everything down to one being pregnant but its not the case at all and is totally genuine as you know.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, thank you for creating us in Your image, thank you for all the beautiful creations You have made, for Your Son's sacrifice for us, the promise of salvation, and Your love for us though we are sinful creatures. I pray that You help us to accept the path You have planned for us, I pray that we keep our hearts open to the Holy Spirit to better do Your will. I also ask with Your Almighty hand to bless us, bless us to carry on in a Christian way, bless us with patience, with strength, and if it be Your will, a healthy child! Help guide us so we may not stray and so we do what needs to be done. In all good things, I pray in Your name! Amen.
Lord thankyou so much for blessing me once again with a baby in my womb i pray that you allow me to carry this child through to term and deliver a healthy baby and to please bless all the other woman ttc. Amen
Lord thankyou so much for blessing me once again with a baby in my womb i pray that you allow me to carry this child through to term and deliver a healthy baby and to please bless all the other woman ttc. Amen


Please let her carry her baby to full term and deliver a very healthy baby, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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