TTC Prayer Thread--68 Members & 16 BFP'S!

Congrats Mommywishes for the Lord has blessed :). I pray that you will have healthy happy blissful nine months in Jesus name I pray Amen
Hi ladies

Hope you don't mind me joining. I've been a member of the FAITH group for quite a while now, but because I just go to my subscribed threads, I hadn't noticed this group.

I'm going to jump straight in with a prayer request if that's ok.

My hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia back in April. He has no sperm present in his SA. He is due to have a surgical sperm retrieval procedure first thing Thursday morning where they will take a biopsy from the testes / epididimus and hopefully find some sperm which they can freeze and store for ICSI treatment. If they don't find any, or they have maturity arrest, there's nothing we can do other than use donor sperm or adopt.

I'm 36 and hubby is 44 so it doesn't feel like we have an awful lot of time on our hands, but we are so desperate for a biological child of our own and this just feels so cruel.

I would really appreciate it if you could keep us in your prayers. Thank you.

Right I'm off to read some of this wonderful thread and will keep you ladies in my prayers :flower:

God please hear our sister's request. God please her and her husband to have a child together. God be with them as he prepares for surgery. Guide the surgeon's hand and let there be good news. In Jesus's name. Amen.
Hi ladies

My hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia back in April. He has no sperm present in his SA. He is due to have a surgical sperm retrieval procedure first thing Thursday morning where they will take a biopsy from the testes / epididimus and hopefully find some sperm which they can freeze and store for ICSI treatment. If they don't find any, or they have maturity arrest, there's nothing we can do other than use donor sperm or adopt.

I would really appreciate it if you could keep us in your prayers. Thank you.

Lord please be with Deb and her husband on Thursday. Lord please let the doctors find some viable sperm to use for ICIS so that Deb and her OH can have a chance at their dream of being parents to biological children. Lord please if it is your will give them the gift of life. Lord with you anything is possible please make this possible for Deb. Lord I would like to thank you for all my wonderful bnb friends. Even in my darkest and worst days they have been here for me and I just would like to thank you for showing me the way to this thread. Please be with my bnb friends and keep them safe and healthy. Please be with the ladies testing this week and if it is their time please bless them with the gift of life. Lord please give us patience and give us the energy to keep trying for that special gift. Lord please keep all the expecting mothers and babies safe and healthy lord and please keep the morning sickness to a minimal! In jesus name I pray
Lord I thank you for all my wonderful bnb ladies on this thread :hugs: What a truly amazing bunch of ladies :)

Please with debs and her husband as they prepare for his upcoming surgery and please enable them to have biological children.

Please be with Sweet at this time as she struggles to except your path in life for her.....sometimes TTC clouds our vision over other things in our lifes for no other reason than our yearning to suceed in bearing children. Sometimes what is so natural in life doesnt come so easy and we struggle with this. I love you Sweet and I truly believe god will give you the gift of another life just when the time is right :hugs:

Lord I pray for all my other ladies on this thread....please be with them throughout their journey in life and support and guide them on their TTC journeys......please be fruitful with the gift of life Lord here are some truly deserving women :hugs:

Lord I pray for our beanie baby.....please help him/her to continue to grow healthy and strong for his/her journey into this world :) I also ask if you can continue to support and guide DH regards his work, I truly believe things will work out for us but sometimes DH fails to see this and whilst I try to get him to be more optimistic and have faith DH is stubborn and sometimes I find this a difficult task. DH has a good heart and deserves to suceed in his work, he works so hard Lord. My Little Man Oliver is so happy and carefree in life he is such a joy and a blessing Lord.....I thank you for giving him to me and also for allowing him to be a big brother, I just know he will be great with his new baby brother or sister. Please look after my Angel baby Lord, I sometimes feel guilty for not thinking about him/her more now I am pregnant again I have another focus but I will never forget Lord and will always count myself as having Three Children. For me I ask that you give me the strength to get through my Uncle Harrys funeral on Friday.....I know at 90yrs old my Uncle Harry has had a good long life but this does not mean that we wont live with a gap in our lifes.....I pray for my Aunty Bette and her Children and Grandchildren please wrap your love around them at this time and give my Aunty Bette the strength to carry on because I truly believe she will be suffering from a broken heart :cry: Uncle Harry was her world! Lord I never give up believing our `time` is yet to come and I have great faith it will come soon.....whatever your will Lord I believe we have this rough and rocky path for some reason and that one day it will lead to a calmer sea :)

Amen XxX
Hello Ladies,

I saw this thread and I am about to read through the posts. I have read a few and have said some prayers for you girls.

OH and I just lost our little angel 10 days ago and its so hard right now, after all the things i've seen from this MC, to stay positive. I pray so hard for another blessing but im scared. I know God says not to live in fear but its hard. Im hoping I could join in on this thread as extra prayers always help. As we all unite for each other.

Off to read through the posts.
:hugs: Tnt I am so sorry for you loss. No words can help with the pain but know that God is with you and he needed your baby for a very special reason. I know that doesn't help right now the pain is too great but please be reassured that God has a plan and path just for you and one day maybe this will make sense why you had to go thru something like this. Of course you are welcome we would love to have you here and praying for us too! Good Luck when are you going to start TTC again? Do you have the all clear from your doctor? Are you levels down yet? I hope you don't have to go thru a D/C but at 9 weeks you could. Please let us know if we can help. I'll keep you in my prayers. Deb
:hugs: Tnt I am so sorry for you loss. No words can help with the pain but know that God is with you and he needed your baby for a very special reason. I know that doesn't help right now the pain is too great but please be reassured that God has a plan and path just for you and one day maybe this will make sense why you had to go thru something like this. Of course you are welcome we would love to have you here and praying for us too! Good Luck when are you going to start TTC again? Do you have the all clear from your doctor? Are you levels down yet? I hope you don't have to go thru a D/C but at 9 weeks you could. Please let us know if we can help. I'll keep you in my prayers. Deb

Thank you Deb! I noticed you have endo? So do I. I had surgery July1 to remove adhesions and then we fell preg right after the surgery. I must admit that my faith in God has gotten stronger sense the MC started. My faith was not as strong prior to this but I still believed and prayed. Honestly, reading my bible, going back to church, and praying has made it a little better. I know he has a plan for us and I know one day we will be blessed again. I know I need to have faith in God that he will take care of us, but im almost afraid of it happening again. I keep reading about Hannah's story and Samuel to help me through this.

We do have the all clear from the dr to try again once my natural cycle returns. My levels have not been tested but I assume they should be as I am still bleeding. I do not have to do a D&C thank God. But I did have to have an endo biopsy because the placenta was stuck in my cervix. I vaginally passed the rest....which I will never forget that image. :cry:

Once we try again I will take clomid again with metformin this time so hopefully that will help sustain the preg. I had a strong heartbeat and my #'s were in the 16,000's so they didn't understand why I lost it.

I just pray all the time to have the strength to get through this and be blessed again. I know you know that having endo is very hard to conceive and sustain preg's so I just pray my adhesions dont return rapidly like before and have to have another surgery.

I thank you so much for the welcome and your prayers! :hugs:
^Hey girl, you will love this thread. I truly believe its the right place to start the healing process :hugs:
Tnt, sorry for your loss. :hug:

Madly, sorry about your uncle Harry. :hugs:

May I ask that you lovely ladies continue to pray for my family? I'm so worried about my parents. :( Thank you for your prayers.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the prayers of everyone on this thread, as we are blessed to have one another. Thank you for the pregnancies of those who are carrying babies, may you bless them with health and happiness. Please bless those of us still trying, and watch over all of our families and friends, and help us to do thy will in life. Bless us to be strong and faithful. We love thee and are thankful for our many blessings. In Jesus name, Amen
Thank you Allie :hugs:

and welcome Tnt :hugs: so sorry for your will find loads of support on this thread from some truly amazing women :) I am current pregnant nearly 14wks but wanted to say I m/c the month before our sticky beanie so there is hope you may fall pregnant again quite quickly with your forever baby like me :hugs:

Lord I pray today for Allies parents please watch over them and help support and guide her and her family right now. I also pray for my Aunt Bette please wrap your love around her at this difficult time and please help me be strong tomorrow because I feel really emotional right now and would like to stay strong tomorrow if only for her :( I thank you everyday for my little man Oliver and beanie baby and whilst I dont feel very well right now I know with you watching over me and guiding me I will be the best Mummy I can be. I am so tired and exausted right now please enable me Lord to look after my poorly little man but also recover myself. Beanie baby heartbeat was so amazing to listen to last night Lord please continue to make beanie baby strong and healthy....I cant wait to meet him/her when she arrives in this world!

As always I pray for all my bnb Ladies on this thread and my two bump buddies......Please be fruitful Lord and make us all Mummies :).....please look after PeanutBean, like me she is struggling with her pregnancy but I know she is strong and she will be just fine. Please ensure Liannes little man continues to grow strong and healthy and if it is your wish he arrives early in this world like his big brother Tyler did please ensure he recovers quickly from his arrival. Tyler has struggled in many ways since he was born very early and I know Lianne fears it will be the same again. Please keep her strong too Lord and please watch over her, she is an amazing Lady and I know with your help and support she will be just fine too :)

Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to write a little something for the wonderful ladies here on the prayer thread at BnB. I have recently been on holiday, looking at medieval churches but I just wanted to say that you have all been in my thoughts while I have been away. For some reason, I felt very close to God when I was away and I hope that my prayers for you all will be answered. Admittedly, everything in our lives happens in His time but I know that my God of light was with me.

God bless you all.

Hello Ladies,

I saw this thread and I am about to read through the posts. I have read a few and have said some prayers for you girls.

OH and I just lost our little angel 10 days ago and its so hard right now, after all the things i've seen from this MC, to stay positive. I pray so hard for another blessing but im scared. I know God says not to live in fear but its hard. Im hoping I could join in on this thread as extra prayers always help. As we all unite for each other.

Off to read through the posts.

God, as we welcome TntArs06 please give her unspeakable peace and strength. We ask that you bless her with another blessing. We ask that you comfort her and her OH that your peace will be upon them. In Jesus' name we pray. Amem

Welcome TntArs06. We are praying for you.
Thank you so much ladies!

Reading your prayers have made me quite emotional in a good way. I am so blessed to have found this thread! I usually stick with just a few because I dont wanna go crazy. LOL

Lord, I pray for my BnB sisters that they achieve all their ultimate desires during this TTC journey. I pray for the women who have your blessings growing inside them and keep them healthy and well. As well, I pray for Allie and her family that you guide them and give them strength during this time. We all know you are here everyday with us and we live in your word. --In Jesus name, Amen
:hugs: Tnt I am so sorry for you loss. No words can help with the pain but know that God is with you and he needed your baby for a very special reason. I know that doesn't help right now the pain is too great but please be reassured that God has a plan and path just for you and one day maybe this will make sense why you had to go thru something like this. Of course you are welcome we would love to have you here and praying for us too! Good Luck when are you going to start TTC again? Do you have the all clear from your doctor? Are you levels down yet? I hope you don't have to go thru a D/C but at 9 weeks you could. Please let us know if we can help. I'll keep you in my prayers. Deb

Thank you Deb! I noticed you have endo? So do I. I had surgery July1 to remove adhesions and then we fell preg right after the surgery. I must admit that my faith in God has gotten stronger sense the MC started. My faith was not as strong prior to this but I still believed and prayed. Honestly, reading my bible, going back to church, and praying has made it a little better. I know he has a plan for us and I know one day we will be blessed again. I know I need to have faith in God that he will take care of us, but im almost afraid of it happening again. I keep reading about Hannah's story and Samuel to help me through this.

We do have the all clear from the dr to try again once my natural cycle returns. My levels have not been tested but I assume they should be as I am still bleeding. I do not have to do a D&C thank God. But I did have to have an endo biopsy because the placenta was stuck in my cervix. I vaginally passed the rest....which I will never forget that image. :cry:

Once we try again I will take clomid again with metformin this time so hopefully that will help sustain the preg. I had a strong heartbeat and my #'s were in the 16,000's so they didn't understand why I lost it.

I just pray all the time to have the strength to get through this and be blessed again. I know you know that having endo is very hard to conceive and sustain preg's so I just pray my adhesions dont return rapidly like before and have to have another surgery.

I thank you so much for the welcome and your prayers! :hugs:

MC's are hard no matter how far along you are. I've had 8! Yes 8 of them so I feel your pain. I don't know if my endo was all to blame or if it just truely was not our time. Obviously it just wasn't our time. But that does not make it any easier. I know if you can start TTC right away you should be able to get your bfp fairly quickly because for 1. your more fertile after pregnancy and 2. your endo shouldn't have grown back that fast yet and your tubes should still (theretically) still be open. I don't know why you lost the baby? Maybe the baby had some abnormalities and God didn't want the baby to suffer and decided to take her/him to heaven to live pain free? Maybe? just know your little one is safe now and not going to have any pain and you will see him/her again one day. Keep the faith and just know your time will come.
If you have read any of my previous posts you will see I lose my faith and hope. We all do but we are here to help you thru those hard days. You will have them and that is natural. Feel free to scream, yell and CRY. It's hard TTC especially when you have problems that are keeping it from happening easily. Keep trying and keep up the PMA and Faith and it will happen. If you ever need/want to talk just PM me! Good Luck. You'll be in my prayer.
Lord please look after mamadonna and her little bean please wrap your love around her right now and ensure she has a happy and healthy pregnancy. She has wanted a new addition to her brood of men for so long now and she feels her gift may be short lived.....please look after her bean and help it to continue to grow!

I also pray for my uncle Harry, Aunt Bette and their family you know I am unable to attend the funeral as first hoped as my little man Oliver is ill and so am I :( We are housebound in order to recover but because I know that the funeral will soon be underway I am feeling really sad that I will not be there to say goodbye. I feel bad for not attending but I know looking after Oliver is my main priority and I know my Aunt Bette will understand this. Please shower her with lots of love and strength today and please also look over my mum as I am sure she is going to find today difficult and am not there to look after her :(
Dear Lord, thank You once again for the wonderful women on this thread. Thank You for gathering us in a place of prayer and worship. Thank You for always knowing what's best for us. Thank You Lord, for You are the alpha and omega!

Dear Lord, please comfort Sweet Alida and bless her with Your sweet assurance that everything in her life will be fine. Please continue to keep Alida in excellent health and bless them with the addition to their family that they so desire.

Please be with Madly and her family, and give them the strength to cope with the funeral. Take care of her little one and keep her pregnancy safe.

Please take care of Southern and her baby and may You let the next scan show that everything is fine.

Lord, please take care of all the other wonderful women on this thread, Laura, Ready4onemore, AJ, TnT....every single one of us here. May You please continue to guide and protect each one of us and bless us with our heart's desires.

Father, as I proceed for my egg collection on Sunday, may You let everything work out well, with no complications or issues. Dear Lord, may You please bless us with success this first attempt at IVF, Amen!!!
Dear Lord,
I know you hear our prayers so if I forget anyone please hear their silent prayers too.

*Lord please be with Madly and her family today. Shower them with your love and comfort their aching hearts. Please restore their health and give her strength to continue to be the great mom, wife and friend that she is. Please keep her baby safe and healthy. Please Lord help her dh find peace with his job and let them find financial security so they can enjoy this pregnancy and not worry about finances.

*Lord please be with Southern with her next scan. Please let them find a healthy Heartbeat and baby. Please let there be NO problems or complications. Lord please continue to help Southern have the strength to continue to take care of her current family and job during this pregnancy. Lord please give Southern comfort and reassurance that everything will be fine so she can enjoy the rest of her pregnancy worry free.

*Lord I also pray for Isi. She is going thru some very exciting yet stressful times right now. Please Lord I know you are the Alpha and the Omega and can do anything. Lord please let this IVF work. I pray that they not have to do the treatment again. Please Lord bless Isi with a miracle and keep her and her future babies safe Sunday. Please guide the doctors hands and let there be no complications. Lord I ask that you help Isi to relax and have the peace that things will work this time. Lord be with her dh as well during this time.

*Lord I pray for Laura please be with her with yet another cycle of TTC. We know lord that you and only you know the plan you have mapped out for us but Lord please help her with the faith and waiting for her time to be a mommy. Please Lord if it is your will and her time let this cycle bless her with a miracle.

*Lord please be with all the wonderful Ladies on this TTC Prayer thread and please keep all the ladies that are pregnant healthy and keep their growing babies safe and healthy. Lord please keep all the TTC ladies wrapped in your arms too. Please let them know to keep the faith and in your time they will have their prayers answered. Lord please be with all the ladies that have suffered a loss. Please give them comfort and peace in their sorrow and this time of sadness. Please lift them up and give them happiness and peace knowing that their little one is in heaven with you.
Lord I pray this in your name,
God I thank you for all the wonderful ladies on this forum. I pray that you bless them where they are, according to Your will.

God as Isi Buttercup prepares for Sunday give her unspeakable peace. Guide the doctor's hand, let the procedure be a success. God please bless her with a baby. God shower her and her husband with your strength and peace. God I pray in your son Jesus' name. Amen.

Be blessed everyone.

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