Hi, heaven! I hope you figure out if you are pg for sure soon.
Hi, LG! Welcome!
Tacey, I'm sorry to hear you are struggling so much.

I think you are doing the best you can do. That is all you can ask of yourself. Alice is old enough to understand that she can't
always have exactly what she wants when she wants it. Not even mommy's milk. It's a hard lesson, but one she can learn. Just be consistent. I found that key. I didn't say no unless I was really prepared to follow through with the no. It cut down on the begging and pleading A LOT.
I have complete confidence you will be able to enjoy nursing your new baby. For me, all signs of BF agitation with Otter left as soon as I gave birth. I felt more mild (but still annoying enough to avoid) versions of it when I nursed the two of them together. So, I simply rarely did that. I thoroughly enjoyed tandem nursing and am sure you will, too.
I never had serious BH contractions with either of my kids, so can't be much help there. DK did come a bit early at 36+4, but I don't feel like that was because I was nursing Otter. I think she was just ready. My water broke in the middle of the night and I didn't start getting even mild contractions for another 8 hours. When they checked me I wasn't even a bit dialated or effaced!

(I had to have a section anyway.) I don't know for sure, but my gut feeling has always been that nursing Otter didn't bring on labor.
Hang tough, hon. I know it is hard, but you can do it. And you will think it is worth it in the end.
I posted a thread about this on the main board, but will mention in here... Otter has naturally weaned. I'm both happy and sad about that. He was ready and so was I. So, that is a great thing. He BF for 31 months and we tandem nursed for 18 months.