Question for those who are pregnant:
My LO only nurses about 3 times a day, and my nipples were sore for a few days after my BFP... but nothing now? When can I expect the sore nipples to kick in full time? Makes me a little nervous that it just stopped hurting all of a sudden.
And are any of you COMPLETELY exhausted?? Seems like in the afternoons, I can barely hold my head up (that never happened with my other pregnancies). I notice after I take my prenatals, I get some energy... but doesn't last long.![]()
Hey Austinsmom

I have had periods of sore nipples when dd feeds throughout my pregnancy to date (but these are irregular in pattern and duration). The tiredness, i actually hadnt found as bad as in my first pregnancy until the past few days - but i think this is because dd is teething and therefore feeding copiously rather than her usual 3/4 times a day. I also had periods during the times of sore nipples when i really dint want to bf lo and once she was on couldnt wait for her to finish, but we persevered and are still going, and i fully intend on trying tandem feeding once lo has arrived! Congratulations on your pregnancy xx