I'm not entirely sure when my colostrum appeared, but it was in the third trimester. My milk dried up quite early on, so there was a long period of dry nursing.
I'm not entirely sure when my colostrum appeared, but it was in the third trimester. My milk dried up quite early on, so there was a long period of dry nursing.
when u dry nursed did u have to sumpliment with formula stupid question maybe or was ur baby old enough for cows milk? also im between 8-12 weeks and my milk seem to have increased?? will it dry up on its own or what?? because my boobs r killing and im trying to wean alittle bit of the pump
i'm really really REALLY dry nursing, I mean she has about 2 sucks then looks at the boob has 2 more sucks and i can tell nothing is coming out so she just kind of gives up, if i squeeze my boob i get like one drip out and she'll lick it off. lol.
I wanted to tandem feed but don't know if it is all possible because she's not interested in drying nursing.
Do you think she'll be happy to nurse colostrum at 24ish weeks if she stops nursing now at 19 weeks?
i'm really really REALLY dry nursing, I mean she has about 2 sucks then looks at the boob has 2 more sucks and i can tell nothing is coming out so she just kind of gives up, if i squeeze my boob i get like one drip out and she'll lick it off. lol.
I wanted to tandem feed but don't know if it is all possible because she's not interested in drying nursing.
Do you think she'll be happy to nurse colostrum at 24ish weeks if she stops nursing now at 19 weeks?
From what I've read and heard from others, some children wean in pregnancy, then go back to it when the baby is born. I have a friend whose three year old started again when her little sister was about 8 months old. You may find she starts when the colostrum comes in too.
I'm going to have to give up for now, I have a serious ongoing throat infection and the only thing that deals with the pain and inflammation are NSAID painkillers, which can prevent ovulation and interfere with implantation. Also my temperatures are all over the show as the infection sometimes raises my temperature, sometimes no. Not that we had much chance anyway as my luteal phase was only about 5 days long the last few cycles even with a cycle length of nearly 60 days. I'm still taking my vitamin b6 and seeing if it makes any difference to the luteal phase when I am hopefully fully recovered in a month or so's time xx
i'm really really REALLY dry nursing, I mean she has about 2 sucks then looks at the boob has 2 more sucks and i can tell nothing is coming out so she just kind of gives up, if i squeeze my boob i get like one drip out and she'll lick it off. lol.
I wanted to tandem feed but don't know if it is all possible because she's not interested in drying nursing.
Do you think she'll be happy to nurse colostrum at 24ish weeks if she stops nursing now at 19 weeks?
From what I've read and heard from others, some children wean in pregnancy, then go back to it when the baby is born. I have a friend whose three year old started again when her little sister was about 8 months old. You may find she starts when the colostrum comes in too.
Thank you so much for your reply.
I've been saying all along that i never even considered tandem feeding so i don't really care what happens but now she's possibly not feeding anymore i'm actually getting really upsetour little breastfeeding journey might be over, it's some of our favorite time together. It's our little bonding time. It's sustained her and helped her
Previously when she's sucked on the boob and it's rather empty and she detaches i can say "come on Eva eat the booby" and she'll lean in and try again. But last night after her two sucks if i say "come on Eva eat the booby" she'll shake her head and whinge... so she well and truly just doesn't want it.
Is it completely bat shit insane of me to consider pumping? i mean i think the previous weeks we've been getting a tiny bit out and now it's absolutely zilch, if i go back to a tiny bit she might want to feed again.
Am i acting to psychotically desperate?
Mammas a quick and easy question. When did your milk change to colostrum?
i'm really really REALLY dry nursing, I mean she has about 2 sucks then looks at the boob has 2 more sucks and i can tell nothing is coming out so she just kind of gives up, if i squeeze my boob i get like one drip out and she'll lick it off. lol.
I wanted to tandem feed but don't know if it is all possible because she's not interested in drying nursing.
Do you think she'll be happy to nurse colostrum at 24ish weeks if she stops nursing now at 19 weeks?
From what I've read and heard from others, some children wean in pregnancy, then go back to it when the baby is born. I have a friend whose three year old started again when her little sister was about 8 months old. You may find she starts when the colostrum comes in too.
Thank you so much for your reply.
I've been saying all along that i never even considered tandem feeding so i don't really care what happens but now she's possibly not feeding anymore i'm actually getting really upsetour little breastfeeding journey might be over, it's some of our favorite time together. It's our little bonding time. It's sustained her and helped her
Previously when she's sucked on the boob and it's rather empty and she detaches i can say "come on Eva eat the booby" and she'll lean in and try again. But last night after her two sucks if i say "come on Eva eat the booby" she'll shake her head and whinge... so she well and truly just doesn't want it.
Is it completely bat shit insane of me to consider pumping? i mean i think the previous weeks we've been getting a tiny bit out and now it's absolutely zilch, if i go back to a tiny bit she might want to feed again.
Am i acting to psychotically desperate?
Hey ladies, those of you who tandem feed - I need your help!!!! I have tried a couple of times to feed both children together but find it uncomfortable, so I feed one at a time. However, i feel that i am constantly interrupting my oldest child during feeds as my youngest cries and needs my attention. I feel terrible about this but don't know what else to do, what do you do??????
Hey ladies, those of you who tandem feed - I need your help!!!! I have tried a couple of times to feed both children together but find it uncomfortable, so I feed one at a time. However, i feel that i am constantly interrupting my oldest child during feeds as my youngest cries and needs my attention. I feel terrible about this but don't know what else to do, what do you do??????
Mammas a quick and easy question. When did your milk change to colostrum?