TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

Yeah, we'll carry on regardless. LoL!

Just wondered whether I should be giving him some cows milk in case he's not getting enough from me. He usually eats 2 fromage frais and 1 yoghurt plus a portion of cheese per day, but might need more calcium if my milk isn't there?
this is the thread I was looking for!

Did some research bedore and it freaked me out a tho know there is more info out there ands people.

Little bit about us...Our first child is 6 months old, and we got a surprise of 2 pink lines, and our second will be here in July. I do not want to stop breastfeeding, because i know it is the best thing for him and he needs it for at least a year.

Glad I found this!
21weeks pregnant and I've noticed my supply has dropped ds2 doesn't seem to mind and is quite happy to nurse without much milk there.
I'm trying to get him to sleep in his cot as co sleeping now is not working for us in the long term as ds2 wants to be latched on all night which means lying in whatever position he wants me to
Welcome Kes and congratulations!

How is your son doing with the change from bedsharing to cosleeping, mumandco? I'm quite scared of how Sophie will adjust!
A few weeks ago it was going brilliantly oh puts him to bed whereas I used to,he goes to sleep around 7ish and would wake at 11ish if give him milk and put him straight back In the cot and then he'd wake around 2ish and them come into bed with me but recently it's all gone terribly wrong and we are back to the beginning hel start the night in his cot but will wake at 11ish and won't go back in his cot so tonight we will start again and try and get him to sleep in his cot for longer.

Zack once in the routine doesn't mind being in his cot it will take us probably a week to get back to how things used to be he will protest about going in his cot I won't force him too but I will encourage him and if he cries I will cuddle/feed to sleep until he is willing for me to put him back in his cot.

You maybe surprised and Sophie may adjust well to sleeping in her cot
I hope so! I'm not going to force her either. The idea of a family bed actually sounds quite appealing to me!

Sophie made me laugh the other day. She was playing in the bedroom when we woke up. We still had 15 minutes until hubby had to get up, so we were just talking and he gave me a cuddle. Sophie saw this and started crying instantly. Then when we put her in bed she came straight to me, checking at least 20 times if my boobies were still there. Then she sat in between me and my husband glaring at him :rofl:.

Hope she's not going to be jealous with a little baby in 7.5 months :(.
I'd love a family bed too but unfortunately as soon as Zack comes into bed he has to be latched on to me or cuddled in the crook of my arm so it would be impossible with a newborn :(

Haha that's soo funny bless her bet she was glad that they were still there lol

Zack hates me and oh cuddling for some reason,I really think he's going to be jealous with the new baby :( I hope not though
Aah Sophie is fine sleeping in her own space, so I guess I have it much easier there :).

Jealousy is hard, but I hope breastfeeding will actually help her through it!
It's the only reason why I want to stop co sleeping otherwise I'd just leave it. Ds1 loved his own space when we co slept but he wasn't breastfed.

Fingers crossed it does x x my friend brought her little baby around the other day and Zack loved him kept kissing him an stroking his hair but then the baby was nowhere near my boobs so he probably didn't mind.

I bet theyl be really interested and intrigued that anther little person is having milk
Yea Sophie loves little babies too! But not sure how she'll react when the little baby gets too close to mummies boobies ;)!
I got my daughter ready for sharing by "tandem nursing" dolls and other toys. She would usually bring a stuffed friend with her to nurse which was then replaced with a baby. We have had very little jealousy.
I got my daughter ready for sharing by "tandem nursing" dolls and other toys. She would usually bring a stuffed friend with her to nurse which was then replaced with a baby. We have had very little jealousy.

That's a really good idea I think il try this with zack
We've been TTC since August when I had my coil out. I had an extremely light bleed for 2 days soon after the coil was removed, but then nothing. I assumed the reason I hadn't had AF previously was because of the coil, so ended up taking loads of pregnancy tests before realising I just wasn't cycling yet. Very frustrating! Last month I had loads of EWCM and then last week I had a very light 2 day bleed followed by some pink discharge on occasion. The only time I've had anything like this before was an implantation bleed last time I was pregnant very very early on (before I tested positive in fact). So it's either pregnancy or an anovulatory cycle. Either way it's at least a step in the right direction! Wanting to TTC but not being able to is so rubbish! I'm trying to delay testing for as long as possible as negative tests are so disheartening.

We still feed on cue day and night when we're together, but I work fairly long days 4 days a week and only pump once a day at work now, so I've been hoping that's enough to get my cycle back. I've read that night feeds are key to lactation anovulation, though, and am not willing to night wean so if this isn't pregnancy or cycles starting I could be in for a long wait! I've also read about a study where breastfeeding women were given high calorie biscuits to try to "improve" the quality of their milk (there's an account of the study in 'the politics of breastfeeding'). It did nothing to their milk, but a lot of them lost their lactation anovulation, so I've been using that as an excuse to eat lots of cake! Thank goodness breastfeeding is still keeping the weight off!
My son has been doing the most squidgey disgusting poos in the past week, pooing up to 7 times a day, also I can't squeeze more than a teeny drop out of my right and nothing on my left but he is definitely swallowing something when he feeds so I think my milk has gone to colostrum already although of course this may go and come back at some point later on. It's not unusual for me even with my eldest in that pregnancy my colostrum appeared at around 16 weeks xx
My son has been doing the most squidgey disgusting poos in the past week, pooing up to 7 times a day, also I can't squeeze more than a teeny drop out of my right and nothing on my left but he is definitely swallowing something when he feeds so I think my milk has gone to colostrum already although of course this may go and come back at some point later on. It's not unusual for me even with my eldest in that pregnancy my colostrum appeared at around 16 weeks xx

That sounds very similar to what happened with us. I have no idea what I'm producing at the moment, but he's asked for more feeds and his nappies are still wet since having this sickness bug, so he's clearly getting something from me.

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