Mom of 2 cutie pies
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Tell him since his opinion is an uneducated one, that it won't be taken into consideration. Lol
thank you all so much for answering. I know questions about symptoms can be daunting to read sometimes.
well, still no period. I'm just used to being regular and since I started my period back I have been so this seems strange to me. However, my little one is nursing relentlessly so that really could be doing it. I do have other symptoms though. For one, I had cramping a few nights ago it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a period not to follow cramping. I mean, it was such typical pms cramping that I even wore a tampon to bed. so if no period comes, I will test again in a week and see. If that is negative, I'll assume missed period is all.
thanks again, maybe in a week i'll be joining you all for real!
hi ladies
we're going to ttc No.2 in june/july ish and i'm still intending to be feeding alex then, not sure if i'll tandem feed (although never say never!) but def don't want to stop him bfing just cos we're ttc! Just wondered whether anyone can answer my questions...
how does the milk change in pregnancy?
does colostrum come in when a new baby is born?
normally that's in a tiny amount for the newborn but then how does the older baby get enough milk?
or does the new baby get flooded with 'older baby' milk?
i always thought milk changed in from newborn to toddler so how does it work feeding both age groups?
also those who have kept feeding their older baby did you still get engorgement after the new baby was born as technically you already have your milk in?
and did you go through the toe curling nipple pain stage again when the new baby developed breastfeeding technique or were you already toughened up?
sorry about all the Q's! thanks in advancexx
Great info on this thread ladies! Thankyou!!!
I am still bfing my almost 21 month old and am now 20 weeks pregnant. I am hoping to tandem feed once lo arrives, providing my toddler doesnt self wean before then. Does anyone know the statistics on toddlers that self wean during preganncy as i would really love to tandem feed xx
Self-Weaning during Pregnancy
Reports seem to indicate that 26% of children self-wean during pregnancy1. If this figure sounds low to you, that may be due to some misinterpretations of the available data. Indeed, the study by Moscona is frequently misinterpreted as saying that 57% of children self-weaned during their mothers pregnancy. Although 31 out of 57 babies, or 57%, of the children who were nursing at the beginning of their mothers pregnancies were no longer nursing by the end, the investigator specifically records that the weaning was baby-led in 15 of these 31 cases and mother-led in 16. Therefore the percentage of babies who self-weaned was 15 out of 57, or 26%. Similarly, Niles Newtons study found that 69% of babies were no longer nursing by the end of their mothers pregnancy, and this figure, too, is often incorrectly offered as a self-weaning-during-pregnancy statistic. However, Newtons 69% includes mother-led weaning, too.2
-- Hilary Flower in Adventures in Tandem Nursing, p. 166
Moscone [sic] SR, Moore MJ. Breastfeeding during pregnancy. J Hum Lact. 1993 Jun;9(2):83-88. (Sherrill Mosconas name was mispelled in the original publication.)
Newton N, Theotokatos M. "Breastfeeding during pregnancy in 503 women." In Emotion and Reproduction. London, England: Academic Press, 1979;845-49.