He hasn't been eating any more solids, possibly less actually (teething, day trips, company over, many distractions).
I pump at the office (the whole reason I pump, we still BF at home) so I doubt a warm bath would work! (That was quite the funny mental image). It is also how I can measure his intake during the day with my output. The lines are a little blurred because he drinks one bottle fresh milk and two frozen every day (to rotate through my stash) and I put two in the freezer, but the ones I'm putting in the freezer are generally slightly less than the ones I'm taking out. It's okay I guess, the frozen milk is kind of taking over the freezer.
I don't feel like I'm under exceptional stress, last week yes but this week I'm much better. I was actually really confident about pumping today (new valves) and I just *knew* I'd have at least 2 oz, maybe I don't think it is mental.
And no, no chance....I tested twice to make sure there wasn't some weird fluke thing and I was still pregnant, they were both BFNs (which is good because I take some BF safe but not PG safe meds). And we haven't had a chance to DTD since...
I've been trying to find a reason, not enough water, parts worn out, etc etc, but I think it may just be permanently reduced. Some people have lower flow after AF comes back (which I did, but that could be age too), I guess I just can't pump as much.