TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

Yep, when you are nursing, your body makes the milk perfect. Takes nutrients and stuff first, so the baby is taken care of first.

Now, teeny LO will get first priority, LO second....I better make sure I take some good vitamins and eat well, I'm last in line! LOL
Congrats misspriss! Lovely to have another pregnant BFing mum in our group.

I'm having trouble drinking at the moment because of morning sickness. I tend to throw up as soon as I drink. I have to get up in the night to drink water because I'm not sick then. Last time the morning sickness got so bad at week 10 that I could hardly move so that is a worry for me but it only lasted a couple of weeks like that last time so if I can just get through that it should be okay. LO feeds quite a few times a day still but loves her solid food so doesn't rely to heavliy on milk for nutrition. A lot of it is about comfort for her.
Congratulations misspriss! That's fantastic! The body is amazing. I'm sure I read that it prioritises growing foetus, then nursling, then the mother so make sure you get enough calories and water in you.

Thanks dove! Baby dust to you too :flower: I just got a load of cheapie pregnancy tests in the post so am very excited, first cycle of proper trying for us since I now know where I am. Cycle day 7 for me right now.

I ordered a huge lot of cheapie pregnancy tests and OPKs and used most of them! It really helped to know what was going on because of having irregular cycles. I got my BFP at 9 dpo. I could barely see the line on the cheapies and confirmed with a FRER which was clearer but I was still impressed with how early the cheapies caught it. I would never have started testing that early with expensive tests. Hope you get your BFP soon!
After ding OPK's daily since December, I FINALLY got a positive. Really hoping we caught that first egg!
Sounds promising! You can get a positive OPK without o. It just means you body has tried to o but it can fail. I was getting two surges a cycle. The first month I stopped testing and then af didn't come so the next cycle I kept testing. The first surge was just positive or just short of it and the second I would get much darker lines. I discovered my LP was only 6 days too but I got pregnant anyway.
Sounds promising! You can get a positive OPK without o. It just means you body has tried to o but it can fail. I was getting two surges a cycle. The first month I stopped testing and then af didn't come so the next cycle I kept testing. The first surge was just positive or just short of it and the second I would get much darker lines. I discovered my LP was only 6 days too but I got pregnant anyway.

Ahhh, yes. I had a couple of almost positives over the last few months. This time, my cervix was SHOW, and I had EWCM, neither of which happened previously. WOW, 6 day LP, that's fast!

4 DPO..already wanting to test, lol:dohh:
Wow BunnyN, you got pregnant with a 6 day LP? That's amazing! I love the cheapie tests. I'm not going to try and detect ovulation because I went a bit gung-ho with it the first two times, this time I'm going to be a bit more relaxed. But about two weeks before I got my AF again I felt some ovulation pain so it seems that my LP is good.

Fingers crossed for you dove! I was hoping that we might catch the first egg but no such luck for us. But then I'm being a bit more lax about it, I didn't know I was ovulating until it had already happened lol.
Yeh, I know when I found out my LP was only 6 days I thought there was no way I was getting pregnant soon. My cycles were still trying to sort themselves out because of the breastfeeding so maybe my LP suddenly got longer on my last cycle. I only o'd about cd 22 which was the same as the cycle before but there is no sure way of knowing when my period would have come because it didn't :). I did get my BFP on cd 9 which is quite early so it must have implanted quite quicky, maybe that helped. I suffer from really bad morning sickness which they say can be caused by higher than normal hcg, maybe that worked in my favour too?
My little guy nursed allllll night last night...not sure why, but oh man, my boobs are sore!
My pumping output has gone down slightly since the day before I got my BFP. I went from pumping around 9oz per day at work to between 7.5-7.75 oz. LO only drinks 6-7oz, so I'm okay, but not adding to the freezer stash as much. Hope I don't see a further reduction!
Hey ladies it's good to see this thread. This is my first cycle ttc number 2. Before reading some of this thread I was not too optimistic. Now I have hope. My cycles are generally 23 days but if my LO also increases his feeds my cycle can go to 28 days. I didn't use opk this cycle but will the next. Af due on Monday.

Having morning sickness, breastfeeding and generally looking after a toddler is going to be hard. You women going through it are tough mums. I hope I can be as strong!
I think my milk is really dropping :cry: I'm so sad! I'm really hoping it is because I didn't drink enough water yesterday. My little guy has been biting at the end of nursing sessions for the past little while and I am really hoping it is because he is getting 4 molars all at once and not because my milk is drying up. :(

When he pulled off a few times yesterday I could definitely see milk left behind. I can't be drying up if he is still getting milk, right?

I am so sad. I was really hoping the decision to stop nursing would be his to make, not mine. :cry:

I'm trying to drink as much water as I possibly can today.
Hi babyjo! And welcome. Hope you get your bfp before too long. Some women have problems getting pregnant while BFing but lots seem to get pregnant not long after they get their cycles back. I think you are at least in with a good chance.

Too_scared- sorry you are having problems with your supply. Toddlers often go through changes in feeding when the get new teeth because they have to get used to the new shape of their mouth so lets hope it's that. Quite a few ladies have said their supply dips in the middle of pregnancy but picks up again towards the end.
Thank you :) I hope it is just his poor little mouth. My poor little guy.

I hope you are all well :flow:
AF got me :( 7 day LP. Any tips on making it longer? I'm more disappointed than I thought I'd be:(
I don't believe it! I got a bfp!

My head is totally spinning! Thinking of so many different things! Worrying about supply and LO. Too scared sorry your supply is dropping. It can happen quite quickly then :(
Dove, I'm sorry af got you :hugs:

Congratulations on the bfp babyjo!

I think my supply has been going down for a while now. I drank lots of water yesterday and it seems pretty good again now. I just have to remember to drink a lot and hopefully we'll make it through. It's not great now but it's OK for him to have a little drink and then comfort nurse for a bit. He seems happy with that.
Has anyone taken anything to extend their LP's that is obviously safe to use while BF?
I don't know anything about lengthening lp. I'm sorry. Can you check with your doctor?

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