Hi all, do you mind if I pop in? I've been reading through a bit and it's really good to see info from ladies who are breastfeeding, none of the normal TTC boards really apply to me. Congrats to all those cooking another or already tandem feeding!
I'm looking for some help or wisdom if possible? Sorry, I don't know where better to ask, you all seem a knowledgeable bunch.
My DS is 17 months and I am on my 3rd cycle TTC #3 if I count the first OV. That one took my body 3 goes, exactly 2 weeks apart each time (DS went on a manic feeding frenzy each time and managed to delay it) but Af came about 14 days after so I took it as a real one. Doesn't matter, we didn't catch it anyway. Since then I seem to have had fairly regular cycles, within a couple of days of my pre-pregnancy norm anyhow.
DS has reduced his milk feeds to usually only twice a day now for nap and sleep with the occasional extra afternoon nap or extra feed. My supply has always been good but now is very much balanced to his needs with none extra, but he gulps his milk normally and I usually feel a let down, albeit way less than when he was a prolific feeder. He is a good eater of solids though and drinks quite a bit of water too.
Here's the weird bit that's really worrying me: My supply last few cycles has dipped a bit around OV and maybe again for a day or so around AF but always has recovered. This time it took a huge dive around OV and hasn't recovered, despite him feeding his usual. It's pretty much tanked, he is not happy - today he started slapping me while he was trying to feed, there is no swallowing at all nearly and no letdown at all. Then he refused the breast today completely, just shook his head. I managed to get him on again at bedtime but he maybe swallowed a tiny amount twice. I have felt like I have no milk virtually at all since about 6DPO, I'm now 10DPO. I have been drinking water as much as I can, trying to encourage him to latch, pumping (only get about 10ml if I'm lucky), hand expressing, eating porridge oats - all the usual and nothing seems to be making a difference. I did a FRER with FMU this morning but was negative, I don't really have any pregnancy symptoms either.
Sorry for this essay! Has anyone found their supply to drop this drastically before their AF? Or anyone had it happen before they even got a BFP? IF my milk has gone permanently I'll be gutted, if it's gone permanently and I'm not even pregnant I'll be beyond gutted!! The only thing I changed this cycle was to take EPO to OV, which seemed to make me OV 2 days early and I had no CM virtually! I usually have a bit, I was just trying to get a bit more, serves me right for being greedy! Has anyone heard of EPO drying milk up? Everything I've read says it helps supply. I switched to Flaxseed oil after OV but have dropped it too, just in case. I take a breastfeeding and prenatal with fish oil in and a bit of extra folic, which I've always done. I'm a vegetarian too (well, apart from the fish oil, which I would normally never take but feel is important to give good cover for DS)
To complicate TTC a bit more DH works away from home Mon-Fri so I was gutted the EPO pulled OV forward as it was lining up very nicely before

I got blazing pos on the Thurs so was hoping OV happened on Fri, we managed to squeeze DTD in on Fri eve. Also we are both 42 (well, he is, I'm nearly).
That's my ramble, sorry again it's a bit of an essay, happy to receive any and all wisdom... xxx