TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

Some women can't get pregnant until they stop BFing all together but I think most find that periods eventually come back at some point. I think the adverage is 14 months. Longer gaps between feeds, night weaning or more solids can jump start fertility again but its different for everyone. If nothing seems to work weaning for two or three days and then going back to feeding works for some. For us it seemed to be LO eating more solids that started my periods. She still fed frequently day and night but feeds got shorter and a lot were for comfort so she would often suck half- heartedly.

LO couldn't have dairy either but thankfully seems to have grown out of that and drinks quite a lot of milk now without problems. I did worry some before she started eating more dairy because my milk supply had almost gone. Most women loose most of their supply at some point in pregnancy so if you feel BFing is still imortant for her nutritionally that is worth bearing in mind.

LO persisted with comfort sucking for quite a while but recently has almost stopped feeding. I don't think it helped that I had really strong feeding aversion and she could sense it so that put us both on edge. I'm glad that we kept it up as long as we did though. I'm interested to see if she starts up again when my milk comes in.

As for being clingy I think that children that age are supposed to be a bit clingy with their mums, its natural. Trying to force things often just makes them more clingy. Making them feel super secure and loved tends to make them more outgoing in the end and BFing can actually help with that. Having a strong connection with mum is a good thing and in time they will develope strong connections with other family members too. I was very ill with morning sickness during the beggining of pregnancy and OH had to do a lot of the looking after of our LO which has made her really close with him. She is a total daddy's girl now. She was still BFing regularly until recently though.
Bunny n thank you for your post! Makes me feel better :) you shared so much with me and I find it helpful!
Glad I could help some. It can be hard to get information about BFing while TTC and during pregnancy. Most of what I have gotten has been from other mums in this thread and others like it along with some trial and error!

Rather than stopping BFing maybe it would help LO to be less clingy and more comfortable with your inlaws and even OH to find some things she enjoys doing with them. LO adores the beach and has been much closer with my parents inlaw since they took her to the beach one day but it can be anything she likes without having to be forced into it. In our situation it helped that I was feeling really unwell and LO was getting fed up of being stuck in the house not doing a lot, after a while of that she would have been happy to go with anyone who would do something fun and out of the house with her, lol. I also noticed that before that I did pretty much everything for her. As well as BFing I was the one who changed her, dressed her, fed her meals, put her to sleep etc. Her daddy did fun things with her but I was the one who gave her what she needed so every time she needed something or felt unsure she would turn to me. When her dad started doing a lot of her meals etc she got a lot less dependent on me even though she still enjoyed BFing.
Bunnyn omgoodness I just noticed your pregnant and due any day now !!! Congratulations !! Are you ready !?? Do you know gender?? How exciting :) as for info thanks so much! I am one to care of my daughter also no one watches or helps. Dh plays video and on computer works a ton so she isn't one on one with him even when he watches her. It's sad. But he says he I guess
Yes, its a boy! I'm not at all ready, lol. There seem to be so many things to do still and its slow work to get anything done with a toddler and a huge belly! I am hoping that he doesn't come bofore his due date! As hard as a big belly and a toddler is I'm sure its nothing compared to a newborn and a toddler but I'm not even thinking much about that yet! It is exciting though :).

It kind of sound to me like your LO doesn't really have a reason not to be clingy with you. Sometimes men don't know what to do to entertain little ones. It might get easier for your OH as she gets older and comunicates more. Children start to get naturally more outgoing with age too. Maybe try giving him something specific to do, ie "can you read this book/draw a picture with her while I take a bath/do the dishes". LO loves stickers at the moment so sickers keep her really happy for a while. Maybe think of something you are sure your LO will love and get OH to do it with her? I've got a box of little bits and pieces to keep LO happy while I'm in labour.
I think the reason my I got my period back so quickly after giving birth was because my body is not as sensitive to the hormonal changes. I did some more research on it and that seems to be the reason since I did not stop pumping or breastfeeding. The website I was reading specifically mentioned women who get their period back after 2 to 3 months postpartum even though they're breastfeeding on a regular schedule.

I should be getting my period within the next couple of days. My cycle tracker app on my phone says tomorrow but my cycle can range from 33 to 35 days. OH and I were a bit risky this month when dtd. I am not too worried though since it was so hard for me to get pregnant the first time. If it does happen I would still be very happy just scared since its so early PP and I had a preemie.
Hello! I recently found out I was pregnant with #2. I have a 15 mo daughter that still breastfeeds in the morning, before bed and throughout the night. She will occasionally feed during the day. I'm only 6 weeks along, but my supply has never been great. I will sometimes give lo a few oz of milk in a bottle before bed because I know she will go down easier. I just don't have much milk. I had to supplement with a little goats milk starting at 11 months.

My question is how do you know if you've 'dried' up? I don't think I'm there yet, but I foresee it happening. When she wakes up in the middle of the night I don't think she's getting much milk. I also think she feeds for comfort more than nourishment at that time though. Sorry for the rambling...just trying to get an idea of what I can expect. I know everyone's different though. I'm feeling a little guilty because she is not ready to wean. Once I made it to a year BF'ing, I could see her going to two.

Thanks for sharing your story bunny and good luck with your new little boy!
Hello! I recently found out I was pregnant with #2. I have a 15 mo daughter that still breastfeeds in the morning, before bed and throughout the night. She will occasionally feed during the day. I'm only 6 weeks along, but my supply has never been great. I will sometimes give lo a few oz of milk in a bottle before bed because I know she will go down easier. I just don't have much milk. I had to supplement with a little goats milk starting at 11 months.

My question is how do you know if you've 'dried' up? I don't think I'm there yet, but I foresee it happening. When she wakes up in the middle of the night I don't think she's getting much milk. I also think she feeds for comfort more than nourishment at that time though. Sorry for the rambling...just trying to get an idea of what I can expect. I know everyone's different though. I'm feeling a little guilty because she is not ready to wean. Once I made it to a year BF'ing, I could see her going to two.

Thanks for sharing your story bunny and good luck with your new little boy!

Hi! I knew I'd dried up when DS1 wasn't swallowing while nursing anymore and I couldn't squeeze anything at all out. My son was around that age when we conceived and I dried up quite quickly. I continued to offer to nurse during the pregnancy and though he would go long periods of turning it down, he was ready to go again once my milk came back. My best advice is don't stress, keep offering, and know that making it available to them is really the best we can do.
Hi I'm breastfeeding my one year old and I've just found out I'm 4-5 weeks pregnant. My baby feeds loads, I'm worried that my new pg won't stick? Can anyone reassure me. xxx
Here is an excellent link:

It can make you extra tired and require more rest, hydration, and stuff, but it should not cause a danger to your pregnancy.
So bfn for me... My obgyn said I have a hormone imbalance and I also have a high risk for cancer so I don't think I can be placed on medications to help :( prevera I believe was the one to induce period unsure if it would even help me ... I ovulated just fine on my own prior to having my daughter so I'm at a loss :( thinking that another baby isn't in the cards
I have a question for ladies nursing while pregnant. If it hurt for you did it ease up at all as your pregnancy progressed? I'm 19 weeks and it seems to be getting more painful. :( Kiddo is barely nursing now, only for his nap (if he has one) and at night/in the morning. He will also nurse if he's hurt/upset in the day but that doesn't happen much. Thanks!
I didn't have a huge amount of pain but my nipples were very sensitive and nursing felt really unpleasant. It was at its worst mid pregnancy and eased a little towards the end though by then she was only nursing every few days.
Thank you :)

Have you had your new little one yet? I hope you're well. :)
When your period returns for the 2nd time, is it normal for it to be super light?
Yes. Mine were significantly lighter after the baby (and they were light before!) except the first one, on maybe two, but definitely lighter and no PMS.
When your period returns for the 2nd time, is it normal for it to be super light?

My first one was light, my second one was quite heavy and my 3rd one was light, then I got pregnant again.
Thank you :)

Have you had your new little one yet? I hope you're well. :)

Yes, he is 3 weeks old! He surprised us by being a few days early. Also a surprise was his weight, he was almost 11lbs! Had a lovely home birth though, the labour went well and I didnt even end up with a graze. He is just perfect of course :). He latched on first try and feeds perfectly too. He has been a little slow with weight gain due to digestive issues/allegies but his sister was the same and everything worked out great with her in the end so we are trying not to worry about it.

I'm not propperly tandem nursing as our 20 month old more or less stopped nursing a couple of months before he was due. She has had a few experimental sucks and had one really good feed when she discovered my milk had come in. She kept talking about how good it was after so I thought she might start up again. She did ask to feed a couple more times but then decided she didnt want to. She seems to have decided 'Muka' (milk) is for her little brother so I'm not sure she will feed again.
Congratulations on your little boy! :D What a big boy! That's great your home birth went so well.

Glad he's nursing so well. I'm sure the issues will be sorted very soon. That is interesting how your little girl liked the milk but hasn't nursed again.

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