hi ladies ! sorry I didn't talk much this week ! crazy week at work..
Duckie, I'm sorry you're out.. but you girls shouldn't give up ! maybe we should just try to think a little less about it.. Of course, we'll see our CM, or feel our O, but no more temping for example..
Stay around, we can talk cooking, jobs, life anything else than TCC or at least not all the time

I know how much disappointing it can be.. I was 2 days late last month, and of course I thought it was my bfp.. but nope.. C6 now
Btw, I saw my doctor, he wasn't worried at all, said it takes up to a year.. told me to go do an ultrasound, on the 5th day of my next cycle,to see how my O was getting ready, and to check my ovaries since I said sometimes I get pain on the left side and I had a cyst there when I was younger.
Hopefully I won't see next cycle coming !