TTC Summer 2010 Girls

Goodness, SweetPea, you're keeping things exciting! :D I'm crossing all available digits for you!!!

Fairybabe, sorry the witch got you. But June's the month to anyway!

And zb5: Yay! All systems go then?

Yes Fairybabe, you will be with Amy and I in June!
carbafe - congrats on NTNP! Sounds exactly like what happened with us, supposed to be waiting until June cycle and then a week or so ago (just before Ov!) DH announced he "wasn't going to prevent anything" and we DTD au naturel ;) So exciting :happydance:

:flower: Welcome rachrach82, Shey, Minnegirl!

Fairybabe - :hugs: and sending :dust: for next cycle

Sweetpea - Exciting about the faint positives.... sounding good! :thumbup: Keep us informed :)

Amyg - I know how you are feeling, we are really big kids lol but I think worrying about it like you are but still knowing it is right is a very good sign. If you didn't think carefully about such an important decision I'd be worried ;)

AFM, well, 6DPO now. Not testing till 15th as AF is due on 14th. I'm going crazy with the wait lol. Hate wishing my life away but really wish I could test. Anyway, symptoms-wise I had a dip on my FF chart (implantation?) and I feel sick as a dog and quite tired and dizzy too at times but perhaps I just have a cold coming?? :dohh:

- Dinah
carbafe - congrats on NTNP! Sounds exactly like what happened with us, supposed to be waiting until June cycle and then a week or so ago (just before Ov!) DH announced he "wasn't going to prevent anything" and we DTD au naturel ;) So exciting :happydance:

:flower: Welcome rachrach82, Shey, Minnegirl!

Fairybabe - :hugs: and sending :dust: for next cycle

Sweetpea - Exciting about the faint positives.... sounding good! :thumbup: Keep us informed :)

Amyg - I know how you are feeling, we are really big kids lol but I think worrying about it like you are but still knowing it is right is a very good sign. If you didn't think carefully about such an important decision I'd be worried ;)

AFM, well, 6DPO now. Not testing till 15th as AF is due on 14th. I'm going crazy with the wait lol. Hate wishing my life away but really wish I could test. Anyway, symptoms-wise I had a dip on my FF chart (implantation?) and I feel sick as a dog and quite tired and dizzy too at times but perhaps I just have a cold coming?? :dohh:

- Dinah

Oooh, that all sounds promising Dinah! Everything crossed for you! :happydance:
Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts! :hugs:

Update for tonight ladies...

I feel like the witch is going to show her face at any moment, but I am still almost a week early for her? Think I might skip testing tomorrow and see if she shows, if not I'll test again Friday morning. This is driving me nuts! FX'ed!!

PS - Here is a pic of my test that looked positive to me... haven't seen one like this since though... I deepened the saturation so you guys can see it a little better.

Hopefully I see another like that soon. :cry:

ETA: Oooh Dinah sounds promising babe!
Ooh, looks like a very faint pink line to me!
I see a line SweetPea but I have no idea whether that could be evap? Also, from looking at your chart, personally I think that you ovulated before the first spike. Are your cycles normally this long? I'm thinking that really you're sort of 12 DPO at the moment. Fingers crossed :witch: doesn't show up!

AFM I'm CD14 and Persona just showed me an eggy. We're still being careful this month but the eggy's still exciting (took all my self-control to not make that 'egg'citing. I know, I'm sad...) because it's right on time. Means that hopefully when it counts next month, DH and I will actually be in the same country. :D Also means that as of Monday, I'll officially be TTC. :wohoo:
Hurrah Amygdala! Another few hours and you'll have made it to TTC! Yay!

Dinah, that sounds hopeful!!! FX'd for your BFP!!!!! The tww is a 'mare.

Sweetpea, oooh, defo a faint pink line. As they say, a line is a line! Got fingers and toes crossed for you!

Thanks everyone for all your support at the old AF showing up. As it happens i downgraded yesterdy to spotting, as that's all it was, but today, no mistaking anything for spotting!!! So today is CD1. On the upside, it means my LP might have just eeked out a 10day stretch. Huzzah. Having looked at my charts now for 4 months the old LP is defo a bit of a prob. In Taking Charge of Your Own Fertility it talks about docs using clomid to get your body to ov stronger and earlier, thus creating a better corpus luteum. Now, i have NO desire whatsover to go down that route, but was reading the Soy Isoflavones thread on here, it's meant to be like nature's clomid. Am thinking of giving it a go, see if i can get that eggy to pop sooner. Looking at my charts, i dip down, almost as if my body is gonna ov on day 15/16, which would make sense, but it takes up to a week longer to let it go. What do you think ladies? Would you try that stuff?

Right. Off to swot a bit more. At least, on the bright side, if AF had to arrive, it's come now, get the worst of it over rather than sitting an exam feeling yucky.

Right, looking fwd to that update sweetpea!

I don't know much about soy isoflavones, however, you might look into Red Clover Tea-that has the same isoflavones found in soy. For me personally--I'd rather get the compounds from making some red clover tea than from something extracted from soy. Just my two cents...because I am not a fan of soy products and have a pretty negative opinion of soy in general. So I'm biased in my statement.

I do drink Red clover tea with my red raspberry leaf...but i haven't been as consistent with the red clover so I can't tell you if it works for bringing about O earlier and stronger.

Best of luck!
I think im gonna start drinking peppermint tea. they say that if you drink that and eat certain foods that you can conceive a girl.
Zero sign of AF yet, so I tested this morning, BFN. Even though it was pink, I'm chalking that test up to an evap. Boo!

Still having weird cramping that I never noticed during any other cycles... AF style but localized on the right side only. Who knows? :shrug:

Fairybabe - I have been reading up a ton of info about soy iso's, and am almost positive I am going to try it next cycle. I am fairly sure that I didn't ovulate at all this cycle... EWCM lasted FOREVER (even this morning was a combo between EW and sticky?!), and for some reason CP is still HSO, so no idea there. I just feel like the progesterone never kicked in to dry things up and get CP back to normal. I feel like my body geared up to ov on two different occasions this cycle, but no egg ever popped. My cycles are always fairly long, 33-35 days. I even had one a few cycles ago that was 56 days. :dohh: If I'm not ovulating anyway, I figure what could it hurt trying it out for a cycle or two? I def don't want to go down the Clomid route so I wanted to try soy out and see if I ov. I think I am going to take 120mg (the ones I have are 60mg each) days 3-7 for the first time and see how that goes. Hopefully it'll help me ov, and I'll be able to see a definate temp spike for next cycle. [-o< However, now I def want to check out the Red Clover first, thanks for the info Membas!

I kind of had this suspicion in the back of my head that I haven't been consistant with ov-ing since I went off BCP's (on them for 7 years) last August, and this cycle has me thinking that I was right! I know that it's normal to have annovulatory cycles occasionally, but with my cycles being consistantly long, and especially that 56 day one, I think the majority of mine are. Before I went on the pill, I literally had AF every 28 days on the dot.

Anyhoo, thanks everyone for sending positive vibes my way! My head is already in next cycle, and I'm excited to see how the soy is going to work for me. I know I'm not out til the witch shows, but I am just totally not feeling it this month. :wacko: Technically we weren't going to start until this coming cycle anyways, so I'll just consider the current one a practice run! :happydance: 5 days til the witch is due so we will see!
Hey Sweetpea, looking at your chart I could believe you didn't ovulate... but that doesn't mean you still won't this month. Maybe you are in for a long cycle with a late ovulation? I'd keep your eyes peeled!
Oh trust me, they are REALLY peeled! Just did an OPK and was TOTALLY neg, probably the lightest I've ever had! :laugh2: Maybe I'm in for another 50+ day cycle this time around?! :shrug: Ahh the confusion... teehee!
I have a recipe for a cycle tea that women seem to swear by in Germany. It mimics the hormones you need to trigger ovulation in the first half of the cycle and then there's a second mixture for the second half. I'm on the move just now though, but I have posted it before (possibly in wtt summer 2010?). I'll dig it out for anyone who wants to try as soon as I get a chance.

Shey, I wouldn't bother with the peppermint tea personally. There's no evidence that you can influence gender in any useful way. Would you be very disappointed if you didn't get the gender you want?
I finally figured out how to look at your chart--I kept wondering why other people could see it but not me :dohh: Yeah, perhaps ovulation is still around the bend for you---and it's just a longer cycle than normal. I know the waiting sucks, but don't give up hope for this month yet!

For the red clover--I think they recommend the tea vs. any pill form. I think you get a better extract if you can buy dried red clover flowers and make your own tea. I get mine from our local natural food store--they sell their teas in bulk. If you can't find it loose in bulk like that, try finding red clover tea bags (i don't know if they make those but assume they do). Otherwise I guess I've heard they make red clover pills, but I hear they don't work as well. Thats all information based on things I've read online--I don't stand by any of it except to say it's worth a try--and the tea is a tasty addition to my red raspberry tea :winkwink:
Argh ovary pain! So I've had occasionally ovarian cysts over the last year--had a lap to rule out any endo related cysts, and the cysts checked out to be okay--they come up and leave on their own without getting too large--but they do cause some annoying pain and the last two ultrasounds for cysts showed they tend to be blood filled for me, and cyclical. So I hadn't really had one since I stopped using Mirena but a few weeks ago I got an all too familiar pain in my left's still there and yesterday i was really just feeling quite crampy below--today i can just feel the nagging left sided pain. I so want it to go away! I dont' want anything to interfere with my chances next month, and I know I'll be ovulating on the left side next month (I'm your classic swap sides each month kind of gal). I don't know for sure it would hinder anything--but darn it...go away! I'm 4 dpo (from the right ovary) right now, so I'm hoping the left cyst will dissolve in the next few weeks--(TMI ALERT) I've had some weird blood tinged creamy mucus today (lots of it), so hopefully that's a sign that the cyst is dissolving--either that or I'm just trying to make myself feel better! HA.
:hugs: Membas those cysts don't sound fun!

Sweetpea, keep up the PMA, sorry your cycle is being confusing.

Careful of herbal teas and esp red raspberry leaf as in large quantities it can trigger contractions so not considered safe when in early stages of pregnancy.

AFM I'm just about to start a post in 2WW board asking ppl when they think I Ov'd as FF is driving me crazy by changing the dates all the time!

- Dinah
:hugs: Membas those cysts don't sound fun!

Sweetpea, keep up the PMA, sorry your cycle is being confusing.

Careful of herbal teas and esp red raspberry leaf as in large quantities it can trigger contractions so not considered safe when in early stages of pregnancy.

AFM I'm just about to start a post in 2WW board asking ppl when they think I Ov'd as FF is driving me crazy by changing the dates all the time!

- Dinah

One should definitely investigate herbal teas and do enough research on them to make informed decisions for themselves. Although I've read that Red Raspberry in large enough doses can cause uterine contractions, I've also read that RRL does not cause uterine contractions, but instead strengthens the uterus so that naturally occurring contractions are more efficient (like for birthing)--nonetheless...many women consume through entire pregnancy at low doses--1 cup per day, with no problems because with low doses it acts as a uterine tonic--strengthening your uterus muscles. Others wait until the third trimester and drink 2 cups/day. I've been drinking it more for the last 3-4 months as a tonic before TTC. I won't be drinking it in my 2WW, but do plan to pick it back up in small doses later in pregnancy--not sure when yet, more research needed. But that's for me and may not be for others. I do think it's all about how much you consume.

As far as Red Clover--it is not recommended to drink at all during pregnancy or breastfeeding--but I don't currently have information on why. I plan to use the red clover from AF-O, but not after.

Just my 2 cents :)
Fair enough :) Like you say everyone needs to do their own research and go with what works for them :)
I second what Membas said re the Raspberry leaf tea. Membas, hope that ovarian cyst goes away! Sounds painful.
Sweetpea, looking at your chart, i would say you haven't ovulated yet. Keep taking those prenatals etc. You never know, soy/redclover could kick start you back into normality.
Gosh, is there one of us who doesn't have something wonky with our cycle??!
I've been reading the stuff on the other threads about soy. Am thinking i'll leave it this month. I'm taking chinese herbs from a really well respected chinese herbalist. She said it would take 2-3 months before i really saw an effect. I've been taking them just over a month. So i guess i need to let them do their stuff. I think if i took soy now i would worry over some weird interaction. But i won't rule it out for later. I think the stress i have been under for the last few years and the cerazette progesterone only pill have knocked me out of kilter. Think my body has forgotten how to make enough of its own! So, assuming this darn exam goes ok on saturday, then life should get a whole lot less stressful. Fingers xd.

zb5, how you doin? Amygdala, did you make it past O and stay sane?! Welcome to your long awaited TTC if you ahve!
Dinah, can't work out how to see your chart to offer an opinion.

Right. Seeing as i'm not pregnant, i am going to have a relaxing glass of wine.

Night ladies.

Fairybabe xx
Aaah, well I think we'll definitely TTC next cycle. Now I am just waiting for O to be over... I think it will be in about 5 days as I just started getting EWCM. Hubby is currently witholding sex because he doesn't want to use a condom :( He really really wants a baby... it is so cute most of the time, and I feel lucky because I know some women spend a lot of effort convincing their husbands.... but right now it's annoying! Grr. Anyways... next cycle! I can't wait!

As for me... no teas or herbs, they kind of freak me out. But who knows, maybe I'll change my mind if we don't get lucky after a few months of trying!

Dinah, I can't see your chart either...

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