TTCing and beyond on the autism spectrum



Group for people on the autism spectrum or partner or children is on the Autism spectrum, to be there for one another for encouragement, happiness and sadness. As sometimes its hard for us to read and understand what others post and vice versa. Hard for them to actually understand how we post and why. this is a safe place to not stress about that and help one another through this TTC Journey.

So welcome everyone, I have 4 kiddoes, all with help and was extremely high risk in all them. I was pregnant 11 times and 4 babies came out of that with lots and lots of help from the medical field. three of which where preemies. Im now ttc for three yrs and its been hard and lonely journey, watching others get that bfp.....
my oh finally is agreeing for us to go back to the RE, see he has no kids just mine from my previous marriage. He always wanted children so I would love to help him have his dream plus wasnt really done

So we started with the RE on nov 6th this month....

so welcome and I hope this group can help others

I have Asperger syndrome and so dose my oldest daughter.:hugs:
:) as I told ya earlier i believe my hubby has mild autism. He wasn't officially diagnosed but was indicated when he was younger. We are not TTC, I believe we're done having babies, but I'll be here for support for you and others!
I really hope you get your next soon! May I ask what RE is?
:) as I told ya earlier i believe my hubby has mild autism. He wasn't officially diagnosed but was indicated when he was younger. We are not TTC, I believe we're done having babies, but I'll be here for support for you and others!
I really hope you get your next soon! May I ask what RE is?

That is really sweet, thank you. I have kiddies to so TTC and beyond seemed right :). RE is Reproductive Endocrinologist. Basically fertility doctor. :)

I was diagnosed when I was very young as well. I used to sit and rock back and forth for hours at a time, I wouldn't look in anyones eyes and to this day I have to consciously think to let people touch me. Otherwise I flinch away. I would go off into my own world as well when I was younger much more then a child would normally. also mhy input and output of just everything was different then all the other kids. I still struggle with that at times.
Do you know what was going on with your husband that they brang it up?
nerdymama, i put something on the thread for dr who...did u see the dying to talk about

also I tested for the past three days...all neg...

but i didnt think i would anyway without help, though im poas addict and its so hard not to buy when walmart is like right here and makes them so

how are things on ur end hun?
I'm not TTC sadly, as I think this group would of been great for me, but I'm on the spectrum. I have aspergers and my son has classic autism. I didn't get diagnosed until 26 so really late in life. I guess I was pretty good at acting normal, but when I became an adult I thought screw this and allowed myself to be me, if that make sense.

I'm sorry you got a BFN. What helped me when I got my BFP was doing the pineapple core. Was the first month I tried that as well as having folic acid so between the two I was doing something right. I can't generally take extra folic acid as it makes me pretty sick so prenatals are out for me :( Although it was also my month to get pregnant as I can only seem to have babies in March/April time. Good luck though.
welcome mummy2o, Im Aspergers as well, Its seems we are in the same boat. They say its not genetic but I wonder because I am and then my daughter. I also see so many others who are on the spectrum have kids on it as well.

How do you find interacting on here. Is it hard for as well. Sometimes I dont quit get the emotion when Im reading or sometimes I write what seems cold but really isnt. So much so that it caused some problems, which I hope I rectified. :)

Also may I ask what made you go get tested at 25? ..Im just curious, I hope I didnt come off nosey.
It's very genetic in my family. All my family isn't diagnosed but most have traits, from my great grandfather to my son. The majority of it is Aspergers, except my son who like I said has classic Autism and I wouldn't change him for the world. So basically anyone on my dad's side is, if that makes sense. There have been new studies to say it is genetic but I think people are two quick to judge and blame vaccinations etc now days as there must be a reason why their child is like this and it can't possibly be genetic as that would make the parents feel awful. That's just my opinion though. Another study I read recently is too many ultrasounds can cause autism... -.-

I don't find it to bad in all honesty. I do have a tendency to speak my mind regardless if its appropriate or not. I've been told that I shouldn't of said that etc a couple of times and can be regard as cold sometimes, so I now, especially if its a debatable topic I try and right a for and against argument about it so I try and appear as neutral as possible. Another thing is I find I'm to honest and open about everything. I don't really see the point of lying although I know its better in certain situations. Also if you ask me a question I will generally answer it as long as I'm comfortable with it.

I'm from the UK and it wasn't common here to screen people for autism unless they had clear markers of classic autism. Anything else was just they'll grow out of it. It wasn't until recently about 10-15 years ago they tested more and more people for aspergers. In the UK we have no up age limit of being diagnosed either. The reason I wanted to be tested was I knew there was something wrong with me, like I was broken. I had depression at the time, but I knew it wasn't all due to that. So I asked my doctor who said whatever your son has (he was being tested at the time) you'll have. So had to wait for him to get his first so they knew what to test me for.

Out of curiosity do you use ovulation tests? I read your a big POAS so many ladies like to pee on those half through. I did for a bit and it showed I ovulate later than expected and I have a shorter LP of 11-12 days. Also for some odd reason after my miscarriage my cycles never returned to normal and I had pretty irregular cycles. Some really short at 21 days and some long at 36 days. I didn't have PCOS though so maybe I'm just odd on that too. I had a scan when I was 3 weeks pregnant to check my ovaries and they were fine. I'm actually quite happy that the scan didn't harm anything in the whole implantation stage as she couldn't see anything on the scan, which is to be expected so my OH thought we were out at this point. Wasn't until I started to get nausea after I ate which prompted me to test to make me realise something wasn't right. BTW OH isn't DS's dad. DS's dad, this is going to sound mean, was to dumb for me! I mean the guy couldn't change a light bulb properly. Who in their right mind can't change a light bulb! DS was an accident on the pill shortly after his dad and I met. So we decided to give it ago. But we were just to different. I expect if it wasn't for DS we'd have broken up ages ago.
justhoping! Hi!! Im sorry i haven't been on here in a bit, I am usually using my phone and don't like to write too long of posts on it! Been thinking about you! Im sorry youre still getting negs... I am sincerely hoping that the re can help ya get another munchkin!! My hubby was brought in to a therapist to talk about his depression at first. Well a lot of the depression and rebellion stemmed from his inability to connect with other people the way "normal people" can. He still has a huge issue with this. We are slowly making progress of socially acceptable responses to some things. He couldn't make friends, he never really has a "filter", he's extremely intelligent with basically an eidetic memory, he has problems understanding empathy and shies away from social situations often. I am a social butterfly so we kinda bump heads on that lol. He is still struggling with a lot but is slowly making friends and navigating office politics the best that he can. I love him to pieces though and wouldn't have him any other way.
I havent been over to the doc who thread either! Like I said my phone is just no fun to write long posts and believe you me when I talk doc who I TALK DOC WHO!!! lmao I just had someone on my facebook feed say they hate doctor who... Im thouroughly upset lol.
Well, I am sitting here having some wine and chilling. Should be checking every now and again. Oh and I am almost finished with school for the break (Thursday YAY!) so hopefully I will have more comp time on here. Missed talking to you!
Oh yea, I forgot to put that Branden has a son from another "relationship" (if you could say that oy!) but they believe that Mikey may have autism and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was genetic. I just hope that horrible woman that he impregnated does something about finding out, because she is making the poor boys life a living hell.....
mommy2o im so sorry and nerdymama im sorry

i have a terrible tummy bug so its hard to pop on..

i promise ill be more active once this goes..omg i feel horrible :(
I'm sorry your feeling under the weather. I hope you pick up soon
It's very genetic in my family. All my family isn't diagnosed but most have traits, from my great grandfather to my son. The majority of it is Aspergers, except my son who like I said has classic Autism and I wouldn't change him for the world. So basically anyone on my dad's side is, if that makes sense. There have been new studies to say it is genetic but I think people are two quick to judge and blame vaccinations etc now days as there must be a reason why their child is like this and it can't possibly be genetic as that would make the parents feel awful. That's just my opinion though. Another study I read recently is too many ultrasounds can cause autism... -.-

I don't find it to bad in all honesty. I do have a tendency to speak my mind regardless if its appropriate or not. I've been told that I shouldn't of said that etc a couple of times and can be regard as cold sometimes, so I now, especially if its a debatable topic I try and right a for and against argument about it so I try and appear as neutral as possible. Another thing is I find I'm to honest and open about everything. I don't really see the point of lying although I know its better in certain situations. Also if you ask me a question I will generally answer it as long as I'm comfortable with it.

I'm from the UK and it wasn't common here to screen people for autism unless they had clear markers of classic autism. Anything else was just they'll grow out of it. It wasn't until recently about 10-15 years ago they tested more and more people for aspergers. In the UK we have no up age limit of being diagnosed either. The reason I wanted to be tested was I knew there was something wrong with me, like I was broken. I had depression at the time, but I knew it wasn't all due to that. So I asked my doctor who said whatever your son has (he was being tested at the time) you'll have. So had to wait for him to get his first so they knew what to test me for.

Out of curiosity do you use ovulation tests? I read your a big POAS so many ladies like to pee on those half through. I did for a bit and it showed I ovulate later than expected and I have a shorter LP of 11-12 days. Also for some odd reason after my miscarriage my cycles never returned to normal and I had pretty irregular cycles. Some really short at 21 days and some long at 36 days. I didn't have PCOS though so maybe I'm just odd on that too. I had a scan when I was 3 weeks pregnant to check my ovaries and they were fine. I'm actually quite happy that the scan didn't harm anything in the whole implantation stage as she couldn't see anything on the scan, which is to be expected so my OH thought we were out at this point. Wasn't until I started to get nausea after I ate which prompted me to test to make me realise something wasn't right. BTW OH isn't DS's dad. DS's dad, this is going to sound mean, was to dumb for me! I mean the guy couldn't change a light bulb properly. Who in their right mind can't change a light bulb! DS was an accident on the pill shortly after his dad and I met. So we decided to give it ago. But we were just to different. I expect if it wasn't for DS we'd have broken up ages ago.

very interesting, and thanks for sharing..
i as well find that I tend to tell the truth then white lie like alot of people do. I actually cannot put two and two together in my head to make a lie, like it doesnt computer and then really confuses me if i try,....
everything with me as well is very factual which can drive people crazy especially because I know im right LOL....
People dont get people like us live on facts not just whims, and i feel horrible that more then alot I sound cold. I dont mean to do any of this, its just apart of the whole thing I guess. I know it makes people not comfortable too...its nice to have someone else know what im talking about...:)

i use opks but im not sure there working right, three yrs now so...
my opks turn dark around the 11-12 usually, but then stay dark till my period...recently in the last few months started to do that..
i usually take the tests as soon as they positive i do the dead for a few days and then hope....
that is how ur supposed to use them ;)

happy to have you in this group...hopefully somemore people join :)
Oh yea, I forgot to put that Branden has a son from another "relationship" (if you could say that oy!) but they believe that Mikey may have autism and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was genetic. I just hope that horrible woman that he impregnated does something about finding out, because she is making the poor boys life a living hell.....

aww i hope they figure things out for him...noadays there is so much for people like us out there to help..

im glad ur hubby is finally getting the help he needs..but mind the ques might not really get...its like trying to find the right piece to the puzzle but wont fit exactly right...:)

really they said they hate dr dare they!! lol
Almost time for ovulation for you. I hope you have time to DTD.

I love my facts also. I remember doing an accountancy course as I wanted to be an accountant. What they taught me in the classroom and what you did in the work place was different. I couldn't get my head around it, although it was all basically the same. I just couldn't cope with it in the end. So when I decided to go back to college I ended up getting pregnant. On the plus side I get will get to do some brilliant bonding with my daughter once she's here.

Have you been diagnosed with POCS? It is probably why you get a positive OPK until your period. I temped the time I got my BFP. It was my first time that month trying it. Plus we hardly DTD so I was very surprised.
i kind of temp too....i have positve opk and im hoping we get to do the deed tonight...we shall see..
i never got told I have pcos...I dont think you can just all the sudden get pcos..
though I do think I may have some sort of hormonal imbalance... as the opk thing is only for the last six month its doing that....

Yea it is very frustrating when we do facts and know them and people pull things out of random or air and , when we know for a fact its not...its so hard to sit talking to someone when they want you to agree with them for the sake and i know sometimes its much nicer to do it...really what is the harm....
but its hard to do that because our brains do not comprehend doing cant break it down and then when i do it just to appease them My head goes in circles....and i so want to correct it...LOL

Perception with this problem is huge...people dont want to understand it...(shrug)
Ovulation day for you today, yay. I hope you get your BFP soon. Its uncommon to suddenly get PCOS, but if you've put on weight from a normal BMI then you could get it, if that makes sense.
Ovulation day for you today, yay. I hope you get your BFP soon. Its uncommon to suddenly get PCOS, but if you've put on weight from a normal BMI then you could get it, if that makes sense.

I have put on weight but im not huge. So maybe, i hope not...I do get my period every month normally so I dont think it can be that..though yrs ago i had problems with getting my period but that is almost 20 yrsz ago and over the yrs seemed to correct itself..

yes im 1dpo i think as i think i oed early this here is to hoping :)
I know you don't want to hear this, especially when TTC but my arm is killing me due to the whooping cough injection :( I have a very low pain threshold, which is odd as most people with ASD get a high one, including my son. Since he's non verbal sort of, he can talk but its not like a normal child as such as he won't tell you what he's done that day, but he'll tell you all about his favourite TV programs, give you a list of all his DVD's, chat about what he's doing on his computer and what he's had that day for food. He'll remember that but if you ask how did you get that bruise he'll look at if you were asking him a complicated question about how the world was made! So at the end of the day I spend 5 minutes checking him over making sure he's not got any major cuts or anything I need to go to A&E about. So far he's has one major accident and I was with him when he did it so I took him straight away. It was the first thing he's cried about when he feel off a climbing frame of all things, the ironic thing is he must have climbed on it 100 times before, but I guess he just miss placed his footing or something. So he had his head glued for that, but he was back to normal when we got home so it was sort lived. So my conclusion to it all is we're all different and some have a high pain threshold and some have an insanely crappy one like me. How's your pain threshold? Are you all ready for Christmas? I hope you get your BFP this month. When will you be testing?

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