TTCing and beyond on the autism spectrum

I feel like I'm behind you having babies! Then again DS dad and I broke up when DS was 2. It really was one of the best choices I've made. He was an idiot. What man doesn't know how to change a light bulb or build flat pack furniture. He really is the most stupid man on the planet, and unfortunately I found I need someone roughly as intelligent as me otherwise it really doesn't work. We also had nothing in common and we only ended up together when the pill failed and I got pregnant with DS after a month of knowing him.

So then I met Martin, who has his own set of issues. OCD being his main one, which is great as I hate housework and I never do it right. So I don't clean, ever. Plus he's a geek and fixes my pc when it goes wrong, so that can't be bad right. He is far more useful in other ways to, like he can barbecue, fix or mend broken things and do generally more guy stuff if that makes sense. So far more useful that DS's dad. Only problem was he was gay and married, technically still is, but going through a messy divorce right now, so he lost a lot of friends as they sided with his ex, although they hadn't been together for a year, just lived together. So he's getting his first child soon and couldn't be more excited. He was really panicking that the baby was coming early as I got my first BH yesterday, which was weird as I never got them with DS.

DS is very independent, but such a mummy's boy. I think as it was just him and me for such a long time we got a special bond. He's still my baby in many ways as although he's 6 almost 7 when baby gets here, he's still a preschooler in his mind, which is fine. He has pretty severe autism and was non verbal, but he's language is coming along no end right now and we're starting to have basic conversations to each other.

My geekiness is mainly gaming and animes. So my ideal place to be would be Japan as they have the best of both, plus I'm just obsessed about it. My dad has been fortunate enough to work there a few times so has brought me some nice things back. The thing I find is when people ask what are your hobbies, I find it hard to answer as I have such limited ones and a normal person can list a massive list, where as mine seem boring and irrelevant to the normal person. The only 'normal' things I would include are piano playing and horse riding, but I haven't done either in ages so I guess they would no longer count.

Evangeline is one I haven't actually seen yet. I will get round to seeing it in the new year though. The last one I saw was Love lab whilst watching half of Ranma 1/2. I find that series too big and have to break it up. So I think I have 100 episodes left to watch, which I'll find time before the baby gets here.

Congrats on the faint test. I hate testing early, I hate testing late also as my cycles could be weird. The only reason I tested this time was as I was getting sick after I ate, which was weird for me, so my MS if you could call it that, started at a little after 4 weeks.
i read ur post hun just buy as its new years even I PROMISE I WILL ANSWER IT TOMORROW OR THE DAY AFTER i dont want to give a generic response..i want to give you a real wwarm one :)
happy new yr sweetie and to everyone in this thread !!

keep safe
Happy new years guys! I agree I can't really answer much right now I'm going to try later! Have wonderful nights!! :hugs: from sc!
Hey lady! Hope your new years was wonderful! I just had a couple glasses of wine played guitar and watched a silly movie lol
I think Dr who comes out in April or around there :/ I have to check but I'm pretty sure that's what they did last year. All my favorite shows tend to start all at once lol
You got quite the brood there! Most teenage girls are crazy dramatic lol I know i used to be hehe. I don't know how you deal with your boy and girls! In already terrified of my baby boy finding girlfriends! Ahhhhh no... Won't think about it! Lol
I do hope you can get your new babe soon hopefully this month! You need to test again!!
I can imagine it being hard to connect with people if they don't take the time to get to know you. Branden has this issue. and has very few friends due to it. It makes me sad because he is so kind and would give the shirt off his back to help someone. They just don't like his brutal honesty. It is what it is though. I figure in a way that the friends that are willing to see him for him are true and ones to keep.
How long have you and your hubby been together?
we are away at the moment so only can give this a bit of attenton while he munches ona

we not married but do plan on it in the future....we been together over a yr...:)

a you know i have that problem with people..i just had that problem in another thread as I did not see the line in the first test or second and she got pissed off...and then people are like ur so negative..

they dont get that i cannot do lies or white lies and i can only be tends to piss people off :(

but i would think you want to have people tell u the brutal truth..i want them to do that with me....

but also again i cant lie so there enlies the problem alot of times :(..

i have friends but not a large amount, i count myself very lucky the great friends i have had and i have had then for i also think that counts and shows what a good person is..

if u only have new friends something is why cant you hold onto your friends....i amy only be able to count my friends on one hand kind of but there the best friends in the world and i wouldnt change them for the world.... :)

ill talk more about what u wrote when i get on...

i tested today i swear i see something but oh says no..:( pout!
Did you start AF? I thought I saw that on a another thread... Of so I'm sorry babe :(.
Yea I only have a few true friends. I tend to get along with the make species more than females but when a gal comes along that I get on with I get very pleased :)
Awwww, that's great that you guys have been together for over a year and are working on having a lo together! You guys must really love one another! Branden and I were together 6 months when we got pregnant with Autumn :D
I'm sorry it's been a few days, been really trying to play stairway to heaven on the guitar so I haven't done much other than that! I suck at it! Lol
Ooo and we got a new kitten. She's. all white and we adopted her from the SPCA. She has a wound on her tail that's pretty bad but we're nursing her to health. I hope she works out for us. Our last adoption didn't :(.
I think it is better to get the truth in all honesty. Sometimes yes it may not be what you want to hear but you at least never have to cover your tracks! I don't understand posting tests on here and wanting lies but I guess I understand that TTC is hard and false hope is at least something to hold on to during the tww but at the same time I would think it would be more heartbreaking to think you were and wasn't.
You back from your holiday? Hope this message sees you well! :hugs:
Did you start AF? I thought I saw that on a another thread... Of so I'm sorry babe :(.
Yea I only have a few true friends. I tend to get along with the make species more than females but when a gal comes along that I get on with I get very pleased :)
Awwww, that's great that you guys have been together for over a year and are working on having a lo together! You guys must really love one another! Branden and I were together 6 months when we got pregnant with Autumn :D
I'm sorry it's been a few days, been really trying to play stairway to heaven on the guitar so I haven't done much other than that! I suck at it! Lol
Ooo and we got a new kitten. She's. all white and we adopted her from the SPCA. She has a wound on her tail that's pretty bad but we're nursing her to health. I hope she works out for us. Our last adoption didn't :(.
I think it is better to get the truth in all honesty. Sometimes yes it may not be what you want to hear but you at least never have to cover your tracks! I don't understand posting tests on here and wanting lies but I guess I understand that TTC is hard and false hope is at least something to hold on to during the tww but at the same time I would think it would be more heartbreaking to think you were and wasn't.
You back from your holiday? Hope this message sees you well! :hugs:

aww i love kitty cats :) so cute, i hope that works out for you..
btw i miss typed, we together over three yrs and trying three...i have no idea why i typed that except i was so its been a very long haul..

yes the evil witch got me but its ok on Monday i make app for my hsg and hopefully that will tell us what is going on ..

yea i would also rather hear the truth as it would be more heartbreaking to think i was when i wasnt just because someone didnt want to hurt my feelings...:/
they would be hurt more...

i just got stalked on another thread by someone because i want pussy footing around the subject...

i so wish i can say, this is how i talk..i dont know how to talk any other way unfortunately and even if i tried it would come out so wrong..:(...but the best that comes from it is at least it facts and at least its the truth. and there is never ever a harmful entention so at least you know that is what you would get from me ya know......what is the harm?? :cry:

anyway i also get along better with males but when i find a female that i actually get along with i am very happy :) lol

alot alike i see :)
Oh! Lol so you and your oh have been together around as long as me and b have :) oh man though... 3 years of trying? That's got to be tough. Im glad you're getting seen and hopefully they can help you guys get your lo!!
I find it inexplicable that you have in your signature that you have aspergers and people still want to be like that! Oh hell though we are in forums with women in all different hormonal states lol I guess it's bound to happen that common sense Gets over ridden. Plus let's face it, writing something over the net, email or text can sound however anyone wants it to sound. It's a horrible medium for emotion. There is never harm in the truth just got to let some of these confrontations roll off of ya, people will find any way to get offended.
I think the reason I get along better with males is because I tend to be brass. They don't seem to mind as much. I also am bi so I gawk at females with them lmao
Oh! Lol so you and your oh have been together around as long as me and b have :) oh man though... 3 years of trying? That's got to be tough. Im glad you're getting seen and hopefully they can help you guys get your lo!!
I find it inexplicable that you have in your signature that you have aspergers and people still want to be like that! Oh hell though we are in forums with women in all different hormonal states lol I guess it's bound to happen that common sense Gets over ridden. Plus let's face it, writing something over the net, email or text can sound however anyone wants it to sound. It's a horrible medium for emotion. There is never harm in the truth just got to let some of these confrontations roll off of ya, people will find any way to get offended.
I think the reason I get along better with males is because I tend to be brass. They don't seem to mind as much. I also am bi so I gawk at females with them lmao

i do try to let it roll off my back, i wish i could do it more...

lol im not bi but i do look at both boys and girls..i find the human body very beautiful and nothing wrong with a gorgeous

i made my app for my hsg, guess i need to put that on the other thread too..

its on the thirteen..and no sex between now and then at all they said...this is going to be one tuff week LOL OH is already complaining haha!

even though its a week away im hoping the week goes by fast....its amazing how something can crawl along when you want it so much lol...
if i didnt have this hsg this week would fly on by....

how is ur hubby doing....u said he was looking for a job..any luck? If im wrong im sorry but i could have swore...:blush:
I totally get the canvas thing :) there are some beautiful creations on this planet be it male, female, black, white :) Branden and I find it amusing that I'm more attracted to females but I only ever want relationships with men. I thinkI also have a strict standards of skinny guys with big noses lmao that's like 95% of the men I have dated!
I wish I could be that upset over a week of no fun time! Me and oh don't get frisky too often with Merrick sleeping in the room... He's a light sleeper :( but you can make it! Do you both have to abstain or can you do other stuff *wink, wink* :p
I hope they can give you answers and any help you need soyou guys can have a baby!
Branden is fine with his job now. Ho's hours didn't get cut much, just normal after season cut. He has more hours than others in the store save for management. I wish he would find something else though and preferably using his talent as a writer. He is so superb at worrying it just makes me his lack of motivation!
Are you an er nurse right now or do you work someplace else? Sorry if I've asked before, it's been one of those days where I'm lucky I remember my name lol
Not worrying* writing... Stupidauto correct... <---- see! It hates me! Lol
I totally get the canvas thing :) there are some beautiful creations on this planet be it male, female, black, white :) Branden and I find it amusing that I'm more attracted to females but I only ever want relationships with men. I thinkI also have a strict standards of skinny guys with big noses lmao that's like 95% of the men I have dated!
I wish I could be that upset over a week of no fun time! Me and oh don't get frisky too often with Merrick sleeping in the room... He's a light sleeper :( but you can make it! Do you both have to abstain or can you do other stuff *wink, wink* :p
I hope they can give you answers and any help you need soyou guys can have a baby!
Branden is fine with his job now. Ho's hours didn't get cut much, just normal after season cut. He has more hours than others in the store save for management. I wish he would find something else though and preferably using his talent as a writer. He is so superb at worrying it just makes me his lack of motivation!
Are you an er nurse right now or do you work someplace else? Sorry if I've asked before, it's been one of those days where I'm lucky I remember my name lol

lmao, my i typo so much my friends have a special name for my typing language..(Robinese) lmao! yea sooooo kind of them..(giggles)

yea you get it....most dont get it that the body is a beautiful canvas and if i find anyone attractive im going to look..i never get mad at OH for just looking either as it is only

looking and who CANT look at a beautiful

im glad ur OH's hours became bad they didnt fire Ho bag...she really needs it...
why doesnt he start blogging , some people seem to make a good living at it, if he is that good..maybe give it a try and see where it may take him...:)

btw i dont mind the break from (fun) for a week but OH loves it he sort of pouting a bit..but knows i wont let him go with nothing....

men are more into the gratifying of the relationship and i found it helps to keep us happy if we keep them happy LOL

ps i pmmed u back ;)
I'm sorry I'm not trying to be nosey or anything but what is "doing the pineapple core"? I've never heard of it and I was just wondering.
I'm sorry I'm not trying to be nosey or anything but what is "doing the pineapple core"? I've never heard of it and I was just wondering.

Pineapple core is when you take the core of a pineapple, slice it into 5 pieces and eat one each day from the day you ovulate. Although I would recommend buying 5 pineapples and eating a fresh core each time as by day 3 I wasn't keen on it. However, I did get pregnant the month I tried that. Then I was also temping and it was the month I get pregnant. So we had a lot of luck on our side.

As for the new Doctor being old, OH got a Dr Who calender so we're using that, and the first doctor is really old! He has a granddaughter so that's very different from what we're use to. Then again you guys haven't had the doctor as long as we have. It was always on at the weekend. I so scared of dalaks growing up, between them and the honey monster I was having so really bad night mares.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread much, things have been so hectic here. We might finally be moving with some luck. I found a house I like, so just waiting to see if we get accepted to have it. Only thing is we'll have to get a shower as I hate baths, but that's a minor issue all things considered. Then we've been baby shopping. So much still left to buy. I'm so not a planner in any shape or forum, but everything seems to fall together last minute so just waiting now.

Justhoping: Sorry AF got you. Its no fun when she feels like coming. But always this month right.
Davissa pinapple core helps the baby implant expecially if people have a problem with it so they eat it after O some eat it up to when af is due, some just do the 4 peices. It really is up to you...

Mobaby , a dr who calander Im sooo jealous!! I want I want i WANT LOL..

i have been watching dr who since im about 2 i think and im going to be 42 and my mom says its been on since it started in nyc or right outside so...i guess we had it here from the begining as well..:) Just not everyone knew about it, at first they would put the two hours shows on for 15 minutes at a time and it would go like that each week...i think if they drew a epi out like that i would die! lol

Yes the first dr had a grandaughter..ever wonder if they will adresss that as well..maybe it was more a respect thing then anything else...though he did say he had a mabe that is his daughters daughter??

Mobaby getting a house. how must be tickled pink :) I know I would be :)goodluck with that

and i get my hsg this monday im hoping all is clear and sometimes people have something easy in there tubes blocking and the hsg helps push it out and ur pray for me please...that would be great!! then we could go on and maybe baby in a month or two???
Please delete if not ok. I was wondering if i could get some advice on my daughter who is currently being assesed for Autism. People are trying to comfort me but i figured i wont be happy until I actually speak to people on this spectrum :) x

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