OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Look at what happens when I am sleeping on the other side of the world! I wake up and all kinds of excitement has occurred on the TTHF thread!
Niamh congratulations love! I am so happy for you!! What wonderful news. And I cant believe it was a month when you werent really TTC
.! So excited and cant wait to follow your journey xxxxx
Mushmouth I already wrote this on your BFP announcement thread but YAY I am so happy for you! That is such great news!! Am over the moon for you xxxx
Thanks girls - I havent been in here since the roll call as i felt sooooooooo guilty at catching easily, and then this happened again. I just hope its not easy come, easy go like last time.
I'm sorry I've been selfish


to all of you
how are we all? I'll have a read back over the last few pages
Oh sweets, thats not selfish I totally understand. But you dont need to feel guilty, we are all so happy for you! And we know you have had a rough time of it, so extra super happy for you xxx

I bought one spent money I shouldnt have but its a

OMG OMG my hands are shaking my nerves !!!!
I would like to mention,that even though my situation is my situation, I am still having rauncy sex dreams!!!
I had a dream I went back to college with my husband but I forced him to stay in a different dorm building so I can move in with Brody Jenner!!! WTF?! I am not even a big fan of his! And I woke up wanting my husband really badly!!! ahahahaha

Dirty whore! lol
Ha ha, Brody Jenner? Thats pretty funny! Isnt it weird that sometimes the dirty dreams are about people you would never think you were attracted to in real life!
The only thing I dreamt about last night was having people over to dinner and then being really stressed that I didnt have anything to cook them! I think I would have rather Brody Jenner
awww julia, love your pics. you are so gorgeous, so is your hubby and your dd.
and so is that guy you had a sex dream about lol H O T!
I was just watching Holly's World, you know Holly Madison who used to be in the Playboy mansion, im a bit jealous of her she seems to have such a fun time! i really should go and do some studying lol
Grrrr, I cant see the photos on my computer at the moment
Honey, I wouldnt feel too jealous of Holly Madison!
Yesterday was ok, I met the other teachers and got to spend time with the ladies in my yr6 team and do some planning which was good. Today is the first day back for the students so I will get to meet them today. I couldn't sleep I was so nervous so I just got out of bed and came on here but I might go and try to do some prep so I can look like I have my head screwed on straight when I get there this morning!
Oooh, good luck for meet the students! I can imagine why that makes you nervous
I always thought it would be a bit scary to be a teacher and have to stand up in front of everyone all day! But it must be fun too
I sometimes wish I had trained as a primary school teacher. I guess I still can! Hope it goes well love xx
Thats ok jaimie, you keep the uber lucky batch of softcups!!! I gotmy bfp on my third month of using them, along with my first whole month of drinking rrl tea and first cycle using digi opks. I am swearing by those three things and that is what I am going to do when I am able! I did see your post of the new girls! WELCOME NEW GIRLS!!!!!!!
Have fun in the new thread girls! Save a seat over there for me....
I like your lucky combo of three Julia. I just used softcups for the second month, I like them too! But think I might check out the RRL tea as well.
I really hate the reason that you are back with us, but I love reading your posts again you are always funny and inspiring and such a lovely person to have around on TTHF xxxx
PHEW! I am on hour 1.5 of a 13 or 14 hour workday and not feeling it-and carpel tunnel like sensations acting up so will make it short.
Tryfor-my name is Kristi-but my nickname is Titi-It's all I could say when I was little (TEE TEE).
Cocotini recipe-1 part coconut rum, 1 part irish cream, 1 part chocolate liquer shaken over ice and strained in chocolate syrup swirled martini glass. With a dollop of ice cream if you like.
Avatar is actually pic of hubby with one of our friends baby at our "dual wedding shower" we had. He refused to hold a baby when we first met-(scared he said) then slowly graduated to the akwardness to now excitable. Speaking of his cousins baby tho, the cousin has been madly posting pics and status updates and still no WORD from the mum. hmmmm.
Ew, what a yucky long day Titi! Make sure you take lots of BnB breaks!
Your nickname is cute! My little brother used to call me Mamey because for some reason he couldnt say Amy. It was so sweet.
Oh, my OH with babies just kills me. A couple of weeks ago my cousin and her one year old were visiting and we were walking across our land
my OH was carrying the baby and they were playing all sorts of games, it was so sweet and made me get all teary. He is going to be such an amazing father and I just hope hope hope he gets the chance to be.
Gosh, I feel all overwhelmed by all the TTHF news!
Ha ha Jaimie I am not the only multi-post queen check you out! How are you doing love? How is the flower coming along?
Where is Jill these days? I miss her!
Some good friend of ours just had their second baby, a girl called Evie Rose. Such a cute name! They live in Australia but hopefully get to see them soon. I am getting kind of nervous about the fact that in a few weeks I am going to be going to Melbourne to see one of my besties and her new bubs (which hasnt been born yet). I am soooooo happy for her, but when we planned this trip originally I kind of assumed I would be pg by then. I think it will be fine, but I know some part of me is going to find it difficult as well.
In other news
..I have something fun to look forward to in December. I think I already said that I have tickets to go see Blondie and The Pretenders play at a vineyard? Im going with my two other besties and we are going to bring our partners and hire a house for the weekend. It will be sunny by then, and we can go to vineyards and laze around and have bbqs and stuff! I know its ages away, but I cant wait.