
PHEW! I am on hour 1.5 of a 13 or 14 hour workday and not feeling it-and carpel tunnel like sensations acting up so will make it short.

Tryfor-my name is Kristi-but my nickname is Titi-It's all I could say when I was little (TEE TEE).

Cocotini recipe-1 part coconut rum, 1 part irish cream, 1 part chocolate liquer shaken over ice and strained in chocolate syrup swirled martini glass. With a dollop of ice cream if you like.

Avatar is actually pic of hubby with one of our friends baby at our "dual wedding shower" we had. He refused to hold a baby when we first met-(scared he said) then slowly graduated to the akwardness to now excitable. Speaking of his cousins baby tho, the cousin has been madly posting pics and status updates and still no WORD from the mum. hmmmm.

okay back to work sorry I'm missing stuff.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Look at what happens when I am sleeping on the other side of the world! I wake up and all kinds of excitement has occurred on the TTHF thread!

Niamh – congratulations love! I am so happy for you!! What wonderful news. And I can’t believe it was a month when you weren’t really TTC….! So excited and can’t wait to follow your journey xxxxx

Mushmouth – I already wrote this on your BFP announcement thread but YAY I am so happy for you! That is such great news!! Am over the moon for you xxxx

Thanks girls - I havent been in here since the roll call as i felt sooooooooo guilty at catching easily, and then this happened again. I just hope its not easy come, easy go like last time.

I'm sorry I've been selfish :( massive :hugs: to all of you

how are we all? I'll have a read back over the last few pages :flow:

Oh sweets, that’s not selfish – I totally understand. But you don’t need to feel guilty, we are all so happy for you! And we know you have had a rough time of it, so extra super happy for you xxx

Niamh :test: !!!

I bought one spent money I shouldnt have but its a :bfp: OMG OMG my hands are shaking my nerves !!!!


I would like to mention,that even though my situation is my situation, I am still having rauncy sex dreams!!!

I had a dream I went back to college with my husband but I forced him to stay in a different dorm building so I can move in with Brody Jenner!!! WTF?! I am not even a big fan of his! And I woke up wanting my husband really badly!!! ahahahaha :rofl: Dirty whore! lol

Ha ha, Brody Jenner? That’s pretty funny! Isn’t it weird that sometimes the dirty dreams are about people you would never think you were attracted to in real life!

The only thing I dreamt about last night was having people over to dinner and then being really stressed that I didn’t have anything to cook them! I think I would have rather Brody Jenner….

awww julia, love your pics. you are so gorgeous, so is your hubby and your dd.

and so is that guy you had a sex dream about lol H O T!

I was just watching Holly's World, you know Holly Madison who used to be in the Playboy mansion, im a bit jealous of her she seems to have such a fun time! i really should go and do some studying lol

Grrrr, I can’t see the photos on my computer at the moment…

Honey, I wouldn’t feel too jealous of Holly Madison!

Yesterday was ok, I met the other teachers and got to spend time with the ladies in my yr6 team and do some planning which was good. Today is the first day back for the students so I will get to meet them today. I couldn't sleep I was so nervous so I just got out of bed and came on here but I might go and try to do some prep so I can look like I have my head screwed on straight when I get there this morning!

Oooh, good luck for meet the students! I can imagine why that makes you nervous…I always thought it would be a bit scary to be a teacher and have to stand up in front of everyone all day! But it must be fun too…I sometimes wish I had trained as a primary school teacher. I guess I still can! Hope it goes well love xx

Thats ok jaimie, you keep the uber lucky batch of softcups!!! I gotmy bfp on my third month of using them, along with my first whole month of drinking rrl tea and first cycle using digi opks. I am swearing by those three things and that is what I am going to do when I am able! I did see your post of the new girls! WELCOME NEW GIRLS!!!!!!!

Have fun in the new thread girls! Save a seat over there for me....

I like your lucky combo of three Julia. I just used softcups for the second month, I like them too! But think I might check out the RRL tea as well.

I really hate the reason that you are back with us, but I love reading your posts again – you are always funny and inspiring and such a lovely person to have around on TTHF xxxx

PHEW! I am on hour 1.5 of a 13 or 14 hour workday and not feeling it-and carpel tunnel like sensations acting up so will make it short.

Tryfor-my name is Kristi-but my nickname is Titi-It's all I could say when I was little (TEE TEE).

Cocotini recipe-1 part coconut rum, 1 part irish cream, 1 part chocolate liquer shaken over ice and strained in chocolate syrup swirled martini glass. With a dollop of ice cream if you like.

Avatar is actually pic of hubby with one of our friends baby at our "dual wedding shower" we had. He refused to hold a baby when we first met-(scared he said) then slowly graduated to the akwardness to now excitable. Speaking of his cousins baby tho, the cousin has been madly posting pics and status updates and still no WORD from the mum. hmmmm.

Ew, what a yucky long day Titi! Make sure you take lots of BnB breaks!

Your nickname is cute! My little brother used to call me ‘Mamey’ because for some reason he couldn’t say ‘Amy’. It was so sweet.

Oh, my OH with babies just kills me. A couple of weeks ago my cousin and her one year old were visiting and we were walking across our land…my OH was carrying the baby and they were playing all sorts of games, it was so sweet and made me get all teary. He is going to be such an amazing father and I just hope hope hope he gets the chance to be.

Gosh, I feel all overwhelmed by all the TTHF news!

Ha ha Jaimie – I am not the only multi-post queen – check you out! How are you doing love? How is the flower coming along?

Where is Jill these days? I miss her!

Some good friend of ours just had their second baby, a girl called Evie Rose. Such a cute name! They live in Australia but hopefully get to see them soon. I am getting kind of nervous about the fact that in a few weeks I am going to be going to Melbourne to see one of my besties and her new bubs (which hasn’t been born yet). I am soooooo happy for her, but when we planned this trip originally I kind of assumed I would be pg by then. I think it will be fine, but I know some part of me is going to find it difficult as well.

In other news…..I have something fun to look forward to in December. I think I already said that I have tickets to go see Blondie and The Pretenders play at a vineyard? I’m going with my two other besties and we are going to bring our partners and hire a house for the weekend. It will be sunny by then, and we can go to vineyards and laze around and have bbqs and stuff! I know it’s ages away, but I can’t wait.
lol!! I've not even looked in TTHFUTD, and i dont think im going to until im... you know....

hey niamh, I dont know what cd im on!! and im not using opk or cbfm or temping or anything lol. I mean, i can work it out.... it's like cd11 or something. but i have to work it out, i dont just know it anymore. maybe the chilled out approach will work for me too!?

I'm so proud Honey:hugs::hugs: by the way you have a nice spot waiting for you over with us:hugs:

I don't want us all to get separated or leave any one behind I'm hoping this thread will continue for a long time but we all will graduate and pass on our TTHF vibe to other stressed out TCC Gals.
Aw Lucky ~ I TOTALLY (totes) know what you are saying about hoping you'd be pg before you saw your friend that is due soon. That is the exact same thing I was hoping for when I went to New York in May ; ( You'll be alright though, it isn't really as bad as you fear. I hope your friend is as sensitive to your frustration as mine has been towards me ~ she is always re-afirming her faith that I'll be a mom someday soon. Are you seeing two babies when you go to Oz? Your trip in December sounds AMAZING!

I did manage to get a better handle on my approach to that beaded hair flower thingy - I'll definitely post pics once it starts to come together.

Whew - I can smell all those stinky pee marks on TTHFUTD from over here in the TTC threads! hee. Honeybee - I can understand you not wanting to cross that line till you get pg, but all the gals are marking their territory over there! I'll do some extra marking to save you a spot, ok?
Eeee pages of updates! Where to start?? CONGRATULATIONS Mush and Niamh!!! :happydance: Happy and Healthy (and fun!) 8 months ladies!

Tryfor you are a gorgeous gal with a gorgeous family!

Soph I hope you settle right in at your new job and love it there!

Titi that is a ridiculously long shift! Tell me you don't have to do this often??

Lucky I love Blondie and The Pretenders are great too! Totally love that you're going to go see them! I'm waaay out of the loop on stuff like that and had no idea they were all still preforming! Wonderful!

Jaimie your pee comment made me :rofl:
Yay Niamh - big congrats! That is fantastic and I am so happy for you!

The link to the thread you sent me didn't work - can you post it here?

Congrats Mush! Hope you have a happy healthy 8+ months - see you on the other side.

Fx for the rest of you. Will catch up when I get home after work. (Gonna be late if I don't go now!)
:rofl: Soph posted on TTHFUTD that she was "marking her territory" :rofl: That is extra funny because we pee on hpt's to get our bfp's!!! Very clever Soph, glad you are a teacher :thumbup:

haha I actually didn't think of that when I posted, I just had visions of us all wannabe preggos cocking our legs like dogs do to mark our territory! It is YOU Jamie who is the clever one!

In other news…..I have something fun to look forward to in December. I think I already said that I have tickets to go see Blondie and The Pretenders play at a vineyard? I’m going with my two other besties and we are going to bring our partners and hire a house for the weekend. It will be sunny by then, and we can go to vineyards and laze around and have bbqs and stuff! I know it’s ages away, but I can’t wait.

Is that a 'Day on the Green' concert? We went to one here not too long ago with Mental as Anything, The Proclaimers and B52's, it was awesome!!! I got so drunk and danced like a maniac. We took the boys and they had a ball too dancing like idiots. All the drunk ladies kept on coming up to us and saying 'your kids are soooo cute!'

Work was good today, the kids were great. There were a few that stood out for all the wrong reasons but the other yr6 teacher run a pretty tight ship and I like that. I think I am really going to love it there. Hope they give me permanency even if I do get UTD! Wont qualify for paid maternity leave but at least I will have something secure for afterwards. Good thing is that even if you are on unpaid maternity leave you still get full pay during the holidays :)
Yay Niamh - big congrats! That is fantastic and I am so happy for you!

The link to the thread you sent me didn't work - can you post it here?

Congrats Mush! Hope you have a happy healthy 8+ months - see you on the other side.

Fx for the rest of you. Will catch up when I get home after work. (Gonna be late if I don't go now!)

Try that one :thumbup:

Thanks Tanikit
Lucky thanks hun, Im only hoping we all will have those BFP :hugs:

It will happen xx

Aw Lucky ~ I TOTALLY (totes) know what you are saying about hoping you'd be pg before you saw your friend that is due soon. That is the exact same thing I was hoping for when I went to New York in May ; ( You'll be alright though, it isn't really as bad as you fear. I hope your friend is as sensitive to your frustration as mine has been towards me ~ she is always re-afirming her faith that I'll be a mom someday soon. Are you seeing two babies when you go to Oz? Your trip in December sounds AMAZING!

I did manage to get a better handle on my approach to that beaded hair flower thingy - I'll definitely post pics once it starts to come together.

Thanks for the reassurance Jaimie...yeah, I am sure it will be's just going to be a pretty intensive week, as we are going over to help out when her hubby goes back to work, so planning to pretty much be there every day, do the cooking, go to the supermarket etc so she can chill out with her new son (they know it's a boy). So it's going to be baby time all week long. Which I can't wait for, but you know, feel a bit nervous about too! Yeah, my friend is sensitive to my feelings...but I don't want her to worry about me, just want her to enjoy being a new Mum. I think it will be fine. If not, I am going to have to do some emergency BnB posts!

Just seeing the one baby...the other one (and her family!) lives in Sydney.

Glad that the flower is coming together - def want to see pics!

Lucky I love Blondie and The Pretenders are great too! Totally love that you're going to go see them! I'm waaay out of the loop on stuff like that and had no idea they were all still preforming! Wonderful!

Yeah, they are still rockin' it! I saw The Pretenders about five years ago, they were great!

Is that a 'Day on the Green' concert? We went to one here not too long ago with Mental as Anything, The Proclaimers and B52's, it was awesome!!! I got so drunk and danced like a maniac. We took the boys and they had a ball too dancing like idiots. All the drunk ladies kept on coming up to us and saying 'your kids are soooo cute!'

Work was good today, the kids were great. There were a few that stood out for all the wrong reasons but the other yr6 teacher run a pretty tight ship and I like that. I think I am really going to love it there. Hope they give me permanency even if I do get UTD! Wont qualify for paid maternity leave but at least I will have something secure for afterwards. Good thing is that even if you are on unpaid maternity leave you still get full pay during the holidays :)

Yep, Day on the Green. That's so cool you saw the B52's, I was so tempted to go to that in Adelaide! How fun.

Congrats on your first day going so well! That's great. When do you find out if you get permanency?
wow it has been 18 years since I saw the B52's! (with Violent Femmes).

Jaimie-this is for you: :bodyb:

Tryfor-can't remember if I commented on how beautiful your pics are!

Lilaala-Those shifts used to be more the norm than the rarity-sadly......but I hired another person a month ago and now I only have to do them about once every 2 weeks. I work out of my house with my DH so it is really not near as bad as it sounds-just I have either carpel tunnel or tendinitus or soemthing that flares up badly when I work this much.

Speaking of which-back to work & will post more when I get a chance.
Kristi, carpal tunnel stinks.....I hope you feel better and it stops hurting....ouch! And yes, love you did comment, Thank You.

Ok girls off to registration for hailey then my first post op appt since my MC.

Bleeding is horrendous! Wish me luck!
Kristi, carpal tunnel stinks.....I hope you feel better and it stops hurting....ouch! And yes, love you did comment, Thank You.

Ok girls off to registration for hailey then my first post op appt since my MC.

Bleeding is horrendous! Wish me luck!

Good luck hun hope they can help with the bleeding, I dont think you should be still bleeding so much now :hugs:

Kristi ouch you poor thing, hope you get a chance to rest it, my friend suffered from that and she needed a brace to help :flower:
Good morning ladies!

This is what I came home to after my trail run this morning! My dog bullet was trying to jail break Bodhi - my boss' scotty that we are watching. He pulled up the carpet and tore up the padding underneath - what a jerk! :haha:

So Melbourne and Sydney are too far apart to see both your friends Lucky? A week isn't long enough I imagine. Well, I hope you have an awesome time. I totally broke down and cried at the sheer beauty of one of my best gals having such a gorgeous daughter. I bet you are going to have a fantastic time, it is super sweet being around a newborn. That is really great of you to go over and help out like that. You might have a moment or two of frustration with the fact that you aren't pg yet, but I hope the joy of being around a baby and your friend will outweigh that. And you'll definitely get lots of baby dust :hugs:

Tanikit ~ I hope that second link to TTHFUTD works for you. It is awesome that there are four TTHFers on there!


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wow Jaimie-He's not even trying to pretend he's not being naughty! I love Bullet! ha ha that's so funny-you can tell by the chunks of pad missing by Bhodi's crate he really was trying to jailbreak him. Wait til you have two!!!!!

Sorry you are still bleeding Tryfor: (

So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the :witch: doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........
Kristi, carpal tunnel stinks.....I hope you feel better and it stops hurting....ouch! And yes, love you did comment, Thank You.

Ok girls off to registration for hailey then my first post op appt since my MC.

Bleeding is horrendous! Wish me luck!

Good Luck!
ha ha Jaime - too cute! Naughty doggies are so adorable :haha:

I have a question: For those of us who take supplements, do you take all together or do you spread them out? Sometimes they look like so many to take all in one go but if I take some and leave others for later I usually forget.
Niamh, I thought I shouldnt be bleeding this heavy either, but I guess I will wait and see what they say to me at my appt. I have read so much fromsomany other women and some said they have bleed for weeks.......WEEKS!!!! I mean, really? This shit is bad enough let alone having to look at it everyday for WEEKS?!.......


This experience has made my mouth go alittle sour! Bad Lango!

Jaimie.....your little bullet sure sounds smart! :haha:

I was browsing through the TTC after a loss forum and to my surprise tons of women get pregnant and miscarry the baby at/or around 12 weeks with the fetal growth only showing 8-9 weeks and they didnt know it. They call it a missed miscarriage. I didnt realize how common my same exact situation is?!

So girlies, has there been any ttc breakthroughs lately that I may have missed? Such as what everyone is trying while TTC, anything good for spermy guys or your uterine wall?......
Niamh, I thought I shouldnt be bleeding this heavy either, but I guess I will wait and see what they say to me at my appt. I have read so much fromsomany other women and some said they have bleed for weeks.......WEEKS!!!! I mean, really? This shit is bad enough let alone having to look at it everyday for WEEKS?!.......


This experience has made my mouth go alittle sour! Bad Lango!

Jaimie.....your little bullet sure sounds smart! :haha:

I was browsing through the TTC after a loss forum and to my surprise tons of women get pregnant and miscarry the baby at/or around 12 weeks with the fetal growth only showing 8-9 weeks and they didnt know it. They call it a missed miscarriage. I didnt realize how common my same exact situation is?!

So girlies, has there been any ttc breakthroughs lately that I may have missed? Such as what everyone is trying while TTC, anything good for spermy guys or your uterine wall?......


i hope the bleeding stops soon hun and dont go on for weeks as that will make you weak
:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

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