Howdy TryFor! No TTC break throughs except for Niamh's BFP : ) We still have not discovered the secret sauce, but we have eliminated well timed intercourse as a fool proof method
I'm awfully sorry about your bleeding hon

I really hope it trickles off soon and that you don't have to endure another D & C. Woa - the pelvic exam does sound intense. But your doc must be used to that sort of thing, you have no reason to feel badly about putting him through that. You are dealing with the worst of it, for sure!
How is DD doing now? Does she still ask about the baby?
DD is driving me up the wall but it could be because I am super moody.

She understands a little but not all of it. Everyone we see she says "my mommy's baby died" or 'mommy lost her baby" then I feel somewhat guilty for not trying sooner after her because now she is moping around saying she is alone and has no one. Its a tough time and I dont feel strong enough right now to deal with it. I am exhausted, extremely sensitive and moody and depressed. My depression right now may be due to the rapid loss of the pregnancy hormones they have said but who knows, I just want it fixed.
BTW, youhave such a great attitude toward everything and a great personality. I just want to say thanks!
wow Jaimie-He's not even trying to pretend he's not being naughty! I love Bullet! ha ha that's so funny-you can tell by the chunks of pad missing by Bhodi's crate he really was trying to jailbreak him. Wait til you have two!!!!!
Sorry you are still bleeding Tryfor: (
So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the

doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........

Thank You Anna.
I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.
#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C.
#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.
This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.
Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....
HMMM why cant they do the scan now hun, I mean why wait you been through enough!!! Ild be on them like a cat on a hot tin roof demanding they fix me!!
I think 1 is enough well thats just me just wanting you to have what you most desire
I would swear by MACA for you and DH I am on it 3 months this cycle being my 3rd it has to have helped I think any way
hun something keep bothering me but do you remember when you had to stop working out because of rapid heart rate etc when was that, may be a clue to when something may have happened, I must add nothing you did cause this I hope you know that

Im wondering is that why you felt ill that day! ignore me if Im way off the mark!
Jaimie you dog is so naughty LOL and he is not even ashamed
We thought about the gym scenario too.

I think that happened when I was roughly 10-11 weeks, so the baby would have passed in utero earlier. I keep looking for answers knowing I am not going to get any. I know it wasnt me, but its so hard to cope with this, especially after seeing a 'supposed' healthy, active baby.
I dont know why they are making me wait?.....torture maybe? Only time will tell.