
Howdy TryFor! No TTC break throughs except for Niamh's BFP : ) We still have not discovered the secret sauce, but we have eliminated well timed intercourse as a fool proof method :dohh:

I'm awfully sorry about your bleeding hon :hugs: I really hope it trickles off soon and that you don't have to endure another D & C. Woa - the pelvic exam does sound intense. But your doc must be used to that sort of thing, you have no reason to feel badly about putting him through that. You are dealing with the worst of it, for sure!

How is DD doing now? Does she still ask about the baby? :nope:
wow Jaimie-He's not even trying to pretend he's not being naughty! I love Bullet! ha ha that's so funny-you can tell by the chunks of pad missing by Bhodi's crate he really was trying to jailbreak him. Wait til you have two!!!!!

Sorry you are still bleeding Tryfor: (

So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the :witch: doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........

:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

HMMM why cant they do the scan now hun, I mean why wait you been through enough!!! Ild be on them like a cat on a hot tin roof demanding they fix me!!

I think 1 is enough well thats just me just wanting you to have what you most desire :hugs:

I would swear by MACA for you and DH I am on it 3 months this cycle being my 3rd it has to have helped I think any way :hugs:

hun something keep bothering me but do you remember when you had to stop working out because of rapid heart rate etc when was that, may be a clue to when something may have happened, I must add nothing you did cause this I hope you know that:hugs: Im wondering is that why you felt ill that day! ignore me if Im way off the mark!

Jaimie you dog is so naughty LOL and he is not even ashamed
Kristi keep some protection handy for the just incase, I would prob work out when Im due AF I would so laugh if you were late :flower: that would be so cool esp if it was for a good reason :dust:
Howdy TryFor! No TTC break throughs except for Niamh's BFP : ) We still have not discovered the secret sauce, but we have eliminated well timed intercourse as a fool proof method :dohh:

I'm awfully sorry about your bleeding hon :hugs: I really hope it trickles off soon and that you don't have to endure another D & C. Woa - the pelvic exam does sound intense. But your doc must be used to that sort of thing, you have no reason to feel badly about putting him through that. You are dealing with the worst of it, for sure!

How is DD doing now? Does she still ask about the baby? :nope:

DD is driving me up the wall but it could be because I am super moody. :shrug: She understands a little but not all of it. Everyone we see she says "my mommy's baby died" or 'mommy lost her baby" then I feel somewhat guilty for not trying sooner after her because now she is moping around saying she is alone and has no one. Its a tough time and I dont feel strong enough right now to deal with it. I am exhausted, extremely sensitive and moody and depressed. My depression right now may be due to the rapid loss of the pregnancy hormones they have said but who knows, I just want it fixed.

BTW, youhave such a great attitude toward everything and a great personality. I just want to say thanks! :hugs:

wow Jaimie-He's not even trying to pretend he's not being naughty! I love Bullet! ha ha that's so funny-you can tell by the chunks of pad missing by Bhodi's crate he really was trying to jailbreak him. Wait til you have two!!!!!

Sorry you are still bleeding Tryfor: (

So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the :witch: doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........

:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

HMMM why cant they do the scan now hun, I mean why wait you been through enough!!! Ild be on them like a cat on a hot tin roof demanding they fix me!!

I think 1 is enough well thats just me just wanting you to have what you most desire :hugs:

I would swear by MACA for you and DH I am on it 3 months this cycle being my 3rd it has to have helped I think any way :hugs:

hun something keep bothering me but do you remember when you had to stop working out because of rapid heart rate etc when was that, may be a clue to when something may have happened, I must add nothing you did cause this I hope you know that:hugs: Im wondering is that why you felt ill that day! ignore me if Im way off the mark!

Jaimie you dog is so naughty LOL and he is not even ashamed

We thought about the gym scenario too. :shrug: I think that happened when I was roughly 10-11 weeks, so the baby would have passed in utero earlier. I keep looking for answers knowing I am not going to get any. I know it wasnt me, but its so hard to cope with this, especially after seeing a 'supposed' healthy, active baby.
I dont know why they are making me wait?.....torture maybe? Only time will tell.
Julia Im not surprised your feeling like that, esp as you have not gotten to close the door and end that part of the process moving on to dealing with your grief. when you can, you need to mark this baby short life with you, plant a tree in your garden somthing like that, I found that helped. but I think you should ring your doc tomorrow and tell them you need the scan now before you lose your reason( a white lie may be ehmm bleeding heavier:blush:) its not fair for them to make you wait two weeks to do another procedure or not I mean the scan would tell you now what needs to be done they will see any tissue there and can move quicker to next move.

You need this to end in one way so you can move on for now your in limbo land and I hate limbo land! its your body your life tell them what you want after all they will get paid wont they! you need peace of mind hun. :hugs:

sorry bit of a rant there, im just so angry for you :hugs:
Oh TryFor ~ I completely understand why you'd say that you don't feel strong enough right now to deal with it. What you are going through both physically and emotionally just straight up sucks. Are you still doing the raspberry leaf tea? Is that supposed to help regulate hormones? I understand that the maca is supposed to do that too.

Really hope your DD is distracted soon by kindergarten coming up. Also hope that will give you some time to yourself and your job search.

I've never read a decent answer on why women are supposed to wait a few cycles after mc, but then again I've never really looked into it.

You know, we all want answers, especially when tragedies occur. But even in the little, every day stuff - we always seem to be searching for the answer to our question marks. I got a really good "dharma quote of the week" on this today:


The spiritual journey is not a very easy one, absolutely not easy at all. It demands a lot from us. And we may not find what we want, absolutely not. Our questions may not be answered one by one. But something else is taking place. Maybe the question mark itself is beginning to rot, become dishevelled, and turn into a period, full stop. Maybe that is happening. It's a possibility. And that seems to be the process of the whole journey: dissolving the question mark into a full stop. The question mark becomes a statement or an exclamation, rather than a hollow line longing to be filled by answers.

I was thinking how good this was for my TTC struggles, ironic because the question "Is this the cycle I get pg?" becomes my period, cycle after cycle. And far more tragic an irony for you TryFor, to say the least. But the wisdom I glean from this quote is that I should try and dissolve those questions, just let them and all the longing they embody go. The process is unbelievably difficult, but I'd rather live my life as a statement than long so many moments away...

Like John Lennon says "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans"

Then again, I fully believe that one needs to fully grieve the tragedies in life, or else they will come back disguised as other frustrations until you work your way through it. I have a gym t-shirt that says "the only way out is straight through".

Holy crap I am full of quotes today! I guess titi was right about all this making us gurus ~ please pay no mind as I am probably full of it : )
wow it has been 18 years since I saw the B52's! (with Violent Femmes).
Lilaala-Those shifts used to be more the norm than the rarity-sadly......but I hired another person a month ago and now I only have to do them about once every 2 weeks. I work out of my house with my DH so it is really not near as bad as it sounds-just I have either carpel tunnel or tendinitus or soemthing that flares up badly when I work this much.

Speaking of which-back to work & will post more when I get a chance.

Ah, the Violent many teenage memories!
What do you do for work Titi? (If you don’t mind sharing, that is).

Ok girls off to registration for hailey then my first post op appt since my MC.

Bleeding is horrendous! Wish me luck!

Good luck sweetie xxx will be thinking of you

So Melbourne and Sydney are too far apart to see both your friends Lucky? A week isn't long enough I imagine. Well, I hope you have an awesome time. I totally broke down and cried at the sheer beauty of one of my best gals having such a gorgeous daughter. I bet you are going to have a fantastic time, it is super sweet being around a newborn. That is really great of you to go over and help out like that. You might have a moment or two of frustration with the fact that you aren't pg yet, but I hope the joy of being around a baby and your friend will outweigh that. And you'll definitely get lots of baby dust :hugs:

Thanks sweets xxx yeah, Melbourne and Sydney are a plan ride apart, and anyway, as you say a week isn’t much. The main reason we are going is because my friend’s mother died when we were 18...we have all been best friends since we were 14, and her mother dying was obviously a really sad and intense time. Since then she has put up with all sorts of crap from her Dad and her stepmother, and they are not even going to Australia to see the baby. So she is basically without family support, and although her hubby is awesome, she is going to have no-one around when he heads back to work. So that’s where we are going to step in for a week. Wish it could be longer! I can’t wait to see her as a mother – she is due in two days!

So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the :witch: doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........

Maybe don’t look if you are enjoying the not knowing...but start carrying around some ‘emergency’ AF stuff (are you using the diva cup still?) just in case?

Niamh, I thought I shouldnt be bleeding this heavy either, but I guess I will wait and see what they say to me at my appt. I have read so much fromsomany other women and some said they have bleed for weeks.......WEEKS!!!! I mean, really? This shit is bad enough let alone having to look at it everyday for WEEKS?!.......
I was browsing through the TTC after a loss forum and to my surprise tons of women get pregnant and miscarry the baby at/or around 12 weeks with the fetal growth only showing 8-9 weeks and they didnt know it. They call it a missed miscarriage. I didnt realize how common my same exact situation is?!

I hope that this bleeding slows down for you soon must be horrible. I hope that they give you some good information at your appt. I didn’t realise that either about the ‘missed miscarriage’. Does it make it feel any easier that there are many others that have gone through the same thing? Hope that you can take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone xxx

:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

Oh, fingers crossed that it slows down and you can take option no 2. My heart goes out to you – I’m so sorry that you are going through this.

Jaimie, I am loving your quotes!
Thanks Lucky! I agree, the Femmes bring back loads of teenage memories, mostly skipping classes and hanging out in my friend Tim's basement. He is the only guy I've known who does penis puppet tricks : )
:rofl: Soph posted on TTHFUTD that she was "marking her territory" :rofl: That is extra funny because we pee on hpt's to get our bfp's!!! Very clever Soph, glad you are a teacher :thumbup:

Thanks Niamh for starting the TTHFUTD thread, I have dutifully marked my spot along with the other girls. :haha:

lol!! I've not even looked in TTHFUTD, and i dont think im going to until im... you know....

hey niamh, I dont know what cd im on!! and im not using opk or cbfm or temping or anything lol. I mean, i can work it out.... it's like cd11 or something. but i have to work it out, i dont just know it anymore. maybe the chilled out approach will work for me too!?

I am sure there will be a spot waiting for you on the thread along with all of us TTHF girls. Well done for staying so chilled this cycle.

PHEW! I am on hour 1.5 of a 13 or 14 hour workday and not feeling it-and carpel tunnel like sensations acting up so will make it short.

Tryfor-my name is Kristi-but my nickname is Titi-It's all I could say when I was little (TEE TEE).

Cocotini recipe-1 part coconut rum, 1 part irish cream, 1 part chocolate liquer shaken over ice and strained in chocolate syrup swirled martini glass. With a dollop of ice cream if you like.

Avatar is actually pic of hubby with one of our friends baby at our "dual wedding shower" we had. He refused to hold a baby when we first met-(scared he said) then slowly graduated to the akwardness to now excitable. Speaking of his cousins baby tho, the cousin has been madly posting pics and status updates and still no WORD from the mum. hmmmm.

okay back to work sorry I'm missing stuff.

Bummer about the carpel tunnel, hope it eases off. the Cocotini receipe sounds fab, reminds me of one my friend makes when I visit her in California, we sit in her outdoor hot tub and drink them, best times ever.

Good morning ladies!

This is what I came home to after my trail run this morning! My dog bullet was trying to jail break Bodhi - my boss' scotty that we are watching. He pulled up the carpet and tore up the padding underneath - what a jerk! :haha:

So Melbourne and Sydney are too far apart to see both your friends Lucky? A week isn't long enough I imagine. Well, I hope you have an awesome time. I totally broke down and cried at the sheer beauty of one of my best gals having such a gorgeous daughter. I bet you are going to have a fantastic time, it is super sweet being around a newborn. That is really great of you to go over and help out like that. You might have a moment or two of frustration with the fact that you aren't pg yet, but I hope the joy of being around a baby and your friend will outweigh that. And you'll definitely get lots of baby dust :hugs:

Tanikit ~ I hope that second link to TTHFUTD works for you. It is awesome that there are four TTHFers on there!

Bullet is such a naughty boy, but soooooo cute

:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

Oh no hun that sounds harsh, sending you loads of big :hugs:

Howdy TryFor! No TTC break throughs except for Niamh's BFP : ) We still have not discovered the secret sauce, but we have eliminated well timed intercourse as a fool proof method :dohh:

I'm awfully sorry about your bleeding hon :hugs: I really hope it trickles off soon and that you don't have to endure another D & C. Woa - the pelvic exam does sound intense. But your doc must be used to that sort of thing, you have no reason to feel badly about putting him through that. You are dealing with the worst of it, for sure!

How is DD doing now? Does she still ask about the baby? :nope:

DD is driving me up the wall but it could be because I am super moody. :shrug: She understands a little but not all of it. Everyone we see she says "my mommy's baby died" or 'mommy lost her baby" then I feel somewhat guilty for not trying sooner after her because now she is moping around saying she is alone and has no one. Its a tough time and I dont feel strong enough right now to deal with it. I am exhausted, extremely sensitive and moody and depressed. My depression right now may be due to the rapid loss of the pregnancy hormones they have said but who knows, I just want it fixed.

BTW, youhave such a great attitude toward everything and a great personality. I just want to say thanks! :hugs:

wow Jaimie-He's not even trying to pretend he's not being naughty! I love Bullet! ha ha that's so funny-you can tell by the chunks of pad missing by Bhodi's crate he really was trying to jailbreak him. Wait til you have two!!!!!

Sorry you are still bleeding Tryfor: (

So-do you think I should peek at my calendar so the :witch: doesn't surprise me in public? I'm thinking I'm about 2-6 days out-maybe 4ish but haven't kept up! I like the not knowing-it really is more relaxing.......BUT I don't want to find out at an bad time either...........

:hugs: Thank You Anna.

I just got back from my appointment and we can go one of two ways.

#1. If the bleeding does not slow down by thursday, they will torture me again and again. They will do another ultrasound to see how much/if any tissue is left and perform ANOTHER D&C. :cry:

#2. If the bleeding does get a little lighter but still flowing they will give me a shot of progesterone to stop the bleeding.

This doctor advized me to wait 1-2 cycles before trying again.

Ugh.......Gross part ever: I still had to have a pelvic exam even though I was bleeding for gross.....

HMMM why cant they do the scan now hun, I mean why wait you been through enough!!! Ild be on them like a cat on a hot tin roof demanding they fix me!!

I think 1 is enough well thats just me just wanting you to have what you most desire :hugs:

I would swear by MACA for you and DH I am on it 3 months this cycle being my 3rd it has to have helped I think any way :hugs:

hun something keep bothering me but do you remember when you had to stop working out because of rapid heart rate etc when was that, may be a clue to when something may have happened, I must add nothing you did cause this I hope you know that:hugs: Im wondering is that why you felt ill that day! ignore me if Im way off the mark!

Jaimie you dog is so naughty LOL and he is not even ashamed

We thought about the gym scenario too. :shrug: I think that happened when I was roughly 10-11 weeks, so the baby would have passed in utero earlier. I keep looking for answers knowing I am not going to get any. I know it wasnt me, but its so hard to cope with this, especially after seeing a 'supposed' healthy, active baby.
I dont know why they are making me wait?.....torture maybe? Only time will tell.

Oh Julia, I realy feel for you, I hope all the virtual hugs from all over the world are helping even just a little x

Oh TryFor ~ I completely understand why you'd say that you don't feel strong enough right now to deal with it. What you are going through both physically and emotionally just straight up sucks. Are you still doing the raspberry leaf tea? Is that supposed to help regulate hormones? I understand that the maca is supposed to do that too.

Really hope your DD is distracted soon by kindergarten coming up. Also hope that will give you some time to yourself and your job search.

I've never read a decent answer on why women are supposed to wait a few cycles after mc, but then again I've never really looked into it.

You know, we all want answers, especially when tragedies occur. But even in the little, every day stuff - we always seem to be searching for the answer to our question marks. I got a really good "dharma quote of the week" on this today:


The spiritual journey is not a very easy one, absolutely not easy at all. It demands a lot from us. And we may not find what we want, absolutely not. Our questions may not be answered one by one. But something else is taking place. Maybe the question mark itself is beginning to rot, become dishevelled, and turn into a period, full stop. Maybe that is happening. It's a possibility. And that seems to be the process of the whole journey: dissolving the question mark into a full stop. The question mark becomes a statement or an exclamation, rather than a hollow line longing to be filled by answers.

I was thinking how good this was for my TTC struggles, ironic because the question "Is this the cycle I get pg?" becomes my period, cycle after cycle. And far more tragic an irony for you TryFor, to say the least. But the wisdom I glean from this quote is that I should try and dissolve those questions, just let them and all the longing they embody go. The process is unbelievably difficult, but I'd rather live my life as a statement than long so many moments away...

Like John Lennon says "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans"

Then again, I fully believe that one needs to fully grieve the tragedies in life, or else they will come back disguised as other frustrations until you work your way through it. I have a gym t-shirt that says "the only way out is straight through".

Holy crap I am full of quotes today! I guess titi was right about all this making us gurus ~ please pay no mind as I am probably full of it : )

Wow Jaimie, that is so true although turning those ? into statements is so hard at times. I like the gym T shirt, thats my new motto, although at work I am not known for my tactfullness :blush: thats probably not a bad thing though in my line of work :haha:

Well CD2 for me today, the witch got me finally after 6 days of spotting, it seems a bit wacko when last month I had no spotting and this month 6 days. I was telling my OH that it's a bit like an intermittant fault on a car, if you plugged me into the diagnostics it would probably say I am ok, but the moment you drive out the garage the little warning light comes on again.
Aw Ejay! That totally sucks. After I read your car analogy I pictured a car that "spots" rather than leaks oil :haha: Seriously though, that is why undiagnosed infertility is so flippin' annoying - there is nothing wrong with you and no good reason why you aren't pg! Stupid babies, not getting into our wombs :baby::haha:
Hiya Lucky, just realised in my keeness to reply to everyone, I forgot you!

How ya doing? it's great that you can be there to support your friend when her hubby goes back to work, I know she will realy appreciate it. You might want to think about helping to make some dinners and things to put in the freezer for her that way she can have a supply of ready meals for when you go home.
More TTC Do's and Don'ts...

DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation

DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly


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Niamh, you were my first friend on BNB, I'm SO SO SO excited to see that you're preggers! Some of my all time fave people here are preggers.... CONGRATS SO HARDCORE!!! OMG!

Now my news?
I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

But super super congrats to preggers ladies! I love you all, you're my inspiration!
Hiya Moon, so sorry your feeling ill, have got FX that it's a BFP for you
Aw Ejay! That totally sucks. After I read your car analogy I pictured a car that "spots" rather than leaks oil :haha: Seriously though, that is why undiagnosed infertility is so flippin' annoying - there is nothing wrong with you and no good reason why you aren't pg! Stupid babies, not getting into our wombs :baby::haha:

so true, and yep a little car that spots oil is probably a good analogy :haha:
Thanks Lucky! I agree, the Femmes bring back loads of teenage memories, mostly skipping classes and hanging out in my friend Tim's basement. He is the only guy I've known who does penis puppet tricks : )

I miss skipping school – or ‘wagging’ as we call it here. I was a bit naughty and used to wag quite a friends and I used to have so much fun. I wish I could just wag work!

Well CD2 for me today, the witch got me finally after 6 days of spotting, it seems a bit wacko when last month I had no spotting and this month 6 days. I was telling my OH that it's a bit like an intermittant fault on a car, if you plugged me into the diagnostics it would probably say I am ok, but the moment you drive out the garage the little warning light comes on again.

So sorry love xxx that is strange that you had no spotting last month, but then six days this month...I think it was in your journal that you said you might find another Dr, not the crazy one that you had last time! I hope that you can find someone who listens and who can give you some answers or reassurance xxx

Hiya Lucky, just realised in my keeness to reply to everyone, I forgot you!

How ya doing? it's great that you can be there to support your friend when her hubby goes back to work, I know she will realy appreciate it. You might want to think about helping to make some dinners and things to put in the freezer for her that way she can have a supply of ready meals for when you go home.

Yeah, I think that’s a good plan – will definitely make a whole pile of stuff to leave for her when we go back home. Only three weeks and two days until we fly out! Can’t wait.
Ladies that have had babies – what do you think are the most helpful things someone can do for you when you have a two week old baby? We are planning on doing all the cooking, going to the supermarket, doing the washing etc...what else is useful? What did you think ‘oh I wish someone was here to do that’ about...?

More TTC Do's and Don'ts...

DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation

DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly

Ha ha! Ew, I find that character so disturbing!

I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

Aw, how frustrating Moon! Nothing worse than when you are sure you are not pg but AF hasn’t arrived yet. Hope your body gets it’s act together soon!
Julia Im not surprised your feeling like that, esp as you have not gotten to close the door and end that part of the process moving on to dealing with your grief. when you can, you need to mark this baby short life with you, plant a tree in your garden somthing like that, I found that helped. but I think you should ring your doc tomorrow and tell them you need the scan now before you lose your reason( a white lie may be ehmm bleeding heavier:blush:) its not fair for them to make you wait two weeks to do another procedure or not I mean the scan would tell you now what needs to be done they will see any tissue there and can move quicker to next move.

You need this to end in one way so you can move on for now your in limbo land and I hate limbo land! its your body your life tell them what you want after all they will get paid wont they! you need peace of mind hun. :hugs:

sorry bit of a rant there, im just so angry for you :hugs:

I only have to wait two more days to see what the heck is up. Thanks for being on Team Julie!!! It means alot! :hugs: How are yiou feeling so far?

And yes, I dont like being in limbo at all. Which is why I'll die if I have to do this again! :growlmad: Thank You for the support!

Oh TryFor ~ I completely understand why you'd say that you don't feel strong enough right now to deal with it. What you are going through both physically and emotionally just straight up sucks. Are you still doing the raspberry leaf tea? Is that supposed to help regulate hormones? I understand that the maca is supposed to do that too.

Really hope your DD is distracted soon by kindergarten coming up. Also hope that will give you some time to yourself and your job search.

I've never read a decent answer on why women are supposed to wait a few cycles after mc, but then again I've never really looked into it.

You know, we all want answers, especially when tragedies occur. But even in the little, every day stuff - we always seem to be searching for the answer to our question marks. I got a really good "dharma quote of the week" on this today:


The spiritual journey is not a very easy one, absolutely not easy at all. It demands a lot from us. And we may not find what we want, absolutely not. Our questions may not be answered one by one. But something else is taking place. Maybe the question mark itself is beginning to rot, become dishevelled, and turn into a period, full stop. Maybe that is happening. It's a possibility. And that seems to be the process of the whole journey: dissolving the question mark into a full stop. The question mark becomes a statement or an exclamation, rather than a hollow line longing to be filled by answers.

I was thinking how good this was for my TTC struggles, ironic because the question "Is this the cycle I get pg?" becomes my period, cycle after cycle. And far more tragic an irony for you TryFor, to say the least. But the wisdom I glean from this quote is that I should try and dissolve those questions, just let them and all the longing they embody go. The process is unbelievably difficult, but I'd rather live my life as a statement than long so many moments away...

Like John Lennon says "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans"

Then again, I fully believe that one needs to fully grieve the tragedies in life, or else they will come back disguised as other frustrations until you work your way through it. I have a gym t-shirt that says "the only way out is straight through".

Holy crap I am full of quotes today! I guess titi was right about all this making us gurus ~ please pay no mind as I am probably full of it : )

I love that you are full of quotes!!! You are super awesome!!! Thank You for all your support also!!! You ROCK!!!!!! :hugs:

More TTC Do's and Don'ts...

DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation

DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly


LuckyD, you are doing a nice thing by helping out with the baby and dinner etc for your friend. You really are sweet! :hugs: Thank You also for all your support.

Moon, feel better! :flower:
I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

Aw, how frustrating Moon! Nothing worse than when you are sure you are not pg but AF hasn’t arrived yet. Hope your body gets it’s act together soon!

Well I'm not sure, I just always thought that 5 days was too long for sperm to survive, since FF is always going on about its 3 day optimum window.

Thanks Ejay! How is your horse?
Mine came home last Wednesday, so now I'm officially, a horse owner.
Tryfor-I'm so sorry you have to keep going through all this ! : (

Moondance-sorry also you aren't feeling well hun. Congrats tho on being a horse mummy! How sweet!

LuckyD-yay wagging another cool foreign phrase! Hows' this: I'd like to wag the witch! :ban: :shrug:??????????

Dee-I am very sensitive to supplements and don't like to take any late in the day lest they keep me up at night. I take as many as possible in the morning and if need be the rest at lunch, except for maca and the libido tonic which I do 3 times a day during cd1-ov stopping around 3 or 4pm.

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