
Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!

Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.
Maca is supposedly really good for energy too and I think it is same and prob. beneficial to take all the way through-I guess I just get tired and lazy after ov and need a break from it all!
LuckyD, you are doing a nice thing by helping out with the baby and dinner etc for your friend. You really are sweet! :hugs: Thank You also for all your support.

Aw, you are welcome lovely xx am here whenever you need

I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

Aw, how frustrating Moon! Nothing worse than when you are sure you are not pg but AF hasn’t arrived yet. Hope your body gets it’s act together soon!

Well I'm not sure, I just always thought that 5 days was too long for sperm to survive, since FF is always going on about its 3 day optimum window.

Thanks Ejay! How is your horse?
Mine came home last Wednesday, so now I'm officially, a horse owner.

Oh ok, sorry love! Well, fingers crossed for you then!!!! And congrats on being a horse owner x

LuckyD-yay wagging another cool foreign phrase! Hows' this: I'd like to wag the witch! :ban: :shrug:??????????

Ha ha, I’m not sure if it works grammatically but I don’t care! I like it!
titi what's libido tonic?

ejay im soooo sorry that witch got you!

Im sorry, i just read tons of stuff that i meant to comment on and totally forgot it all! So will just say hope you're all doing ok, love ya :hugs:

jaimie, that's the guy from austin powers isnt it!? he disturbs me, but is funny, dh and i like to impersonate him when we're goofing around... 'do ya like ma bodddy, d'ya think I'm sexyyyyy'!!!:haha:

i had my exam yesterday, and i passed!! :happydance: It was a multi choice one that you do on a pc so they can give you the results straight away. even though it was multi choice it was still really tough so im really pleased! Looks like the lucky bracelet works so far lol. I celebrated by eating some rocky road ice cream, then burning it off by riding the love stick!!! :rofl:

urgh gotta go to work. have another exam in 2 weeks, no rest for the wicked!! :winkwink:

Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!

Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.

It's not a stable, I found a place mega mega close to my house, just up the road, where some guys are renting a property there. They have horses of their own and had some paddock to spare, so they put up a sign saying they had agistment available. I immediately went over and spoke to them, the two most adorable gay gentlemen on the planet.
He's not even 5 minutes drive from home, has other horses there as companions and I get to go spend time with him every day.
More TTC Do's and Don'ts...

DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation

DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly

:rofl: I loooooooooove the fat b4stard!!! Hubby is always saying "do ya think am seeeeeexy" :D

Good morning ladies!

This is what I came home to after my trail run this morning! My dog bullet was trying to jail break Bodhi - my boss' scotty that we are watching. He pulled up the carpet and tore up the padding underneath - what a jerk! :haha:

Bullet SO knows he's been naughty! look at him - totally gorgeous BTW

DD is driving me up the wall but it could be because I am super moody. :shrug: She understands a little but not all of it. Everyone we see she says "my mommy's baby died" or 'mommy lost her baby" then I feel somewhat guilty for not trying sooner after her because now she is moping around saying she is alone and has no one. Its a tough time and I dont feel strong enough right now to deal with it. I am exhausted, extremely sensitive and moody and depressed. My depression right now may be due to the rapid loss of the pregnancy hormones they have said but who knows, I just want it fixed.

ooh julia :hugs: this broke my heart - I cant imagine how you must feel when you DD says that, the closest I have is my little brother who is 11 asking why his niece or nephew died. I can totally get not being strong enough to deal with that right now. I had serious depression and I've literally Just finished my counselling for it. I found it most helpful to talk to someone who wasnt emotionally invested in it.

I hope your bleeding stops soon, internal exams are so horrible when you know theres no good news :hugs:

i had my exam yesterday, and i passed!! :happydance: It was a multi choice one that you do on a pc so they can give you the results straight away. even though it was multi choice it was still really tough so im really pleased! Looks like the lucky bracelet works so far lol. I celebrated by eating some rocky road ice cream, then burning it off by riding the love stick!!! :rofl:

urgh gotta go to work. have another exam in 2 weeks, no rest for the wicked!! :winkwink:


:smug: well done my dear! :amartass:

Ejay - :hugs: sorry the evil cowbag got you :(

Moon - sounds perfect for the horse!

Lucky - all hail Guru lucky! loving the quotes hon x
Aw Ejay! That totally sucks. After I read your car analogy I pictured a car that "spots" rather than leaks oil :haha: Seriously though, that is why undiagnosed infertility is so flippin' annoying - there is nothing wrong with you and no good reason why you aren't pg! Stupid babies, not getting into our wombs :baby::haha:
car analogy is spot on really :winkwink::wacko:

Niamh, you were my first friend on BNB, I'm SO SO SO excited to see that you're preggers! Some of my all time fave people here are preggers.... CONGRATS SO HARDCORE!!! OMG!

Now my news?
I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

But super super congrats to preggers ladies! I love you all, you're my inspiration!

AHHH thanks Moon :hugs::happydance: sorry your not feeling well hun when you going to test being late an all, ooh and I got pregnant on Eireann 5 days before OV and FF gave me a low chance this cycle for catching the egg :haha: delighted it all worked out and your horse is close to you, is he broken will you be able to ride him, I so miss horse ridding one day I want a nice stocky cob you know a steady guy who loves a hack out and a few jumps great way to keep fit and a very rewarding pass time. I still have my cob pony at home in my dads he is grey and lovely.

I only have to wait two more days to see what the heck is up. Thanks for being on Team Julie!!! It means alot! :hugs: How are yiou feeling so far?

And yes, I dont like being in limbo at all. Which is why I'll die if I have to do this again! :growlmad: Thank You for the support!
Im so glad its only two days wait, oh yea Im so on your Team I have a badge and all LOL :hugs:

More TTC Do's and Don'ts...

DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation

DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly
ooh very good Jamie :haha: I can just hear him saying get in to my belly!!! your quotes were very inspirational :hugs:

Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!

Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.
I didnt stop taking it, took it right through the first two months I forgot to take it for the whole of this TWW though LOL Ive stopped now though.

titi what's libido tonic?

ejay im soooo sorry that witch got you!

Im sorry, i just read tons of stuff that i meant to comment on and totally forgot it all! So will just say hope you're all doing ok, love ya :hugs:

jaimie, that's the guy from austin powers isnt it!? he disturbs me, but is funny, dh and i like to impersonate him when we're goofing around... 'do ya like ma bodddy, d'ya think I'm sexyyyyy'!!!:haha:

i had my exam yesterday, and i passed!! :happydance: It was a multi choice one that you do on a pc so they can give you the results straight away. even though it was multi choice it was still really tough so im really pleased! Looks like the lucky bracelet works so far lol. I celebrated by eating some rocky road ice cream, then burning it off by riding the love stick!!! :rofl:

urgh gotta go to work. have another exam in 2 weeks, no rest for the wicked!! :winkwink:


I would say that the MACA LOL huge congrats on passing your exams well done honey :happydance::happydance:

Lucky D I say helping around the house and cooking will be great for your friend. holding the baby while she has a shower as well or dry her hair will help as well. your so good and I hope you find it ok as well, you will love spending time with a new born :hugs:

Ejay so sorry AF came and behaved so badly as well the bitch!!! :hugs::hugs:

wow big post lots to keep up with :kiss:

Tryfor, you asked how I'm feeling tired and a wee bit sick noting to bad yet!!!

guess what my DS aged 7 said to me to day, out of the blue he said we should have a baby girl and call her Roisin because we need more girls in the house :wacko:
I am not telling my boys till I am over 12 weeks mainly because I'm keeping it a secret from every one on till then as well. I dont want to deal with any negativity from some family members whom will have nothing good to say . my mum will worry like mad when I tell her any way because of the Gestational Diabetes I get. :dohh:
titi what's libido tonic?

ejay im soooo sorry that witch got you!

Im sorry, i just read tons of stuff that i meant to comment on and totally forgot it all! So will just say hope you're all doing ok, love ya :hugs:

jaimie, that's the guy from austin powers isnt it!? he disturbs me, but is funny, dh and i like to impersonate him when we're goofing around... 'do ya like ma bodddy, d'ya think I'm sexyyyyy'!!!:haha:

i had my exam yesterday, and i passed!! :happydance: It was a multi choice one that you do on a pc so they can give you the results straight away. even though it was multi choice it was still really tough so im really pleased! Looks like the lucky bracelet works so far lol. I celebrated by eating some rocky road ice cream, then burning it off by riding the love stick!!! :rofl:

urgh gotta go to work. have another exam in 2 weeks, no rest for the wicked!! :winkwink:


:sex: LOVE STICK :sex:
I cant wait until I am up and running!!!! :haha:

Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!

Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.

It's not a stable, I found a place mega mega close to my house, just up the road, where some guys are renting a property there. They have horses of their own and had some paddock to spare, so they put up a sign saying they had agistment available. I immediately went over and spoke to them, the two most adorable gay gentlemen on the planet.
He's not even 5 minutes drive from home, has other horses there as companions and I get to go spend time with him every day.

You have been wanting your horse next to you for quite some time! Finally!! Now you can see your horse whenever you want and not several hours away!!! Wahoo! BTW, how is the situation with your dad and his girlfriend coming along? Feel better soon!

Mush, I have concidered counceling for this and maybe some medication (and I am anti meds!). The depression is horrible and I cried to the nurse at the obgyn office yesterday that I know I feel so angry at the world and so resentful of some and I dont want to feel that way but I cant help it! Thats when she said that I am probably going to feel this way having been filled with pg hormones and then having it all go to 0 with a day from the d&c. I guess she is right, but I hate feeling so resentful with people and angry at the world. My husband is fabulous through this all and he is my shoulder. Great listener and great ethusiast! :cloud9: Just love him to bits! The doctor that performed the d&c said I will not get over this. I will not get over this until I am pregnant again and have bypassed the 12 week mark. Between my sisters getting pregnant too and due around my due date she totally understands my extra rage of hormones and resentment. But one day at a time I suppose. I am feeling much better!!! :flower: If you dont mind me asking, how long did you bleed for? and How many cycles did you wait before trying again? (If I am correct I think you waited one or two b/c of DH right?)

Sorry I am just looking for answers and some assistance! Thank You!

Ejay, sorry af got you. The dirty whore!

Thanks Niamh!!! I thinkmaybe I'll make team TTHF T-Shirts!!! lmao

LuckyD, you naughty school skipper you! ;) Too bad it doesnt work like that in real life!
Julia - As mine all happened by itself (natural mc) I started the bleed on the wednesday night and my next tuesday it was down to spotting, but I was still testing Pos for HCG. we waited for one full AF, and hubby was wanting to wai another couple until i was "better" but we didn't, so just the one cycle. I'd defo recommend atleast 1 cycle if you can,for dating purposes and to create a defined line between the two.

they're right though, its not something you get over, and doubt I ever will, and until I get to a 12 weeks scan (mine happened at 10 so never had a glimpse) I'll probably live in fear/depression. The counselling was what helped me most, and to be honest I havent been to my doctors since it started, only the Nurse at the EPAU, but I'd not have taken pills, its not a chemical reason why you;r so down, its an emotional one.
Oh Fat ******* ~ so repulsive yet so amusing. It is hilarious that you ladies sing "do you think I'm sexy" with your hubbys!

Congrats honeybee!! :icecream: You deserve that rocky road! Why do you have more exams coming up? When will you be done?

:hugs: Ejay :hugs:

Julia!!! You don't have to apologize for seeking answers and advice on how to cope with this! I'm so glad Mush is here to share her experience. The resentment must be awful, I'm bad enough without having seen two lines!

Thanks for explaining about the paddock Moon - I remember you saying it was a gay couple and it reminded me of two guys my Mom used to shoe horses for - they were fantastic! They gave me a pair of lovebirds when I was 11. Really sounds like the perfect fit for you and your horse.

Bullet did another naughty thing this morning - he knocked over all of my potted cacti on the porch to chase a cricket! I think he is acting up because we are watching Bodhi for another couple of weeks. Bodhi is the scotty in that picture from yesterday. He and Bullet get along quite well but there are times when Bodhi wants to keep playing and Bullet has had enough.

The other funny thing about how Bullet ripped up the carpet padding is that Bodhi ate some and it made him puke all over the house!!! :dohh:
Julia - As mine all happened by itself (natural mc) I started the bleed on the wednesday night and my next tuesday it was down to spotting, but I was still testing Pos for HCG. we waited for one full AF, and hubby was wanting to wai another couple until i was "better" but we didn't, so just the one cycle. I'd defo recommend atleast 1 cycle if you can,for dating purposes and to create a defined line between the two.

they're right though, its not something you get over, and doubt I ever will, and until I get to a 12 weeks scan (mine happened at 10 so never had a glimpse) I'll probably live in fear/depression. The counselling was what helped me most, and to be honest I havent been to my doctors since it started, only the Nurse at the EPAU, but I'd not have taken pills, its not a chemical reason why you;r so down, its an emotional one.

Mush, thank you so much for your input. It helps, trust me. :hugs: I shouldnt have ANY hcg left as I had a d&c. Honestly, I think I am going to 'wing' it if you know what I mean. I am not going to go crazy but I am not going to use protection either right now. Once I get a period and then I will actively start trying again. Mush, I didnt understand what you were going through when you were going through it but now I do understand and I want you to know that I am here and on fb to talk to anytime. I feel better talking to people who have been through it as they usually have success stories and great advice. I cant wait for you to hit week 12 also! I think I am going to be afraid when I get pregnant until I start showing!! I may look into counciling. :hugs:

Oh Fat ******* ~ so repulsive yet so amusing. It is hilarious that you ladies sing "do you think I'm sexy" with your hubbys!

Congrats honeybee!! :icecream: You deserve that rocky road! Why do you have more exams coming up? When will you be done?

:hugs: Ejay :hugs:

Julia!!! You don't have to apologize for seeking answers and advice on how to cope with this! I'm so glad Mush is here to share her experience. The resentment must be awful, I'm bad enough without having seen two lines!

Thanks for explaining about the paddock Moon - I remember you saying it was a gay couple and it reminded me of two guys my Mom used to shoe horses for - they were fantastic! They gave me a pair of lovebirds when I was 11. Really sounds like the perfect fit for you and your horse.

Bullet did another naughty thing this morning - he knocked over all of my potted cacti on the porch to chase a cricket! I think he is acting up because we are watching Bodhi for another couple of weeks. Bodhi is the scotty in that picture from yesterday. He and Bullet get along quite well but there are times when Bodhi wants to keep playing and Bullet has had enough.

The other funny thing about how Bullet ripped up the carpet padding is that Bodhi ate some and it made him puke all over the house!!! :dohh:

Bast*rd! :rofl: He is so repulsive! LOL

Ewwww......:sick: I get so grossed out by pet barf!!!
I think this is good news girls!

My bleeding is now very light to hardly at all! I amwondering when my doctor stuck his whole fist up there (ewww.....gross image but thats what it felt like!) I think I got cleaned out! He may have brought it all out with him! :sick:

Sorry for the disturbing images! (Is there a barf icon here somewhere?.......)

I also went and bought a new box of SOFTCUPS!!! I am getting prepared ladies, it is making a little happier thinking about TTC again!!! :cloud9:
:hugs: Julz :hugs: I am ecstatic to hear that your bleeding is tapering off, that is just so so great :thumbup:

yup, pet barf is pretty gross. it was one day where i was actually grateful not to have kids!
tryforbaby2- I'm so glad the bleeding is almost completely gone. :hugs:

Thanks!!! Hey I havent seen you in here much, but I see alot of you in TTCAL. How are you holding up? Are you ttc again?......

:hugs: Julz :hugs: I am ecstatic to hear that your bleeding is tapering off, that is just so so great :thumbup:

yup, pet barf is pretty gross. it was one day where i was actually grateful not to have kids!

:happydance: Thanks!!! I want my husband tonight just because its been awhile. I am afraid to bleed again though! Doctor say I can resume sex whenever I felt up to it! I wonder if its ok?.....:shrug: His sensitivity to all this makes him so yummy right now!!!

Pet barf is grosser than kid barf, trust me!!! I have a lab retriever and when she barfs.....she barfs buckets!!! :sick:
Julia I am so glad you are starting to feel a little better and the bleeding is slowing down. Like mush said, perhaps a some counseling would be a good idea, but I would try to stay clear of meds if at all possible. While they can be a godsend, they can be so hard to come off once you are on them. As far as when to start ttc? Follow your instincts hun, they are rarely wrong :)

Moon, I have my fingers firmly crossed for you that the witch stays away! It is unlikely that your are pg with your timing, but not impossible!!! there is always hope until the b**** shows!

I haven't been posting much the last few days, I am sorry, it is because of my new job - which I LOVE by the way! I have to get up extra early to leave early because it is a bit of a drive and the traffic is shocking if I don't go early. The kids in year 6 are awesome. There is a few pooheads, but that is to be expected in any school and any class, but on the whole I think they are great. The yr6 team is great too. The ladies run a tight ship and I really like that. They are tough, but fair and are funny. I think I am going to fit right in. There are HEAPS in indigenous kids in the class, I find then really sweet and reserved. They have a different perspective on life that is refreshing. These kids don't have much and appreciate what you do for them so much more than some of the overly privileged kids in some of the coast schools I have been in. I think it is so important for our children to realise how good they have it and that they should experience poverty and how children in other parts of the world live. When we took our kids to Cambodia we hoped that they would have a life changing experience. Kai was deeply affected by it, he GOT it, whereas Jai didn't get it at all, which was a shame.
Julia :hugs: thank you my dear, anything I can do to help-just ask! If you want know if it's normal to think or feel something... I'm not sensitive! :) as for wanting hubby- as soon as my Bowery was near gone, we were back. It does make you so close!

Soph! I'm soooo glad you're loving the new job! It sounds perfect hon!

Jaimie - me thinks bullet is showing off!!!
Ah ha! That is an interesting perspective Mush - I hadn't considered the idea that bullet was showing off in front of bodhi - "hey, look how much I can piss this lady off!"

Soph - SO glad to hear you are diggin your new job. I hope you have a great year with those kids.
tryforbaby2- I'm so glad the bleeding is almost completely gone. :hugs:

Thanks!!! Hey I havent seen you in here much, but I see alot of you in TTCAL. How are you holding up? Are you ttc again?......

I'm doing much better now. Thanks for asking. At first I was wanting to wait a few months before trying again, but, after talking to several couples who have gone through the same thing, DH and I felt it best to start trying again right away. I'm terrified that it will happen again. Not sure if that feeling will ever go away.

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