Im so glad its only two days wait, oh yea Im so on your Team I have a badge and all LOL
More TTC Do's and Don'ts...
DO: Have well timed intercourse just before and during ovulation
DON'T: Tell babies to get in your belly
ooh very good Jamie

I can just hear him saying get in to my belly!!! your quotes were very inspirational
Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!
Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.
I didnt stop taking it, took it right through the first two months I forgot to take it for the whole of this TWW though LOL Ive stopped now though.
titi what's libido tonic?
ejay im soooo sorry that witch got you!
Im sorry, i just read tons of stuff that i meant to comment on and totally forgot it all! So will just say hope you're all doing ok, love ya
jaimie, that's the guy from austin powers isnt it!? he disturbs me, but is funny, dh and i like to impersonate him when we're goofing around... 'do ya like ma bodddy, d'ya think I'm sexyyyyy'!!!
i had my exam yesterday, and i passed!!

It was a multi choice one that you do on a pc so they can give you the results straight away. even though it was multi choice it was still really tough so im really pleased! Looks like the lucky bracelet works so far lol. I celebrated by eating some rocky road ice cream, then burning it off by riding the love stick!!!
urgh gotta go to work. have another exam in 2 weeks, no rest for the wicked!!
I would say that the MACA LOL huge congrats on passing your exams well done honey

Lucky D I say helping around the house and cooking will be great for your friend. holding the baby while she has a shower as well or dry her hair will help as well. your so good and I hope you find it ok as well, you will love spending time with a new born
Ejay so sorry AF came and behaved so badly as well the bitch!!!

wow big post lots to keep up with
Tryfor, you asked how I'm feeling tired and a wee bit sick noting to bad yet!!!
guess what my DS aged 7 said to me to day, out of the blue he said we should have a baby girl and call her Roisin because we need more girls in the house

I am not telling my boys till I am over 12 weeks mainly because I'm keeping it a secret from every one on till then as well. I dont want to deal with any negativity from some family members whom will have nothing good to say . my mum will worry like mad when I tell her any way because of the Gestational Diabetes I get.