
Jaimie, you can make me a sangria anytime! My sister in law made a punch bowl full for a birthday party last year. It's like a wine spritzer with fresh fruit and fruit juice right?.....I am drinking a mug of sweet tea lemonade spiked with vodka (I bought it this way!). After all these months of not having a drink during ttc I say screw it for this cycle, but now that I come to think of it booze really couldv'e been the reason for my high bl today....hmmph?

Jaimie, IUI prices vary I read online from the average of $200-$300 (mine is a little bit higher) and some pay even $1,000's of dollars (up to $5-$6000). I feel for us being new at IUI (meaning you and I) that we will only pay the smaller amount. I forget what people pay the big bucks though?.....I don't remember.

They were very happy to help me since I got pregnant 6 years ago with dd. Now if I had recently had child (I think within the last 2-3 years) maybe they wouldn't have been so eager to help.

I also brought up the egg donation program and that is something I still may even consider. Even if not for me to help with expenses, it would be a lovely gift to help out a woman who needs my eggs who wants to experience her very own natural pregnancy and childbirth. It's still an option for me.

Honeybee, it gets so frustrating at times during ttc and our significant others. He sounds truly upset and maybe some lovely snuggle time and I love you's are the perfect medicine for you both. :flower: "Ouch!" says the credit card.....lmao
I am not one to wear really high heels but those shoes are pretty and I love light pink! Soooo In!
Niamh, thanks for the well wishes! :flower: I haven't even been able to break the news to him yet!!! "Honey, beside the fact that you must perform a SA asap, I need you to do it at exactly 7:15 am (be late to work) and run it across the opposite side of town by 8am sharp, fill out paperwork and gear up for it again now every month until I am successfully inseminated!!! :rofl:

My poor husband. I love him so much! He is going to go bonkers when he hears of it!
Aw Julia - I wish your DH could have gone to this appointment with you, so that the doc could explain his role in IUI. I'm SO glad that my DH's doc was the one to tell him that he needed to do a second SA after cutting down on drinking and smoking. Coming from us it just sounds like more coercion but coming from docs it is said with authority! (like cartman from South Park says "you will respect my authoritay!)

Do they do the egg donation program at your clinic? I will definitely look for that here in Tucson if we don't get preggers soon.
I know I wanted him to go to the appointment but since they said he didn;t have to come in only to do an SA he went on his merry little way to work!! I will ever so gently explain it to him, if not I will ask our doctor to call him then. I really don't have a choice.
Yes my clinic does offer the egg donation program BUT you have to meet certain requirements. I fit the age requirement, the non-smoking, physically fit, blah blah blah EXCEPT for my family history of disease. Since I have leukemia (3 relatives) in the family, diabetes (several relatives), high blood pressure, including myself (several) and a case of heart disease and my moms severe bipolar and suicidal nonsense...I am afraid there will go my chances for that....right out the window! No one wants to have a baby that would have these potential risks in the future. The age cutoff is short here 21 years old to 30. Thats it. I am not sure about other places though. If they have a website I would start more egg research!!!
Well girls and the verdict is:

First off I am CD10, so this cycle is too late to start treatment. So for now I am going to cross my fingers, use digital opk's and have alot of fun with it!!!

Next cycle:

On day three of my full flow period I will start with 50mg of Clomid, for days three, four, five, six and seven. On CD10 I will go for a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to check for blockages in my fallopian tubes using dye.

I will start using opk's on CD11, which they are hoping for me to get a positive on CD11 or CD12. When my opk is positive, I then call the office (if they are closed or if it's a weekend, They will page a physician right away to meet me there!) and go in for Artificial Insemination (also called IUI - Intrauterine Insemination) and draw blood to confirm Ovulation, which also means DH has got to produce a specimen ASAP, take it to get it spun and washed and then I wait an hour then get IUI, lay there for 30 minutes and resume my life.

So thats it. I am nervous and I have a headache. DH has still got to perform his SA soon, but I don't want to push it! I may just ask him to make an appointment and go there and do it when he can fit it in.

I asked my RE if I should wait a few more months to ttc and he said "No, you have waited long enough!". He seems like a really nice doctor and his staff is great too. My blood pressure was quite high as well and it was mentioned to me that when I do become pregnant I will have to be monitored (high risk for preclampsyia?). They drew blood today for prolactin levels as my tsh levels came back good. They swabbed for the Chlamydia IgG Antibody as well.

I also showed him and his staff my opk's from the past 2 cycles and they couldn't believe their eyes either about my surge! They said for me to use a different brand, like digitals, to confirm. My opk's looked positive from CD16-CD16 ast month and the month before from CD16 to CD22, which the biggest surge being CD18, but they need to check why sometimes my surge is so long.

Anywho, there's my story!

Thanks so much for posting this, Tryfor! :flower: I want to make an RE appointment but have felt too scared for some reason, and this makes me feel better. Happy for you, and happy that you shared at the same time for us girls about to go through th same thing! BTW, just in case they didn't tell you, make sure you take a couple of Advil or something before your HSG. Doesn't last long, but hurts when the dye pushes through. I've read some women had no pain and I'm sure your doc may have mentioned it, but wanted you to be prepared, just in case.

That sounds like a great plan, and your doc sounds awesome and SO thorough! :thumbup: I wish I lived closer, I'd probably go to the same one. :haha: Can I ask how you found him?
Tryfor, forgot to mention...had the same problem with DH and SA. Wound up having to make the appointment for him, or I don't think he ever would've gone. :dohh:
Good Morning lovelies,

Well, I knew that when I got on the computer there would be an update from you Julia, so I was straight on here this morning before breakfast to see how it all went! Sounds like your Dr is great, really taking you seriously and taking action straight away - awesome. Hopefully you will get your BFP this cycle and not have to worry about any of it.....but it's good to know that you have a solid plan for next cycle just in case! I'm really pleased for you xx

Honeybee - it's hard to try and cheer someone up when you are feeling low on cheer yourself xx remember that it's ok for you to feel down at times, this TTC business is a rollercoaster for sure, and it's only natural for your emotions to be a bit all over the place at times. Big hugs :hugs: oh, and I like the shoes!

Woohoo on EWCM Jaimie! So funny the things we find ourselves being excited about these days...

Celtic - oh yeah, 10 days makes more sense! Just so many different 'plans' and theories it all gets confusing. I think that next month all plans are going out the window and am just going to BD when we feel like it. I am kind of following SMEP for the second time...but feeling less and less like I want a 'plan' to we shall see how it goes.

I am definitely idea in feet but about 160cm. I think I posted this somewhere else, but my OH is 6 ft 4 1/2 - it's ridiculous. I have always been out with tall men - you would think I should find someone more average height so it would balance me out - but for some reason I never have.

I don't mind being short so much anymore, but I really used to hate it. I feel that people take me less seriously - especially being blonde, and a woman, and looking younger than my age - I have felt that people have really talked down to me. But as I get older I am getting over these kinds of things a lot more!

Hi Squirrel, MyTurnYet, Anna, Moondance, Tanikit, Ejay, Soph, Mimi..anyone else I haven't mentioned!!
:hi: I'm so glad everyone's doing their best to TTHF!!! Been busy lately so haven't had time to login. Surely you gals have been busier posting! I don't really like responding so much later in the thread, it kinda throws off the ones who've been reading every day. Trying really hard to keep it short but it's near impossible...

First of all....nooooooo Honeybeee, noooooo!!!!! :growlmad: That biiiiaaatch!!!! grrrrrr!!!! Ugh, I really feel it just as if it was me when one of you gets af! :cry: Anyway, really hope tthf is all we need to get our bfps! :hugs: And....:thumbup: for the retail therapy! (learned that one from Julia :winkwink:)

Moon - a biscotti is a double baked dipping cookie. They are freaking awesome with coffee, yum!

Julia, don't mean to give you pitty, but sorry about all you've had to go through. I know it made you a better person than if everything would've been perfect. I really, really, really hope everything works out for you with the RE. :hugs:

YEY LuckyD!!! So happy about you getting your land! Wish you all the best with that. :thumbup:

Squirrel - I started reading "Food Rules" by Pollan too, I couldn't find In Defense of food when I wanted to buy it at Target (I'm very impatient). We've also started Maca this month, but we're not feeling what we're supposed to. Maybe it's the brand!? :shrug: Or, does it take a while to have an effect? What brand are you guys using?

My fav funny movie is Wedding Crashers...I just love it! " sand-bagging son of a bitch!" :rofl: I'm going to have to watch super troopers, have never heard of that one. I'm watching Dirty Dancing now, Swaze was so freaking HOT! I was so sad when he passed (I know, off-topic).

Jaimie - I'm down for the skype session too! We have to take this TTHF to the next level! :D I make a mean sangria too, we should swap recipes :drunk:. And yey for mucus! We LOOOOVE mucus! :haha:

Niamh, thanks for the info! Wonder if that's why it's not working for us eventhough we're timing everything right...we've probably been depleting his sperm too early. I've read both stories, so now I don't know if I should so SMEP, or this, or not even plan it...:shrug: (oh oh...I feel the stress level about TTC increasing :nope:)

Soph, I love your DH's theory about fertility most. What a smart-ass! :haha:

Wow SG...didn't imagine you being so tall! I guess because squirrels are so tiny. :haha:

I just previewed my post and it looks like a someone threw up a whole bunch of smilies on the screen! :wacko:

Mimi, you make me laugh so much. First, I love your description-thingy above your picture 'WTF...TTHF!' That is truly awesome.
Secondly - 'it looks like someone threw up a whole bunch of smilies on the screen' - hilarious! Thanks for making me smile :flower:

I havent seen Wedding Crashers, but it has Jane Seymour in it doesn't it? This is my one 'famous story' - and actually it's not all that exciting - but when I was 18 I was staying with my Dad's ex-girlfriend in LA, and she was the costume designer for 'Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman' (remember that?). Anyway, we got to be extras on the show and meet Jane and everyone, plus we also got to house-sit Jane's house in Malibu for the weekend - it was pretty awesome! Last year when we went on our US trip we stayed in LA again and got to go to the house again - it's pretty nice!
Lucky - I'm glad I make you smile. After reading your fabulous stories, I understand why your screen name is Lucky! You are just one very lucky woman! I need to rub off of ya to see if I get some of that luck.

And yes, Jane is in that movie...and she's hillarious too! "Kitty cat". You HAVE to watch it. I bought the dvd cuz that movie just makes me laugh so hard I lose by breath, every single time. Especially the flag football part. It's a classic!
i love wedding crashers its so funny!!!

i feel a little better today. still a bit needy and insecure but i'll be ok in a couple of days.

yessss love retail therapy!!!!! Maybe there would be less wars if people shopped more?!

my best friend at work is having her last day before she does on maternity leave, she'll be off for 9 months im sooooo gonna miss her. so tonight we're all gonna go out for drinks and dinner yey.

Lucky - i have the blonde thing too. it annoys me sometimes, sometimes i like it!! funny though, i imagined you being brunette for some reason!!
julia, ya know that the average couple has like a 20-25% chance of conceiving each month or something? What are the chances of conceiving with IUI (is that what its called?)? I'm guessing a lot lot higher!? you know i love my statistics lol!!!xx
i have spotting again, backache, feel tired, sick and rather not myself yet again i have pains but not sure if there period pains soooooo i am just waiting on her to show up now damn witch not being here when i needed her.

anyway i will try to keep you posted if i don't decied to fall asleep lol

OOOHHHH and today if you look above my bloody ticker grrrr
okay getting to about 50% sure i have come on now but will keep an eye out
Well girls and the verdict is:

First off I am CD10, so this cycle is too late to start treatment. So for now I am going to cross my fingers, use digital opk's and have alot of fun with it!!!

Next cycle:

On day three of my full flow period I will start with 50mg of Clomid, for days three, four, five, six and seven. On CD10 I will go for a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to check for blockages in my fallopian tubes using dye.

I will start using opk's on CD11, which they are hoping for me to get a positive on CD11 or CD12. When my opk is positive, I then call the office (if they are closed or if it's a weekend, They will page a physician right away to meet me there!) and go in for Artificial Insemination (also called IUI - Intrauterine Insemination) and draw blood to confirm Ovulation, which also means DH has got to produce a specimen ASAP, take it to get it spun and washed and then I wait an hour then get IUI, lay there for 30 minutes and resume my life.

So thats it. I am nervous and I have a headache. DH has still got to perform his SA soon, but I don't want to push it! I may just ask him to make an appointment and go there and do it when he can fit it in.

I asked my RE if I should wait a few more months to ttc and he said "No, you have waited long enough!". He seems like a really nice doctor and his staff is great too. My blood pressure was quite high as well and it was mentioned to me that when I do become pregnant I will have to be monitored (high risk for preclampsyia?). They drew blood today for prolactin levels as my tsh levels came back good. They swabbed for the Chlamydia IgG Antibody as well.

I also showed him and his staff my opk's from the past 2 cycles and they couldn't believe their eyes either about my surge! They said for me to use a different brand, like digitals, to confirm. My opk's looked positive from CD16-CD16 ast month and the month before from CD16 to CD22, which the biggest surge being CD18, but they need to check why sometimes my surge is so long.

Anywho, there's my story!

Thanks so much for posting this, Tryfor! :flower: I want to make an RE appointment but have felt too scared for some reason, and this makes me feel better. Happy for you, and happy that you shared at the same time for us girls about to go through th same thing! BTW, just in case they didn't tell you, make sure you take a couple of Advil or something before your HSG. Doesn't last long, but hurts when the dye pushes through. I've read some women had no pain and I'm sure your doc may have mentioned it, but wanted you to be prepared, just in case.

That sounds like a great plan, and your doc sounds awesome and SO thorough! :thumbup: I wish I lived closer, I'd probably go to the same one. :haha: Can I ask how you found him?

Your welcome! And yes he did tellme to take a few before coming in for it. I got a patient folder to carry with me with my what to do's and what not to do's. My spelling and spacing may be off a little because 'dumbass' that I am, I spilt iced tea on my computer last night! What a frickin night mare!!! I amso lucky dh didn't kill me!!! I am just praying now that I didn't sccrew up my computer!!! Buttons are sticky still even after I took themoff and cleaned them!
I was referred to him by my OBGYN in February after my Pap test she pulled mein her office for a discussion and said there was nothing they can do for me and then referred me to this specialist.

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