
yea she did but it was brown, mine's red.

mmmm is it nice with grapefruit juice? ive never tried that before. mmmm your dinner sounds really yummy!!!
Hi everyone, wow you all talk lots, I try to catch up at lunch at work if I can but my day was a bit mad today and haven't had a chance.

I hate work, why can't I just stay at home, ride my ponies and grow my veges in the garden, BUT still be paid my salary:haha:

I keep telling OH that i want to become a kept woman, he says no chance of that!!!
Honeybee I am here for you no matter what the outcome is. :hugs:
My in laws brought this strong wine down when they visited and I couldn't drink it by itself! I don't sip, I drink! I added light green tea to it yesterday, but I didn't like it so I figured I'd try something else. It's not bad but it is bitter, but drinking is in my blood!!! I am on my fourth glass!!! ahaha
thanks sweetie.xx
hahahaha oh my god if i were there i would challenge you to a drinking competition that would make me feel soooooo much better!! lol!!

ejay i'd like to be a kept woman too, but i'd miss having my own money. speaking of which, im going shoe shopping tomorrow lunchtime yesssssss.
Have to say...feeling so much more positive since joining the TTHF revolution! Feel like I have a total different mindset...wasn't even sad when AF came, just looking forward to next month of FUN! :dance:
Awww :hugs: Jill you sound so sweet!!! I hope the tthf works for us all!!! I know so far I am having fun with it!!!

I want to seduce my husband tonight but he has to do a sa soon and why not tomorrow before I start entering a fertile period?....I noticed the more relaxed I am the more fun with sex I have and the more I want it!!!

Niamh, the vitamin shoppe sells maca for men and women so soon I will get it!!

Honeybee, love, bring it on!!! :drunk: I think one day you and I should meet via web cam or skype!! Awesome!!! We could have a drinking competition then!!! :rofl:
Seriously - I think that when one of us gets a BFP we'll have to do a skype room where we can all video chat or something special like that.

TryFor - I wish I could make you my sangria - if you want the recipe I'll email it to you. If you like grapefruit and wine you'll LOVE it
I hate work, why can't I just stay at home, ride my ponies and grow my veges in the garden, BUT still be paid my salary:haha:

I keep telling OH that i want to become a kept woman, he says no chance of that!!!

oh, I can't count how many times I've had the same conversation with my hubby! He seems to think I'd get bored.... I, however, do not agree! :rofl:
Grrr, I hate being on the other side of the world - I miss out on so much when I am asleep!

I am a kept woman at the moment! But not by choice. I think I've already said this to most of you, but we only moved back to NZ a few months ago...and it is really hard to find a job. Especially as I am not living in the city anymore. There's just hardly anything around in my area (I am a counsellor/community worker) and it's getting pretty frustrating. We are about to get a mortgage for the first time (eeek!) so I really need to find some work!

But when we get our land I might feel different - then I think I will agree with you Ejay, I will just want to be doing stuff on the land and not worrying about going out to work!

Jaimie - yes about the skype! Honestly, I might get a little jealous when some people get their BFPs - but not you guys. I will truly be so happy for you and will want to share that joy with you.

Ooh and I love sangria! I drunk a lot of it in Barcelona when I was backpacking - delicious! As well as calimuchos - who would have thought that red wine and coke would go well together?

Julia - good luck with the appointment honey! Really want to hear how it goes xx I agree about not waiting so long next time...why did I keep putting it off? Grrr. Am totally going to start trying sooner next time. Especially as I want more than one child and I am already in my 30s.

MyTurnYet - hurrah that TTHF is working out for you!

Honeybee - STAY AWAY AF!!!! I really, really, really hope she doesn't show for you. I am literally crossing my fingers for you. I want this to be it for you!!

Tanikit - totally agree with appreciating your parents more as you get older. I have always had a good relationship with my Mum, but not so much my Dad (my parents seperated when I was 2). When I was older and I learnt more about my Dad's upbringing I could understand him more and not take his actions so personally. It's hard when you are a child though, you don't realise that it's not actually about you.

Hope you are feeling a bit better Moondance :hugs:

Celtic - that sounds like a stressful time with your DD - poor thing and poor you! Hope you managed to have some good BDing another time x

Anna - definitely get the blood work if you can! So hard not knowing what is going on with your body.

Things all fine with me. Had a nice night last night, I made a delicious apple and feijoa crumble with vanilla ice-cream, and me and my OH and my brother watched stupid movies. It was nice. My OH isn't working today, and he and my brother are outside trying to fix up an old tandem bicycle they found at the tip - cute!

Reading everyone's family stories is very interesting. Families fascinate me, and believe me, after spending the last 5 years working with families there is no such thing as a 'normal' one.

As I said, I am close to my Mum, but after she and Dad seperated, she got together with another man who is the father of my two half-brothers. I did not get on with him at all. He is an alcoholic and was a drug dealer and had affairs with people (including Mum's best friend) and was pretty emotionally abusive. Luckily they broke up when I was teenager, but my poor brothers have had a hard time with him. It's actually a pretty sad story, he is very intelligent and has a lot going for him, but he has spent his whole life drinking and it's just really ruined him. He has never admitted that he has a problem or needs help.

It's funny, cos my Mum is such a strong woman I can't imagine her putting up with what she did - but I guess these things happen. Because of her I had basically good childhood, but I have definitely had my issues to work though - as everyone does.

Anyway, enough of the rant! I really want to have a baby with my OH - he will be such a good father. It's weird for me, as my Dad wasn't really there for me much, I had/have a pretty up and down relationship with him - so I find it hard to imagine what a 'good' Dad is like. But I know that my OH will be amazing - he is so caring and sensitive and compassionate.

God, someone stop me typing! Otherwise I will just go on and on.

That's it, stopping now! Hope you are all doing well xxxxxxxx
Tryfor, that happened when my hubby had his SA, too..seriously, couldn't the doc be more mindful of our cycles when scheduling? :haha:

BTW, just got maca today and tried it for the first time! Getting hubby to take it, as well, but will have to put it in some juice or something for him to disguise the taste. I put it in my smoothie today and it wasn't bad.

Love the Skype idea! No idea how to do it, but it would be really cool if someone gets a BFP!

Lucky, totally know what you mean about wanting a baby for OH. It WILL happen one day...for all of us. TTHF is the best way to make it happen, I believe.:thumbup:
Can't remember if I said this before or not, but there is nothing like a dysfunctional family to make you want to have a kid of your own. I know there is a part of me that wants to "fix" what I missed about my own childhood. Of course we'll just create different issues in the process but what the heck - that is the circle of life, right? Putting the fun in dysfunctional!!!
Can't remember if I said this before or not, but there is nothing like a dysfunctional family to make you want to have a kid of your own. I know there is a part of me that wants to "fix" what I missed about my own childhood. Of course we'll just create different issues in the process but what the heck - that is the circle of life, right? Putting the fun in dysfunctional!!!

Love it, Jaimie. :thumbup:
Morning ladies, the bitch got me in the night. Im so gutted, so is DH, seeing pain all over his face is upsetting me even more.

im gonna buy a cbfm today, and maca too (niamh the one im looking at is around £16, does that sound about right? seems quite expensive but if it'll increase my sex drive im more than willing to give it a go).

Stupid witch. I'll be ok. you can't keep a good woman down right?xx
Now that was some reading LOL

Honeybee, NO NO NO she cant be coming, I will be so sad for you:cry::hugs:if she does I hope its not the :witch: keep us updated and what ever happens we are here for you:hugs:

Tryfor good luck today, looking forward to finding out how you get on, dont ya know when you want and need :sex: silly doctor arranging it now! ooh and I hope you enjoyed your wine I love relaxing over a glass only ever manage one may be two then my head pounds!

LuckyD yea I felt so sorry for her, she slept like a log and in our bed so no :sex:that night! we did manage some the following morning when I moved her to her own bed. it was funny deffo more relaxed and no bigdeal if we do it or not! I keep wondering though when will I ov as if I ov in April im predicted a girl and if its May predicated a boy, IF I get pregnant that is!!! :haha:

Thanks for the well wishes about my mum:hugs:

Ok so I was just looking up something and found this, what do you think ladies HMM notice it also says to BD the two days after temp rise just in case temp rise is premature or not 100% exactly in sync with OV here the link

When to BD?
The best time to start BD is 5 days before Ovulation (supposing that you know when you are ovulating). The sperm lives up to 5 days around your cervix if of course you have a good fertile CM.
You can BD every day if your husband has a normal sperm count. If not, every other day. Keep on BD until a day or 2 after ovulation.

Scoon says: I went to dinner at a friend's last night and another couple was there and the man was a reproductive endocronologist! I was actually able to steer the conversation around to some rather personal issues, but he seemed very happy to discuss his specialty. This is what he told me about the question of how often to BD. The optimal way to get PG is to ABSTAIN for at least three days and then BD on the peak day and the next day. He says that a normal man can make enough sperm in one day to replenish his supply enough to get a woman pregnant in just one day once, but he can't do that day after day. He said BDing every day starting after AF ends and waiting for the temp rise is a bad strategy because after 2 or 3 days of BDing the sperm count starts dropping and there won't be enough, usually, to get PG after a week or so of doing it every night. He said almost a quarter of the couples who come to him get PG a few months after their first visit after he has them change their strategy. His advice is to use OPKs, abstain after day 7 or 8, wait for the OPK to go positive, and the BD that night, and the next night and the third night if you want to. The third night was sort of optional. But the important thing is to try to abstain for at least 3 days before the night when you are most likely to get PG, either the night of a positive OPK test or the one or two nights before your temps go high if you can predict that from CM or past charts.

have to run so I will back later to respond more! :flower:
niamh its definitely the witch im afraid. i gotta run too, gotta redo my makeup and go to work i've cried it all off lol. catcha later lovely
AH, honeybee, sorry AF got you. Sounds like you have a plan for the coming month though.

Celtic that sounds interesting. Since my husband is agreeing to try properly next month I feel like I want a proper strategy, so will take that into account.

Jaimie - yup I also would love to do right what my parents got wrong - the only thing that upsets me is when I find myself doing exactly what they did (why is that???)

I'm in a good mood today - hopefully it lasts. It is rather unusual for me to be in a good mood at this time of the month so either TTHF is working or I really am pregnant (that was one of my strongest signs of pregnancy last time I got pregnant - I hadn't snapped at anyone all week) - my poor husband! If I start getting grumpy again then I know AF is on its way.
Oh Honeybee, I'm so so so sorry sweetheart. It's heartbreaking, I know. Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: hope you feel better soon, the first day is the worst :hugs::hugs:
I hate work, why can't I just stay at home, ride my ponies and grow my veges in the garden, BUT still be paid my salary:haha:

I keep telling OH that i want to become a kept woman, he says no chance of that!!!

oh, I can't count how many times I've had the same conversation with my hubby! He seems to think I'd get bored.... I, however, do not agree! :rofl:

My OH knows I won't get bored, he is more concerned about the fact that he wouldn't see me that much as I would be out with horses and veges and he would still have to cook the dinner in the evening. Well he is a much better cook than I am :haha:

So sorry Honeybee, the first day of AF is such a killer, especially when you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, put a smile on and go to work. :hugs:

LuckyD - I admire you and anyone who has had a difficult issues to deal with in their childhood, you are so positive x

I had a very stable and loving childhood and didn't realise what the real world was like until I turned 18 and seemed to bounce from one troubled relationship to another. Now i suppose I have become a bit emotionally guarded, I guess it is just a way of protecting myself from getting hurt.

My current OH is so understanding though and patient, I feel so lucky to have met someone like him.

Getting all soppy now

best get back to work :blush:
Honeybee :hugs::hugs::hugs:and more :hugs:Im sorry the bitch arrived hope you have an good day, the first day is the worst add the sadness on top of hormones and its horrible, thinking of you!

Tankit, you know it kinda makes sense you wait till say 3 days before OV and abstain a few days before hand! that's how I got my first son Dh was a way for a week so the fist night back we had fun TMI info alert I was on top as well :haha::blush: so think it was the next day I was in work and I remember getting the EWCM huge glob of it thought hmmm I wonder waited till I was 5 days late and he is 9 now! may be to much BD is depleting our chances, hey it might be fun to ban sex for a week before OV:haha: poor DH :haha: I remember reading something that said when a man is away from his partner his body responds by producing more sperm for the next meeting to enhance the chance of getting pregnant nature way of ensuring the species lives on kinda thing!!! must look it up again. Oh and FX your mood stays bliss ful :flower:

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