
Squirrel - I started reading "Food Rules" by Pollan too, I couldn't find In Defense of food when I wanted to buy it at Target (I'm very impatient). We've also started Maca this month, but we're not feeling what we're supposed to. Maybe it's the brand!? :shrug: Or, does it take a while to have an effect? What brand are you guys using?

My fav funny movie is Wedding Crashers...I just love it! " sand-bagging son of a bitch!" :rofl: I'm going to have to watch super troopers, have never heard of that one. I'm watching Dirty Dancing now, Swaze was so freaking HOT! I was so sad when he passed (I know, off-topic).

Wow SG...didn't imagine you being so tall! I guess because squirrels are so tiny. :haha:

The brand is SolarRay, got it at the health food store. I was taking the max dose for the first few days and have since backed off after hearing it could keep you from sleeping very well (I wasn't noticing a problem with that though). So I"m not so crazy OMG thinking about it all the time! Still more than I had. I do wonder if some of that is the mental 'placebo effect' too.... But either way, I'm liking the Maca! :thumbup:

Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

Yeah, it's always interesting to see pictures or meet people after you've talked to them for a while. People never look how I imagine! :)
Have any of you used the digital opks? If so did you like them?

I used digital opks last month as a confirmation of the regular OPKs. Digitals are far too expensive for me use every time. But I'd pee in a cup, test with the regular OPK, then if I thought it was positive, or close, I'd use the digital with the same sample.

I was also using the CBFM for the first month, and found it was very accurate in comparison to the OPK/digiOPK! This month, just using the CBFM and will use the digi on the day I get the first peak to confirm.

I love the digitals, I just don't understand why they have to be so freakin' expensive!! :shrug:
Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

Is this a quote from Wedding Crashers? If not it is by far the most random and hilarious thing I've ever read on bnb!
Good morning everyone!

Is a horrible windy rainy day here, but I have the day to myself so I am just gonna chill out and enjoy the bad weather!

Honeybee - I guess I am more of a browny-blonde now! Used to be really blonde but as I have got older my hair has got it's just kind of a boring in-between nothing colour!

Hope you get some answers soon Anna.

Julia - on no, iced tea on the computer! how annoying! Yes, we are excited about the land...papers are being signed on Monday - so there will be a celebration happening Monday night for sure! Ha ha, yeah Dr Quinn wasn't the 'coolest' of shows...but it was still fun to be part of it!

Tanikit - yeah I totally understand why things might be getting a bit more obsessive..I always tell myself I am not going to symptom spot and will just relax, but by the end of the 2WW it's really hard! Good luck xx are you going to test soon?

Jaimie - my Dad's ex was working in NZ. Both my parents (and myself for 15 years) work in the theatre. How cool that you have done costume work! And didn't you do some acting too? The theatre is awesome. Great that the every other day BDing is working out for you so's so much more relaxed isn't it, I like it too.

Hey Mimi, I agree - I think we might not do SMEP next month either...I like the BDing every other day, but at the same time I am not sure that having a 'plan' is the best way for us....

Celtic - hurrah for Oing! Sometimes people get a little bit of blood around O don't they? It's meant to be a very good sign of fertility.

Hey Ejay - aw, I love your Grandads saying! Don't worry about not following seems that most of the people that got their BFP on that thread didn't even follow the plan properly, so I wouldn't worry xx

I almost lost the TTHF mantra last OH was very tired from work and we attempted a BD and things were going well...and they they weren't. He just kind of lost momentum (poor thing, can't believe I'm writing this!). I felt myself getting all stressed and upset about it....but then he was super stressed too, saying 'but we have to have sex tonight' and 'I'm sorry, I feel like a failure'. I just thought to myself that this is not helping anyone. I tried to get my feelings under control and let it go, and told him that there was no pressure, if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. Well, it ended up happening and it was great!

Poor boy, I think he feels the pressure as much as me.

CD14 and I am still waiting to get a positive's boring.

What are some ways that we can still TTHF during the 2WW? That's the bit I am worried about! I need some strategies....
Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

Is this a quote from Wedding Crashers? If not it is by far the most random and hilarious thing I've ever read on bnb!

Ha ha, I am assuming it is a Wedding Crashers quote...but I would love it if it wasn't - just SquirrelGirl expressing herself!
hellooooo everyone. ive had too much vino and i should be asleep but im waiting for dh to get home lol

julia, i use digi opks. i love them but wish they were cheaper. my cbfm was dispatched today so i should get that tomorrow/sat yey!!!

hope you're all ok.xxxx
Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

Is this a quote from Wedding Crashers? If not it is by far the most random and hilarious thing I've ever read on bnb!

Ha ha, I am assuming it is a Wedding Crashers quote...but I would love it if it wasn't - just SquirrelGirl expressing herself!

:rofl: Yes, sorry to break it to you, it is indeed a quote from Wedding Crashers! :rofl:
Squirrel - I bought some Nature's path or something like that. I wish they'd be working a lot better. Today, I woke up thinking about it, but it maybe that we haven't really bd'ed since last ov time. DH says he doesn't really feel it either. Maybe we should up the dose or something.

Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

brrrrr (motorboat) :rofl: I messed that up, I though it was "you sand bagging son of a bitch" I'm telling you girls, if you haven't seen Wedding Crashers, watch it! Here's that clip for the ones who haven't watched it...


YEY for the monitor honeybee!!! You'll love it, and it def increases the fun factor!
Thanks girls who use the digi opk's! I was recommended to use them,a fertility monitor or the doctor's brand of opks (and trust me the doctors brand is way more expensive than the digi's - 9 tests for $50!!!).I am going to buy the digi's soon (maybe tomorrow or over the weekend) and then maybe for next month I'll get the CBFM.

LuckyD, Thatmakes me want to cry about your dh. Alot of men aren't that sensitive over ttc. Mine is a hardass! I am glad you tthf method with him worked out to your advantage!! :winkwink: Congrats on signing the papers on monday and have fun partying it up!!! Such a huge accomplishment!!!
Jaimie, that is indeed a wedding crashers quote from Vince Vaughn to Owen Wilson!!! Lmao!!! (I love vince vaughn!!! lmao) along with my secret crush - mark harmon! lmao Why did I think DH was gettinghis SA done again in 6 weeks??? Goofy girl I am! :wacko:
Honeybee, Yessss for the CBFM!!! Let me know how much you love it!!!
Niamh, I wantto help DH but the onlything I can do is hold it or strut for him!!!! Thats it!! No lube, no sex, no saliva, NO NOTHING!!! All manual, all by hand! Boooo! No wonder he is going to put up a fight!!
Squirrel - I bought some Nature's path or something like that. I wish they'd be working a lot better. Today, I woke up thinking about it, but it maybe that we haven't really bd'ed since last ov time. DH says he doesn't really feel it either. Maybe we should up the dose or something.

Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motor boat? You play the motor boat? You motor boatin' son of a bitch! :nope:

brrrrr (motorboat) :rofl: I messed that up, I though it was "you sand bagging son of a bitch" I'm telling you girls, if you haven't seen Wedding Crashers, watch it! Here's that clip for the ones who haven't watched it...



Duuuhhh! :dohh: Just seeing this now!!! I watched the movie at least a dozen times so I knew who said what but I just realized you posted a clip!!! ahaha!
I hope everyone is doing what the thread says and tryin to have fun...
I have about 3 pages of catching up to do because I've not been online in 2 and a half days!!!!

I've been having a disastrous week... Was sposed to go to DP's on Wednesday, but he called to say no, not this week, as his son was staying another week. That was okay, that was fine... BECAUSE... Tuesday night, started having unbearable pain in my upper left wisdom tooth. Spent the entire night sobbing, unable to sleep, was so out of it. As soon as the telephone hotline was open in the A.M I phoned and got a dental appointment and then went immediately to the chemist for painkillers which I almost overdosed on trying to knock myself out before I had to go to dentist. As soon as I went into the dentist, told her what happened, she took one look then had me in another room awaiting extraction it was THAT bad.
Because of the pain I hadn't eaten, and I still hadn't really slept, so as soon as they injected me with the anaesthetic my very empty body reacted and I started weeping and trembling. The nurse made me drink some fizzy drink because of low blood sugars. Then they did the extraction. Because I had taken so much aspirin the night before (useless for sore tooth, but I had to try SOMETHING), my blood was really thinned out and I bled like a mofo. Went through about 15 little gauze squares, they wouldn't let me leave the office til the bleeding slowed down.
Finally, got home, spat out my gauze thing, and lay down and conked out.

Woke up at about midnight with a splitting headache. Tried to eat something and take some Panamax, which seemed to work. Went back to bed coz still felt really out of it and kinda spazzy, went right back to sleep.
Woke up at 7:30am with head pounding BAD... like, MIGRAINE bad. Went into kitchen with eyes all squinty, walking into things coz the light hurt my eyes so bad. Got my painkillers, chugged them into my mouth and three seconds later was in the toilet throwing up. I must have swallowed an awful lot of blood after my tooth extraction, because there was a tonne of little clotty bits of blood in my vomit.
Two hours later.... sick again, and every single time my stomach contracted to be sick, it was like someone was stabbing me in the guts with a knife.
And another two hours later, sick again, this time with some bubbly yellow bile that hurt even more coming up. I kept trying to drink water, but it would come right back up.
So migraine headache, no way to take painkillers, throwing up, what a fun day.
Not to mention I was running hot and cold all day. I would be laying in bed then I would start shaking from being so cold. So I'd pull my blankets up over me and within 5 minutes, be sweating like crazy, so I'd throw off one blanket and go back to shaking from being cold.
Was in bed all day with a cold facewasher over my eyes which did very little. When my stomach finally settled down, I got into taking Panamax Elixer for the pain (it didn't help much, but that didn't stop me dosing myself every 4 hours hoping it would help).

It's now Friday.... am still somewhat headachey, and have really really bad diarrhoea from the flipping Panamax. UGH!
I am so sorry Moon, hope you feel better soon and DP can come take care of you! :hugs:
Julia - I know, he is a sensitive thing. Sometimes can be a bit of a worrier and over-thinker - as can I - so we need to try and balance each other out a bit!

Moondance - poor you! Sounds like you have had a shocker of a few days. That is really crappy :hugs: hope you keep feeling better!

Mimi - love your new picture - reminds me of me and my OH - i have a tilted uterus so we try to BD doggy-style! (ok, now I've given you all a visual I am sure you didn't need - sorry!).

I think I might rent Wedding Crashers this weekend!
Lucky, my DH is sensitive to all this TTC too, he says he feels the pressure. I know it's also hard for him to hear AF has gotten every month. That's what we're here for, to support each other.

Like my new avatar? I had it in my iphoto database and just had to upload it. It reminds me of the last few days of SMEP! :haha:
Lucky, my DH is sensitive to all this TTC too, he says he feels the pressure. I know it's also hard for him to hear AF has gotten every month. That's what we're here for, to support each other.

Like my new avatar? I had it in my iphoto database and just had to upload it. It reminds me of the last few days of SMEP! :haha:

Ha ha, totally! I think it was Titi that coined the phrase 'Speed SMEP' for the last BD session? Too funny!

Yeah, for the first three months my OH was all 'it will happen, don't worry' etc...but now that it has been taking longer he gets really disappointed as well every time AF arrives.
Like my new avatar? I had it in my iphoto database and just had to upload it. It reminds me of the last few days of SMEP! :haha:

I freaking LOVE it. I LOLed when I saw it.
Much cooler than the scary lips cow!
Aw, I liked the smiley cow! Go the cows!
CeliticNiamh I only get one day of spotting before AF arrives - and it is close to light flow - I often wonder if I shouldn't say it is just light flow - so I know its AF - I never think its implantation. I have never had spotting at 10dpo unless it is followed by AF and there is no sign of AF today. I am going to see a gynae on 12 May though so will definitely ask if I am not pregnant. I actually never had spotting until after I had my first child. My chart is not updating for some reason - I have asked FF but they say it is fine and it is not!

Jaimie I also hope you have your BFP way before June, but its great your DH is doing what he should.

Ejay as everyone says - it only takes once to get pregnant so don't worry too much about SMEP - worry makes things worse and I am sure you have done enough.

How many of you are using opk's. I have wondered about them a lot but they cost a fortune here (well I think so) so I have never bothered.

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