
Oh moon so sorry, I looked at your chart and while it looks like O happenend on day29, do you think it is possible that it happened later? Like day 30?
Tryfor that video is so beautiful and made me cry :hugs: it does a great job on showing whats ahead with a new baby to come for you. :flower:

Moon hell that would annoy me all right! may be a blood test off the doc?

Myturnyet, hope you had a lovely evening with DH :winkwink: good luck on the launch of your site.

I have decided that with the lack of jobs and with a new baby on the way and childcare being so expensive, I going to work from home making modern cloth nappies, baby gowns and many more things my sister is going to make bags and little bracelets for baby's I'm so excited. Hope it goes well now. I made my DD christening gown out of my wedding dress and it was beautiful and her bonnet. it felt great to make something my self for her and I can use it again now FX .
OK ladies, an embarrassing story to brighten your day!!!

So today is Saturday and it is gorgeous. Not a cloud in the sky, little wind, beautiful.
We decide to go out on the boat for a spot of fishing to try and catch our dinner.

We dropped the lines in in a few places and the fish were not even biting. I actually almost caught a big flathead but it got off as we were trying to bring it on the boat, but after that nothing. So we decide to go back to this lovely sand island we were on the other day where there was thousands and thousands of little soldier crabs - very cute.

The tide was on the way out and there was not much of the sand bar exposed yet but still enough to bank the boat and do some fishing. Dave takes a run up to the sand but doesn't quite give it enough power to bank it but we are almost right up to the shore and the water is crystal clear and looks pretty shallow.

Being the mariners wife that I am it is my job to anchor and such stuff so I roll up my shorts and get ready to jump in and pull the boat up to pop the anchor in the sand. The water looks to be about 30cm deep so I figure at worst I will get my shorts a bit wet. No drama.

How wrong could I be?

I jump in and am completely submerged. It was so deep I didn't even touch the bottom! Seriously, I went down like a pencil dive and disappeared!!! All that was left of me was my hat floating on the water where I once was! I had to SWIM all of 1-2 meters to shore!

And now I realise that most of you are in the middle of summer and think how lovely a dip in the ocean would be right now, but I need to remind you that it is the middle of winter here! I was wearing a big woolen jumper and a scarf, it was effing freezing! Then the boat drifted out and they had to get the stupid thing started again and come back and rescue me. I cried :(

Epic fail, or should I say epic sink. And no fish for dinner!
Soph having lived in Australia for a year and done a winter there OMG you must have been Ice cold :hugs: glad you were ok and lived to tell the tale, were you able to get warm on the boat I hope so :hugs: I cant get used to the water temp here in Ireland again after my time on the sunshine coast it is just to cold even in summer!! I still get in though! hope you can see the funny side later:flower:
Oh trust me, there have been many a tear of laughter shed over here!!! We are watching funniest home videos and just WISH we videoed me disappearing over the edge of the boat, we would have won for sure!
Oh trust me, there have been many a tear of laughter shed over here!!! We are watching funniest home videos and just WISH we videoed me disappearing over the edge of the boat, we would have won for sure!

LOL that would be cool LOL :thumbup:
Oh moon so sorry, I looked at your chart and while it looks like O happenend on day29, do you think it is possible that it happened later? Like day 30?

Even if it did happen on Day 30, it still confuses me that I'm late. Day 29 or Day 30... still late! For no good reason it appears!
oh, i meant 39 sorry for the confusion

Pretty sure not, as its a general thing with me that I have a temp drop before my rise, and it fits with my usual working of thing that I had the drop in temperature starting on Day 26 before it went back up again at Day 30, it fits my usual pattern. And also, I stopped having watery CM on Day 31, a day or two after O'ing, which also fits my usual pattern. So I am fairly certain the Day 29 pinpointing is relatively accurate.
hahahaha omg soph!! That's terrible, i feel so sorry for you. did dh laugh at you?! Sounds awful, i really hate being cold. what did you have for dinner in the end?! bet it was pretty funny to see though. but poor you!!! xxx
Trying to catch up on some of everything that I've missed, and I find THIS!

I have another word that I don't like - nips.
Nips sounds really dirty, but nipples is a happy word!

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppsssssssssssssssssss!!!! I love nips. I love saying "wanna grope mah nips?" to my sweety, he just starts laughing!!!! Coulda killed him a few weeks ago. I was on his computer and he comes up behind me and stuffs his hand down my shirt and grabs my boobs, one in each hand. His hands were cold so I squirmed and told him "no gropage until you warm up those hands" so he complains and says "ok ok" and walks into the kitchen, can hear him fiddling with what sounds like the frypan, so I'm thinkin "yeah, he's making his hands toasty and warm above the frypan" .... turns out he was sticking his hands in the FREEZER. He came back out and stuck these ICE COLD hands down my top, I squealed!!!!! Literally, out loud, squealage!!! He was piddling himself laughing. I chased him around poking him, and then he got ME on the floor, poking and tickling me! I <3 my sweety!

Laughing my arse off now!!!! That's totally something my hubby would do, only instead of the freezer he'd pretend he was going to actually try to fry his hands warm to get me to stop him. :dohh: Boys!

Nips is totally dirty! :haha: I watch Scrubs and JD calls nipples 'Nerps' which I think is freaking hilarious. :rofl: You know what other word isn't technically dirty but I can't read without thinking it's SOooooo frigging dirty? Moist.

Moon I am so frigging excited about your FF chart!!!

As for Maca, I like the capsules, never liked the supposedly dissolvable powder, hope you had success finding some good and actually dissolvable stuff!

Squirrely your kootch sentence had me both laughing and confused, either way that was great so thanks for the giggle! :haha: So um... are we officially referring to our ladybits when we say kootchcake? 'Cause that's hilariously awesome!

I'm sorry AF got you Soph!! :( :hugs:

So weird you're saying the baking soda tightened everything up! How much did you put in/how did you put it in? I tried it 2 days ago and it was fine? I put a very small amount of baking soda in my menstrual cup and then topped it up with water. I then stood in the tub because you have to collapse the cup to get it in place... after it was in I just bent forward and touched my toes a couple of times for a few moments each, and took it out. I checked the cup and there was still some of the liquid so I did manage to 'rinse' my cervix :haha: That was about 45 mins before babydancing, and all was fine!

I don't understand what ******* would be blocked for? My understanding is it's 'freaking out', it's even part of a medical term: ******* bowel. (You're welcome for the mental image) So I'm quite confused it's blocked?

Tankit yes please do share scan pics! :D

Titi I like your new plan and I hope to goodness it does the trick!!! LOVE your definition for SMEP!

That 'Babies' documentary is totally on my list to see! I love documentaries! Anyone else here seen 'The Business of Being Born'? Seriously, holy crud!

Urgh talking about people who are ignorant about how common LTTTC is, my other Sister-in-Law (the one with three kids each spaced a perfect 2 years apart) once said "Having kids is easy, you just take the condoms off!" (In her defense she doesn't know we're TTC, but hell, she was born with only one ovary and she's the queen of fertile-myrtles.) And I have a pregnant co-worker too, who has always been tactless and self absorbed, and then accidentally got pregnant the ONE time she and her husband didn't use a condom. Work was really really tough for a while, but now I'm just feeling sorry for her as she's very petite and her baby is already almost 2 weeks ahead of schedule growth-wise, and she's only 20weeks! She said her husband was born 3 weeks early and was 8 pounds! His mother was apparently 10 pounds at birth! :shock: She's dooooomed, poor thing. Ah well, her life journey, not mine. :flower:

Hmmmm I've just come across one of my own posts... I guess I clicked too far back to try to catch up from!!!! :dohh: :dohh: :dohh: Going to try to track down where I last left off from now...
Aaaah I'm completely lost now (then again, Geography always has been my Achilles heel...)

You won't need to fib about the Maca, my hubby loves the stuff, he says it gives him more energy! The upped sperm count really is just a bonus to him. :)

Aaargh Moon I can't believe you're still getting BFN's! You know though, I know of a woman on BnB who didn't get her positive until 18dpo... Have you asked your doctor for a blood test yet?

Niamh I love your Entrepreneurial inspiration! I wish you all kinds of success!!

Soph you poor thing I have always hated getting soaked it's one of the worst feelings... wet underwear... I was at the Vancouver Aquarium when I was little (several times) this one time I was right by the water of the Orca pool, and dad was up on the seating and saw the Orca coming, I didn't due to the angle I was seeing the water from... anyways, he didn't call out to warn me, and the Orca came up with a huuuuge wave and soaked me and all the other people along the railing. He thought it was hilarious, I was grumpy due to wet clothes the entire rest of the trip.
I'm sorry if I've missed a post to reply to... I just got a phone call from my favourite Sister-in-Law, hubby's grandma is in hospital. She had another heart attack and they're saying she's dying. (She has tons of heart problems) Hubby is still at work for at the very least another hour... we both agreed I'll tell him once he gets home... this really sucks...

She lives on the other side of Canada, literally, we're in B.C. and they're in Nova Scotia. (In case anyone was wondering why I'm not calling him at work so he can go to see her right away)
Oh no, Soph! That was a scary story...:shipw:

I'm still like 6 pages behind....arrrggghhh.

How is everyone's weekend? Hubby and I just got back from playing tennis and jogging, but it was like sweltering and I felt like I was going to pass out.

Also, dog sitting for my friend's dog for the week and we got in and she had jumped all over our custom-made blinds and they are ruined. They are the cellular kind and they got all crumpled and ripped. :growlmad:

Going to watch my little niece tonight so my sister and brother-in-law can go out to dinner for their anniversary. We can't have a baby of our own, but at least we get to hold her. The other night I was over and was talking baby talk to her and she just gave me this huge smile! She is not even 2 months, yet. I love her soooo much. :cloud9:

Oh, and AF did come, grrr, but have a fertility specialist appt. next Friday. A bit sad about it because I messed up on the date's and DH has a work class so can't come with me. I feel kind of bad about going by I'm in this alone.
Aw Lilaala! I'm really sorry about your DH's grandma : ( That is always really tough. I agree, the maca really makes me feel like I have more energy. I didn't realize it would have that benefit!

Soph - So sorry you got soaked! That really stinks!! And yes, I was totally picturing how nice it would be to take a dip right now, but I'll bet it was COLD for you !

Moon - I've been in your shoes, late but BFN, and it totally sucks. Really sorry hon.
Howdy My Turn! Great to hear from you, glad you survived your crazy week.

I feel like we are living parallel lives because my initial appointment with the fertility clinic got moved up to Tuesday. And I am watching my boss' dog for another week or so. He is a puke machine and I've been grossing the ladies out with tales of his disgustingness : ) I would be hella pissed if this dog ruined my blinds! I would make my boss pay for them!
That is pretty weird, Jaimie! Is your DH going to your appointment with you? You have to let me know how it goes! I'm sure you will. Why is the dog puking? Not that I'm sure you know why, but my dog has a problem with puking bile sometimes in the mornings (gross, I know, sorry!!!). The vet said to give him a snack right before bed to get something in his stomach because the acid builds up and gives him a tummy ache and then he vomits. That seems to be helping.

I like my friend's dog and think it's good for my dog, Charlie, to have a little friend for the week, but she kind of gets into trouble (like chews on the mail and goes in the garbage and stuff). We have our house dog-proofed for the most part, so I hope she doesn't get into anything else and teaches Charlie any more bad habits (he started jumping up on the windows after he saw her do it). My friend texted me to see how the dog is doing, but I didn't tell her about the blinds, yet. Didn't want her worrying on her vacation. Checked online and it looks like it'll be about $150 to replace them. I feel kind of bad asking her for the money. Should I?

Lilaala, I'm sooo sorry to hear about your DH's grandma. That is really sad.
Yea, it would be much different asking for reimbursement for the blinds from your friend. Is she paying you to watch her dog? If so, I would call it a wash but if she isn't paying you, well then I would be tempted to ask. But it would be hard. Depends on the type of friend, you know?

I think the dog I'm watching just got sick from the carpet padding our dog tore up trying to get him out of his pen - seems to be feeling better now! The snack is a good idea, our dog will do that in the mornings too sometimes, especially when he gets over heated and drinks too much water.

My DH can't make the appointment either, but he has to fill out a long medical history form that I'll bring. He has also gotten an SA so I'll bring that with me.

Kinda nervous that my appointment got moved up two months - I was planning on trying to take a break for July and August then regroup for the original appointment in September. Just hoping that starting the diagnostic tests doesn't make me super edgy and emotional ~ I'd REALLY like to lay this whole burden down for a while! Maybe I'll just be able to put it into the doctor's hands and let go a little.
niamh - I forgot to say how much I love the idea of you making christening gowns and such out of your home. I'm looking forward to making an heirloom baby gown myself someday! I will definitely use the extra material I have left over from my wedding gown.
That is pretty weird, Jaimie! Is your DH going to your appointment with you? You have to let me know how it goes! I'm sure you will. Why is the dog puking? Not that I'm sure you know why, but my dog has a problem with puking bile sometimes in the mornings (gross, I know, sorry!!!). The vet said to give him a snack right before bed to get something in his stomach because the acid builds up and gives him a tummy ache and then he vomits. That seems to be helping.

I like my friend's dog and think it's good for my dog, Charlie, to have a little friend for the week, but she kind of gets into trouble (like chews on the mail and goes in the garbage and stuff). We have our house dog-proofed for the most part, so I hope she doesn't get into anything else and teaches Charlie any more bad habits (he started jumping up on the windows after he saw her do it). My friend texted me to see how the dog is doing, but I didn't tell her about the blinds, yet. Didn't want her worrying on her vacation. Checked online and it looks like it'll be about $150 to replace them. I feel kind of bad asking her for the money. Should I?

Lilaala, I'm sooo sorry to hear about your DH's grandma. That is really sad.

Oh yikes, that's kind of a tough one, Jill.... hmph. Personally, I wouldn't be able to say anything, but then I'd hold a grudge. No good comes from that! :nope:

Anyway, you could mention that the dog ruined your blinds, then wait to see what your friend says. I have those cellular blinds as well, custom-sized to fit my window... I'd be pretty upset about it. My OH put his dirty hand on one of ours and I flipped out on him. :haha: I'm thinking I should have gotten every piece of furniture, floor covering, towel etc in dirt brown so I wouldn't be able to see exactly where he's been in the house each day! I feel like I'm cleaning up after a four year old sometimes!

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