Trying to catch up on some of everything that I've missed, and I find THIS!
I have another word that I don't like - nips.
Nips sounds really dirty, but nipples is a happy word!
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppsssssssssssssssssss!!!! I love nips. I love saying "wanna grope mah nips?" to my sweety, he just starts laughing!!!! Coulda killed him a few weeks ago. I was on his computer and he comes up behind me and stuffs his hand down my shirt and grabs my boobs, one in each hand. His hands were cold so I squirmed and told him "no gropage until you warm up those hands" so he complains and says "ok ok" and walks into the kitchen, can hear him fiddling with what sounds like the frypan, so I'm thinkin "yeah, he's making his hands toasty and warm above the frypan" .... turns out he was sticking his hands in the FREEZER. He came back out and stuck these ICE COLD hands down my top, I squealed!!!!! Literally, out loud, squealage!!! He was piddling himself laughing. I chased him around poking him, and then he got ME on the floor, poking and tickling me! I

my sweety!
Laughing my arse off now!!!! That's totally something my hubby would do, only instead of the freezer he'd pretend he was going to actually try to fry his hands warm to get me to stop him.

Nips is totally dirty!

I watch Scrubs and JD calls nipples 'Nerps' which I think is freaking hilarious.

You know what other word isn't technically dirty but I can't read without thinking it's SOooooo frigging dirty? Moist.
Moon I am so frigging excited about your FF chart!!!
As for Maca, I like the capsules, never liked the supposedly dissolvable powder, hope you had success finding some good and actually dissolvable stuff!
Squirrely your kootch sentence had me both laughing and confused, either way that was great so thanks for the giggle!

So um... are we officially referring to our ladybits when we say kootchcake? 'Cause that's hilariously awesome!
I'm sorry AF got you Soph!!
So weird you're saying the baking soda tightened everything up! How much did you put in/how did you put it in? I tried it 2 days ago and it was fine? I put a very small amount of baking soda in my menstrual cup and then topped it up with water. I then stood in the tub because you have to collapse the cup to get it in place... after it was in I just bent forward and touched my toes a couple of times for a few moments each, and took it out. I checked the cup and there was still some of the liquid so I did manage to 'rinse' my cervix

That was about 45 mins before babydancing, and all was fine!
I don't understand what ******* would be blocked for? My understanding is it's 'freaking out', it's even part of a medical term: ******* bowel. (You're welcome for the mental image) So I'm quite confused it's blocked?
Tankit yes please do share scan pics!
Titi I like your new plan and I hope to goodness it does the trick!!! LOVE your definition for SMEP!
That 'Babies' documentary is totally on my list to see! I love documentaries! Anyone else here seen 'The Business of Being Born'? Seriously, holy crud!
Urgh talking about people who are ignorant about how common LTTTC is, my other Sister-in-Law (the one with three kids each spaced a perfect 2 years apart) once said "Having kids is easy, you just take the condoms off!" (In her defense she doesn't know we're TTC, but hell, she was born with only one ovary and she's the queen of fertile-myrtles.) And I have a pregnant co-worker too, who has always been tactless and self absorbed, and then accidentally got pregnant the ONE time she and her husband didn't use a condom. Work was really really tough for a while, but now I'm just feeling sorry for her as she's very petite and her baby is already almost 2 weeks ahead of schedule growth-wise, and she's only 20weeks! She said her husband was born 3 weeks early and was 8 pounds! His mother was apparently 10 pounds at birth!

She's dooooomed, poor thing. Ah well, her life journey, not mine.
Hmmmm I've just come across one of my own posts... I guess I clicked too far back to try to catch up from!!!!

Going to try to track down where I last left off from now...