Proud & Blessed Momma!
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bbdreams, how long have you been ttc?....We also look in adoption or foster care that turns into adoption for the sake of underloved and underpriveledged children. I hope all of us girls catch the egg because seriously it is too stressful to take anymore. I started 'active ttc last summer after using the pull out method for 4 years. After getting pregnant in the 9th cycle and then losing it, it is devastating and disturbing. How come other people get pregnant and keep it while there are us women right here who are beautiful and wonderful and all we want is family. I am very fortunate to at least have a child. For you women who dont have one yet I pray for you the most. You will all get your wish and recieve a special, perfect little angel.
Sorry to sound all sappy and weird but I had a few glasses of wine and some long island ice teas and I am feeling very emotional. This week i wouldve been 20 weeks.I just want to cry but I know that I should count my blessings.
bbdreams, vent all you want about anything. someone is always here to listen. I couldnt be around so many pregnant women or newborns for the life of me. Do you think if they knew you were trying they would be more compassionate??...
Julia, we have been trying to conceive 20 months... one year ntnp and 8 months trying really hard. I agree it is soooo stressful! Most of those women know I am trying... today we had a diaper shower for one of them and two of the other pg women sat beside me and just went on and on about being pregnant and how they were going to start trying for another one soon after they deliver...
ahhhhhh. I normally try to count my blessings too...... but it's just so unf*cking fair isnt it. im lucky, all the preggo women from my work are on maternity leave now so i dont have to listen to them all day. but it was a struggle for 6 months, it was really hard.
bbdreams are you in the UK?
We would consider adopting, but i think IVF would be more likely, i think if you wait long enough you get a round of it free on the NHS here.
urgh back to work today - yuck!!!
No, I am in the US.
well i guess i'm not pregnant
Started bleeding heavy today, and now im getting funny cramps, ive either had a MC or it was a false posative, oh well
i'm bleeding heavy still but no cramps
So sorry Anna.
Well, today was awful having to attend a diaper shower with lots of pregnant women. I came home and called the dr's office and wrote dh's SA analysis results down this time and here they are if anyone knows anything about these:
count: 94 million (normal)
Volume: 3.0 (normal)
viscosity: 3.0 (normal)
morphology: 9% (not normal)
motility: 34% (not normal)
and as to whether they are normal or not I am just going by what the urologist said... I think that the morphology is pretty terrible.... I so heartbroken looking at it on the screen....
I dont know much about SA results and such as I got my bfp the month we were supposed to have DH perform his SA and start IUI/Clomid/HSG. Was there any suggestions to 'beef' up his sperm? Is there any recommendations?
About the pregnant woman saying they are going to try again right after the birth of their present pregnancy: I say the same thing. It takes so long to get pregnant, so next time I will do it right and start trying again right away. Who knows, maybe some of those pregnant women had some difficulty getting pregnant themselves.
It will be your turn very soon!
Anna so sorry, it does sound like a chemical but I know you rather it had not happened like this but shows your body is nearly back on track most people get a BFP fairly soon after a chemical so good luck! just on a off chance may be get your pogeresterone levels checked they might be low, if thats the case a cream could sort that out for you. do another test in a few day just to be sure and take care.
OOH girls huge huge hugs to you all, I feel your pain
Julia I have to 100% agree with you, I to pray for the girls TCC number 1 as well as the rest of the lovely ladies TCC. so need you all with me.
Julia always loved and never forgotten, your angel will be right there beside you watching and waiting to make sure your hearts desire comes true.
I know Niamh, thank you. Its just hard right now. Witg this being the week I would find out my baby's gender, its very tough.

But I am trying to think positive. I 'think' I am pregnant RIGHT now!

sorry annaare you ok? is andy ok?
yeah julia i agree, i'd sell everything i own to do IVF if needs be - its just such a shame it isnt guaranteed isnt it! People shell out thousands and thousands on it, and still walk away empty handed.
everyone having a good day? so glad work's over for the day. bit of study then bath and an early night for me im so sleepy. do any of you guys watch Bulging Brides? Its a bit silly, the show always follows the same format but i love watching these girls diet/work their butts off to get into their wedding dress!!
Over here in the states, the fertility clinic I attended averaged anywhere between $10,000 - $32,000 (I guess depending on how the situation is I guess

I want to work my butt off just to get into my regular clothes! I am the goodyear blimp!
I think a chemical is where the egg tries to implant but doesnt all the way, or the egg is empty or something along those lines. Again![]()
thanks anyway hun, just wish i can stop bleeding so heavy now
I hope the witch is nice to you so you can put forth all your best efforts again this cycle. Hopefully we never have to witness a false positve ever again!