I forgot to hit multi-quotes and am trying to remember all I wanted to respond to.
Titi, I left a message on your FB, too, but I am so, so, so sorry to hear about Baxter. That is very sad.

It really is losing a member of your family. I wish I could hug you in real life.

Thanks for checking on me with the IUI, too. I feel ok about it. Yay to your ovaries super responding to Clomid!! I knew that would happen (had a feeling). I hope you can kind of take it easy this month and I'm praying all the time for a BFP for you.
Soph, your lady sounds awesome! I want to go back to acupuncture, too, and am trying to decide whether or not to go back to the same chick I went to last time. I just felt like she was kind of young and didn't have a lot of experience, but she already has all my workups and stuff. I love it when they do the moxi. Anyway, I was just thinking about going back and now your post has inspired me even more! Oh, and I think the belly dancing is awesome, too! Can you post pics? Sounds like soooo much fun. I wish I could dance professionally.
Waiting, that witch better stay away or she'll have me to answer to.
Julia, my current insurance luckily covers a small amount of fertility stuff. I pay for all medications out of pocket and 20% for everything else (after an $1,800 deductible). This insurance covers up to $2k worth of IUIs per year, but I'm switching jobs soon so that's going to change. It works out to about $300-400 out of pocket per month for me right now because we do 2 IUIs per cycle. I have an HSA so pay with that. My current and new insurance (as far as I know) does not cover IVF though, and that's $10,500 per cycle at my clinic. Crazy. I don't think that'll be an option for us.
Jaimie, how have you been doing on the Clomid? Are you done with it for this cycle? Have any crazy mood swings? It's day 5 of Clomid today for me and I'm doing much better with it this time. Last month I was really stressed when I was taking it because of the potential job change and all that, so maybe that was contributing to my moodiness. I do feel like it makes me sore - muscleswise for some reason...like it makes my fibromyalgia worse. And I get the crazy hot flashes. Oh, I love the Halloween ticker!!

I love Halloween in general...not sure what I'm going to be this year. Maybe a vampire again because we just spent so much money on vacation and I'm not creative enough to make one.
So, the plan for me is to do this one more Clomid/IUI cycle and then take a break for Nov. and Dec. if it's a no-go. It's just the most cost effective thing because of the insurance switch since I'll have to meet another crazy deductible and will give me a chance to just chill and focus on the new job. I def. want to do acupuncture during that time, though. And then start up again in January. Hopefully it won't get to that point! But I like having a plan, just in case.

Dee, Moon, and Honey