af is due this weekend for me too julia. soooooo hope she stays away for us.
Yeah still no spotting! BUT, checking back, i did have one other month with no spotting. that was the month i had my cd21 bloods done and she said my progesterone is really good. Also, i think ive linked the spotting to drinking! Weird, but everytime ive had it, its been on a night out or the next day when I've been hungover. ive read that alcohol causes progesterone to drop, and low progesterone can lead to spotting. Therefore, I'm never drinking in the 2ww again!!
no cm here either, no boobie pain. they feel huge, but always do at this time.
Ahhh well hopefully you wont have to call the RE, but it's good that you have that plan. be interesting to see what he says.
went out for chinese with family last night it was yuuuuuum!!
hello everyone else!
It is weird about your surge staying high for ages and then taking ages to drop, did your RE say anything about that last time?
Yeah the no spotting is a good thing, but it has happened before and the witch still showed up. annoying.
I havent got out of bed all day except for to fetch food. Going over previous exam papers, this exam is so super hard, they try and catch you out at any given opportunity!
HoneyBee - really glad you've found a new determination with the drinking. It sounds reasonable about the progesterone dropping. Don't feel badly about a few drinks in the lead up to ov though - I sure don't! good luck with the exam girl - this is your last one, right? you rock for knocking those out.
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies! I really am trying some self preservation reality checks though - I know a few gals that have unexplained issues that tried IUI several times without success. Like MyTurn says - the odds are really just what healthy, young couples face so they aren't all that high. I still hope it will work of course, just trying not to get too worked up over it. Especially this first one.
I did the trigger shot of ovidrel last night - it was easy peasy. Just a tiny little prick and no pain when I pushed the liquid into my belly. It pays to have a belly : ) Ha!
Julia - I see what you are saying about the opk's. They aren't the most reliable HPT alternative so I'm not going to stop hoping for you yet ; )
How are you doing Dee?
Hi Anna and Tryfor.
Tryfor - nil for me too and I'm due af by Thursday.
Ejay nice to see you again.
Let's see Honey's looking into acu.
Jaime and Myturn are doing IUI this cycle.
I believe Honey, me and Tryfor are in the tww.
Anna - I can't remember at this minute where she is in her cycle.
Anybody correct me if I'm wrong.
Yup- I am about to send out a job application right now honeybee : )
Julia - that is awesome about the 90 day FF membership and CBFM. I bet you'll dig using those fun new toys. I'll bet you are definitely ov'ing - you might just have a longer build up than most girls. But that is probably why you get such great CM. You'll even out and get regular again Julia, I'm sure of it
The trigger shot hardly even pinched and definitely did not hurt. It was funny giving myself a shot at midnight when I was half asleep!
Hiya all
popped in to say hi and to ask if it would be ok to rejoin you all.
Having a break helped clear my head a little, I had become a little obsessed with the temp charting and things.
OH and I also went back to the docs and had some tests done. My blood tests and swabs all came back fine, OH's sperm results were a bit strange, he had super high sperm count but bad morphology, in the 9o's % of sperm with no tails, although they did say the ones with tails were strong swimmers but I guess they just get caught up in the traffic jam of tailess sperm.
Got to wait till after xmas before going back to the docs again, I don't really know what will happen after that.
How is everyone? I tried to read over the last couple of pages but it seems like so much has happened, is there any chance everyone could do a quick update for goldfish brain me![]()