
hey ladies!!

Squirrel/niamh/jill/mimi - how much maca are you taking? i got mine in the post today, not too sure what to start on!

What's the most fun thing everyone is doing this weekend? i have quite a lot of fun planned. today we're going to watch the rugby, we've got corporate hospitality so we get free food and drink and get to meet the players (I LOVE rugby men lol!!) Tomorrow my dh is playing rugby so im gonna go shopping with my best friend. then tomorrow night dh is taking me out to dinner to celebrate one year since he proposed to me YEEEEEY for fun!!!

hope you're all well

I started by taking the max dose on the bottle. Loved it, no issues at all. Backed it down to the lowest dose on the bottle after reading it might keep me up at night, even though I wasn't having that problem at all. But then I wasn't feeling as "RRAAAAARRRR" as I was. :haha: So I just started taking the max dose again and.... :happydance:

My plans for the weekend are to get DH to help with some home improvement projects. There are several little things I want to get done, but he likes to spend all his time outside. So I've asked him to please help me. Also we are going to go furniture shopping. We want a new leather couch and chair, and a new entertainment stand for the TV. :happydance:
Hi all!
Cycle Day 10 today, some slight confusion from me, as I have what appears to be EWCM earlier today, but its not anywhere near my ovuation time, but I'm ignoring it...
Keep being really out of it and kind of depressed... but I think its just that my sleeping patterns are off.... that and I haven't seen DP for 3 weeks, and I haven't seen my horse in what.... 6 weeks now? Can't sleep at nights, so I have been sleeping during the day, and its thrown my body off whack, so I'm depressed a little bit.
My dog is sleeping on my pillow right now! Grrr!
Moondance sorry you are feeling down - when will you get to see your horse again? SOunds like you need two pillows :)

Squirrel glad the maca is working. My DH and brother in law got our gate working better today (still not totally fixed but at least it slides better now so less effort for me) - definitely get DH working :)

Well I spotted a bit of brown today after last nights red spotting, but nothing since. I really do not know what my body is up to this cycle. I have had some cramping today but more backache and I am bloated and gassy too. I may test tomorrow if there is no more spotting or bleeding.
2:39 in the morning.... still awake.... still can't sleep...

I wish I had more to occupy me, physically, during the day. It's just, where I live, I can't go anywhere (no licence) and we're a small town, so there isn't exactly a lot to do. My dad consists of looking after the chickens and collecting eggs... wow, big excitement.
I really hope I get to see DP this week.

I think part of the problem is that I'm one of those people, when someone text messages me, I text back immediately, and my phone goes everywhere with me and I always check it for missed calls or messages so I can get back to people right away. DP is NOT one of those people, so I can text him, and he half the time forgets his phone even exists, or forgets that its on silent, so he won't get his messages for hours and hours and so you're left hanging after messaging him. Not on purpose, he just isn't the way I am with my phone.
But me with my Borderline Personality, I take it as "rejection" when its not... I mean, not consciously, coz I know he's just him and he's not a phone obsessed message freak like me, but like, some place inside my head feels funky about it and rejected.
Meh, I'm talking out my bum right now.

My brother is having a party... ever since I met DP I have said to myself "no more alcohol", and then sometimes I want to go party and drink myself to a drunken stupor, I think of DP and don't do it... So then I feel a bit like I'm missing out coz of him, when its not him making any rules, its me! So why should I feel like I'm missing out??
Very peculiar, my brother came into the house about an hour ago, walked in, scared the cat, she came pelting into my room. He stands in my doorway, makes some strange hand gesture then walks off, ten seconds later he's back, makes the same hand gesture and then walks out of the house completely. Meanwhile, my dogs didn't notice. Normally, when he shows up, my little dog Emmy is the first to let you know because she hates him. 5 minutes AFTER he'd gone, Emmy went ballistic as though he was still there, despite me watching him walk away and go back to his house down the back.
Moondance sorry you are feeling down - when will you get to see your horse again? SOunds like you need two pillows :)

Squirrel glad the maca is working. My DH and brother in law got our gate working better today (still not totally fixed but at least it slides better now so less effort for me) - definitely get DH working :)

Well I spotted a bit of brown today after last nights red spotting, but nothing since. I really do not know what my body is up to this cycle. I have had some cramping today but more backache and I am bloated and gassy too. I may test tomorrow if there is no more spotting or bleeding.

Have you taken a test yet? I hope the bloatedness goes away and that af really doesn't show.

No haven't tested yet - will test tomorrow morning I think. Hows getting ready to ovulate - not too much longer now - remember to have fun!
Hiya all, feeling a little more chilled out today, went over to my friends to see her new foal born today, she is soo cute.

Tommorow OH and I are out for the day the Monday we are meeting up with some friends for a BBQ.

Getting near O day, but just trying to chill out and not get too worried about BDing at the right times etc
Hey everyone! :flower:

MyTurnYet - you are thinking of going to see someone if nothing happens next cycle? Do you mind if I ask what cycle you are on? Just wondering when people are deciding to do this - does everyone wait until at least 12 months? Or sooner? Hopefully you won't need to explore this option! :flower:

No Jaimie - that's not wrong! Hope you are doing well xx Hey, still waiting for that embarrassing story...

Celtic - I wish I could help, but as I dont' chart I don't understand all the temperature stuff! I have read posts by other people though saying to listen to your body first and foremost....if you are positive you have O'd, you probably have xx

Honeybee - you would fit in well in NZ - people LOVE rugby here! Sounds like an awesome weekend! Congrats on your one-year-since-proposal anniversary!

Tanikit - that also sounds like a great weekend! Yeah, kids are made so much more aware of things that when we were young. I think it's a good thing, education around this kind of stuff is important - but it makes me so sad that it is necessary. Does the Soccer World Cup have a big influence over Child Protection issues? Sorry that you are having some confusing spotting - but good luck for testing tomorrow! Will be checking here asap to see how it goes xx

Sorry you are in pain Anna - hope it feels better soon!

Squirrel - you are such a good advertisement for Maca - every time I read your posts I think I'm gonna have to buy some! Have fun shopping!

Hey Moondance - sorry that you are feeling crappy at the moment :hugs: what's up with your brother? Hope you are ok x

Hey Ejay - how cute, a little foal! Sounds like a nice weekend. Oh, and I like your new avatar! Where was that taken?

Hi everyone else!!!

CD16 for me....waiting for my positive OPK...last month my LP was 11 days so I don't want it to get any shorter!

Well, I had my fun last night - me and my OH went out to a really nice restaurant down the road - not exactly cheap, but it was really lovely to go out on a 'date' - we haven't done that much since moving up the coast, there aren't exactly a lot of nice restaurants where we live now, plus we are trying to not spend it was nice to have a night out. Had a lovely glass of wine, yummy food plus a piece of lemon cheesecake for dessert - delicious! And then we came home and watched......Wedding Crashers! You guys talked me into it. It was fun - we were in the mood for a silly comedy so that fit the bill.

Today my poor old OH is unwell...which is unfortunate as if I get a positive OPK I'm going to want to drag him into the bedroom...we shall see!

I have my embarrassing story all ready to tell..just waiting to O.
Hi Girls! Well since my stupid ice tea all over computer incident the other day, I have been having a hard time typing!!! I typed a really long post this morning to everyone, then babyandbump disappeared on me for awhile. Kept saying it couldn't find the site! I was so mad I just logged off for the day!

Luckyd, sounds like a really nice night out with hubby. I hope you guys had a really nice time! And remember to try and have fun with O'ing this cycle. I hope your DH feels better!!! :flower:

Moondance, I hope you and DP can make some plans ot see each other soon. No one likes to feel lonely. Us girls are here for you to vent to. Try and get some rest tonight. :hugs:

Jaimie, I am trying to think of a really embarassing story. I'll have to get back to you on that!!! Ooooooh wait! I got one! I was 17 and DH was 19 (he he!!! I am giggling already!!) Well no one was home at his house, just him and I. We went at it :)sex:) as young ones in love do, and when we were done he went to the bathroom and I layed there stark naked on top of the covers. Since we were so young we wouldve been at it again 20 minutes later!!! he he! Well, needless to say while he was in the bathroom, my Mother In Law just opened the bedroom door to say hi to us and there I was, Butt naked in her teenage sons room!!! I thought I was going to die! She got so embarrassed she shut the door, and didn't mention it again! I lied and made up a story that I was getting my bathing suit on to go in the pool, and she said, Ok!!! (I knew she didn't believe it!!!) Lmao :rofl:

Or how about when my, then 4 year old DD, got us kicked out of a dollar store?! We were in line and it was a busy busy day (since christmas was approaching) and she was getting fidgety. I was unloading my small basket of gift boxes and tissue paper onto the cashiers conveyor belt and WHAM!, you hear something fly over your head. My DD had kicked a kick ball in the air and hit an elderly woman right in the face!!! I payed as quick as I could and a manager came up to me and asked me kindly to leave!!! I was mortifed!!!


I probably have got a ton of them, I just have to think of them!

By the way girls, I am slightly confused. I normally O CD18 and get AF 14 days later making me have a 32 day cycle. Anywho, I started my digitalopk's this morning with second morning urine and it had a smiley face!! Am I Oing early? I can't find the exact mIU for the Clearblue digital to see why it came up that way, but it sure is frustrating me! I am going to takeanother tomorrow maybe after the second morning urine and see what it says.I looked at the blue linesinside (I know they say not to) but I wonder which is the control and which is the test?....Frustrating!!!
Tanikit, yes I should be gearing up to O suring this upcoming week but I have a feeling I just may be O'ing now?....:shrug:

Jill, where abouts on the east coast are you???
Oh My God, Julia - I am laughing so much at your stories! How embarrassing about your MIL - especially when you are 17! I could probably laugh it off now, but at 17 I would have been mortified!! And you DD with the ball - well, I am sure it wasn't funny at the time, but definitely made me giggle!

I don't know anything about the digital OPKs sorry...good idea to take another one tomorrow and see what it says. I guess it is possible you are Oing earlier than you thought? You going to BD anyway?
damn period is hurting me at the moment took parasetamol and painkillers and still hurts grrr
Julia your stories were so funny - thanks for sharing :)

Anna sorry AF is hurting - really hope it settles down soon.

13dpo today and I tested BFN so am losing hope - guess AF will turn up tomorrow or on Tuesday. I don't have signs today yet that it is on its way though which is weird. We are off to a get together for Moms and Tots and to have lunch so I better go and make a salad. Hope everyone enjoys the last of the weekend.
Morning ladies.... not much to report here, stiillllllllllllllllllllll waiting to O.... Today was CD15 on my CBFM, and last month I O'd on CD17.... I'm ready to get the party started here!!! I've been unofficially trying to do every three days rather than every two, just so we don't get too tired before the peak days.

Well, we went shopping yesterday for new furniture, and while we found a couch we really liked, it didn't come in any other color than black. We want dark brown leather, and black would definitely not go well in our house. So that was a bit disappointing. So I guess we'll have to drive to another town and check out the furniture stores there. But on the bright side, OH did help install a light over my desk, so now I'll be able to see when I'm paying bills and balancing the checkbook! You have no idea how long I've had that light waiting to be installed. He had to put in a box in the wall and run the wiring, otherwise, I would have done it myself.... Today I'm doing a bit of painting (gotta get that in before the TWW!)... I guess I'm trying to "nest" as much as possible before I get too tired when I'm knocked up! My OH doesn't share the sense of urgency....

Well, I'd better get to the painting and weekend cleaning. Hope you all have a great fun-filled day!!!! :hugs:
LuckyD, yes I have lived quite an eventful life! My DD is a smartass just like her daddy and mommy (great sense of humor!) and she is what I like to call a 16 year old rebellious teenager trapped in a 5 year old body! :rofl:

Squirrel, have fun this weekend with your 'nesting'! Andmen take forever to do something in theirown house but if mommy called or someone else to do something, they would do it in a jiffy!! Ahhh Men, lmao!

I took a digitalopk this morning with second morning urine and it was negative (just a circle). So I am wondering if I O'd super early or if the test was positive because was urine was too concentrated. :shrug: If it was positive I only BD'd CD11 and CD13 (last night). But oh well I guess, tthf!

You are very welcome tanikit! :af: Keep the witch away!

Anna, feel better! AF sucks, we know!!! :flower:

Ejay, have fun with O time!
julia, did you just get a positive digi for one day? i normally get them for at least 2, and i know soph gets them for 3. i use fmu for them as it's easier with work and that......

went to rugby yesterday, all the players were in the bar after.. oh my days i was in heaven!!! LuckyD, you have Dan Carter don't you? he's my 3rd fav rugby man in the world!! lol.

hope you ladies are well. i went to go shopping with my bff but ended up in the bar with her instead ooops.
anyone know how to slow a period down? 3day and this is annoying me now
Tanikit - I know you mentioned that your temps weren't showing up on FF, right? Cause I just had a peek at your chart to see if your temps were reflecting your BFN. Are your temps dropping hon? Definitely hope not and that you are one of those gals that don't see a BFP for a few days after your missed period!!

LuckyD - that sounds like a really nice night out. We watched Fantastic Mr. Fox last night and LOVED it! That was one of my favorite children's stories as a kid. I love everything I've read by Roald Dahl.

TryFor - is that your bump from your DD? I like that pic! Thanks for the two fer on your story - it is fitting cause you are trying for your second! Hee.

Ok, I've been debating whether or not to post this but it was my idea so I am going to share my truly most embarrassing story evah -

I got kicked out of college two weeks before exams during my freshman year :shock:

By all outwards appearances, I had been the picture of a good girl. I had very good grades in High School and got into this college on a scholarship. I was a late bloomer in terms of partying, compared to most of my friends, but by my senior year in High School I caught up and could drink and smoke pot with the best of 'em. During orientation we had been told that these activities were strictly forbidden but I didn't take them seriously. I had finally moved away from home and there wasn't much that was going to curb my enthusiasm for partying! Sooo - my room mate hated me from day one because I met her while wearing a grateful dead tie dye. She and her super nerdy pals were determined to kick out all the pot heads from our dorm. Her best friend was roomies with another pot head and got him kicked out a month or so into the semester. Unbeknownst to me, I was their next target. She found my stash in the desk drawer where I hid it inside a cassette tape case (anyone remember cassette tapes?!) She told our residence assistant. When I got back from class one day the RA and some administrator were waiting for me in my room. They made me open the drawer and pull out the tape with my minuscule stash (you couldn't have even gotten a buzz off it!) Well that was it - they scheduled a "hearing" which was really just an excuse to interrogate all my friends. After the hearing they asked me to withdraw from my classes and leave. I was mortified - remember, to all outward appearances I was a goody two shoes and I had never gotten in trouble for anything this bad in my life. It took me a good year or so to get over it - I transferred to a state school and ended up in a much better program academically than I had been in. It all worked out for the best, but damn! I thought my life was over for a few months! Things are like that when you are 18 / 19 - seems so devastating but in the end it put my life in a better direction. If I had had to spend 4 years in that stuck up, straight laced school I wouldn't have known what I was missing :happydance: :drunk: :thumbup:
Oh, and squirrel girl - hope you find the furniture you want! I just got a new living room set a few months ago and i love it! We are going to have to hire an electrician to get all the lights installed that we need - can you believe the house I bought only has overhead lighting in the kitchen and dining room?! Every other room's switch controls one outlet for a lamp, that is it! We need fans in the living room and a couple of bedrooms, so we are gonna have to bite the bullet someday and get that taken care of.
Shoot - I gotta tell honeybee a funny story - I dated a guy that lived in the "rugby house" at the state school I ended up at. Those dudes were INSANE! One of the initiation rituals onto the team was shaving eachother's balls. Ha! This one guy partied so hard that the night before graduation he and his friends decided it would be a good idea to throw beer bottles against a wall and break them. They were being so rowdy that the police got called and had the building inspector CONDEM THE HOUSE because of all the broken glass. So my boyfriend's parents showed up the next day to find a condemnation notice on the front door! It was not a good start to his graduation day...

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