
YEY soph's back woohoo!!! Missed you.x

lol lucky of course i'll still be your friend, but you should google him and tell me if you agree with me!! (jonny wilkinson is my number one rugger man and josh lewsey is number two!!) darling you are certainly not a loser.xx fx you get knocked up and/or a new job v soon.

niamh thanks for that info on low progesterone, i think i'll go and see the doc and get that checked out.

moon - no embarrassing stories!? not one!?

hi everyone else!!

so my cbfm arrived yesterday evening and i wanted to play with it but i dont have the batteries for it!!! grrrr!!! gotta go and get some today, yey, cant wait to poas again lol.
Tankit saw this chart! but it shows loads of spotting before Af was due so may be!


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Thanks lovely ladies xx

I am fine really, you know how you just have moments when everything feels a bit crap!

Honeybee - I googled him! He is def cute - I am not so much into the big muscly boys - I have always gone for the skinny musician type - but can totally see why he is in your top three!
Celtic thanks, but AF has really arrived now - not feeling too bad since DH says he'll try properly this month and I am seeing a gynae so can get things checked and hopefully a BFP won't take too long after that.

Soph loved the Gran story - are grans really that naive - I know things were different when they were younger but they make me laugh nonetheless. :)

Have any of you POAS addicts worked out what percentage of days in a month you POAS - I was imagining that someone could start at say CD8 and POAS a few times a day for the OPKs then start POAS at 5-6dpo and almost never have a day free from POAS. If you have long cycles that would be only 13 days of not doing so and the rest to feed the addiction. Mmm, maybe I should also make this part of my routine except my cycles are too short - I'd only get about 48%

Lucky and Moondance hope you feel better soon.
What if you don't HAVE any embarassing moments to spill once ovulation occurs? I honestly can't think of anything in my life.... its still 2 weeks however til I ovulate, so I'm safe for a long while anyway.

Sorry Moondance, you posted while I was writing.

How can you not have any embarrassing moments? I am impressed. Maybe something will happen in the next two weeks!

does farting out of your vagina in the middle of sex count?
Or just plain FARTING in the middle of sex?
Tanikit :hugs: stupid witch, but good luck for this cycle :hugs:

LuckyD I am feeling like you did or worse today, only for Im only 3 or 4 dpo I would swear I am due AF my mood is so bad Im snapping at every one even poor DH is was very upset with me, I can not even say whats putting me in a bad mood. I just want to give out and cry! :shrug: I feel a bit better now though as DH kinda snapped me out of it, plus I had to make up to him as well.:cry:

Moondance :rofl: Thank you for the giggle and dont you hate when that happens guess though you just have to laugh and carry on!
:rofl: Moon!!! That happens when air gets forced in your V!! I have done that before and everytime it happens, I burst out laughing!!!
Jaimie, fwhew! At least someone else mentioned Pot!!! I did it as a teenager! Thank God I grew out of it!! Caused me some other embarassing moments! Grateful Dead Tie Dye?! Love it!!! When we wore tie dye in school, we were called hippies! :rofl: How is TTHF working for you? And no you really don't have too shave but if sex is going to be a part of your married life then shaving would be a courtesy! Lmao P.S. When pool season starts (Memorial Day) I start waxing my V area every other week so I don't have to worry about it annd there is no bumps!
Tanikit, :hugs: At least DH agreed to try properly this cycle. And yes, agreed. You should see your OBGYN to help get the ball rolling in the right direction! :hugs:
Soph, Hi :wave: I missed you as well! Sounds like you enjoyed your trip, I am glad! Oh yes! Steamy hot :sex:
LuckyD, we all get into "Our life is crap" moods. :hugs: You are not a loser, we care for you very much so! I always wanted a musician type but there wasn't any! My guy was the preppy guy who was also the funny guy!!! Congrats on officially being a land owner!!! :flow: I bet it's beautiful!
Niamh, did you O already or are you gearing upto O? TTHF!
Jill,I am glad to hear that you like the CBFM! I am excited to try it! Did you buy it used off ebay or buy it new? I think I am going to buy a used one.

Well I took another digital opk this morning with SMU and it was indeed negative again with just a circle. I will continue to take them everyday until I run out (I think I have 4 left) If I DID NOT O then it should be positive CD18 for sure, if it's negative thenI for sure O'd 5-6 days earlier than normal which is completely not normal for me at all!!! It happened once in November, luckily I start taking opk's early and it picked upmy surge super early but then it resulted in one of the most painful periods ever! Sharp pain behind my belly button for nearly a whole day! I wish I started them at CD10 now since I couldv'e O'd way earlier than I think!! Let's hope I caughtthe egg just in the knick of time IF I did O early!
Jaimie, this is a picture (avatar) from google images! I want to stare at this baby belly until I finally get pregnant! :rofl:
Oh no, sorry you are feeling so rubbish Celtic - that's not good to hear. I hate feeling crap and not knowing why - my poor OH gets the brunt of my bad moods too. Glad you are feeling a bit better :hugs:

Oh sorry Tanikit :hugs: glad you have got a good plan for this month

Julia - thanks sweetie x yeah I was just having a whinge, I know it's not really all that bad! I totally was the girl that went out with musicians...but I have to say, I outgrew that thankfully and my OH now can't hold a tune or play an instrument to save himself! I am sure there are lots of lovely music men out there, but my experience was too much partying, too much ego, too many girls wanting to shag your boyfriend, and too many people trying to be cool all the time. Hope your O is still to come and you can get some good BDing in!
tryfor i have Oed all ready I think 14dpo FF thinks 15 but still in the normal range so I guess thats good! :flower:
I hope you have caught that egg! :thumbup:
Niamh, you need to change your ticker!!! :haha:

Well girls I have to admit I am pretty damned upset today. My sister Mandi, who had just given birth to a son in January, has called me this morning and sent me a picture message, that she is pregnant again. :sad2: She called to say there is a faint line on an answer brand test (which is 100miu) and she will take another 2 tonight and tomorrow morning. I am trying to upload the picture frommycellphone to my computer so I can see the line. She knows how upset I get over other pregnancies and she knows how long I have been trying.I feelas if she is inconsiderate of my feelings. I cried for a good 5 minutes and now I amhoping that there is no line. But I feel there probably is. Just because that is my luck.

Sorry to be a downer guys. It just sucks. :sad2:
Tryfor - ah that would make me feel down too - but surely if she didn't tell you til much too late you'd also feel upset? Imagine two babies 13 months apart - heavens no! She could have perhaps waited to tell you til she was sure though especially since she knows you have been trying for so long.

Celtic sorry you feel down and irritable - I find I often do after ovulation too and not sure why. Hope you feel better soon.

Lucky glad you found someone who is better for you - I'm not sure I would have liked to date a musician although who knows...

Here's my daughters quote for the day, I thought it was cute:
"Mummy, this apple is not ripe. Sweets are ripe?" (She's still trying to figure out what ripe applies to, but loves sweets.) Now if she was me she would have put chocolate in there - my food for AF.
Hey Julia – I’m SO sorry that your sister is being insensitive about this. It is funny how things get between sisters – I feel like there might be some sibling rivalry there which is making her act this way? Is this the same sister that told you she would probably give it up if she got pg with another baby? If so, WTF?!!! Why do people that don’t want babies get pg so easily?

I really feel for you because I also had conflicting emotions when she announced her last two pregnancies. She is on her third marriage to a guy whose citizenship status is – let’s just say – questionable. First of all, I think it is stupid to marry someone who could be deported. Secondly, why would you have kids that might be subject to losing their father? Of course she got pg within 3-4 months of trying with both of them. Her second one – she had just gotten the first decent job of her entire life. A full time gig with benefits and promotional opportunities. Of course she ends up pg within the first few months of working there. So she knew she was risking her brand new, good job by getting pg at that point. Yet she didn’t bother to use protection? I know it was petty of me to feel that way, but I was still waiting to try and deep down I was just jealous. So I was particularly critical of her which I probably should not have been.

But damn sam! Why do those of us that wait until we are stable and ready for babies get screwed by it taking so long? My only guess is that there are only so many special souls that are fortunate enough to have parents that prepare for them, and really want them; we just gotta wait till the ones that are meant for us are ready to come into the world.

Moondance – that is a good embarrassing story, one I’m sure many of us relate to (myself included). There is a specific word for this phenomenon – does anyone know what it is? Should we have a prize for the winner? Hee.

Glad I’m not the only gal with a history of pot smoking on this thread – that would have been a whole ‘nuther embarrassing story if y’all were like “OMG THIS HORRIBLE WOMEN WANTS A BABY!” I had a feeling Amy and Julia were stoners too (totally kidding). I can’t do much either these days – I get wicked paranoid and can’t function properly in public. My DH on the other hand – well he is just super keen on getting me knocked up so he can resume his favorite past time. I guess that SA worked out in my favor because he is much more “on board” now that he can’t smoke till I get pg! ha!

Tanikit – so how was this cycle for you? Did you find “taking a break” alright? Did it help? Hope that getting back in the saddle this cycle goes smoothly for you.

Niamh – you are the best with hope filling charts!

LuckyD - hang in there on the job front. I was looking for 15 or so months before I found this one and it was one of the most difficult periods in my life. It really hurts your confidence to get rejected like that. I'm sure the right opportunity will present itself hon - just hang in there. It is particularly tough when you move to a new town and don't have many contacts. Are there any volunteer gigs that might help you meet people connected to the job you want?
Hi all, haven't been on to catch up with you all as OH and I have had a busy weekend:
We were out at a country fare on saturday, weather wasn't that great but we watched an amasing display with a peregrine falcon catching a lure that was dropped from a kite they were flying.

think O day is upon me, although this month hasn't been great, we have managed some BDing but I don't think this is our month.

LuckyD - the pic was taken last year when OH and I went to California to stay with one of my friends, we went up in the mountains to go snowshoeing, it was soo much fun. Unfortunately a couple of days after that pic I went down with chicken pox and the rest of our holiday snaps show me in a baseball cap pulled firmly down over my face which was covered in pox!!
well bleeding has stopped now and i am off to have some BD fun hehe
Tryfor LOL I think I have confused you, I meant I OV on CD14 or 15 , did you think I was 14 DPO LOL I wish!! :flower: I think I feel the same as you if my sister did the same, I would be gutted but hapy for her as well mixed with the green eyed monster. I think personally she should have waited on till she was fully sure she was, but may be she was excited and wanted to see what her sister thought with out thinking at least I hope that is it! :hugs:

Jaimie I scanned through loads of them on FF as I was wondering had any one got a BFP with temps that took a few days to rise. I think my temps will jump tomorrow though took my temp and its 37!

OOh and I really don't want to get my hopes up, but mood swings and cold symptoms are signs of pregnancy, although they generally happen a week past OV. so think I'm a bit early. wishful thinking me thinks LOL I feel so much better this evening my mood vanished as quick as it came!

I got some new books to read, has any one seen true blood its brilliant I love it
I got the books so have a feeling when I ever I feel the TTHF mantra slipping I'm going to hide in make believe land LOL
Squirrel - sorry you couldn't find your perfect couch, but enjoy your nesting! Do Squirrels nest? Or do they live in trees? We don't have them in NZ!

Well, I think they build nests in trees. No squirrels in NZ?!?!? Awwww, they are so cute!
so my cbfm arrived yesterday evening and i wanted to play with it but i dont have the batteries for it!!! grrrr!!! gotta go and get some today, yey, cant wait to poas again lol.

Hey honeybee, not sure where you are in your cycle, but please read the directions before you start peeing on sticks!!! :haha: It's pretty particular when you can start using the monitor, and for the first 6 days you don't get to pee on anything! This is my second month using it, and I'm very happy to have it. Hoping to get a peak tomorrow... Thought it would come today, but no.... :cry: But whatev! I'm chillin' this month, no worries!
Moondance – that is a good embarrassing story, one I’m sure many of us relate to (myself included). There is a specific word for this phenomenon – does anyone know what it is? Should we have a prize for the winner? Hee.

ooh, ooh, I know! Queefing! (someone's probably already answered by now, but I always hate to get to the end to see if someone else answered, because it's too difficult to go back and find what I wanted to quote!!!! Or I completely forget what I was going to respond to!!!)

Edit: I didn't realize I was so close to the end of the thread! I'd like to collect my BFP prize now. :) I figure I won the BFP for the 3000th post in the SMEP thread, this will really seal the deal! Come on Ovulation!!!! :rofl:

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