
ahaha jaimie i love your stories!!!! i think that stories like that are what make us. I've got plenty to tell but im only cd5, and i dont have to spill till after ov right?

for all of you that know of english rugy players, i saw danny cipriani in the bar after the London Wasps game last night, omg, he is soooo hott in real life lol.
:dohh: My DH's volume was super low too! But everything else was normal except for motility. Is it wrong for me to secretly be happy that his SA was slightly off because it is making him drink less? :haha:

This cracked me up. :rofl: I was actually hoping the doc would tell my DH to drink less. :haha: I've definitely cut back, but he hasn't. Although, last night went to a party and I got SOOOO drunk! It's so gorgeous out today, and I feel like I ruined my day being hung over. :sad1: I'm too old for this!
Hey everyone! :flower:

MyTurnYet - you are thinking of going to see someone if nothing happens next cycle? Do you mind if I ask what cycle you are on? Just wondering when people are deciding to do this - does everyone wait until at least 12 months? Or sooner? Hopefully you won't need to explore this option! :flower:


Hey Lucky, I'm somewhere around cycle 12 of really, actually trying. We started around Feb. 2009, but had a couple of breaks in between the "trying" part when I was ill and on medication (didn't want to risk it). I've already been to my OB and had some preliminary tests a while back (ultrasound, HSG, blood tests for FSH) and think everything was basically ok, and of course my DH had his two SAs that turned out fine on the second try. I was kind of hoping we just haven't been BDing enough...have been really "trying, trying" (as in pulling out all the stops) the past 3 cycles.

I've been afraid to go back to the doc, but Tryfor gave me hope. :flower: I think I'll need to see a reproductive endocrinologist rather than just my OB, so will get a recommendation next cycle. Part of me wishes we started trying as soon as we got married in 2007...wanted some "us" time first, but I never dreamed it'd take this long.

Anyway, in the meantime, trying to relax and HAVE FUN!

So happy you watched Wedding Crashers! It's the kind of movie that gets funnier every time you watch it, I think. Sounds like you had such a nice night!
Jaimie, I am trying to think of a really embarassing story. I'll have to get back to you on that!!! Ooooooh wait! I got one! I was 17 and DH was 19 (he he!!! I am giggling already!!) Well no one was home at his house, just him and I. We went at it :)sex:) as young ones in love do, and when we were done he went to the bathroom and I layed there stark naked on top of the covers. Since we were so young we wouldve been at it again 20 minutes later!!! he he! Well, needless to say while he was in the bathroom, my Mother In Law just opened the bedroom door to say hi to us and there I was, Butt naked in her teenage sons room!!! I thought I was going to die! She got so embarrassed she shut the door, and didn't mention it again! I lied and made up a story that I was getting my bathing suit on to go in the pool, and she said, Ok!!! (I knew she didn't believe it!!!) Lmao :rofl:

Or how about when my, then 4 year old DD, got us kicked out of a dollar store?! We were in line and it was a busy busy day (since christmas was approaching) and she was getting fidgety. I was unloading my small basket of gift boxes and tissue paper onto the cashiers conveyor belt and WHAM!, you hear something fly over your head. My DD had kicked a kick ball in the air and hit an elderly woman right in the face!!! I payed as quick as I could and a manager came up to me and asked me kindly to leave!!! I was mortifed!!!


I probably have got a ton of them, I just have to think of them!

By the way girls, I am slightly confused. I normally O CD18 and get AF 14 days later making me have a 32 day cycle. Anywho, I started my digitalopk's this morning with second morning urine and it had a smiley face!! Am I Oing early? I can't find the exact mIU for the Clearblue digital to see why it came up that way, but it sure is frustrating me! I am going to takeanother tomorrow maybe after the second morning urine and see what it says.I looked at the blue linesinside (I know they say not to) but I wonder which is the control and which is the test?....Frustrating!!!
Tanikit, yes I should be gearing up to O suring this upcoming week but I have a feeling I just may be O'ing now?....:shrug:

Jill, where abouts on the east coast are you???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: These stories are cracking me up! I'll have to be thinking of some for the 2WW. :winkwink:

Tryfor, I live in CT....I think you're in PA, right? About the OPK, sounds like maybe you are O'ing early. What CD are you on now? I O'd super early last month, but am not really sure why. :shrug:Do you think stress could be a factor?
Ladies who use CBFM, quick question...this is my third cycle using it and last night I was a very bad girl and drank a little too much at a Kentucky Derby party (make that a lot too much). Well, in my hung over stupor this morning, I did remember to press the CBFM button and it requested a test. Except, I'm pretty sure I totally missed putting the stick in the stream. :dohh: I'm not just looked dry on the tip, and the window part never turned blue or anything. I put the stick in the monitor anyway and got a High day (yesterday was Low). How is that possible? I'm all confused about it.

BTW, sorry for my 5 billion posts!!! I need to figure out how to quote everyone in one post.
Jaimie, shaving your balls is a part of our family initiation too?! :rofl:
Funny stories jaimie, love it! Except I just realized maybe I was supposedto wait until I was in the 2ww to share them! Ooops! :dohh:

Jill, I am sure I have asked this to you several times, but whereon the east coast are you? Are you close enough to South Central, Pa to see my RE? Have you seen "My Best Friend's Girlfriend" with Dane Cook? DH and I, we have sick sense of humor, like that movie! It's hysterical!

I hope this link works!
hey ladies!!

Squirrel/niamh/jill/mimi - how much maca are you taking? i got mine in the post today, not too sure what to start on!

Honeybee, I got the powered form of it instead of the pills. Not quite sure how much I'm supposed to be taking, but the package says a serving is a teaspoon full, so I've been putting a teaspoon in my tea once or twice a day. What kind did you get? I'm wondering if I should take more or try the pills...wanted the powder because DH has a weird phobia about pill taking. He hasn't tried the Maca yet, though.
Hey Tryfor, I'm in CT. Probably a bit too far to drive, but am thinking I'll try to find a good local RE first, and if that doesn't work out, I'll be heading to your state. :haha:
Jill, I am thinking I must have O'd early or that my urine was too concentrated. But at the same time, I have had really watery/ egg white like cm yesterday and for a few days before too, so who knows! We will see! Yes there must be some really good RE's in your area! How do you like using the CBFM? I am considering getting one off Ebay soon! Are you still hungover?

Honeybee,sounds like you had a lovely weekend and exceptionally busy!

Tanikit, how are you sweets???
Hope everyone is having a good weekend and having some fun.

Anna hope you feel better soon - take some pain killers, have a warm bath and relax.

Honeybee sounds like a good weekend - we took DD out to a fete this morning and she had fun riding the horses and jumping in the jumping castle. They also had a puppet show which she enjoyed - it was about child protection (a big thing in this country at the moment with the Soccer World Cup about to start) It was quite scary hearing them tell toddlers things we only learnt at 8-9 years of age, but she did it in a very easy to understand way - not sure how much my DD got out of it (she loved the puppets) but we won't let her out of our sight ever at this age.

Well 12dpo today and I have some slight brown spotting after the red spotting last night. I had bad cramps last night but very little today. Celtic you may be right and it may be low progesterone with AF on the way. I'd still like to hope that its implantation but I have my doubts now (its been 3 days of spotting now) If AF is coming I hope she hurries up.

Celtic I can't see temps on your chart after CD5 - am wondering if this is my computer giving issues as it took til yesterday to get my own chart sorted out. If it just one temp then I'd ignore it - could be any number of reasons.

Hi Hun, might be worth your while getting it checked! just in case :hugs: hope the stupid witch stays away!
Not sure what was going on there with my chart, but not sure what to think, I am having a lot of flat temps, FF says it could be my thermometer battery or something we shall see, I kinda changed one of the temps as well to 36.3 from 36.2 that was the one I knew was wrong!! with out a doubt! but kinda wondering of I should have now, if my temp rises tomorrow ov will show on CD14, yet of I change the temp back to 36.2 it will vanish! hmmm not sure Im sure I OV on CD14! so may be its not me, I hope so any way!
I have a wee cold now are well stuffy nose having a few cramps yesterday none today so far any way.

jaimie and Tryfor those stories are so good, not so good on getting kicked out of college Jaimie for you I mean it would have seemed like the end of the world all right!
tryfor I had a similar incident with DH when we were young, in my DH house alone his parents were out, we kinda got carried away clothes on but open IYKWIM and we were all carried away when we heard a car door shut and we could see his parents not looking in but with frowns so had a feeling they saw us so embarrassed :blush: LOL:haha: think that when they let me stay in DH bedroom!!!! hehehe

Anna hope you feel better soon:hugs: you too Moondance sorry to hear you are feeling a wee bit down:hugs:

Oh and that film looks good I so have to watch that!

Honeybee low pogerstone can prevent the baby implanting as you need pogerstone to maintain the uterus lining for egg to implant
Tryfor, I'm loving the CBFM! Takes out a lot of guesswork for me, and satifies my POAS addiction at the same time. :winkwink: I would recommend it.

Feeling a bit better now...thank you for asking. :flower:
Oh thank goodness I have finally caught up on this group! It has taken me forever and I haven't really read it carefully, just skimmed it so apologies if I have missed anything important. Hi everyone! Sooooo good to be back home. Had a great 4 days, was very tiring and exhausting but I was doing something that I love so it was worth it and I love learning too so all in all a successful trip. Did a lot of shopping too, found some awesome bargains!

Aw Julia - I wish your DH could have gone to this appointment with you, so that the doc could explain his role in IUI. I'm SO glad that my DH's doc was the one to tell him that he needed to do a second SA after cutting down on drinking and smoking. Coming from us it just sounds like more coercion but coming from docs it is said with authority! (like cartman from South Park says "you will respect my authoritay!)

Do they do the egg donation program at your clinic? I will definitely look for that here in Tucson if we don't get preggers soon.

HeHe, I love South Park!

okay getting to about 50% sure i have come on now but will keep an eye out

:hugs: anna, so she got you hun, I hope you have a much more stable cycle this time.

Have any of you used the digital opks? If so did you like them?

LOVE the digi opks Julia, I know they are expensive but I find them sooo much easier I don't mind spending the extra money. I buy the 20pack from ebay for about $35 which includes postage

I've been having a disastrous week... Was sposed to go to DP's on Wednesday, but he called to say no, not this week, as his son was staying another week. That was okay, that was fine... BECAUSE... Tuesday night, started having unbearable pain in my upper left wisdom tooth. Spent the entire night sobbing, unable to sleep, was so out of it. As soon as the telephone hotline was open in the A.M I phoned and got a dental appointment and then went immediately to the chemist for painkillers which I almost overdosed on trying to knock myself out before I had to go to dentist. As soon as I went into the dentist, told her what happened, she took one look then had me in another room awaiting extraction it was THAT bad.
Because of the pain I hadn't eaten, and I still hadn't really slept, so as soon as they injected me with the anaesthetic my very empty body reacted and I started weeping and trembling. The nurse made me drink some fizzy drink because of low blood sugars. Then they did the extraction. Because I had taken so much aspirin the night before (useless for sore tooth, but I had to try SOMETHING), my blood was really thinned out and I bled like a mofo. Went through about 15 little gauze squares, they wouldn't let me leave the office til the bleeding slowed down.
Finally, got home, spat out my gauze thing, and lay down and conked out.

Woke up at about midnight with a splitting headache. Tried to eat something and take some Panamax, which seemed to work. Went back to bed coz still felt really out of it and kinda spazzy, went right back to sleep.
Woke up at 7:30am with head pounding BAD... like, MIGRAINE bad. Went into kitchen with eyes all squinty, walking into things coz the light hurt my eyes so bad. Got my painkillers, chugged them into my mouth and three seconds later was in the toilet throwing up. I must have swallowed an awful lot of blood after my tooth extraction, because there was a tonne of little clotty bits of blood in my vomit.
Two hours later.... sick again, and every single time my stomach contracted to be sick, it was like someone was stabbing me in the guts with a knife.
And another two hours later, sick again, this time with some bubbly yellow bile that hurt even more coming up. I kept trying to drink water, but it would come right back up.
So migraine headache, no way to take painkillers, throwing up, what a fun day.
Not to mention I was running hot and cold all day. I would be laying in bed then I would start shaking from being so cold. So I'd pull my blankets up over me and within 5 minutes, be sweating like crazy, so I'd throw off one blanket and go back to shaking from being cold.
Was in bed all day with a cold facewasher over my eyes which did very little. When my stomach finally settled down, I got into taking Panamax Elixer for the pain (it didn't help much, but that didn't stop me dosing myself every 4 hours hoping it would help).

It's now Friday.... am still somewhat headachey, and have really really bad diarrhoea from the flipping Panamax. UGH!

Gosh moondance, sounds like you have had a traumatic time. Believe me I know all about toothache, I think it is the worst pain ever so I am glad you had that tooth extracted because if it was that far gone, even if they attempted to fix it, it would happen again.

Ooo forgot to say, so far this month had no sign of CM but this morning appearance of EWCM, am CD 11 today (I think) so guess I am getting near O day.

I too have had NO cm at all this cycle, and I mean none at all, nothing, zip nada until yesterday morning I got a blob of ew. I chated a little creamy earlier on in the cycle but really I was clutching at straws there was so little. I think I may have Oed yesterday which was a few days later than I was expecting but maybe the busy trip pushed back O, or maybe maca? I don't know but will have to wait to see if my temp continues to rise over the next few days. I usually follow a slow rise pattern so I can't tell unless it continues to rise.

Jaimie, I am trying to think of a really embarassing story. I'll have to get back to you on that!!! Ooooooh wait! I got one! I was 17 and DH was 19 (he he!!! I am giggling already!!) Well no one was home at his house, just him and I. We went at it :)sex:) as young ones in love do, and when we were done he went to the bathroom and I layed there stark naked on top of the covers. Since we were so young we wouldve been at it again 20 minutes later!!! he he! Well, needless to say while he was in the bathroom, my Mother In Law just opened the bedroom door to say hi to us and there I was, Butt naked in her teenage sons room!!! I thought I was going to die! She got so embarrassed she shut the door, and didn't mention it again! I lied and made up a story that I was getting my bathing suit on to go in the pool, and she said, Ok!!! (I knew she didn't believe it!!!) Lmao :rofl:

This reminds me of a story from when I was about 16. I was staying at my boyfriends house. He lived with his mum and grandmother. and one night we were sitting around eating caukiflower soup for dinner - Gran made the best cauliflower soup, and she asked me if I was ok last night. I said 'yes, why?'
SHe said 'I was worried about you because I heard you having an asthma attack'.
I spat my cauliflower soup out all over the table and his mum laughed her head of at me. I was mortified!
Gran had no idea though, she just said 'Flopsy, whats wrong, are you choking?'
I have no idea why she called me flopsy, she said I reminded her of a timid little mouse. I guess Flopsy is a mouse name?

Well, we went shopping yesterday for new furniture, and while we found a couch we really liked, it didn't come in any other color than black. We want dark brown leather, and black would definitely not go well in our house. So that was a bit disappointing.

We bought a new couch recently, it is gorgeous chocolate colour. 8 seater corner suite with a chase return. Onll problem is that we are STILL waiting for it to come in, sould be here by next weekend!

julia, did you just get a positive digi for one day? i normally get them for at least 2, and i know soph gets them for 3. i use fmu for them as it's easier with work and that......

I only got 2 days this time. I use fmu too, it is easier. I do it again in the afternoon if it is not too diluted although I know it is not necessary. I just like to.

Sorry if I have missed anything! SOOOOOOOO good to be back. Missed dh so much, had a super hot bd session when I got home. Steamy hot!! LOL
Totally love the embarrassing stories about getting caught DTD with boyfriends! Those are awesome. I never got caught in the act but came awfully close several times. I sorta miss those shameless, horn dog teenage years! I definitely do not miss the emotional roller coasters and lack of maturity though!

So Jill, did your DH get his second, good SA result without giving up drinking? Now that I've shared my most embarrassing story I feel free to admit that my DH doesn't smoke ciggies so much as pot - but he has completely eliminated that cold turkey for nearly a month now. I'm really proud of him for that!

I forget who asked but yes, you only have to spill the beans on your most embarrassing moment once you ovulate : ) I got the idea for this from a "getting to know folks at a party" trick a friend taught me. When your guests arrive you have them write one word that describes their most embarrassing moment on a "hello my name is" sticker - then when other guests ask you about it you have to tell them!

Uh, Julia, you have to shave your balls to be a member of your family??? roflmao
Back to work today and my DD is being easier about getting to school now - far fewer tears so that is nice.

14dpo - I spotted pink all yesterday (only when I wiped) but sure its the start of AF - guess it will start properly today. I haven't had my usual signs that AF is starting but maybe this is just a milder cycle that way. Will definitely ask to get everything checked out as this is my 8th month off the pill now and with the diabetes and bipolar I probably shouldn't wait the full year to get checked.

Sorry will check in properly with everyone later today - need to run else I'll be late for work.
What if you don't HAVE any embarassing moments to spill once ovulation occurs? I honestly can't think of anything in my life.... its still 2 weeks however til I ovulate, so I'm safe for a long while anyway.
Hey everyone,

hope you are all doing well. I am having a day of mixed emotions - today we signed the papers for our land, so it is all official and I am super excited about it. Then got home and found a letter from a job I applied for saying that I wasn't successful. The job searching is getting me down - this is the longest I have ever been unemployed (apart from traveling) and it is beginning to effect me. I know it's not a really long time - only been a few months - but I have never had a problem finding work before. I know it's hard to find jobs in the current economic climate - but it's hard not to take it personally. I feel like a bit of a loser - can't find a job, can't get pregnant.

Sorry, just had to say it. I am ok really - it's just hard at times.

Squirrel - sorry you couldn't find your perfect couch, but enjoy your nesting! Do Squirrels nest? Or do they live in trees? We don't have them in NZ!

Honeybee - I know that I am about to be a big disappointment to you - but I dont' know who Dan Carter is! I don't really follow the rugby....sorry! Will you still be my friend?

Oh Jaimie, you naughty girl! Nah, just joking - sounds exactly like the kind of thing that could have and occasionally did happen to me! Glad it all worked out for the best, but I can see how awful it would have been at the time! Laughed at the Grateful Dead tee...your room mate sounds like a nightmare! Who does that? I used to smoke pot, as did most of my friends...but these days, I can't handle it nearly as much..same with alcohol - I have become a lightweight in my 30s!

Hey Jill, thanks for replying. Sounds like a good plan that you have to see a RE. I know, I wish we had started earlier too...but so hard to know what's going to happen. Good luck xx

Hey Julia - thanks for the movie link! I like Kate Hudson....mostly...loved her in Almost Famous - such a great movie. Hope you O sorts itself out!

Celtic - yay, more stories about being caught by your OH's parents! Love it! Hope you aren't feeling too bad with your stuffy nose xx

Glad you had a good time Soph! Your story about the 'asthma attack' cracked me up so embarrassing, especially being 16 years old!

Tanikit - glad that your DD is adjusting to school and that there have been less tears - must make it easier for both of you. Weird about the spotting but not the normal AF signs - good plan to check it out just in case.

I think my embarrassing story is not too far away...OPKs are darker today but not positive yet - although they never went fully positive last month either. But have definitely been having O cramps last night and today so must be close. My poor OH has a cold and is feeling crappy, so didn't BD last night...but he made a heroic effort and we got busy this morning.

Hope you are all well xx
What if you don't HAVE any embarassing moments to spill once ovulation occurs? I honestly can't think of anything in my life.... its still 2 weeks however til I ovulate, so I'm safe for a long while anyway.

Sorry Moondance, you posted while I was writing.

How can you not have any embarrassing moments? I am impressed. Maybe something will happen in the next two weeks!
well its the bank holiday here today so kids aint at school and hubbys not at work, but i think the bleeding is easing now just giving me a headache sometimes, anyway hope you girls are keeping well
Jaimie great idea brilliant ice breaker and probably a good laugh as well, just oil them up with drinks so they spill the beans LOL. fair play to your DH actually my DH was smoking a lot of that when we were TTC my second baby the one I lost we blamed the pot, you always look for something to blame I think. but we read about it after wards and it can damage sperm. he gave up before I had the MC so when I got pregnant after he was a very healthy huge big baby LOL. amazing how things effect TTC!!! it might not have been that but we never wanted to take that chance again, plus I was freaking if I even smelt it! I think Im a bit weird I have never smoked it my self or any other drugs not even ciggs. feel a bit of a freak that way cause isn't that what most people do in the wild teenage years LOL

soph77 welcome back and yay on the shopping :happydance: I did some this weekend as well and I did very well so happy with that!

Tanikit have a good day, I'm hoping its not going to turn in to AF :hugs:

LuckyD :hugs: they are mad not to have you, its that company's loss the perfect job is out there. :hugs: Im ok cold not so bad kinda wondering does it mean Im out though, I always feel like if I feel sick, get a cold or flu any thing at all then that's is it!

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