
Tanikit, Jaimie and Niamh - Oh No, my sister told me intentially. She is the sister that said she would be upset if she got pregnant because she is unsure if she would want it this soon. She was the sister that threw my fertility in my face last month. She is the sister who beats up her husband.If she is pregnant, she should have most definitely have waited to see if she really is. My sister is spiteful, she was looking for a rise out of me. And she got it.

MY CM has been pretty watery but not stretchy at all. I must have O'd 5 days early! I didn't get alot of BD in so hopefully this works! BD CD11, CD13 and CD14 (last night) with softcups! Thats as far as TTHF will let me go! My V huirts on the outside as well for the past 2 days,so I am sure that I must have O'd because it always gets sore around O time. XxX fingers crossed XxX Oh yea and my left boob is sore!
Tanikit, Jaimie and Niamh - Oh No, my sister told me intentially. She is the sister that said she would be upset if she got pregnant because she is unsure if she would want it this soon. She was the sister that threw my fertility in my face last month. She is the sister who beats up her husband.If she is pregnant, she should have most definitely have waited to see if she really is. My sister is spiteful, she was looking for a rise out of me. And she got it.

MY CM has been pretty watery but not stretchy at all. I must have O'd 5 days early! I didn't get alot of BD in so hopefully this works! BD CD11, CD13 and CD14 (last night) with softcups! Thats as far as TTHF will let me go! My V huirts on the outside as well for the past 2 days,so I am sure that I must have O'd because it always gets sore around O time. XxX fingers crossed XxX Oh yea and my left boob is sore!

Soooooo sorry Tryfor.... That's really hurtful and I'm sorry you're having to endure that kind of behavior....

I guess I'm "lucky" in that my sister had quite a lot of trouble having her first child. So I'm able to talk to her and she really understands. Her son is now 7 months old or so. And she's now pregnant again, I am truly happy for her probably because I know all the losses and pain she's been through.

If only everyone could be so empathetic, it would probably be a lot easier on all of us. But those people who don't understand, don't think about it, or worst don't care, really are upsetting, aren't they....

SquirrelGirl you WIN!!! :yipee::headspin: Giant explosions of baby dust coming your way...

NZ does not have any native mammals. Just a couple of species of bats that probably got there by accident - like in a storm that swept them over the ocean. I was very interested in the "de"evolution of birds in NZ when I was doing my undergrad in biology. Because they have no competition from land mammals, like squirrels, the birds were able to exploit ecological niches on the ground and thus lost the need for wings. So there are all sorts of groovy things like kiwis, kakapos and keas there. The kea is a type of parrot that lives in the mountains of the south island. There are these great stories about how cheeky they are - like little monkeys! They've been known to pull wiper blades off cars and such. They've also been known to peck on sheep that are stranded in snow! So I often like to describe them as carnivorous monkey parrots. Hows that for everything you wanted to know about NZ wildlife and then some?!

What do you think LuckyD, did I get that right?
Julia - is this also the sister that asks you for money? You could tell her you'll pay her to shut the f$%!# up about her pg! Woa - was that mean? Who said that?!
Morning everyone :flower:

I love this thread. It makes me smile every day.

Julia - I can see why that is really upsetting. Definitely doesn't sound like a very considerate thing to do - and if she was doing it to get a rise out of you, then that is just plain mean. So sorry love xx

Tanikit - super cute quote from your daughter! And chocolate is always ripe..

Jaimie - thanks for the positive words - yep, will get there in the end. And you totally just outed me by writing my real name - no-one will know who that is! But I haven't been keeping it a secret on, hello everyone, my real name is Amy! Plus, that is hilarious that your DH wants to get you pg so he can go back to smoking pot - who said that stoners were unmotivated? :haha:

Hey Ejay, the fare sounds awesome - wow! Boo about the chicken pox! But at least you got some good holiday snaps in before then! Sorry you feel it isn't your month...but you never know...people always seem to say that then get their BFP.

Glad that you have some fun planned and are feeling better Anna

Celtic - I have been watching True Blood - am a little bit behind though, just finished watching the first season. Anna Paquin (Sookie) is from my home town. I am such a wuss though, I get scared so easily...can't watch it without my OH around!

SquirrelGirl, you beat me to it! Queefing. You should definitely be getting a BFP this month with all the prizes you are winning!

Wow, just read your post about NZ's bird-life Jaimie - very impressive! I think you know more than me. Yes, the keas are little rascals. Carnivorous monkey parrots...nice!

Just did an OPK - its the darkest I have ever had! Not 100% positive yet, but it's got to happen soon.'s CD18 for me today...I am getting worried. My cycle is usually 29 am cutting it fine to have an LP over ten days. Should I be worrying do you think??
Someone has got to tell me how to quote more than one person in a post!

Jaime2Eyes - that's so interesting about the birds in NZ! Really cool. That's great that your OH quit smoking pot for TTC. My DH doesn't smoke pot, but used to when we first started dating. I told him it bothered me (I'm not even really sure why it bothered me, looking back on it). Anyway, so he stopped, but I had a lot more leverage back then. :haha: Now, the drinking bothers me...he's not an alcoholic by any means but does have a couple of beers during the week and whiskey (or something?) on the weekends. I've read that it can hurt the :spermy: so would really like him to cut down, but don't want to nag at the same time. :wacko:

And I LOVE this: "My only guess is that there are only so many special souls that are fortunate enough to have parents that prepare for them, and really want them; we just gotta wait till the ones that are meant for us are ready to come into the world.":thumbup:

Tryfor - I'm really sorry to hear that your sis is being so insensitive. :growlmad:

Squirrel - the 3,000 post + the queef prize (sounds really funny) :rofl: Sounds like you are well on your way toward pg! BTW, I won the 4,000 twins post on SMEP. Can't wait until my little twins get here. :blue::pink:

Celtic - I haven't seen True Blood but was just reading an article in the NY Times about the author of the books. I really want to read them! Unfortunately, most of the reading I do at the moment is for school. :nope:

Lucky - totally know what you're saying. At times like that I try to tell myself that everything happens for a reason. I really believe this, but often can't always figure out what the "reason" was until after the fact.

Honeybee- have fun with your CBFM! Don't do what I did this week and "miss the stick." :dohh:
SquirrelGirl you WIN!!! :yipee::headspin: Giant explosions of baby dust coming your way...

NZ does not have any native mammals. Just a couple of species of bats that probably got there by accident - like in a storm that swept them over the ocean. I was very interested in the "de"evolution of birds in NZ when I was doing my undergrad in biology. Because they have no competition from land mammals, like squirrels, the birds were able to exploit ecological niches on the ground and thus lost the need for wings. So there are all sorts of groovy things like kiwis, kakapos and keas there. The kea is a type of parrot that lives in the mountains of the south island. There are these great stories about how cheeky they are - like little monkeys! They've been known to pull wiper blades off cars and such. They've also been known to peck on sheep that are stranded in snow! So I often like to describe them as carnivorous monkey parrots. Hows that for everything you wanted to know about NZ wildlife and then some?!

What do you think LuckyD, did I get that right?

First of all "giant explosions" and queefing... too funny!

And wow, that is a lot of information about NZ wildlife! I want to visit and see all these cool birds (and I've seen pictures - it looks amazingly beautiful there!). Just wish the flight wasn't so long and expensive!
Whoo hoo this thread always puts a smile on my face LOL

Tryfor oooh can I come over and give her a slap GRRR so mean and nasty I hate nasty people!!!! has she been back in touch to say she retest or any thing! when you say she got a reaction, does she know she did! or are you talking about when you cried ( I so would have as well) the reason I say this is because if you can pretend you are so happy for her and don't let her see how hard it is, she will not get the thrill out of making you miserable. so what day do you think you ovulated as long as you got BD in before during or just after then your sucking diesel LOL oh so how many DPO are you! have you got a chart I can stalk!!!!

Jaimie LOL you crack me up LOL

LuckyD My DH got the first two seasons for me, I think I watched them nearly straight through I was hooked they were so good. I find them ok not so scary but any thing with Zombies in it or any thing like that and I freak out still watch it but have nightmares for ages after wards.

MyTurnYet when you have a break you should read them they are very good :)

Hi Honeybee, Tanikit, moondance,Ejay and any one else I have missed!

hey any one good with charting and temping, I just had a look at my previous charts and my temp normally falls back a small bit on 3 or 4DPO well this time its a steady rise! may be the vit B complex is finally working! plus I noticed stretching as well, bit weird may be the extra EPO I took, well instead of one I took the recommended two! stopped on CD13 though. my Maca is on the way as well yay taking ages, on less the dust cloud closes down our air space for longer than they predict today.

squirrels cute little things, although we have major problems with the grey squirrel pushing our native red squirrel to the brink! such a shame really


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I find it hilarious that there is a WORD for vaginal flatulence. ROFL
And its real.... its on wikipedia and everything. Crazy! There is even an entire porn subculture based on it! Insane!
well CD5 and the bleeding has slowed down alot it disappeared last night and we did the deed and im lightly bleeding again alittle but nothing to worry about, i am now going to be BDing every other day the next time is weds then hopefully we can do it twice at the weekend the fri and the sat we will see how it goes.
OFF TO DP's TOMORROW! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moondance hope you have a good time with DP.

Anna sounds like you have a good plan for this cycle - fxed it will lead to a BFP.

Jaimie that's interesting about the birds - I hadn't even heard of all you mentioned.

Celtic - does sound like the Vit B may be working - hopefully this will be your month.

CD2 today and I have been quite sore today - took pain killers at work and its been ages since I needed painkillers for AF. I've been trying to think up a BDing schedule that might work this cycle, but keep changing my mind - oh well.
Moondance hope you have a good time with DP.

Anna sounds like you have a good plan for this cycle - fxed it will lead to a BFP.

Jaimie that's interesting about the birds - I hadn't even heard of all you mentioned.

Celtic - does sound like the Vit B may be working - hopefully this will be your month.

CD2 today and I have been quite sore today - took pain killers at work and its been ages since I needed painkillers for AF. I've been trying to think up a BDing schedule that might work this cycle, but keep changing my mind - oh well.

i just hope it works, almost 10 months ttc for my 3rd i cant believe it, but from today i will be now BDing every other day and i dont care what hubby thinks hehe jk he is happy to do it also
omg I just realised something - I am finally in the 2ww!!!
tthf is definitely working for me, I wasn't even stressing about it and now it is here!!

I have a good feeling about this cycle :)
Julia I cannot believe your sister is so insensitive. So very sad, at least you have your bnb sisters and we would never be so cruel :)

moondance have fun with dp!
Jaimie, yes this is the same sister who has asked me for money.

Niamh, she has sent me another picture text message this morning with two hpt's. I can't see anything, but maybe I am trying not to see anything! She said when they get paid they are going to buy a digital. I told my mother in law and my husband who know exactly how mandi is and they said "she pulled a prick move on me" They said she knows exactly what she is doing and is rubbing it in my face! Bullshit!

Thanks Soph, I know my bnb sisters would never be that cruel. Thats why I love my close bnb sisters! :flow:

Thanks luckyd, squirrelgirl and Jill :hugs: If you knew how she wasyou would feel the same way. She fights with everyone, and will do anything in her power for her to come out on top.

I am CD16 today and my digital opk this morning was negative again along with the lack of CM. I am going to go ahead and just consider myself 3dpo,so that means I am in the 2ww 5 days earlier than ever! I had a similar cycle like this in November. I had the EWCM and the outer V pains during CD12-until now so I must have O'd. What can possibly cause early Ovulation occassionally? I am wondering if my RE exam did the trick? Right after is whenI started having EWCM. :shrug: Oh well. TTHF!
so my cbfm arrived yesterday evening and i wanted to play with it but i dont have the batteries for it!!! grrrr!!! gotta go and get some today, yey, cant wait to poas again lol.

Hey honeybee, not sure where you are in your cycle, but please read the directions before you start peeing on sticks!!! :haha: It's pretty particular when you can start using the monitor, and for the first 6 days you don't get to pee on anything! This is my second month using it, and I'm very happy to have it. Hoping to get a peak tomorrow... Thought it would come today, but no.... :cry: But whatev! I'm chillin' this month, no worries!

thanks hun, yeah i read the instructions and set it up this morn. had to lie and say im on cd 5, when it's cd 7, but oh well, think it'll let me poas tomorrow yey. have you had been on high for a few days?
Hey everyone,

have fun at DP's Moondance!

Sorry you have been in pain Tanikit - that's not cool. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Sorry Celtic, I don't chart and would have no idea what to advise - pretty useless, I know! Hope someone else can shed some light..x

soph - how awesome that you are in the 2ww without even noticing! That is some seriously relaxed attitude you have there - nice one! Hope your good feeling turns out to be right xx

Julia - what a nightmare with your sister xx glad that your DH and MIL are understanding and know what she is like. Hope you are feeling a bit better about it all. Sorry also that your cycle has been a confusing one this month, but at least you are a few days into the 2ww already I guess!

I hopefully will be there soon - I think I got a positive on my OPK today! Yay! First time I have seen a positive. I will keep taking them just in case they get even darker...but I am hoping they won't..don't want that LP getting any shorter. BD'd tonight - so embarrassing story and 2ww - here I come!
julia i dunno what causes early ovulation! I know stress can make it later, not sure if it can make it earlier too? did they do anything at your appointment to make it happen earlier? im sorry about your sister, she sounds nasty. did you used to get on with her or has she always been horrible?

yey for the 2ww soph!!! I've got a loooong way to go before i get there!!

Hi Niamh!! And everyone else!

Well think I have entered the 2WW. Have abandoned OPK's and SMEP this month and due to stress at work haven't managed to get much BDing in, so think the odds are against us.

Am TTHF so trying not to worry too much

Have just ordered thermometer so will have a go at temp charting next month to see if my cycles are doing what I think they are doing, might give me a bit more amunition to go to the Docs with anyway.

Well it's nearly time to go home or as I call it gozomee time. Gotta check on my mare who I took over to my friends to run with the stallion so we are both TTC now, I wonder who will catch first.

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