Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Okay ladies, help me out please. Are these my positive's? Top one was taken at 10:00pm and the second at 6:25am. The picture was taken at the 3 minute mark for the bottom one.

I'm leaving in two hours to go see M and get it on!!!


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Well, Im on cycle day 37 still no AF but no + either.....I dont have any symptoms at all besides some cramping here and there that felt like menstrual cramps but still nothing yet! This is driving me Crazy! I usually have really sore boobs about a week before I start and I havent had that yet?
Okay ladies, help me out please. Are these my positive's? Top one was taken at 10:00pm and the second at 6:25am. The picture was taken at the 3 minute mark for the bottom one.

I'm leaving in two hours to go see M and get it on!!!

I can't fully see the colours as they are a little far away, but they are extremely close to positive if not positive? The test line needs to be the same colour or darker than the control line for a positive. Anything lighter than the control line is classed as negative hun. Get BDing as that is so close and will probs be full positive in the next few hours :winkwink:
Brandi, our opks are about the same.. I am classing mine as ALMOST but not quite yet.. I will consider mine positive tomorrow. I will not be getting a positive pregnancy test this time though cause I am o'ing from my right side. It is pretty obvious this month. I am not to disappointed cause me and the hubby have had a good time and we needed it. :haha: I will try next month. Well, I did try this month, but only to have fun... ha ha.. I am o'ing early too. Tomorrow is cd11 and I usually o on cd13..
I hope your o day is fun and you catch that egg!!

I added my opks...
Here's a better shot.

M and I met this morning around 10am, and now I'm officially in the TWW.


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Got my positive this morning.. I figure it was positive a few hours ago so I began my countdown already. I will bd a few times today, but it is mainly my right side that hurts so I am not sure that I will be fully in the running even though I am in the running.. :blush: I am still trying though.
I figure I got about 10 to 12 hours to be still active. This is my last day before the tww.. I am glad it's almost over. I just want to get this cycle over with. I only ovulate on my right side once every 4 to 6 months usually, but I hate it when I do cause it's like a wasted cycle. At least I have my fertility appt Thurs or Fri... Hopefully I can take a few tests and get some answers for my next cycle.
I am praying for all you ladies that are coming into the tww.. May it go by quickly for us all. :thumbup:

Brandi, you and I are sharing the tww.. I hope yours is not to stressful!
Angie- Hows your little car? You putting around all over the place?
HA HA!!!! Yeah Brandy! I don't have to stay home anymore! I bought a little used Saturn. I was gonna buy a little Metro, but I changed my mind at the last minute and bought a Saturn instead. Going without a vehicle is so crappy. I hope the little thing lasts awhile. I can go to the doctor anytime I need to now. Now that I have a second vehicle though, I won't hardly ever need it half as much as it seemed like I needed one before.
I hope yours isn't either, Angie! Honestly, I don't have a good feeling about this cycle. I have a feeling that I'm gonna get a BFN and end up with the dye test. I've heard that having those can make you very fertile though, so I'm trying not to focus on it either way and just go on with life as usual. That's what I did with my youngest..did the insem, went home and went on with life and 10 days later...BFP. But I had a good feeling.

Haha, gross, I know, but I can't remember how much stuff there is supposed to be, and there didn't look like a lot, but it was within 10 minutes. And I don't have enough money for a second insem.

My O pains only lasted for 5 hours today, off my left side and my OPK's are negative again. So they were almost positive at 10pm on Saturday and definitely positive at 6am on Sunday, and felt the O pains from 4:00am to 9:00am.

So, we'll see. I won't be TOO disappointed if nothing happens this cycle. Just carry on with the dye test next cycle and keep thinking positive thoughts
Brandi, you are lucky.. I had to wait a year before I could get the test. My doctor refused and told me that if I didn't have a positive pregnancy test not once during that year then I should just go ahead with the IVF.. He finally broke down and gave me the test when I told him that I would not be able to move on until I got it, because it was hindering me from moving to the next step. I had a whole dang year of negative after negative.. I had the test in March but my hubby was in basic training, but in April I was pregnant. The test was good for me. ha ha.. Hopefully it is good for you to. I try to always tell myself that I have the best chance. I am not positive which side I am o'ing from, my left side belly is tender, but both sides hurt, either way, I have done all I can do. I don't know much about insemination, but I think that even a little bit can end up in a pregnancy when you use it at the right time and you could not have timed your insemination better. You have a very good chance based on the time you said you went for the procedure and the positive you posted. I am gonna get a hold of my hubby today when he gets home from work and then my 'ttc' is over for this cycle cause I will ovulate sometime tonight. My right side has been hurting mostly until today and now my left side is hurting.. I have had this trouble the last 2 cycles of not being able to tell which side I am o'ing from.. It sucks really. I figure in about 10 days, I will be able to tell. :haha: If it is left side then I am gonna be pregnant. Positive thinking rocks!
Well, Ovulation over. My tests are fading. I ovulated early this morning. My o pain literally kept me awake last night. It was awful. I am glad it is done. My doctor called this morning and asked me to come in earlier than my appt time so I could have my numbers checked one last time just to be sure they are at 0 before I begin my fertility checkup with the specialist. Since the offices are right next to each other, I told her it would not be a problem,.
I didn't want to try to conceive this month, but now I hope I did. I have a good feeling about this month. It will keep me from having to ttc around the holidays anyway, which is always such a stressful time anyhow. Especially since this will be the first year away from my family with no chance of being able to see them. Makes me sad just thinking about it.
I did the pineapple eating this time and I am still taking my vitamins. I also had two beers over the weekend. I didn't feel like I really dtd enough, but I think I might have done good with the bd time this morning. I know the egg only last about 24 hours after ovulation, but I think that might have been my lucky time. Either way, I am finally back to my almost old self. The Chinese calendar says that this is my boy month for this year. I don't know how I feel about that since I have sit back and felt with every loss that it would have been a girl. I kinda was really getting excited about a little girl. Well, I am jumping the gun anyhow... The likelihood of me getting pregnant again so quickly is very slim and I shouldn't be basing my gender on some calendar anyhow. I am very excited and positive about this cycle.. I know it will probably lead to sadness when my flow starts in 13 days, but I feel so positive and I ain't even started yet. I will probably use up every pregnancy test I just bought.. I am gonna TRY SO HARD to hold off testing until at least 8dpo.. I am gonna try to keep busy knitting Christmas presents and stuff.

Well, I have written a book in my excitement.. I pray everyone is doing good! CJ, I am waiting for symptoms. Wanna symptom spot with me CJ and Brandi, since we are on the same cycle?

Well, day 1, I have post-o cramps.. I also got a burst of energy after o.. I had such an upset belly yesterday that I felt like garbage, and again this morning. Now I feel good. This o was tough for some reason. I think that because I keep miscarrying and my body has to begin anew getting an egg ready that both of my ovaries are working to prepare an egg and maybe I have o'd from both sides due to sudden losses. It would account for both sides hurting and for the very strong o pains and dizziness and nausea that have accompanied my ovulation the last two times.. If so, it is good my right tube is blocked and that egg doesn't get anywhere. It is blocked at the main end of the tube at the Uterus end..

Dang, I got distracted again.. Gotta go get an oil change. Have a good week everyone. God bless! <3
Would love to symptom spot with you Angie!

That's wonderful that you have a good feeling, and I love the excitement about the baby.

Sorry that you won't see your family this year. That must be so hard.

I hope everything goes well with your appointments, and the oil change. I gotta do one of those this week, lol. I'm a month late on that.

I, on the other hand, don't have a great feeling about this month. My timing was great, I did (almost) everything the same as with my youngest, but I just have this feeling that come November 7 (testing date, AF due November 9) I won't see that second line. I'm trying not to stress over it and just carry on with life as it is and not focus on it, but I found it hard.

1dpo I already used up one of the hpt's. :bfn: of course, but it was exciting to pee on one again! I also got, in the mail, two coupons for $3 any Clearblue OPK and $1 off a Clearblue Digital today. A sign, maybe?

I know those psychic predictions are just for fun too, and maybe that is driving my negative feeling, but ALL THREE said December, and with what my surgeon said about if I don't conceive this cycle he'll do the hsg...I've read you're more fertile after hsg's, and if that is true, a November hsg would fall right in line with a December prediction. Guess I'll know either way on November 9.

Today I've had a little bit of post-o cramping too, and a slight burst in energy, but not much else. At least my house is semi-clean now though haha.
Colposcopy is over with, and my doctor is confident that the biopsy will not come back with anything worrisome. He also said we only need to wait 36-48 hours for sex, so if we can find any alone time while we're in Disney World, we might go ahead and try this month. If we don't get lucky, I'm supposed to call on CD1 to schedule my HSG, and if that's good, then we'll schedule the IUI. Next cycle I'll be on 100mg of clomid. I really wish I would get more than one follicle, but I suppose all it takes is one.
Navy- There is always the bathroom! haha

Girls that just O'd..... Fingers crossed for you all! I would love to have a BFP explosion!

Update- I had my 18W scan today and the babies looked fantastic!! They are ahead of schedule by 6 days and both babies are measuring the same which is fantastic news... Even better news my cerclage looked perfect and the cervix was fully closed... we couldnt be happier right now. We are taking it 2 weeks at a time. They rescan the cervix every 2 weeks and as long as we dont find any funneling I am fine they said and can carry on normal activities.
Great news Brandy. I will continue to pray for you and the girls!! :hugs:

I leave for West Virginia Friday. I will be there a month with my parents. My sister said my Dad is acting better now that he is home. He walks more, sits up for longer, and is complaining less of pain even though he is back on pills. So who knows, maybe the Drs are wrong and he looked so bad because of the kidney infection which almost kills him each time. the last tome he had one they said he wouldn't make it through the night. He was wide awake the next morning asking the Dr when he could go home. LOL
Galvan, I envy you the trip to West Virginia since all I want to do most days is go home. :cry:
It also sounds like your daddy is some man.. The human will is such a powerful thing. I pray you and your family get many more years with him. Think about me when you're driving the roads of West Virginia.

Brandy, I am so glad that your cervix is staying closed and you still get to work. It is also awesome that the girls are measuring a week ahead of schedule. I am envious this morning.

Navy, I hope you catch your o this month! Hope your trip is great fun!

Brandi, I understand about your feeling. When someone says that something will happen a certain time, it is hard to make your mind wrap around it happening when you want it to. That's why I always try to make my own time.

I have a low pulling feeling. Not exactly crampy but different. I had my temp rise this morning. I don't temp, but I can tell the difference myself. I also have backache. I am nervous about my appt.on Friday.

Brandy, I also hope we have an explosion of bfps..

Brandi, I am gonna try to not test until at least the end of next week.

I hope everyone is well!!
Brandy, excellent news about your cervix! I hope those girlies cook to the very end!!! You're doing great, Mama!

Yeah, Angie, it's so hard to wrap your head around it happening any other time. If they had all given different times, I'd probably think differently. One of them has been DEAD ON for me before, predicting the date of birth, cycle, and BFP three years in advance.

I caved and POAS this morning haha. I haven't looked at it yet cuz I know it's obviously BFN. I just needed to ease the anxiety and excitement of POAS in another week, lol.

Today I have more gas than yesterday, I'm bloated, I'm exhausted, and I'm really crampy. They feel like AF cramps. Any new ones for you, Angie?
Nope.. No bloating, no gas, just a little stabby feeling every once in awhile.. I actually feel good. I am contemplating hand mopping my kitchen floor and watching my cats when they walk all over the water.. I have had headache. Not constant, just a little headache.. I finished my little girl's scarf and hat this morning and my house needs a little deep cleaning so that is what I am going to be doing today. I am going to be washing my fridge and stove and floor and scrubbing toilets and cleaning corners that usually are forgotten. I have so many little projects that need to be done and I feel a little energetic so I am going to try to do some of them..

Brandi, I hope you get your pregnancy soon Brandi, even if it is when they say cause that isn't too far off either. I want to try to conceive again before the first of the year... Not in too big of a hurry myself. I have 7 years age or almost on you though so I need to be in a little bit bigger hurry than you.. :haha:

Anyhow, going cleaning... Happy day!!
I don't normally get a positive opk until cd 16. I'm cd13, and I decided to test just to get an idea of where I am. I was shocked to see how positive it is! The test line is definitely darker than the control line. Now I just need DH to get home. The timing is perfect since I'll ovulate before we leave for Disney, and no need to trick the kids into going to the arcade. :lol:


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