Two week wait suckks.. (TTC#1)

maybesoon that's so sad about your ex, how could he do that, so mean. I am happy that you have found your oh and that you are ttc.
Well it sounds hopeful, that could be implantation bleeding! Wait another week and test :) am hoping for a bfp for you, :fingerscrossed:
Baby dust :dust:
Geme26 THANK YOU so much!!! I have read so much about implantation bleeding. I am officially obsessed with getting pregnant and it seems to consume me. For the last 2 days I've been fighting the urge to take a test even though I know it's too soon.... What is with that obsession?

As for the ex... I really really resented him for a very long time for taking my dreams away. But after the divorce was over and I did a lot of sole searching, I realized how truly blessed I was and after learning the "true" side of my ex, I'm now very thankful we didn't have a child together. As for the future. I just hope & pray that I didn't wait too long...
I have heard Idk how true it is or not. But I have heard you have fertile cm a day after O. I am not sure if theres any truth to it or not but lets be hopeful! I think thats what I had after I o'ed too. I am feeling very crampy today and it goes all the way to my back and I am feeling lots of pressure. It just started like 30 mins ago. I think you are probably in the clear. I would maybe bd just one more time just incase. ;) You know I am pretty deadset on our unique girl name but now that you say Kylee I am just in love. Kyles middle name is Lee so that Kylee would just be adorable. Ohh the possiblities. Now I would just have to find a middle name. Lets just hope we can hurry up and get our babies to go with our adorable names! Are you having any symptoms today?

Yeah I think I have read that somewhere too. It would make sense to have fertile CM for a day or so after O. I also read you should O between 12-36 hours after a pos OPK, so for me I should have O'd like midnight Tuesday at the latest so hopefully we caught the right time. Think I need all the help I can get! As far as symptoms I just have really weird low cramps and some pressure and bloating. Just glad the headache from yesterday is gone!

I'm glad you like Kylee, sounds like it would be perfect for you two! Then maybe if you guys had a girl first he could still name his first born after him and you could still pick a unique boy name! ;) are you going to mention it to him and see what he thinks? Maybe you'll have twin girls and get to use both names! :haha:
We would both love a little girl and i'm always thinking of girls names with quite a few possibilities on the list. But my DH's family always seem to have boys first so have to come around to the idea that it could very well be a boy! We never wanted to know the sex before we started trying, but now we are planning everything we have decided to find out the sex so we can decorate the room and get the right colour clothes!
...jumping ahead of myself but cant help it! Just need to get pregnant first...
Having trouble with boys names though! But girls we loved Annabel but it's been tainted by a neighbour (a not very nice neighbour!) she had a baby in May and called her Annabel. Typical out of all the names she could have chosen.

atm I just have sore nipples and i'm bloated. :thumbup:

Oh I just hate that when you have a name you love and someone you know ruins it! That's happened to me before! I have always had much more trouble with boy names as well so luckily DF picked out a boy name I just love and agreed on my girl name and they go together perfectly!! I'm just worried this TTC thing will take too long and someone I know will use one of the names :-/ selfish I know :haha: I know DF really would like a little girl first but I can think of positives for boy or girl so I'm glad it will be chosen for us! I could never choose.
I am ttc baby no.1 for 2 months now and pretty sure I am 8 DPO. :blush: TMI but on Tuesday evening when I went to pee I had a thick brownish mucus with 3 tiny blood spots. Nothing since but I have had some twinges that feel more like someone pinching my uterus yesterday afternoon. I am now 36 and have wanted a baby for the past 10 years. Husband no 1. knowing that I wanted a child neglected to tell me he had a vasectomy until we had been married 6mths been together 1 1/2 & I started talking about seeing a specialist since I wasn't getting pregnant. After 8 long years of the battle of a reversal & realizing he never wanted a child with me, we finally divorced. My OH now really wants to have a baby with me & it has given me back that hope that maybe someday it will happen. I'm just worried that it's too late & I'm giving myself false hope every month. :cry:

I am very sorry to hear about the battle you had with your ex. Some men! But don't you ever count yourself out!! You are in with as much of a chance as the rest of us each month! I'm pretty sure I've read where someone had the same type of clot before :bfp: on another thread, so hopefully this is your good sign! Stay positive and let us know how you're getting along! Hope to see toe :bfp: soon!

I am very sorry to hear about the battle you had with your ex. Some men! But don't you ever count yourself out!! You are in with as much of a chance as the rest of us each month! I'm pretty sure I've read where someone had the same type of clot before :bfp: on another thread, so hopefully this is your good sign! Stay positive and let us know how you're getting along! Hope to see toe :bfp: soon!

Awww Thank you for the encouragement. I really hope it works this time. If not, I'm planning on picking up some FertileCM & starting it. Hopefully if not this month then September will be the month!!! Wishing everone the best of luck!!!

Geme26 THANK YOU so much!!! I have read so much about implantation bleeding. I am officially obsessed with getting pregnant and it seems to consume me. For the last 2 days I've been fighting the urge to take a test even though I know it's too soon.... What is with that obsession?

As for the ex... I really really resented him for a very long time for taking my dreams away. But after the divorce was over and I did a lot of sole searching, I realized how truly blessed I was and after learning the "true" side of my ex, I'm now very thankful we didn't have a child together. As for the future. I just hope & pray that I didn't wait too long...

You've done really well to get through all of that with such a positive attitude. But you are right, it was probably best you are no longer with him now and you have your partner who is the right person for you, and you will make lovely babies!

My DH's aunty had her first child when she was 35 and has just had her 2nd child at 40.
So it is totally possible, don't worry :) I know they say it can take longer when you are older but it doesn't mean it wont happen.
I have everything crossed for you, that this cycle is the one, that this cycle is the one for all of us!! I really hope so x
We would both love a little girl and i'm always thinking of girls names with quite a few possibilities on the list. But my DH's family always seem to have boys first so have to come around to the idea that it could very well be a boy! We never wanted to know the sex before we started trying, but now we are planning everything we have decided to find out the sex so we can decorate the room and get the right colour clothes!
...jumping ahead of myself but cant help it! Just need to get pregnant first...
Having trouble with boys names though! But girls we loved Annabel but it's been tainted by a neighbour (a not very nice neighbour!) she had a baby in May and called her Annabel. Typical out of all the names she could have chosen.

atm I just have sore nipples and i'm bloated. :thumbup:

Oh I just hate that when you have a name you love and someone you know ruins it! That's happened to me before! I have always had much more trouble with boy names as well so luckily DF picked out a boy name I just love and agreed on my girl name and they go together perfectly!! I'm just worried this TTC thing will take too long and someone I know will use one of the names :-/ selfish I know :haha: I know DF really would like a little girl first but I can think of positives for boy or girl so I'm glad it will be chosen for us! I could never choose.

Yes it's such an impatient thing ttc! You assume it will happen quickly, as for others they get pregnant after one night stands etc, but here we are trying each month and nothing. Doesn't seem fair! Well lets stay positive and this will be our month :)

And you are right there are positives for having boy and girl. When I was younger i always wanted a boy first and then a girl, so that he would look after and protect his younger sister. But as I got older I got more girly and now I just want to dress them up pretty and teach them the ways of the female world. But that being said, I dont have any brothers (i have one sister) so boys are a little alien to me, it would be nice to have a boy to bring up, and my DH i know would love playing games with him etc. But we will just wait and see! We can always have more than one...!
I have heard Idk how true it is or not. But I have heard you have fertile cm a day after O. I am not sure if theres any truth to it or not but lets be hopeful! I think thats what I had after I o'ed too. I am feeling very crampy today and it goes all the way to my back and I am feeling lots of pressure. It just started like 30 mins ago. I think you are probably in the clear. I would maybe bd just one more time just incase. ;) You know I am pretty deadset on our unique girl name but now that you say Kylee I am just in love. Kyles middle name is Lee so that Kylee would just be adorable. Ohh the possiblities. Now I would just have to find a middle name. Lets just hope we can hurry up and get our babies to go with our adorable names! Are you having any symptoms today?

Yeah I think I have read that somewhere too. It would make sense to have fertile CM for a day or so after O. I also read you should O between 12-36 hours after a pos OPK, so for me I should have O'd like midnight Tuesday at the latest so hopefully we caught the right time. Think I need all the help I can get! As far as symptoms I just have really weird low cramps and some pressure and bloating. Just glad the headache from yesterday is gone!

I'm glad you like Kylee, sounds like it would be perfect for you two! Then maybe if you guys had a girl first he could still name his first born after him and you could still pick a unique boy name! ;) are you going to mention it to him and see what he thinks? Maybe you'll have twin girls and get to use both names! :haha:

I hope you caught it at the right time too!! Are you feeling any new symptoms? I am still feeling normal. I had a little bit of heartburn last night and I took forever to fall asleep. I just couldn't get comfortable. My back is hurting today but Idk if that is from helping my bf with the yard yesterday or what?

My bf made a bet with me that if I took a test it would be positive. I disagreed. So we settled on a 20 dollar bet to see who was right. I poas and I was so right. So I am 20 dollars richer today ;) :haha: I woulda probably pottied all over myself if it would have came up positive in all honesty.

I told him about the name yesterday. He just loves Kylee. Better than he liked my original name. So therefore hes decided that he would rather have a girl named after him instead of a boy. He is all into wanting to have a girl and have her be daddys little girl. Its so precious. So now we just are left with using a girl name.

Hope you are doing well today and starting to feel some positive symptoms!!!! :thumbup:
Oh and yesterday the weirdest thing happen. I went to the bathroom before going to help my bf with the yard and after i used the bathroom i was checking my cervix postion. TMI sorry but afterwards there was an very pale pink but more orangish color blood. It was more oraginsh than anything. I showed my boyfriend and he said why is it so orange. So have any of y'all ever have this??
I am ttc baby no.1 for 2 months now and pretty sure I am 8 DPO. :blush: TMI but on Tuesday evening when I went to pee I had a thick brownish mucus with 3 tiny blood spots. Nothing since but I have had some twinges that feel more like someone pinching my uterus yesterday afternoon. I am now 36 and have wanted a baby for the past 10 years. Husband no 1. knowing that I wanted a child neglected to tell me he had a vasectomy until we had been married 6mths been together 1 1/2 & I started talking about seeing a specialist since I wasn't getting pregnant. After 8 long years of the battle of a reversal & realizing he never wanted a child with me, we finally divorced. My OH now really wants to have a baby with me & it has given me back that hope that maybe someday it will happen. I'm just worried that it's too late & I'm giving myself false hope every month. :cry:

hiii maybesoon welcome!!! Sorry I just go around to reading all your post. You are such a strong woman to deal with the things that you have dealt with. Keep your chin up and don't think negatively!! Hopefully August will be your month. Keep us updated!!! I hope to hear of your bfp very soon!!
hiii maybesoon welcome!!! Sorry I just go around to reading all your post. You are such a strong woman to deal with the things that you have dealt with. Keep your chin up and don't think negatively!! Hopefully August will be your month. Keep us updated!!! I hope to hear of your bfp very soon!!
Thank you AshleyyO! It took some strength... I believe each one of us women here are pretty darn strong dealing with ttc & all the things that go with it. I almost tested this am.... But I held back.... But I'm planning on testing in the am. I will be 10 dpo. I just can't wait any longer!!! lol.... Are you showing any signs?
hiii maybesoon welcome!!! Sorry I just go around to reading all your post. You are such a strong woman to deal with the things that you have dealt with. Keep your chin up and don't think negatively!! Hopefully August will be your month. Keep us updated!!! I hope to hear of your bfp very soon!!
Thank you AshleyyO! It took some strength... I believe each one of us women here are pretty darn strong dealing with ttc & all the things that go with it. I almost tested this am.... But I held back.... But I'm planning on testing in the am. I will be 10 dpo. I just can't wait any longer!!! lol.... Are you showing any signs?

This is just our first month of ttc. I can only hope I am as strong as some of these wonderful women are if we don't get our baby within the first few months.

You really do have some strength I would have tested no doubt. :haha: Have you been having any symptoms?

I haven't really had too much. I have a few symptoms here and there but they can be chalked up to other things. I've been tired but I get up every morning at 5 am. I have had really an excessive amount of gas. But I had taco bell for lunch one day. that always does that to me. Yesterday I had some orangish light pink spotting after checking my cervix I dont know what that was all about. I have felt bloated and my back has hurt but thats about it. So well see.

FIngers Cross for bfps!!!
hiii maybesoon welcome!!! Sorry I just go around to reading all your post. You are such a strong woman to deal with the things that you have dealt with. Keep your chin up and don't think negatively!! Hopefully August will be your month. Keep us updated!!! I hope to hear of your bfp very soon!!
Thank you AshleyyO! It took some strength... I believe each one of us women here are pretty darn strong dealing with ttc & all the things that go with it. I almost tested this am.... But I held back.... But I'm planning on testing in the am. I will be 10 dpo. I just can't wait any longer!!! lol.... Are you showing any signs?

This is just our first month of ttc. I can only hope I am as strong as some of these wonderful women are if we don't get our baby within the first few months.

You really do have some strength I would have tested no doubt. :haha: Have you been having any symptoms?

I haven't really had too much. I have a few symptoms here and there but they can be chalked up to other things. I've been tired but I get up every morning at 5 am. I have had really an excessive amount of gas. But I had taco bell for lunch one day. that always does that to me. Yesterday I had some orangish light pink spotting after checking my cervix I dont know what that was all about. I have felt bloated and my back has hurt but thats about it. So well see.

FIngers Cross for bfps!!!

Ummm well I'm losing the battle of the wait.... I was really going to try to wait until in the am, but I just can't handle it.... So I'm going to go ahead & test this evening just for the fun of it... :blush:

As for symptoms... My boobs are still sore, feeling bloated today & my back has hurt all week, but I had back surgery almost 13years ago & then reinjured it right afterward so my back almost always hurts in some form or fasion. I haven't been sleeping well & have been having weird crazy dreams, but everyone I know is having issues sleeping (it's the heat here in Texas). Although starting last night I started having these really tiny sharp pinches around my left ovary. I haven't had those before so I'm hoping for the best. I'm having a little clearish discharge today but not much, only when I go pee.

Best of Luck!!!

hiii maybesoon welcome!!! Sorry I just go around to reading all your post. You are such a strong woman to deal with the things that you have dealt with. Keep your chin up and don't think negatively!! Hopefully August will be your month. Keep us updated!!! I hope to hear of your bfp very soon!!
Thank you AshleyyO! It took some strength... I believe each one of us women here are pretty darn strong dealing with ttc & all the things that go with it. I almost tested this am.... But I held back.... But I'm planning on testing in the am. I will be 10 dpo. I just can't wait any longer!!! lol.... Are you showing any signs?

This is just our first month of ttc. I can only hope I am as strong as some of these wonderful women are if we don't get our baby within the first few months.

You really do have some strength I would have tested no doubt. :haha: Have you been having any symptoms?

I haven't really had too much. I have a few symptoms here and there but they can be chalked up to other things. I've been tired but I get up every morning at 5 am. I have had really an excessive amount of gas. But I had taco bell for lunch one day. that always does that to me. Yesterday I had some orangish light pink spotting after checking my cervix I dont know what that was all about. I have felt bloated and my back has hurt but thats about it. So well see.

FIngers Cross for bfps!!!

Ummm well I'm losing the battle of the wait.... I was really going to try to wait until in the am, but I just can't handle it.... So I'm going to go ahead & test this evening just for the fun of it... :blush:

As for symptoms... My boobs are still sore, feeling bloated today & my back has hurt all week, but I had back surgery almost 13years ago & then reinjured it right afterward so my back almost always hurts in some form or fasion. I haven't been sleeping well & have been having weird crazy dreams, but everyone I know is having issues sleeping (it's the heat here in Texas). Although starting last night I started having these really tiny sharp pinches around my left ovary. I haven't had those before so I'm hoping for the best. I'm having a little clearish discharge today but not much, only when I go pee.

Best of Luck!!!


Oh so exciting!!! I hope you are telling us of your BFP this evening!!! That would be a wonderful way to start a weekend!!!

Keep us updated I am excited to hear how your test goes!!!
Awww Thank you for the encouragement. I really hope it works this time. If not, I'm planning on picking up some FertileCM & starting it. Hopefully if not this month then September will be the month!!! Wishing everone the best of luck!!!


Why is it that you are considering taking the Fertile CM? Do you have a low amount of fertile cm around O time? Either way I hope you don't need to buy any because of a :bfp: Are you having any other symptoms than the possible IB?
I hope you caught it at the right time too!! Are you feeling any new symptoms? I am still feeling normal. I had a little bit of heartburn last night and I took forever to fall asleep. I just couldn't get comfortable. My back is hurting today but Idk if that is from helping my bf with the yard yesterday or what?

My bf made a bet with me that if I took a test it would be positive. I disagreed. So we settled on a 20 dollar bet to see who was right. I poas and I was so right. So I am 20 dollars richer today ;) :haha: I woulda probably pottied all over myself if it would have came up positive in all honesty.

I told him about the name yesterday. He just loves Kylee. Better than he liked my original name. So therefore hes decided that he would rather have a girl named after him instead of a boy. He is all into wanting to have a girl and have her be daddys little girl. Its so precious. So now we just are left with using a girl name.

Hope you are doing well today and starting to feel some positive symptoms!!!! :thumbup:

Oh man! My back has been killing me, for no good reason!! I stood around waiting for a meeting for about an hour yesterday, that's all, and ever since then it's been so achy and now I have a sharp pain shooting through to my ribcage while lying down. I'm just going to mark myself as being only 3DPO though so I know realistically this is all nothing. It's only now two weeks until AF is due, soooo long to go!! Grrr. Haha the bet thing made me laugh! You should keep making the bets with him until about 9-10DPO when it would actually show up as a :bfp: that I know you're going to get! I wonder if the orange cm could be early implantation bleeding??!

Aww, yay!! I'm really excited he liked the name! My DF definitely wants a daddy's girl as well and I hope that it happens for them too, not just for us. I know he would be so cute with a little girl! So have you came up with any middle names for Kylee? What about any cute unique boy names now that you get to come up with one of those as well? :)
Yes it's such an impatient thing ttc! You assume it will happen quickly, as for others they get pregnant after one night stands etc, but here we are trying each month and nothing. Doesn't seem fair! Well lets stay positive and this will be our month :)

And you are right there are positives for having boy and girl. When I was younger i always wanted a boy first and then a girl, so that he would look after and protect his younger sister. But as I got older I got more girly and now I just want to dress them up pretty and teach them the ways of the female world. But that being said, I dont have any brothers (i have one sister) so boys are a little alien to me, it would be nice to have a boy to bring up, and my DH i know would love playing games with him etc. But we will just wait and see! We can always have more than one...!

Yes, it's so misleading when you hear of people who get pregnant so easily. I know someone who got pregnant when both her and her partner had sex for the first time, she was on the depo shot, they used a condom and the pull-out method and she still got pregnant! It's so tough hearing stories like that and trying everything you can and still not getting a :bfp: It will all happen when the timing is right though.

Having a boy first to look after a little sister would definitely be nice! If it is possible for us to have children I would like to have 3 I believe. What about you? How many kids do you want?
Yes it's such an impatient thing ttc! You assume it will happen quickly, as for others they get pregnant after one night stands etc, but here we are trying each month and nothing. Doesn't seem fair! Well lets stay positive and this will be our month :)

And you are right there are positives for having boy and girl. When I was younger i always wanted a boy first and then a girl, so that he would look after and protect his younger sister. But as I got older I got more girly and now I just want to dress them up pretty and teach them the ways of the female world. But that being said, I dont have any brothers (i have one sister) so boys are a little alien to me, it would be nice to have a boy to bring up, and my DH i know would love playing games with him etc. But we will just wait and see! We can always have more than one...!

Yes, it's so misleading when you hear of people who get pregnant so easily. I know someone who got pregnant when both her and her partner had sex for the first time, she was on the depo shot, they used a condom and the pull-out method and she still got pregnant! It's so tough hearing stories like that and trying everything you can and still not getting a :bfp: It will all happen when the timing is right though.

Having a boy first to look after a little sister would definitely be nice! If it is possible for us to have children I would like to have 3 I believe. What about you? How many kids do you want?

All my sisters friends who are younger than me are having babies, luckily none of my friends have yet, although I have one friend who is trying. I don't mean to sound mean, just that if I had friends who managed to get pregnant before me I would be very jealous! I am hoping that the friend who is trying has her bfp around the same time as me, how cool would that be. But she doesn't know I am ttc...we haven't told anyone.

Not sure how many we want. Probably 2 or 3. For now we just want to have the one and take it from there. So much of me wants to cherish every moment and focus all our attention on the one before having others. So the ideal time to have a second would be when the first is 3 or 4. But you never know! I may change my mind once the first one has come along!
There is only 18 months between my sister and myself and I know my mum found it difficult having two so young.

Today I have lower back pain and clear cm and a little crampy in my stomach. I am also having very vivid dreams. Have been having sore breasts and tender nipples, but this seems to have eased off today. Feeling sicky but not enough to bother me.

How about you, do you have any symptoms? :flower:
Why is it that you are considering taking the Fertile CM? Do you have a low amount of fertile cm around O time? Either way I hope you don't need to buy any because of a :bfp: Are you having any other symptoms than the possible IB?
I think my CM is fine, but at this point I will try just about anything. So I figured it couldn't hurt to try that too. I tested this am at 10dpo & it was a BIG FAT NEGATIVE... I know it's still early & trying to stay positive, but now I wish I hadn't given in and tested.

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