Two week wait suckks.. (TTC#1)

All my sisters friends who are younger than me are having babies, luckily none of my friends have yet, although I have one friend who is trying. I don't mean to sound mean, just that if I had friends who managed to get pregnant before me I would be very jealous! I am hoping that the friend who is trying has her bfp around the same time as me, how cool would that be. But she doesn't know I am ttc...we haven't told anyone.

Not sure how many we want. Probably 2 or 3. For now we just want to have the one and take it from there. So much of me wants to cherish every moment and focus all our attention on the one before having others. So the ideal time to have a second would be when the first is 3 or 4. But you never know! I may change my mind once the first one has come along!
There is only 18 months between my sister and myself and I know my mum found it difficult having two so young.

Today I have lower back pain and clear cm and a little crampy in my stomach. I am also having very vivid dreams. Have been having sore breasts and tender nipples, but this seems to have eased off today. Feeling sicky but not enough to bother me.

How about you, do you have any symptoms? :flower:

I understand the jealousy, it's such an ugly thing because it can take over when we KNOW we should be excited and supportive of someone. Before we actually started TTC I missed a period, was getting headaches, throwing up for no reason (I believe now because of new vitamins) and all. The day after mine was late and we decided I should test my best friend told me she was late as well, now she's due in a few months :-/ I know I should be there to experience it all with her but that was just tough for me.

Ahh, vivid dreams!! Last night I had the weirdest dreams ever! Every time I closed my eyes. I also had heartburn and some cramps. It happens for me post O every month though, so I'm more discouraged than anything. Nothing different so at this point I'm sure the outcome will be no different than the last month. :nope: I certainly hope your symptoms are a positive sign for you!! If I don't get a :bfp: I want to see all of you girls get yours!! So loads of :dust: to you! This is your month!
I think my CM is fine, but at this point I will try just about anything. So I figured it couldn't hurt to try that too. I tested this am at 10dpo & it was a BIG FAT NEGATIVE... I know it's still early & trying to stay positive, but now I wish I hadn't given in and tested.

Well I just worry about you trying the Fertile CM as I've read some women have the opposite reaction and end up with less CM. Same with products like Vitex and FertilAid, if women have regular cycles they can end up missing a period or anovulatory cycles. Usually the results are about 50/50 so it could do wonders for you! I've never taken it so I cant be sure, but I did try Robitussin this month because I learned about it while doing SMEP and it worked sooooo well for me!! I just know how frustrating it is to lose even one cycle. Just a suggestion :) but as I've said, I very much hope you don't have to try anything next month because you get pregnant this month!! 10DPO is still early so you've got time to get it! :thumbup:
I understand the jealousy, it's such an ugly thing because it can take over when we KNOW we should be excited and supportive of someone. Before we actually started TTC I missed a period, was getting headaches, throwing up for no reason (I believe now because of new vitamins) and all. The day after mine was late and we decided I should test my best friend told me she was late as well, now she's due in a few months :-/ I know I should be there to experience it all with her but that was just tough for me.

Ahh, vivid dreams!! Last night I had the weirdest dreams ever! Every time I closed my eyes. I also had heartburn and some cramps. It happens for me post O every month though, so I'm more discouraged than anything. Nothing different so at this point I'm sure the outcome will be no different than the last month. :nope: I certainly hope your symptoms are a positive sign for you!! If I don't get a :bfp: I want to see all of you girls get yours!! So loads of :dust: to you! This is your month!
I'm right there with ya'll.... My bestdriend just had #3... She is 4 weeks old now. And it was sad when she found out she was pregnant she didn't even want to tell me because she knows how bad I want a baby. I try to be as happy as I can for her, but it's hard. Being the only one on both sides of my family to not have a baby of my own, I'm now having a hard time at family events. I just don't fit in while everyone is involved in the kids. I still participate & love all my little cousins & neice & nephew, but it's still hard. I know it's selfish but none of them had issues conceiving. My cousin who I started kindergarden with had a baby without even trying & she only has one ovary. Even though I'm happy for her, it makes it that much worse knowing I'm trying and there is no medical reason why my DH & I shouldn't be pregnant by now!!!
I hope you caught it at the right time too!! Are you feeling any new symptoms? I am still feeling normal. I had a little bit of heartburn last night and I took forever to fall asleep. I just couldn't get comfortable. My back is hurting today but Idk if that is from helping my bf with the yard yesterday or what?

My bf made a bet with me that if I took a test it would be positive. I disagreed. So we settled on a 20 dollar bet to see who was right. I poas and I was so right. So I am 20 dollars richer today ;) :haha: I woulda probably pottied all over myself if it would have came up positive in all honesty.

I told him about the name yesterday. He just loves Kylee. Better than he liked my original name. So therefore hes decided that he would rather have a girl named after him instead of a boy. He is all into wanting to have a girl and have her be daddys little girl. Its so precious. So now we just are left with using a girl name.

Hope you are doing well today and starting to feel some positive symptoms!!!! :thumbup:

Oh man! My back has been killing me, for no good reason!! I stood around waiting for a meeting for about an hour yesterday, that's all, and ever since then it's been so achy and now I have a sharp pain shooting through to my ribcage while lying down. I'm just going to mark myself as being only 3DPO though so I know realistically this is all nothing. It's only now two weeks until AF is due, soooo long to go!! Grrr. Haha the bet thing made me laugh! You should keep making the bets with him until about 9-10DPO when it would actually show up as a :bfp: that I know you're going to get! I wonder if the orange cm could be early implantation bleeding??!

Aww, yay!! I'm really excited he liked the name! My DF definitely wants a daddy's girl as well and I hope that it happens for them too, not just for us. I know he would be so cute with a little girl! So have you came up with any middle names for Kylee? What about any cute unique boy names now that you get to come up with one of those as well? :)

I have been having the most realistic crazy vivid dreams and every single one of them involve me being preggo. I hope thats a good sign. My back has been hurting off and on too. I can lay certain ways and I feel sharp pains. I am not sure if the orange cm was implantation bleeding? I woke up Saturday morning and when I wipped I had more blood. It was red this time. A very bright red and then the more I wipped the more pinkish it became. I am not really sure whats going on? I have never had a period this early so I know its not my period. I haven't bled any since then. I took another test this morning just because I have about 20 of them and I couldn't help myself. of course it was negative. So well see. I am gonna test again on Wednesday. This wait is killer.

Have you had any new symptoms? I have terrible service at my house because I live way out in the country so I couldn't get online this weekend. Now I am back to work and able to get online.

I think I have decided for a girl I like Kylee Jade. For a boy I really like the name Hudson. Not sure of a middle name for that yet but I for some reason like Hudson but I think its become a little too popular. sighh..
Well I just worry about you trying the Fertile CM as I've read some women have the opposite reaction and end up with less CM. Same with products like Vitex and FertilAid, if women have regular cycles they can end up missing a period or anovulatory cycles. Usually the results are about 50/50 so it could do wonders for you! I've never taken it so I cant be sure, but I did try Robitussin this month because I learned about it while doing SMEP and it worked sooooo well for me!! I just know how frustrating it is to lose even one cycle. Just a suggestion :) but as I've said, I very much hope you don't have to try anything next month because you get pregnant this month!! 10DPO is still early so you've got time to get it! :thumbup:
Thanks for the info. I haven't heard that. I go to my doctor on the 23rd. I'm going to just wait & talk with her & see what she thinks.
I have been having the most realistic crazy vivid dreams and every single one of them involve me being preggo. I hope thats a good sign. My back has been hurting off and on too. I can lay certain ways and I feel sharp pains. I am not sure if the orange cm was implantation bleeding? I woke up Saturday morning and when I wipped I had more blood. It was red this time. A very bright red and then the more I wipped the more pinkish it became. I am not really sure whats going on? I have never had a period this early so I know its not my period. I haven't bled any since then. I took another test this morning just because I have about 20 of them and I couldn't help myself. of course it was negative. So well see. I am gonna test again on Wednesday. This wait is killer.

Have you had any new symptoms? I have terrible service at my house because I live way out in the country so I couldn't get online this weekend. Now I am back to work and able to get online.

I think I have decided for a girl I like Kylee Jade. For a boy I really like the name Hudson. Not sure of a middle name for that yet but I for some reason
like Hudson but I think its become a little too popular. sighh..

Yay you're back!! :happydance: Hopefully by the end of this upcoming weekend you will be enough DPO you will come back with a :bfp: to report!! The dreams about being pregnant sound great, maybe they're premonitions! :) I haven't had any more dreams, I just had a terrible time sleeping last night. Today was my first full day of work and I'm beyond exhausted. I should sleep good tonight! I haven't really had any symptoms. Just very much in doubt already. Bleh. I have had a crazy appetite and continuous huger, but looking back it was the same last month. I also have a backache and terrible headache today. I have a lot of creamy CM too, to the point I definitely thought I started AF way early, the CM plus headache. Oh, and I've had cravings, for vegetables. Weird for me! :shrug: guess not bad though.

I loooove Kylee Jade! I like the name Hudson a lot too. I've only heard it once too and I work with lots of kiddos. I hate that though when you have an original name and it starts to become popular out of the blue. I hope it doesn't happen with our names before we hopefully get a chance to use them someday!

Let me know what happens if you test again! It's got to be turning positive soon!
Thanks for the info. I haven't heard that. I go to my doctor on the 23rd. I'm going to just wait & talk with her & see what she thinks.

That would be a good plan for sure! I noticed on your ticker you're scheduled to test in two days?! So soon! Good luck!!! Hope to hear about positive results soon!
Hello ladies :)
How are we all doing today?

Miracleshappn don't rule yourself out just yet, do you know some people don't get any symptoms for weeks and weeks! Do you think you did everything right to make this month possible for you? Did you do anything special/different? And what test are you using? Try 12dpo with a frer or clear blue, maybe?

Maybesoon I know it's not nice to think of it, and it probably doesn't help but they do say that the best things come to those who wait for them. And all the best things are worth waiting for. People must say those things for a reason. And if everything in life happens for a reason then perhaps this is happening to you for a reason. When you do get your bfp you are going to love it all the more and be so happy because you've dreamed of it for so long. It will happen for you, I just know it. And you'll be so prepared you will be the best mum ever :) and you have waited long's just around the corner i'm sure :)

Ashley I love your name choices :) I can think of loads of girls names (we both would love a little girl) but I really struggle with the boys names! But coming around to the idea of having a boy, as long as it's healthy either will be fine :)
Your spotting sounds like a good sign (from what I have heard implantation can do this to you). Have you had any pains?

And onto me, well I have had bad lower back aching Saturday night, not as bad Sunday and Monday and a little first thing this morning. Today I have also had sort of twinges in my abdomen. Also losing quite a bit of creamy white cm. I dare say that I am feeling "hopeful" this month (i have said not to get my hopes up month after month but i cant help it). But I am not testing for another week...not sure when I ovulated this time, it felt a lot earlier than normal, but if it is my normal 30 day cycle then af would be due next Tuesday so that's when I will test! So hopefully no af this time...

Fingers crossed for all :dust: we will have some bfps this month, i'm sure of it :)
Lets hope it's all of us how cool would that be :) xxx

(dont you just hate it when you're at the end of your sanitary needs and then thinking of i really dont want to have to buy any more i may not need it!!)
And miracleshappen just so you know, I was trying to make you feel better in my post, please don't take it the wrong way, i meant it all in the nicest possible way :)

( it back after I posted it and thought it could read like i was being mean - sorry!)
Hello ladies :)
How are we all doing today?

Miracleshappn don't rule yourself out just yet, do you know some people don't get any symptoms for weeks and weeks! Do you think you did everything right to make this month possible for you? Did you do anything special/different? And what test are you using? Try 12dpo with a frer or clear blue, maybe?

Maybesoon I know it's not nice to think of it, and it probably doesn't help but they do say that the best things come to those who wait for them. And all the best things are worth waiting for. People must say those things for a reason. And if everything in life happens for a reason then perhaps this is happening to you for a reason. When you do get your bfp you are going to love it all the more and be so happy because you've dreamed of it for so long. It will happen for you, I just know it. And you'll be so prepared you will be the best mum ever :) and you have waited long's just around the corner i'm sure :)

Ashley I love your name choices :) I can think of loads of girls names (we both would love a little girl) but I really struggle with the boys names! But coming around to the idea of having a boy, as long as it's healthy either will be fine :)
Your spotting sounds like a good sign (from what I have heard implantation can do this to you). Have you had any pains?

And onto me, well I have had bad lower back aching Saturday night, not as bad Sunday and Monday and a little first thing this morning. Today I have also had sort of twinges in my abdomen. Also losing quite a bit of creamy white cm. I dare say that I am feeling "hopeful" this month (i have said not to get my hopes up month after month but i cant help it). But I am not testing for another week...not sure when I ovulated this time, it felt a lot earlier than normal, but if it is my normal 30 day cycle then af would be due next Tuesday so that's when I will test! So hopefully no af this time...

Fingers crossed for all :dust: we will have some bfps this month, i'm sure of it :)
Lets hope it's all of us how cool would that be :) xxx

(dont you just hate it when you're at the end of your sanitary needs and then thinking of i really dont want to have to buy any more i may not need it!!)

Your symptoms are sounding good!!!! I have been feeling symptoms but I toss them up to other things. My bb's aren't sore and I don't feel any sickness at all. Last month I thought I had become pregnant on accident and I was feelings tons of symptoms this month I dont really feel anything. I just had the spotting on Saturday and then yesterday I felt so bloated and crampy after I ate yesterday. I am getting closer to AF so its making me start to worry and make me start to think I am possibly out for this month. I tested again this morning I had another BFN. I thought being 9dpo and after the spotting on saturday that if I was preggo it would show by now. I am starting to feel down and feeling kinda sad about AF showing and having to tell my bf were not pregnant this month. I think he wanted a baby worse than me and I didn't think that was possible. I am trying not to give up but I also am trying to be realistic. This is only my first month ttc I can't imagine how you ladies who have been trying for months handle it. I don't think I could be as strong as you all. Oh well. How many days past do you think you are just by what you feel? I hope that you all get your bfps that would make me feel much better!!!! I am going to try to test again in the morning then after that I think I will just wait for AF.

I totally agree about the sanitary needs. Yesterday while grocery shopping and buying me a digital test for just incase I found myself at the sanitary isle realizing that if AF does show I have only 1 tampon. I couldn't bring myself to buy any. I was too afraid I would jinx it.

I also totally agree with you on boys names. It seems if you have a boy things are just much harder. Not as many cute unique names. Not so many cute clothing etc etc.... but I would be so happy if we had a boy he might just be nameless for a bit. :haha:
I have been having the most realistic crazy vivid dreams and every single one of them involve me being preggo. I hope thats a good sign. My back has been hurting off and on too. I can lay certain ways and I feel sharp pains. I am not sure if the orange cm was implantation bleeding? I woke up Saturday morning and when I wipped I had more blood. It was red this time. A very bright red and then the more I wipped the more pinkish it became. I am not really sure whats going on? I have never had a period this early so I know its not my period. I haven't bled any since then. I took another test this morning just because I have about 20 of them and I couldn't help myself. of course it was negative. So well see. I am gonna test again on Wednesday. This wait is killer.

Have you had any new symptoms? I have terrible service at my house because I live way out in the country so I couldn't get online this weekend. Now I am back to work and able to get online.

I think I have decided for a girl I like Kylee Jade. For a boy I really like the name Hudson. Not sure of a middle name for that yet but I for some reason
like Hudson but I think its become a little too popular. sighh..

Yay you're back!! :happydance: Hopefully by the end of this upcoming weekend you will be enough DPO you will come back with a :bfp: to report!! The dreams about being pregnant sound great, maybe they're premonitions! :) I haven't had any more dreams, I just had a terrible time sleeping last night. Today was my first full day of work and I'm beyond exhausted. I should sleep good tonight! I haven't really had any symptoms. Just very much in doubt already. Bleh. I have had a crazy appetite and continuous huger, but looking back it was the same last month. I also have a backache and terrible headache today. I have a lot of creamy CM too, to the point I definitely thought I started AF way early, the CM plus headache. Oh, and I've had cravings, for vegetables. Weird for me! :shrug: guess not bad though.

I loooove Kylee Jade! I like the name Hudson a lot too. I've only heard it once too and I work with lots of kiddos. I hate that though when you have an original name and it starts to become popular out of the blue. I hope it doesn't happen with our names before we hopefully get a chance to use them someday!

Let me know what happens if you test again! It's got to be turning positive soon!

I tested this morning hoping i could report a BFP but no such luck. I am starting to feel a little out this month. I completely agree with you. I just posted to geme that last month I thought i fell pregnant by 'accident' and i was having all types of crazy preggo symptoms this month I have none so i am starting to think i am out as well. :( Hopefully we aren't though! We'll still have some faith!!!

I know I hate having a name and then out of nowhere everyone else starts to have it! I guess its a good sign if you haven't heard the name hudson very much at all. Hopefully it wont be popular by the time I have a boy!

Hope you were able to get a good nights sleep last night. Last night was the first time I didn't dream about babies. That I can remember at least. I didn't have any vivid baby dreams. :( When did you say you were going to test again?!
hi ladies can i join u?:blush:

of course!!! welcome!! how many dpo are you?

hi ya im not too sure according to my phone app im on cd24 ive been using the clearblue digital ovulation tests since day 12 and had no smiley face. i think i might have ovuluated on day 14 as had sharp shooting pains and nothing since not even cramping which is unusual for me i usually get a few and sore bb but nothing yet vv strange.
thanks for letting me join im thinking ile do a test on the 22nd:shrug:
Hello ladies :)
How are we all doing today?

Miracleshappn don't rule yourself out just yet, do you know some people don't get any symptoms for weeks and weeks! Do you think you did everything right to make this month possible for you? Did you do anything special/different? And what test are you using? Try 12dpo with a frer or clear blue, maybe?

Maybesoon I know it's not nice to think of it, and it probably doesn't help but they do say that the best things come to those who wait for them. And all the best things are worth waiting for. People must say those things for a reason. And if everything in life happens for a reason then perhaps this is happening to you for a reason. When you do get your bfp you are going to love it all the more and be so happy because you've dreamed of it for so long. It will happen for you, I just know it. And you'll be so prepared you will be the best mum ever :) and you have waited long's just around the corner i'm sure :)

Ashley I love your name choices :) I can think of loads of girls names (we both would love a little girl) but I really struggle with the boys names! But coming around to the idea of having a boy, as long as it's healthy either will be fine :)
Your spotting sounds like a good sign (from what I have heard implantation can do this to you). Have you had any pains?

And onto me, well I have had bad lower back aching Saturday night, not as bad Sunday and Monday and a little first thing this morning. Today I have also had sort of twinges in my abdomen. Also losing quite a bit of creamy white cm. I dare say that I am feeling "hopeful" this month (i have said not to get my hopes up month after month but i cant help it). But I am not testing for another week...not sure when I ovulated this time, it felt a lot earlier than normal, but if it is my normal 30 day cycle then af would be due next Tuesday so that's when I will test! So hopefully no af this time...

Fingers crossed for all :dust: we will have some bfps this month, i'm sure of it :)
Lets hope it's all of us how cool would that be :) xxx

(dont you just hate it when you're at the end of your sanitary needs and then thinking of i really dont want to have to buy any more i may not need it!!)

Your symptoms are sounding good!!!! I have been feeling symptoms but I toss them up to other things. My bb's aren't sore and I don't feel any sickness at all. Last month I thought I had become pregnant on accident and I was feelings tons of symptoms this month I dont really feel anything. I just had the spotting on Saturday and then yesterday I felt so bloated and crampy after I ate yesterday. I am getting closer to AF so its making me start to worry and make me start to think I am possibly out for this month. I tested again this morning I had another BFN. I thought being 9dpo and after the spotting on saturday that if I was preggo it would show by now. I am starting to feel down and feeling kinda sad about AF showing and having to tell my bf were not pregnant this month. I think he wanted a baby worse than me and I didn't think that was possible. I am trying not to give up but I also am trying to be realistic. This is only my first month ttc I can't imagine how you ladies who have been trying for months handle it. I don't think I could be as strong as you all. Oh well. How many days past do you think you are just by what you feel? I hope that you all get your bfps that would make me feel much better!!!! I am going to try to test again in the morning then after that I think I will just wait for AF.

I totally agree about the sanitary needs. Yesterday while grocery shopping and buying me a digital test for just incase I found myself at the sanitary isle realizing that if AF does show I have only 1 tampon. I couldn't bring myself to buy any. I was too afraid I would jinx it.

I also totally agree with you on boys names. It seems if you have a boy things are just much harder. Not as many cute unique names. Not so many cute clothing etc etc.... but I would be so happy if we had a boy he might just be nameless for a bit. :haha:

9dpo is still early! You have plenty of time, and your symptoms sound promising so dont give up hope just yet. Some women dont get bfps until after af is due anyway!
I hear 10 dpo or 12dpo are quite popular days to get bfps, but then so is 14dpo!
Dont count yourself out until af shows.

My body has played tricks with me too. I was always a regular (to the exact time) 28 day cycle, until I started ttc. Then the first month I thought yay! no af I must be turned up on cd35. Never happened before, not when I was depressed or when I lost my mum, never.
Then 2nd cycle it went to 33 days, 3rd and 4th 30 day cycles, so I assume for some strange reason my body has decided to go for a 30 day cycle from now on...

I always think I have symptoms. I write them into my phone each month. This month I didn't want to symptom spot, but it just happens..!

Cant help but get our hopes up can we!?

Essexgal, welcome! How any dpo are you? And is this your first month of ttc? And more importantly when are you testing?! :dust:
Hello ladies :)
How are we all doing today?

Miracleshappn don't rule yourself out just yet, do you know some people don't get any symptoms for weeks and weeks! Do you think you did everything right to make this month possible for you? Did you do anything special/different? And what test are you using? Try 12dpo with a frer or clear blue, maybe?

Maybesoon I know it's not nice to think of it, and it probably doesn't help but they do say that the best things come to those who wait for them. And all the best things are worth waiting for. People must say those things for a reason. And if everything in life happens for a reason then perhaps this is happening to you for a reason. When you do get your bfp you are going to love it all the more and be so happy because you've dreamed of it for so long. It will happen for you, I just know it. And you'll be so prepared you will be the best mum ever :) and you have waited long's just around the corner i'm sure :)

Ashley I love your name choices :) I can think of loads of girls names (we both would love a little girl) but I really struggle with the boys names! But coming around to the idea of having a boy, as long as it's healthy either will be fine :)
Your spotting sounds like a good sign (from what I have heard implantation can do this to you). Have you had any pains?

And onto me, well I have had bad lower back aching Saturday night, not as bad Sunday and Monday and a little first thing this morning. Today I have also had sort of twinges in my abdomen. Also losing quite a bit of creamy white cm. I dare say that I am feeling "hopeful" this month (i have said not to get my hopes up month after month but i cant help it). But I am not testing for another week...not sure when I ovulated this time, it felt a lot earlier than normal, but if it is my normal 30 day cycle then af would be due next Tuesday so that's when I will test! So hopefully no af this time...

Fingers crossed for all :dust: we will have some bfps this month, i'm sure of it :)
Lets hope it's all of us how cool would that be :) xxx

(dont you just hate it when you're at the end of your sanitary needs and then thinking of i really dont want to have to buy any more i may not need it!!)

Your symptoms are sounding good!!!! I have been feeling symptoms but I toss them up to other things. My bb's aren't sore and I don't feel any sickness at all. Last month I thought I had become pregnant on accident and I was feelings tons of symptoms this month I dont really feel anything. I just had the spotting on Saturday and then yesterday I felt so bloated and crampy after I ate yesterday. I am getting closer to AF so its making me start to worry and make me start to think I am possibly out for this month. I tested again this morning I had another BFN. I thought being 9dpo and after the spotting on saturday that if I was preggo it would show by now. I am starting to feel down and feeling kinda sad about AF showing and having to tell my bf were not pregnant this month. I think he wanted a baby worse than me and I didn't think that was possible. I am trying not to give up but I also am trying to be realistic. This is only my first month ttc I can't imagine how you ladies who have been trying for months handle it. I don't think I could be as strong as you all. Oh well. How many days past do you think you are just by what you feel? I hope that you all get your bfps that would make me feel much better!!!! I am going to try to test again in the morning then after that I think I will just wait for AF.

I totally agree about the sanitary needs. Yesterday while grocery shopping and buying me a digital test for just incase I found myself at the sanitary isle realizing that if AF does show I have only 1 tampon. I couldn't bring myself to buy any. I was too afraid I would jinx it.

I also totally agree with you on boys names. It seems if you have a boy things are just much harder. Not as many cute unique names. Not so many cute clothing etc etc.... but I would be so happy if we had a boy he might just be nameless for a bit. :haha:

9dpo is still early! You have plenty of time, and your symptoms sound promising so dont give up hope just yet. Some women dont get bfps until after af is due anyway!
I hear 10 dpo or 12dpo are quite popular days to get bfps, but then so is 14dpo!
Dont count yourself out until af shows.

My body has played tricks with me too. I was always a regular (to the exact time) 28 day cycle, until I started ttc. Then the first month I thought yay! no af I must be turned up on cd35. Never happened before, not when I was depressed or when I lost my mum, never.
Then 2nd cycle it went to 33 days, 3rd and 4th 30 day cycles, so I assume for some strange reason my body has decided to go for a 30 day cycle from now on...

I always think I have symptoms. I write them into my phone each month. This month I didn't want to symptom spot, but it just happens..!

Cant help but get our hopes up can we!?

Essexgal, welcome! How any dpo are you? And is this your first month of ttc? And more importantly when are you testing?! :dust:

hello im not sure hun been using opks but got no smiley face but think i may have on the 4th i have irregular cycles so bit confusing usually tho they vary from 28-32 days gonna test on the 22nd.
I'm testing on the 21st! And this is our 5th month of ttc.
Welcome and I hope you get your bfp :dust:

Did you say you have any symptoms?
Well I started spotting this am.... :growlmad: I wanted to just stay in bed & :cry: But I'm here at work......

Best of Luck to the rest of you!!! :dust:

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