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Type 1 diabetes


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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Hi is anyone type 1 and expecting? I have recently found out we are expecting for the 2nd time. Would like to hear how other type 1's are getting on as all I have seen is gestational diabetes x
Hi is anyone type 1 and expecting? I have recently found out we are expecting for the 2nd time. Would like to hear how other type 1's are getting on as all I have seen is gestational diabetes x

Hi Pinkbump, I was trawling the boards looking for a type 1 buddy. I have only just found out I am pregnant (I am 4.5 weeks).

I have had diabetes since I was 4, so almost 24 years now. I generally do pretty well and have no complications but the last week or so I have become incredibly insulin resistant. I thought the first few weeks were supposed to be low bsl's! The highs have been a real shock and made me feel so guilty. My specialist sent me a script for metformin yesterday, to help with the resistance, so I will start that tonight.

How have you been feeling?

Are you on a pump or MDI? And how long have you had type 1?

I got diabetes 15 years ago aged 10. I found my first few weeks awful trying to get control lots of lows and highs. My first bs of the day is always the worst it's going mad overnight :(

I don't have a pump but it was mentioned at my first appt (second next week) so I may eventually have to have one. Do you have a pump? Also my control before getting pregnant wasn't great but managing a lot better now.

How ate you feeling in general? An was your pregnancy planned? X
Hi! Can I join I also have type one diabetes and found out I'm pregnant with #2 last week and would love some buddies to go through things together! :)
Hey, great to see some action on here!
Yes pink bump, it was planned, I feel like we were wtt then TTC forever. I hardly have fingertips left after all the testing!

I'm on MDI, I don't think pumping is for me at the moment, injections generally work pretty well for me. Preg wise I'm feeling pretty good, still early though! How are you a bit further along?

Teenpregnant, you got your bfp a few days before me, when are you due and how are you feeling?

So you are both expecting #2, that's very exciting! You can share all of your type 1 diabetes and parenting secrets with me!
Oh u know that feeling my fingertips have been pricked so many times. An I was only asking if your pregnancy was planned to see if you had been getting any help getting ur a1c to a good number and also did u start your folic acid whilst ttc?

I felt fine until a week or 2 ago an constantly feeling nauseas :( hope it subsides as I was sick the whole way through my last pregnancy. Also not 100% sure how far I am as not had a scan yet. Lmp means I'm 12w1d but I have a longer cycle so I think I'm around what my ticker says. Will find out on Wednesday though :)

Teenpreg how far do you think you are? Also I see you had your 1st by emergency c section. Same happened to me can I ask why? An how far did you get in your pregnancy? My dd was born at 36 weeks x
I think I'm 4 weeks 4 days but doctor is sending for a dating scan as I haven't had a period since I had the coil out in July :) i was 36 weeks also he wasn't moving much so went to the hospital and I was having contractions and his heart rate was low so I went in for a c section then! How come your LO was born by c section? Did she have to have any help when she was born? I really would like to have a natural birth this time! Good luck in your scan Wednesday! :) x
I went into hospital for steroid injections as I was going to get induced a few days later but her heart rate dropped so they delivered her straight away. She was in special care for 5 days with her blood sugars and also under lights for jaundice. How about your lil one? What was the birth weight aswell? Did they tell you to expect a bigger baby?

I don't know what to expect this time last time it was so rushed but I will discuss birth options with them at 20 week appt I think they said x
He was in for 2 days for the same reasons then up on ward with me for 3; he was 9.7lbs! How much did your LO weigh? I knew he would be big but didn't think that big! I did it with mdi last time but now I'm on the pump so I'm hoping it might be a bit easier as I always hated mdi pregnant or not! X
She was 7lbs exactly. I'm just scared as if you are induced a lot of them end up in a c section anyway. My sickness kicked in this Mornin aswell :( but my sugars where high :( hate that I can't control them overnight I hope that the baby is ok! They are ok through the day but at night they just go mad. Last time I was having hypos while asleep an they were high but this time I'm not so sure x
Oh no sorry to hear about the sickness I hope it doesn't get too bad as it's so hard to control bold sugars with sickness! My bloods are fine throughout the day also it's just my overnight and morning bg. I really worry about having high blood sugars this early I just feel so guilty! Hope you feel better! X
It's horrible isn't it. I dread my morning test. When will you see your consultant about your diabetes? I've got an appt on tues so hopefully they will help me abit but I'm adjusting my dose to try an keep it ok overnight but it's getting worse. Would love to have a straightforward pregnancy where we don't worry all the time.
How old is your son? X
I went to my doctor last Tuesday and she has referred me over I'm just waiting for the appointment now, I went at 6 weeks last time so I think it will be in a few weeks! Good luck at your appointment! I would love to just enjoy pregnancy and not have the pressure and worry of something going wrong! My son is 19 months :) how are you finding your pregnancy along side your LG? Where abouts do you live? X
I'm finding it ok really I work in the morning an my dd goes to nursery an then in the afternoon we just do normal things go out, play with toys etc but its nice to know she will have a friend soon. I don't feel as tired as I did in my first pregnancy so that is good. Obviously early days for you but how are you finding it so far? I'm in the uk how about yourself? X
I am 6 weeks pregnant first time adn have had low sugar since i was 18. There is no rymye or reason it just goes low alot and at different times. I am scared and check my sugar like a mad woman. Right now I dont eat durign the day because my sugar stays 70 all day and its better then eating every hour and having anxiety over my sugar going low. Does anyone eles have this or can help me what to do when it does get low. And how low is bad? thanks
I am 6 weeks pregnant first time adn have had low sugar since i was 18. There is no rymye or reason it just goes low alot and at different times. I am scared and check my sugar like a mad woman. Right now I dont eat durign the day because my sugar stays 70 all day and its better then eating every hour and having anxiety over my sugar going low. Does anyone eles have this or can help me what to do when it does get low. And how low is bad? thanks

Sorry if I don't understand properly but why would your sugar levels drop after eating? Doesn't eating increase your sugar levels?
I am 6 weeks pregnant first time adn have had low sugar since i was 18. There is no rymye or reason it just goes low alot and at different times. I am scared and check my sugar like a mad woman. Right now I dont eat durign the day because my sugar stays 70 all day and its better then eating every hour and having anxiety over my sugar going low. Does anyone eles have this or can help me what to do when it does get low. And how low is bad? thanks

I think that is one for a professional.

Not eating all day doesn't sound like a good fix at all.

Definitely get yourself to a doctor.
I'm finding it ok really I work in the morning an my dd goes to nursery an then in the afternoon we just do normal things go out, play with toys etc but its nice to know she will have a friend soon. I don't feel as tired as I did in my first pregnancy so that is good. Obviously early days for you but how are you finding it so far? I'm in the uk how about yourself? X

I'm finding it fine so far just starting to feel sick like I did last time so I think another week and ms will start for good which I think will make things harder! X
I am 6 weeks pregnant first time adn have had low sugar since i was 18. There is no rymye or reason it just goes low alot and at different times. I am scared and check my sugar like a mad woman. Right now I dont eat durign the day because my sugar stays 70 all day and its better then eating every hour and having anxiety over my sugar going low. Does anyone eles have this or can help me what to do when it does get low. And how low is bad? thanks

This isn't type 1 diabetes. Type one is when blood sugars elevate due to the pancreas not working at all anymore therefore needing insulin via pump or multiple daily injections. I have never heard of low blood sugars in a non diabetic (not to the point if hypoglycemia) especially after eating so get yourself to a medical professional ASAP.

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