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Type 1 diabetes

So you are both in the UK? From what I have heard, the UK and Australia are some of the best places to be a diabetic. The costs in the US sound awful!

Over the weekend I have been feeling pretty nauseated, and this morning felt awful when I woke up- do you have any diabetic friendly tips to help with morning sickness?

I also need to stock my work drawer with low carb things I might feel like eating!
Yes, I cannot imagine living in the us and paying those costs! Elizabean have you been to the doctors yet? I used ginger biscuits first thing before I got up but it does send bg up! I used crackers a lot last time :) I ate so much at work at my desk in my last pregnancy especially weeks 14-24 I couldn't stop snacking! Awful diabetic! Haha x
Hope your both ok. I've had an appt at diabetes clinic today an my a1c has improved thank god. Scan tomorrow an then I can relax :) as for ms and nausea I haven't found anything I just try to eat little snacks an make sure I have some breakfast. Hopefully it will pass for you soon!! What part of the uk are you from teenpregnant? I'm in the north west x
I'm in south east :) glad to hear your a1c has gone down! Good luck at your scan tomorrow! Let us know! I got my date for the dating scan through for a week on Friday! I think I will be 6+5 but I'll see what they say :) x
I feel like I've been waiting forever for this scan! I was scanned at 7 weeks with my last pregnancy but based on lmp ill be 12+6 tomorrow (deffo not that far but we will see) aww you don't have long to wait at all!! X
I think the 12 week scan was my favourite last time (probably should have a favourite) :haha:
Yes, I cannot imagine living in the us and paying those costs! Elizabean have you been to the doctors yet? I used ginger biscuits first thing before I got up but it does send bg up! I used crackers a lot last time :) I ate so much at work at my desk in my last pregnancy especially weeks 14-24 I couldn't stop snacking! Awful diabetic! Haha x

I have been to my GP but haven't been able to get into my endo yet. I have my first appointment with my obgyn on the 21st of October, so less than 2 weeks away. I'm very excited about that one!

Ginger biscuits sound good. My problem is if it is a big packet, I end up eating more than I think I did and it makes carb counting hard, so I prefer individual packs of things if I can get them... I have eaten so many individual serves of crackers already! I snack generally anyway so I'm not too concerned.

Good work on the improved A1C pinkbump! Must be such a relief :flower:

After feeling queasy all day yesterday I felt better in the evening and even managed to go to the gym for a short work out. DH was trying to get me to do sit ups on an incline though- I had to put my foot down there! Queasy all day and laying upside down did not sound like a good idea. And anything that touched my stomach was pretty uncomfortable, but I'm so glad I got out and did something. Do you ladies exercise?
Hope all goes well Elizabean. As much as I'd love to I don't get chance to work out. After work an looking after a toddler an not having family close by to watch dd I just don't have the means to. I try to get my dd out as much as poss walking and at the park etc but even at home she keeps me on my toes :)

Had my scan this week to was amazing an baby had a nice lil heartbeat so can relax abit now. Will be 11 weeks tomorrow :) x
Hope all goes well Elizabean. As much as I'd love to I don't get chance to work out. After work an looking after a toddler an not having family close by to watch dd I just don't have the means to. I try to get my dd out as much as poss walking and at the park etc but even at home she keeps me on my toes :)

Had my scan this week to was amazing an baby had a nice lil heartbeat so can relax abit now. Will be 11 weeks tomorrow :) x

So glad your scan went well! Must have been so amazing! I have my first scan on Friday I cannot wait, I have my first diabetic appointment tomorrow too.

Hope you are both well :)
Let us know how it goes teenpregnant. Also can I ask are you having the nt scan at 12 weeks or just the dating scan? X
I will. Nt scan as well, we didn't have it last time but decided to have it this time just to be 'prepared' did you have nt scan? Wonderful scan picture! X
We will be but we have to go back on 23rd October as baby was to small for the nt. They have to be a certain length for them to so the measurements an our lil bub was only 36mm lol x I'm just glad to see him/her again I love having the scans an seeing how they grow x
Nuchal translucency scan. It's just where they measure fluid at the back of your baby's neck to check the risk of downs. It's combined with a blood test x
Hi everyone , I wanted to join your conversation too :)
I have had type 1 for 19 years now and I have 4 children ages 18,15,9 and 1. ( I started when I was 17!!)
I am now pregnant again and expecting twins for sure with the possibility of triplets!!! we are waiting to see if baby C develops or grows there wings.
Each pregnancy has been so different, my first one they did not even know I had diabetes until she was born at 9lbs, I was on my "honeymoon" phase with my second baby when I first got pregnant but the diabetes kicked back in full force in my second trimester, second baby was born 3 weeks early at 10lbs. Third baby my A1C was 13!!! it only ever dropped to 8 during that pregnancy , I was induced 5 weeks early due to DKA and my son was born at 6 lbs. My last pregnancy was my best in regard to diabetes, my A1C was a 5 the whole time but I went into early labor at 10 weeks early and was put on hospital bead rest, my son decided he wanted out 6 weeks early and was born at 5lbs
All my children are healthy and thriving with no complications from me being diabetic thanks be to God!!
My last pregnancy and this one were my only planned pregnancies and I have always taken a 5mg does of folic acid along with prenatal and omega 3 months before getting pregnant.
I would say it is typical to suffer lows in the first trimester but it is also normal to go the other direction as well. This time around I am mostly dealing with lows with the occasional day with some progressive highs. I am on a twice a day lantus regimen with humalog for meals at a 1:13 carb ration . I have an appointment in november with the pump team for my first pump :) I'm excited about a pump but worry about the stress of getting it calculated for my body while pregnant with multiples!!
Anyway just wanted to chime in on my background and to say congratulations to all you ladies :)
Oh by the way my name is Crystal and i live in Alberta, Canada
Wow that quite a story crystal. I hope baby C has developed when you next go back possible triplets even twins so exciting. Quite a lot of different weights there to :) I know us diabetics are known for larger babies but you had a variety. My last was born at 36 weeks an weighed 7lbs hoping this baby isn't huge but either way i still have to choose how I want to deliver (last baby was a section) my diabetes has been different over the last few weeks an I've needed less insulin than what I was taking has this happened to you in any of your pregnancies? I mean normally thee further along you get the more you need. X
Wow that quite a story crystal. I hope baby C has developed when you next go back possible triplets even twins so exciting. Quite a lot of different weights there to :) I know us diabetics are known for larger babies but you had a variety. My last was born at 36 weeks an weighed 7lbs hoping this baby isn't huge but either way i still have to choose how I want to deliver (last baby was a section) my diabetes has been different over the last few weeks an I've needed less insulin than what I was taking has this happened to you in any of your pregnancies? I mean normally thee further along you get the more you need. X

It has happened to me with my last baby but I was already having preterm labor when it started happening :shrug:
Do you see a specialist for your diabetes ??? I would call and ask them or ask at your next appointment. Like you said it normally increases but maybe you have not hit that point of needing increases yet? I tends to happen sometime in the second trimester... have you mentioned it to your dr?
Hi. Can I also join. I have been a type 1 for 22 years now and have two daughters - age 6 and 2.5. I have not yet taken a pregnancy test because I was WTT and had started getting my hba1c down, but since DH and I were barely BDing and since he knew my cycles so well and they were so regular I should not be in the position I am in now. We last BDed on 28 September which should have been 6 days AFTER ovulation. I expected AF on 5 October and it arrived on 4 October or so I thought - it seemed more red and watery than normal with no clots and lasted two days (lighter than expected but certainly enough to use a tampon) with the occassional spotting after that for about 2-3 days. Those 6 days after we BDed my sugar levels rose a lot and my basal levels increased way more than they had the previous two months (I had recently switched insulins and had applied for a pump so that I could conceive) My hba1c in August was 8.3 when the insulin was switched, but based on the excessive testing I have done in the last 3 months and the averages on my machine I suspect it is now down to about 6.0 (I am hoping to get it redone on Wednesday this week to see if I am right)

Anyway, I had few signs in the beginning of October as I wasn't expecting anything except that I was really struggling now with swinging sugar levels and a LOT of lows which went on for a good few weeks. Then a few days before AF was due DH said that things had been much calmer this month and that I had not been mean to him (I get severe PMDD every single month and I also spot for three days before AF and none of this had happened) I thought I had just ovulated late or maybe had not ovulated but I wasn't tracking. In the last week I have started feeling nauseous, my sugars have risen but are unpredictable - I went severely low the other day which I thought was from stacking insulin, but I had eaten with the stacks so I should not have been as bad as it was. My I:C ratios seem to be changing and I am spiking far more than normal after meals even though I am eating very few carbs.

Then I started with nausea that I thought was from the lows, but I have only ever felt nauseous from lows when pregnant with my second child. The nausea has got far far worse the last two days and I feel ill all day now but it goes if I eat something small (usually cucumber to try not spike the sugars more) Today I had hot flashes and I have felt faint in the last couple of weeks but I thought I had an ear infection as I was also a bit off balance. I missed my period this month and am now 6 days late, but since we didn't BD this month I have not tested yet. If I was pregnant it would be from the September BDing which would make me 7 weeks pregnant (8 if going by the beginning of that cycle).

I have done this twice before - you would think I would know better, but I never bled in any of my previous pregnancies and I have never been irregular (my cycles are 26 days with very little and only possibly one day variation). I will test tomorrow. My DH thinks I am delusional right now and I am scared of his reaction - he has been saying no to a third child because of how dangerous the last one was for me. This was not planned but I have longed for a third child for a long time now and have put a lot of work into getting my hba1c down and applying for the pump (and I hope with a pregnancy they will speed up their delivery of it since I did not want to start a pregnancy without one because of the last pregnancy.)

Sorry that was quite an essay. Look forward to getting to know you all.
You will have to keep us updated on the outcome. Fingers crossed you get what you want :) I to have a toddler who is 27 nearly 28 months so you must of had your little one not long before me.
My blood sugars where unmanageable at the beginning of both pregnancies but if you recently changed your insulin that could be what's causing it. Looking forward to hearing the outcome :)

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