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Type 1 diabetes

Don't think its the insulin - it was working predictably the first two months I was on it - had never had such good levels. Will definitely update you tomorrow - thanks.

Pinkbump my toddler was born February 2011 - when is your next one due? Umm around april maybe? Need to read this thread more closely - did read it but having a hard time concentrating and remembering at the moment.
I'm due 2nd May with this baby but will be April cause of not going past 38 weeks.

Oh if you have been on it for that long I wouldn't think it was the insulin more likely to be hormone related :)

I completely understand i struggle with concentrating now with tiredness an pregnancy brain lol x
Well the test was BFN this morning - so what is going on? I am still having hot flashes and severe nausea. And my sugar levels continue to do weird things (were at 3.6 at 4am and up to 8.9 by 6:30am) I guess I will have to go and see someone as I am now a week late for my period if the one in October was a true period which I doubt.
Yes, but only 4g of carbs which should have raised it to about 5.0. And then this morning at 04:00 I was 6.9 but by 06:30 I was 8.0 so I took 2 units of novorapid and by 08:00am with no food they were still rising - 8.7 even despite the insulin. This is more dawn phenomenon than I have seen before.

Still no period though had a little brownish spotting today but no cramps. Still nauseous pre meal and also when going low. Will ask the diabetes place I go to tomorrow to do a blood pregnancy test if AF has not started by tomorrow.
Oh not good I've hit that stage in pregnancy where I seem to be insulin resistant so needing more insulin but it mainly in the morning x
Hi Ladies, its been a while since I popped in.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm off to get my HBA1c done today! I had been avoiding it as my last one (pre pregnancy) was so good, I wanted to live off the glory of that one as long as possible. I'll get the result at my obgyn appt next Tuesday.

I think I mentioned at the very start I had insulin resistance (from about 4 weeks) and my doctor put me on 2 x metformin every day. A few weeks ago I noticed I was hypoing nearly all night for a few nights so I stopped taking my night time dose and things seem to be going well, though every morning my levels are around 3 or 4 when I wake up. Hopefully I get some respite from the resistance before it kicks in again. Is it supposed to arrive at 16 weeks or is that just something I made up?

How is everyone else feeling?
Hi! Sorry it's a really long time since I have came on to this thread!
I have my first scan on the 27th of this month so fingers crossed everything is ok I should be 12 weeks 2 days then. I'm so excited! Hope everyone else is doing well! X
Glad everything is going well for you both. Can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going. Obviously until I was scanned it seemed to drag but past 6 weeks have flew by.

You will have to let us know what you hba1c is!! My recent one was 6.8% so not to bad however in the uk they like it at 6.1% or lower x
I had an appointment yesterday and my latest HBa1c is 6.6.
My endocrinologist would be thrilled, but my obgyn wasn't so. He said it was good for someone who had diabetes for so long.

He also wants me to have a bsl of 7.1 1 hour after eating and 6.8 2 hours after. I'm not sure that's going to happen to be honest. 2.5 hours later maybe. Just another thing to stress and feel guilty about I suppose.

We got to see bub though which was good, it was so wriggly and twisty. I'm in love so I will do my best with my sugars! It measured a few days ahead but doctor said that was normal.

Great result pinkbump- sometimes I wonder if 6.1 is worth it if you are constantly hypoing to get it?

Teen, only a week now until your scan- how exciting! I didn't realise we were so close, I'll be 12ks on the 27th of November and I have my NT scan on that day.
I had an appointment yesterday and my latest HBa1c is 6.6.
My endocrinologist would be thrilled, but my obgyn wasn't so. He said it was good for someone who had diabetes for so long.

He also wants me to have a bsl of 7.1 1 hour after eating and 6.8 2 hours after. I'm not sure that's going to happen to be honest. 2.5 hours later maybe. Just another thing to stress and feel guilty about I suppose.

We got to see bub though which was good, it was so wriggly and twisty. I'm in love so I will do my best with my sugars! It measured a few days ahead but doctor said that was normal.

Great result pinkbump- sometimes I wonder if 6.1 is worth it if you are constantly hypoing to get it?

Teen, only a week now until your scan- how exciting! I didn't realise we were so close, I'll be 12ks on the 27th of November and I have my NT scan on that day.

6.6 is brilliant!! I went on monday and he said exact the same as your doctor about 1 hour after and if i do that i end up low within an hour after that! I know what you mean about feeling guilty! I wish we could sit back and have a smooth pregnancy but there is so much guilt and pressure!! Ah im so happy you got to see LO on scan!! I know just a week now! Yes I didnt realise we were only 2 days apart!
Pinkbump, have you had the chance to talk to them about vbac yet? x

No not yet hun but after having a good read I'm thinking I may just opt for an elective section. How about you? X

Sorry for the late reply! No I haven't apparently I'll go to see them at 16 weeks so ill ask then but I just have a feeling they won't be to optimistic! What's made you think differently if you don't mind me asking? x
Pinkbump, have you had the chance to talk to them about vbac yet? x

No not yet hun but after having a good read I'm thinking I may just opt for an elective section. How about you? X

Sorry for the late reply! No I haven't apparently I'll go to see them at 16 weeks so ill ask then but I just have a feeling they won't be to optimistic! What's made you think differently if you don't mind me asking? x

I have read abt a greater risk of a failed vbac with induction and a higher risk of a rupture. Also at 37-38 weeks although baby is full term I just think inductions are making your body do something it isn't ready for. I also would hate the thought of being completely out while they deliver the baby rather than having a spinal. I will talk to them abt it but I think a section is probably going to be what I opt for x
I had my 12 week scan today, everything was perfect and measured perfect! Had a lovely lady too who gave us 7 pictures :) so happy! X
Congrats Teen! any pictures to share?

Such a relief isn't it! I had my 12 week yesterday and bub is perfect as well! So happy. I have photos too but left the usb at home so can't put them up today at work :(

On a diabetes matter- I had a terrifying hypo the night before last (before the scan) where DH had to pour lemonade and honey down my throat as I was half awake half asleep and dreaming that DH was an attacker trying to make my sugar high to harm the baby. It was so scary and I only snapped out of it when he started threatening to call and ambulance. I haven't had a hypo like that in years.

Do you find your hypo's getting more frequent or worse when pregnant?
Hi ladies , I was in here with my daughter and now I'm expecting #3 . I've had my first appointment with hospital and have a scan booked for 2 weeks time which I should be 9weeks by then. My hba1c is far from good at 9 and I've been doing my hardest to get it controlled. I'm on the pump so I've manged to tweek rates and get it pretty normal apart from a hypo a day but I'm coping . I'm doing my best to do everything right this time. Looking forward to scan to put my mind at ease xx
Hey ladies! Hope i can join you! So nice to see other fellow t1d's expecting..

My 1st pregnancy was perfect.. A1c 5.5-6.5 the entire time, was induced at 38 weeks and baby was born healthy at 7lb 14 oz vaginally...

This time im abit more worried. Wasnt planned and my a1c was a 10.2... I went on a t slim pump almost immediately, my last a1c was 6.2, will find out my next one on wednesday. So far so good, however at 24 weeks baby was in the 61st percentile.... Other than that, no problems so far!

This time i have the option of c section, i am getting my tubes tied as well... Still gavnt made my mind up if i want the c or not?!

Hope everyone is well!
Hi ladies nice to see some new faces!! Hope your pregnancies have been good so far. I was due another check up yesterday but me an my dd where poorly so we didn't leave the house. 20 weeks scan is next week aswell looking forward to it.

How did you find your previous pregnancies? X

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