UK gals: Are NHS antenatal classes okay or should I pay for NCT ones?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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So we have an option here for free NHS classes, right? But then we can also pay for NCT classes. People have said you can get some 'interesting characters' in the NHS classes, hence why some steer clear of them (bit snobby of them really!). Plus the classes sometimes run during the day (difficult for f/t parents).

But the NCT classes are £200 or so. And of those friends of mine who've done them, the best they can say about them is that you make good friends but it seems the same info is covered: thing is, I already have great friends and struggle to find time for them, let alone new friends!

So am thinking NHS classes will suffice. Anyone done them or got any views?
I really enjoyed nct for the discussions, meeting other couples and feeling that my husband was really being taken into account. I had issues with the militant breastfeeding session but the other sessions were excellent. They are less rushed than NHS classes and have more time for discussions and group work. It's also good to have evening classes. I don't think it's crucial you go to nct classes and it depends in what "style" you're into. I think they ask for too much money for the courses but I feel like I've got great support from them. I also used their bra-fitting service which I couldn't fault. I've not really answered your question but I hope my thoughts help! xx
I've done both.. my OH was very keen to do NCT as everyone he knew had raved about it and made a good circle of friends..

The NHS one (This was 3 or so hours on a Saturday) wasn't great if I'm being honest.. super rushed (Understandable given it being 3 hours) and the props that were used were so dated. She used a knitted boob with a doll that had a pink dress on (looked like it had been pulled from the toybox). Weirdly enough our NHS group was only us and two other couples. Two more didn't show on the day.

NCT there are 9 couples and are fairly mixed, to be honest no one I've instantly gelled with and the info is produced to you in a calmer way. We've had massage techniques and relaxation as well as a lot more time to spend on subjects.

I have a feeling NCT is a bit hit or miss.. in terms of making friends and the amount of info you get given as it's down to the teacher.. ours is open to everything where I know some don't talk about certain things.
Got my NHS ones on Monday 7-9 pm for 3 weeks, so I can let you know if they are any good? Personally I can't afford the NCT ones, I would rather save the money for maternity leave xxx
I just did the NHS classes so can't comment on NCT. We felt the same as you, we wanted the info but didn't feel the need to make friends as lots of our friends have young babies.

To the 'snobby' point, there were some people in the class we wouldn't have met normally but I didn't see that as an issue.

For us the £200 was much better spent on something else. Hope that helps!
It depends on what you are looking for. If all you want is to know the specifics of birth and to understand some of the protocols for how the NHS will manage your care and you don't want to commit to a class that runs over multiple weeks, especially if you aren't specifically planning a natural birth, then NHS will probably be sufficient. If you are interested in natural birth, want to have more indepth discussions about things beyond just the specifics of birth and protocols (like about postnatal period or your relationship once you become parents) and you want to connect with other new parents, then I'd recommend NCT.

We did the NCT ones and they were fantastic. I was planning a home birth so I wasn't really interested in doing classes in the hospital and talking about epidurals and c-sections (I knew plenty about them and wasn't planning on going that route). Our class was in our instructors home and we had lots of time to get to know other couples in our class. We've stayed in touch with them and they've become really good friends (it's hard to see your friends without kids once you have a baby as often, so it's nice to get to spend time with someone who's in the same boat). Our instructor was an independent midwife, so had a lot of experience with natural birth and had lots of excellent advice for managing pain and avoiding interventions. She was also just more open-minded and able to get us frank advice without having to tow the NHS line so to speak. I think if you just want information, then NHS is fine. But if you want more discussion, more socialization and more of a focus on natural birth, then NCT is better. You can also get a reduced rate for NCT depending on your income, so it's worth asking if the expense is an issue. My husband and I are both working professionals and I'm a full-time PhD student (so not like on benefits and poor), but we don't have a massive income either. We asked and got a significant reduction on the cost which allowed us to do the NCT classes.
I didn't want to pay for NCT as I am pretty confident that I know plenty about babies etc. the stuff I don't know is going to be the surprise things you can't prepare for!!

We did the NHS class mainly to see if we could make some friends.

Worked out amazing. Everyone there was roughly our age, lived super local and are due within a month of me.

In fact we all met up for lunch on Saturday and regularly talk on Facebook. Really glad I went. :)
My NHS class was crap and i wish i had booked the NCT classes! I defo think it would be worth it as i have now missed the chance having left it so late and i didnt learn anything useful at the NHS class, they just made me feel bad i cant have a water birth :(
I would never pay for classes! There isnt much that you can't learn from websites and YouTube.
I went to the NHS ones with my first and they were ok. They ran at night and everyone was really nice.
It depends how much you know about babies I guess.
Our NHS one was rubbish - I mean what can you learn in 1 1/2 hours?!
I did NCT and it was great. Made loads of friends who I still regularly see 3 years on.
So glad we did it!
We are on low income, so we got the NCT classes for less than £200. To be honest, even if it had been £200, I can say without a doubt that it would have been the best £200 spent on our baby.

The day after finishing the NCT classes, we had our 4 hour hospital class including the tour. As we left, my fiance's exact words were "Seriously, if we hadn't done the NCT classes, I'd be freaking out now".

The NHS classes were nothing like as detailed, and you get "talked at". The NCT classes encourage discussion, and for you to think for yourselves. We found that the NCT ones are much more couple orientated, with a big emphasis on working together to provide baby with the best start. They were also fun - I lost count of the amount of times we all cracked up laughing.

I'd certainly recommend them - the NHS classes are what they are, presumably they vary from area to area - definitely for us, we wouldn't be feeling anything like as relaxed and confident if we'd have only had the NHS classes.
I only did the NHS classes and really liked them. We had 4 2 hr sessions plus a breast feeding workshop.
I learned loads about labour that I hadn't read in books/online, and everyone was lovely.
I agree that it depends what you want to get out of it, but I definitely think enough was covered in the NHS class.
I think the NHS ones vary a lot, by location and by who is actually leading the class, so possibly doing the NCT ones people have a more consistantly good experience over the different regions?

Me and OH had our NHS class the other saturday, it was 6 hours and I actually thought it was really good and useful, not too rushed. I consider myself to be quite well read on the subject, but I am a first time mum and it was a great opportunity to ask questions. I also thought it was really useful for my OH as I don't think he really knew what to expect from labour and he is more clued up now! He wasn't put off or freaked out in anyway, they didn't linger on or try to scare us with horror stories! We're having the baby at hospital and so are all the other couple that were there, but the midwife did say that home birth was still an option for all of us and was promoting its safety etc. So the NHS weren't pushing hospital down our throats.

I was hoping that we would meet other couples who we could continue to see both immediately and after birth, but unfortunately we didn't really gel with any of the others there. To be honest, this was the only reason I was considering an NCT course in addition to NHS and I realised that I didn't want to pay £200 + to meet new people! I also worried that NCT would be very focussed on natural birth and that's great if it happens that way for you. But I want to know all of the information, even worst case scenario stuff so I can make informed decisions.

Just my thoughts on it all.
Thanks girls, we've decided to go with NHS ones. It's not that we can't afford the NCT classes, so I'd feel bad for trying to get a discount when others need it more than us. It's more: are they worth the £200+?

Looking on here and elsewhere, for our needs, no. My sister-in-law's a midwife so I ask her a lot of questions (and she's very much of the view that labour is so unpredictable, it's difficult to prep for anyway, and she said the NHS classes here are good but then she would, wouldn't she? But she has offered to help us to, she's on maternity leave herself at the mo). Plus, like I said, we're not looking for new friends. So I'll see how the NHS classes go.

But in an ideal world, sure, the NCT classes sound great. Just not worth the dosherooney for us. (ha, I'll probably live to regret this).

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