unexplained infertility...


Mar 13, 2011
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Just coming back to trying to conceive after suffering a miscarriage conceived through IVF.
Me and my dh have been trying for 2 years and 5 months. Had every test possible, laprascopy, blue dye test, 21 day bloods everything has come back fine.
The dr even put me on clomid for a couple of months even though I am ovulating and that didn't help...
Have tried clear blue fertility monitor, preseed, pregnancy vitamin tablets still no joy :cry:
Have been looking at things that can improve your fertility and they all say the same thing like weight, smoking, drinking, caffeine, etc. None of that applies to me. I am a healthy weight, I exercise, none of the above applies to me apart from an occasional drink.
I just do not get it??? :cry:
Is there anything I can do???
Has anyone ever overcome infertility and gone on to have a baby??
I just don't know how long I can carry on with all the disappointment.. :cry:
Hi babes987

So sorry for your loss. I too had a miscarriage after having IVF. Been trying for about 2 and a half years - I've got one ovary and a history of endo, DH is fine.
It really sucks to have done everything 'right' and have this happen. Sorry I can't answer your question I just wanted to say you are not alone and to send you lots of love and best wishes
We come under unexplained infertility. We've tried a host of things. I'm a healthy weight (although like most people, I'd like to be slimmer), don't smoke...have the occasional drink. I drink one or two cups of tea a day but no more, can't stand coffee or coke. I do temps OPKs, vits, preseed... etc. We've had tests and everything says we should be pregnant by now, but we are heading into our 20th month with no joy. Our first child took ages to conceive. 2 years of TTC although not in the same manner as now. We were much more relaxed about it but I was also a lot younger. Now we can't get pregnant again and the doctor is being difficult BECAUSE there's nothing wrong with us and she just wants us to keep trying naturally. I can't even get clomid. :cry:

This month I'm trying soy, you hear wonder stories about it but it's just eating tofu really or drinking soya milk and I lack faith in it. But we will see.

Like you I don't know how long I can carry on with the disappointment. I turn 33 in June and I think I may just call it a day then.
We're in "unexplained infertility" territory right now. Doctors are a little miffed, but we still have some other tests to do, so who knows.

I'm on the fence about "unexplained infertility." On the one hand it shows that we are healthy and they can't find anything wrong with either of us... and I take it to mean that we can't have a child right now for some unknown reason. On the other hand, unexplained infertility feels like such a crock... like an easy way of saying "sorry, can't help you," and it feels like there is one tiny thing they are overlooking!

But I do know of people who conceived eventually, and that is reassuring. A family member who waited and waited and prayed and prayed... and then finally had her babies. A few not-so-close acquaintances. Also, I get a little inspired by the blogger Cjane. If you google Cjane and "infertility" you'll get to read a few of her posts. She had "unexplained infertility" for years... and right now is pregnant with her third (all under the age of three/four) !

There's hope for us yet. Keep your head up, dear!
Hi girls, I hope I can be of some help. We had unexplained IF. I went through all the required blood tests and HSG, and hubby had his SA come back ok. Since I was ovulating, we decided to try a few cycles of natural IUI (no clomid, just IUI after positive OPK). Fortunately for us, it worked on our second try and I am now 10 wks along. I know it is far from saying we are successful till we get to hold the baby, but I strongly feel that although unexplained can be such a bummer since there is no apparent reason, there is also hope, compared to more severe problems like MFI or endo. I asked the doctor about why we weren't able to conceive, and the doc didn't have a good answer - he said the whole process is so tricky, its just hard to point out what could be wrong (and then I wonder why everyone seems to fall preg so easily if conception is such a complicated process).

Keep praying, and keep hoping. I know its awful, but I hope you all find joy at the end of this long hard road.
Thanks Ladies for your replies, going to the IVF clinic tomorrow to see when we can have a second attempt.
I just can't see it happening naturally, just do not understand why??
I just keep praying that one day it will be our turn..
Have you tried acupuncture and chinese herbs? I've heard it can help balance you out and lead to a bfp. I'm unexplained too and have been since my mid 20's. It's awful. Though I haven't had my hsg yet, next month I'll get it. DH wont do any clomid or fertility drugs so I have to figure this out on my own.
Hi babes-sorry for your loss. We too are Unexplained which is very frustrating. We have an appointment in a couple of weeks to discuss IUI. I have 2 friends who had unexplained one conceived after 2 years naturally and another had 2 rounds of IVF. Their daughter is now 2 and she has just conceived naturally. I think although sometimes it may be easier if someone said " this is wrong and this is how we fix it" to know that generally we are in working order has to be a good thing. And I heard Ivf has a very high success rate with unexplained. Good luck to all Of us x
'unexplained infertility' simply means that western medicine can't explain why someone isn't getting pregnant. they're ovulating, SA is fine, we have no other explanation!

traditional chinese medicine and naturopathy for example don't use that diagnosis, because there is always something to 'fix' or 'work on'. it doesn't leave you hanging, and you can take some control and advocate for your own health.

it's a devastating diagnosis, and i don't think drs really get what it's like to hear it!
My DH and I were unexplained. I was 25, he was 26. Normal HSG, SA, bloodwork, etc.
Nothing seemed to work.

We decided to go to the fertility specialist. She wanted to do IUI and we agreed to that. The plan was to do IUI for 4 cycles then go to IVF. It took 4 IUIs and 19 months of ttc to have our first. I have no idea why it took so long, or what the problem was. We were young and healthy. I really don't think I would have ever gotten pregnant without that IUI. And after those fertility treatments, when I got pregnant, I was absolutely terrified. I couldn't talk about the baby for months. At 25 weeks gestation, someone asked me about my baby shower and I thought she was crazy for asking such a question. I just couldn't imagine everything working out okay for me.

My second, we had sex once in about 2 weeks. I was ovulating and we just never got around to getting a condom on. This is the only time we had unprotected sex ever. Once. And I got pregnant. I was beyond shocked. It almost makes me feel like my lttc experience was buy one get one free! I also then felt like I had been 'cured' and would never have a problem ttc again.

My third child was a completely natural conception also. We ttc 7 months.

Now ttc again, going to my 11th cycle of well timed bd. I'm 34, young enough. Looks like I'll be falling to the 'unexplained infertility' again. And I feel 'broken' again.

So, yes, you can overcome it and have a baby. But, you have to be very persistent and proactive. For some of us, we have to work harder. We have to help organize our treatments. You just have to keep going, because what other options do you have left? You could stop, but I don't know how to do that. How do you stop desiring a baby?

Hugs to you. There are so few that understand that infertility casts a shadow on everything in your life. So few, understand how difficult it is.

Infertility is truly horrible and heartbreaking.
My sister is also unexplained infertility. She is 37 and hatched every test going and no problems found with her or partner. She had 6 months cloned and 3 iui but none worked. She is currently on her 2ww for her 1st ivf cycle x
Hi Ladies,

We're unexplained as well, we do have two kids already a DD 14 and DS 13 and had to take Clomid with both. I'm 36 now and we did try Clomid for 6 cycles and nothing so we went to our IVF Clinic and they won't agree to IUI because we're unexplained so we got bumped to IVF.
Unexplained Infertility is a devastating diagnosis and I don't think doctors realize how frustrating it is to hear everything works great and it still doesn't happen. We'll hopefully be going ahead with IVF in the next cycle or two and all we can do is just hope it works. I would love to know why or what the problem is, the only thing I can figure out is that I have to take B12 by injection because I don't absorb it so maybe I don't absorb other vitamins well either...I don't know but I started Evening Primrose this cycle to go along with the B12, Prenantals, Folic Acid, and Baby Aspirin. My hubby keeps asking what we can do while we wait for IVF and I just don't know what to tell him anymore. We're non smokers, non drinkers, both healthy weight, no drugs and there's nothing else to give up.
I guess I'm having a frustrated day today, I am sorry for not being more upbeat but I am really at the end of my rope with this.
Crystal, don't apologise, we feel your pain.

We're unexplained too. Have been ttc 18 months. Never missed a cycle or fertile time. Had all tests. DH has good swimmers. I've got endo but they won't acknowledge that it's affecting our fertility. We're now being told we've got to wait until we've been trying for 3 years to get on the list for IVF. Pretty much given up hope.
Floof x
Crystal, don't apologise, we feel your pain.

We're unexplained too. Have been ttc 18 months. Never missed a cycle or fertile time. Had all tests. DH has good swimmers. I've got endo but they won't acknowledge that it's affecting our fertility. We're now being told we've got to wait until we've been trying for 3 years to get on the list for IVF. Pretty much given up hope.
Floof x

3 Years!!!!!!!!! That's insane!
Crystal, don't apologise, we feel your pain.

We're unexplained too. Have been ttc 18 months. Never missed a cycle or fertile time. Had all tests. DH has good swimmers. I've got endo but they won't acknowledge that it's affecting our fertility. We're now being told we've got to wait until we've been trying for 3 years to get on the list for IVF. Pretty much given up hope.
Floof x

3 Years!!!!!!!!! That's insane!

Thanks Floof, I'm just so frustrated this time around, but I need to get over it because O time is coming and I need to be thinking it'll work..lol. We have to pay for IVF upfront here which is around $8000 and then we get a portion back and if we need another cycle we get most of it back. Three years is a long time to live with cycles and heartbreak every month, that's never taken into consideration when they put ladies on a list. I hope you hit it lucky and the list gets shorter xx
I was unexplained infertility. I was told my ovaries were not communicating with my brain so much research, so many natural remedies, long 60 day cycles, lots of tears. IVF and IUI wasnt something that was a choice for me as I just cleansed my body for 2 long years to get rid of allergies, and illnesses. There was just something going on I felt that was hidden. I went to a naturopath she did testing and concluded I had candida imbalance. Immeaditly I took out all the sugar out of my diet and processed foods. Just meats, veggies and eventually fresh fruit. I didnt feel I was overweight I went from 137 to 116. I also took candida cleansing herbs. Then I read something about melatonin and about 3-5 days before ovulating I started taking it. I had different ovulation pains and I still ovulated on Day 48. There is hope. There maybe something in your body that regular doctors dont see, such as candida imbalance.
I was unexplained infertility. I was told my ovaries were not communicating with my brain so much research, so many natural remedies, long 60 day cycles, lots of tears. IVF and IUI wasnt something that was a choice for me as I just cleansed my body for 2 long years to get rid of allergies, and illnesses. There was just something going on I felt that was hidden. I went to a naturopath she did testing and concluded I had candida imbalance. Immeaditly I took out all the sugar out of my diet and processed foods. Just meats, veggies and eventually fresh fruit. I didnt feel I was overweight I went from 137 to 116. I also took candida cleansing herbs. Then I read something about melatonin and about 3-5 days before ovulating I started taking it. I had different ovulation pains and I still ovulated on Day 48. There is hope. There maybe something in your body that regular doctors dont see, such as candida imbalance.

Congrats!!! I agree with you that its something Doctors miss and tbh my doctor took a few blood tests, did and HSG and did an SA on hubby and because we already have 2 kids they said it was unexplained and on to IVF because I was slow getting pregnant with those two. However it was not taken into account that I already have to take B12 by injection and I had kidney issues as a teen that was secondary to a blood disorder from an autoimmune problem and I have a few small issues that have carried through from that. Nothing serious just I tend to catch more colds and get infections quicker then most but I'm healthy otherwise. I just think if I don't absorb B12 then maybe my other vitamins are off balance.
Sometimes unexplained is the easy diagnosis while we're left to ponder what's wrong and how on earth do we begin to fix it? I think its fantastic you got pregnant and it gives hope to us ladies that are still waiting :) I hope you have a wonderful H&H 9 months!!!!
I have been trying since August of 2010. I know this is not a long time compared to a lot of people but it is still frustrating. I started seeing a Naturalpathic doctor because my BBT were low. In the 96's. Since going to her, I found out that I was allergic to many foods and most of all gluten and yeast (candida). I have cut out carbs, sugar, dairy, fruits, etc from my diet and my cycle went from an average of 60-75 days to a 35 day cycle. I guess when you eat foods that you are allergic to on a regular basis, your adrenal glands get over worked. And when your adrenal glands don't get replenished, it starts to slow down your whole body. The adrenal glands are what help make your hormones. When they are not balanced, your average temps can get low and your cycles get long... I'm hoping this will help me conceive. I guess I will find out soon... :)
Hi Ladies,

We're unexplained as well, we do have two kids already a DD 14 and DS 13 and had to take Clomid with both. I'm 36 now and we did try Clomid for 6 cycles and nothing so we went to our IVF Clinic and they won't agree to IUI because we're unexplained so we got bumped to IVF.
Unexplained Infertility is a devastating diagnosis and I don't think doctors realize how frustrating it is to hear everything works great and it still doesn't happen. We'll hopefully be going ahead with IVF in the next cycle or two and all we can do is just hope it works. I would love to know why or what the problem is, the only thing I can figure out is that I have to take B12 by injection because I don't absorb it so maybe I don't absorb other vitamins well either...I don't know but I started Evening Primrose this cycle to go along with the B12, Prenantals, Folic Acid, and Baby Aspirin. My hubby keeps asking what we can do while we wait for IVF and I just don't know what to tell him anymore. We're non smokers, non drinkers, both healthy weight, no drugs and there's nothing else to give up.
I guess I'm having a frustrated day today, I am sorry for not being more upbeat but I am really at the end of my rope with this.

Have you looked into MTHFR or celiac disease? I believe both have issues with B12. Folic Acid is another thing MTHFR dont absorb well either.
I have been trying since August of 2010. I know this is not a long time compared to a lot of people but it is still frustrating. I started seeing a Naturalpathic doctor because my BBT were low. In the 96's. Since going to her, I found out that I was allergic to many foods and most of all gluten and yeast (candida). I have cut out carbs, sugar, dairy, fruits, etc from my diet and my cycle went from an average of 60-75 days to a 35 day cycle. I guess when you eat foods that you are allergic to on a regular basis, your adrenal glands get over worked. And when your adrenal glands don't get replenished, it starts to slow down your whole body. The adrenal glands are what help make your hormones. When they are not balanced, your average temps can get low and your cycles get long... I'm hoping this will help me conceive. I guess I will find out soon... :)

Yay for you! I did the same thing. I had candida overgrowth cut sugar and then gluten free grains.. totally went grainless. After 6 months of taken garlic everyday and still have 60 cycles.. I got a positive hpt. It can happen just might take time for body cleansing.

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