A girl I knew went through that. There was nothing wrong with either her or her fiance. They were trying for months and she didn't get pregnant. We don't talk anymore so I don't know if she ever did get pregnant. Her doctor didn't put her on anything because her cycles were regular. She did start taking Fertibella on her own and she ovulated even more than she already was. But to my knowledge she still didn't get pregnant.
Me and DH was tested .. we had been NTNP for a year ... so after we found out we were ok .. the doc gave me clomid .. I tried last month and got a ... so .. we are going to keep trying .. but after 6 months ..we will look into other options ...
I am on my second cycle of Clomid because I have "unexplained." I went off BCP's & didn't get a period for many months. Doc put me on Clomid to induce ovulation. I am not certain it is working & think low progesterone levels has to do with my not getting pregnant- although that is a self-diagnosis.
Are you considering Clomid or another fertility drug? It is a frustrating process isn't it?!?!
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