UPDATE 1st post-Anyone wanna lose weight with me?

can I join :) i dont need to loose much now , 14 lbs to start with and then if i get down that maybe another 7. ive been trying to loose the weight for ages and getting nowhere at all!! boo!! actually recently the scales havent gone up at all yet my jeans and that feel tighter - unless its all in my head haha

My hubby has just deployed and id love to be back to my pp weight before his return

misspriss cas you tell me more about your diet? its sounds so good.

If im honest im normally useless with diets, i get confused with the can and can not eat, how much and so on. and I dont really exercise - unless you include the 20 min walk to school and back again twice a day and the 3 min walk to the bus stop and back 2 times a day also ;-)

Sure! It's super easy, at least, for me. It gets easier after you do it for a few weeks anyway. It really all started with me dropping soda, which inspired me to do more....

Anyway, I loosely follow the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. You can look it up on marksdailyapple.com. The basic premise is to avoid all grains and refined sugar, and only eat starchy vegetables and fruits in moderation (higher carb). Also, red wine, dairy (preferably raw, if not at least grass-fed) and chocolate are allowed in moderation. Fat, especially animal fat from grass-fed (not grain-fed) animals is encouraged. Both fat and sugar saite you, but fat is a more stable fuel for the body. A little bit of fat will saite you longer than sugar.

If you look at your body, fat is a preferred fuel source. After all, how does your body store excess energy for the future? As sugar? No, high blood sugar will kill you, so your body has to do something with that quick - not a stable fuel. Nope. Your body stores fat in times of plenty to use when you need it. Obviously your body considers fat a viable and good long term fuel solution ;)

Not all carbs are horrible, you don't want to go EXTREMELY low carb forever, but you should be getting your carbs from vegetables, which means you will never go that high really. If you need a few more, eat fruit and starchy vegetables.

It is not encouraged to go below 1800 calories when you are breastfeeding (in general, I eat slightly less most days but I work a desk job and I eat until I am well full!) And you should probably get between 100-150 grams of carbs. If you were NOT breastfeeding and trying to lose weight, it would be under 100 probably. 150 is a VERY generous goal if you ditch grains.

But to sum it up, eat meat (not necessarily lean, fattier is probably better) and veg all you want. Eat fruit, starchy veg (potatos) in moderation, as well as red wine and dark chocolate. Avoid all grains and refined sugar. Basically it's a low-carb/high-fat diet. I get around 30% of my calories from carbs, 50-55% from fat, and 15-20% from protein.

Thank you so much for that, will give it a look up.

Sounds great, though I will miss my morning oat granola but maybe having a bowl of that every morning hasn't been helping my lack of weight loss

Bit of a silly question, no doubt, but am I ok to still take fenugreek? I don't need to take it I just started takin it to up my supply to help with pumping, as my plan was to build up and emergency supply, but it hasn't helped to be fair n to be honest I haven't been pumping like that either, no time with hubby gone and 3 kids to run round after :haha:

My goal is to loose my first 14lbs , then another 7, I really want to tone my belly too, but in all honestly not sure I can handle sit ups :winkwink:

I thought I would miss my morning oatmeal, but now I have bacon every morning....I don't miss oatmeal! I am sure the fenugreek will be fine, the amount you take, even if it were "disallowed" is part of the whole moderation thing...

My goal was to lose 23 lbs, then another 8 if I can. I have 5lbs left to my "first" goal. It's so close! And it's been pretty much diet. (My ticker goes all the way to my final goal)

And what can I say? I have coffee with real cream every morning, with bacon for breakfast, plenty of meat at every meal, I indulge quite often, I'm hardly ever hungry, and I'm LOSING weight, pretty much effortlessly.
The Mark Sisson primal diet is working well for me so far, although I've only just started. I'm finding it easier to drop grains, which for me is mainly rice, pasta and bread, than I thought.

I usually have fruit, cheese and coffee for breakfast, snack on veggies and fruit with cream cheese, have tuna or some meat and salad for lunch, more veggies and some combination of all that for dinner. We had sesame seed coated salmon burgers the other night.

I've gone from 84 kilos (13 st, 183 lb) to 80.5 (12 st 10, 178 lb) in two weeks just BFing and started the primal diet on Monday :)

Congrats!! It really is easier than you think to get rid of grains! I have a harder time dropping out all refined sugar products, but I do my best...
DH and I cut out refined sugar a while ago and it definitely gets easier with time. We have the odd bit here and there for special occasions or some weekends, but it's amazing how well your body adapts to the change. Last time we treated ourselves to milk chocolate popcorn we felt awful, physically!
I'm down 10 pounds!!!!! Only taken 18 days. I love myfitnesspal
I'm down to 79.8 kilos (12 st 8 lbs, 176 lbs) after five days of the primal diet with a few indulgences here and there. I feel full all of the time and don't feel like I'm missing out. The only exercise I've done is walking into town and back, wearing LO and carrying a heavy rucksack back:happydance:
I couldn't do that diet. If I restrict anything from my diet I always give up way to fast and out the weight back on as soon as I add it back in and I couldn't live like that for the rest of my life.
I'm eating 1600 calories a day and working out everyday (walking, 30 day shred, or zumba, or a combination) and I feel like its the first time in my life I'm actually loosing weight the healthy way. Still so motivated. I'm in day 20 today and I've only gone over calories 1 time.
I couldn't do that diet. If I restrict anything from my diet I always give up way to fast and out the weight back on as soon as I add it back in and I couldn't live like that for the rest of my life.
I'm eating 1600 calories a day and working out everyday (walking, 30 day shred, or zumba, or a combination) and I feel like its the first time in my life I'm actually loosing weight the healthy way. Still so motivated. I'm in day 20 today and I've only gone over calories 1 time.

You'd be surprised, grains are not that hard to give up - I am being totally honest, I can't stand to "give things up". And really, if you avoid grains, most refined sugar goes with it. Being able to eat all the fat you want helps!

But congrats! It sounds like you have found something that works great for you! I don't have time to walk/30 day shred/zumba, I hardly have time for dinner and sleep. I work full time though. I only count calories to make sure I get enough ;) TBH, I was way under yesterday....

The deal with the primal blueprint is not that you have to do it forever, it is just you will quit LOSING weight when you go back to your old way of eating. unless you were constantly gaining weight before, you are not going to start gaining weight again. Most people keep it up though, because grains make me feel yucky and too much sugar causes my blood sugar to spike then crash. I feel better without those things.
ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
I've been blending half a banana, half a tin of coconut milk, some almond, walnuts and cinnamon then warming it up for breakfast. There are also some great omelettes you can make!

You can eat dark chocolate with over 60% cocoa content I think. He says stay away from fruit yoghurts though.
ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
I've been blending half a banana, half a tin of coconut milk, some almond, walnuts and cinnamon then warming it up for breakfast. There are also some great omelettes you can make!

You can eat dark chocolate with over 60% cocoa content I think. He says stay away from fruit yoghurts though.

really, oh no, ive eaten like 5 haha! not today but over the last 2, it was a snack at lunch too. it was one of those add the fruit in, muller corner think they called.
darn, where was all this, as when i looked i couldnt see his list of avoids , so i just looked up a list of grain foods and refined sugars ;-P

hmm guess i best get use to dark choc then, normally I hate it

thank you for replying x
p.s well done to you and you too Dk1234, great work!!

cant wait until I can say I am loosing too :)
ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
I've been blending half a banana, half a tin of coconut milk, some almond, walnuts and cinnamon then warming it up for breakfast. There are also some great omelettes you can make!

You can eat dark chocolate with over 60% cocoa content I think. He says stay away from fruit yoghurts though.

really, oh no, ive eaten like 5 haha! not today but over the last 2, it was a snack at lunch too. it was one of those add the fruit in, muller corner think they called.
darn, where was all this, as when i looked i couldnt see his list of avoids , so i just looked up a list of grain foods and refined sugars ;-P

hmm guess i best get use to dark choc then, normally I hate it

thank you for replying x
I've had some too :haha:

I don't usually like dark choc either, but get the good quality stuff. If you savour it and let it melt in your mouth you can get some really interesting flavours.
ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
I've been blending half a banana, half a tin of coconut milk, some almond, walnuts and cinnamon then warming it up for breakfast. There are also some great omelettes you can make!

You can eat dark chocolate with over 60% cocoa content I think. He says stay away from fruit yoghurts though.

really, oh no, ive eaten like 5 haha! not today but over the last 2, it was a snack at lunch too. it was one of those add the fruit in, muller corner think they called.
darn, where was all this, as when i looked i couldnt see his list of avoids , so i just looked up a list of grain foods and refined sugars ;-P

hmm guess i best get use to dark choc then, normally I hate it

thank you for replying x
I've had some too :haha:

I don't usually like dark choc either, but get the good quality stuff. If you savour it and let it melt in your mouth you can get some really interesting flavours.

how do I know what is good quality stuff :dohh: useless with dark choc as i may fancy an indulge tomorrow haha, i use tohave like a bar a day

where can i find a list of do's and dont's ?

ok so i started the primal diet , second day in, havent weighed myself would rather not for a while, i tend to obsess as i get to eager, though im struggling with meals, what to too, any suggestions? i will probably have to eat different from the kids often as they like sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc

i missing a few things atm, but im doing ok, breakfast is my biggest struggle , but ive been eating grapes and a muller fruit youghurt instead, is that ok?

im not stupid honestly, i just worry i miss something haha

what about crisps? choc? surely choc inc sugar?

haha, ok maybe a little confused haha
I've been blending half a banana, half a tin of coconut milk, some almond, walnuts and cinnamon then warming it up for breakfast. There are also some great omelettes you can make!

You can eat dark chocolate with over 60% cocoa content I think. He says stay away from fruit yoghurts though.

really, oh no, ive eaten like 5 haha! not today but over the last 2, it was a snack at lunch too. it was one of those add the fruit in, muller corner think they called.
darn, where was all this, as when i looked i couldnt see his list of avoids , so i just looked up a list of grain foods and refined sugars ;-P

hmm guess i best get use to dark choc then, normally I hate it

thank you for replying x
I've had some too :haha:

I don't usually like dark choc either, but get the good quality stuff. If you savour it and let it melt in your mouth you can get some really interesting flavours.

how do I know what is good quality stuff :dohh: useless with dark choc as i may fancy an indulge tomorrow haha, i use tohave like a bar a day

where can i find a list of do's and dont's ?

The higher the cocoa content, the better it usually is. Once you get used to it, you won't miss regular milk chocolate.

I recommend downloading the Primal Blueprint book or buying it in print. There's a lot of dry stuff explaining why it works, but you'll be able to find the do's and don'ts as well. If not, just google "primal blueprint dos and don'ts" or "primal meal ideas" or something. There are some great recipes online.
I couldn't do that diet. If I restrict anything from my diet I always give up way to fast and out the weight back on as soon as I add it back in and I couldn't live like that for the rest of my life.
I'm eating 1600 calories a day and working out everyday (walking, 30 day shred, or zumba, or a combination) and I feel like its the first time in my life I'm actually loosing weight the healthy way. Still so motivated. I'm in day 20 today and I've only gone over calories 1 time.

You'd be surprised, grains are not that hard to give up - I am being totally honest, I can't stand to "give things up". And really, if you avoid grains, most refined sugar goes with it. Being able to eat all the fat you want helps!

But congrats! It sounds like you have found something that works great for you! I don't have time to walk/30 day shred/zumba, I hardly have time for dinner and sleep. I work full time though. I only count calories to make sure I get enough ;) TBH, I was way under yesterday....

The deal with the primal blueprint is not that you have to do it forever, it is just you will quit LOSING weight when you go back to your old way of eating. unless you were constantly gaining weight before, you are not going to start gaining weight again. Most people keep it up though, because grains make me feel yucky and too much sugar causes my blood sugar to spike then crash. I feel better without those things.

The zumba video I do is only 16 minutes long and 30 day shred is only 20 mins. I have a newborn and a 15 month old. That's what I like about them cause I have barely any time to workout. A lot of times I do zumba while hubs does the bath and I'm finished by the time it's done. And zumba burns a ton of calories too.
Hey ladies, can I join in? Im currently doing slimming world but since having the contraceptive implant have been having awful cravings :( im 5lb lower than my pre pregnancy weight but still 2 stone over what I want to be! Has anyone found that bfing is helping to lose the weight? Xx
Hey ladies, can I join in? Im currently doing slimming world but since having the contraceptive implant have been having awful cravings :( im 5lb lower than my pre pregnancy weight but still 2 stone over what I want to be! Has anyone found that bfing is helping to lose the weight? Xx

I think so. I am dropping weight faster than I should be. I never count my nursing calories. I don't want to get use to eating those calories so that I have to stop once I stop nursing. I'm average at least .5 pounds a day and that more than I should be so I think nursing is helping.
I dont really know if its helping me but to be fair I was scoffing last week and was convinced I gained loke 5lbs and I still lost 2lbs :) not much but I ate like a horse lol x
Down 13 pounds in 21 days!!!!! So pumped!!!
Well done ladies!

After having some grains at the weekend and relapsing a bit, partly to see how it would affect my weight loss, I'm back to 80.6. Really inspired to keep at it better now though! Tasting sugar is a different experience after being off it so long and I'm glad to say I don't think I need it!

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