UPDATE! Pg. 25 post #244! My Gender Swaying -PINK- Journal [TWINs too!]


2 by Sea 2 by Land
Sep 4, 2009
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It's a ...... G I R L !!!!!!
Our Sway worked!!!!!!! :wohoo:

***IMPORTANT***** If you are reading this journal to learn more information about swaying :pink: PLEASE read it the entire way through. I changed some things as far as timing and vitamins and minerals go towards the end. I dont want anyone to get the wrong information, so please read this in its entirety. Also, check out the nuts and bolts of my sway at the Gender Dreaming site found here: https://genderdreaming.com/forum/add-your-girl-sway/27586-falling2grace-ttc-girl-sway-attempt.html ********

UPDATE: I got my :bfp: at 3+4 (10DPOs) on Dec. 18th, 2012 with FMU.

Gender Guesses....early u/s March 16th at noon!

Blueberri :pink:
henrysmumkaz :pink:
BlueHadeda :pink:
maybebaby3 :pink:
motherofboys :pink:
dollych :pink:
nearlythere38 :pink:

So Im swaying :twingirls: (or :oneofeach: so long as i get at least one :pink:!) Dont know if it will work or not but im going to try whatever i can since this will be my last pregnancy!

Background for me is that i have 2 boys. My first baby resulted in an MC. I have two beautiful and healthy boys 17 months apart (DS1 is 25M and DS2 is 8M). I have ALWAYS wanted a girl and with each pregnancy I just got more upset that I didn't have her. I love my boys, dont get me wrong but i just long so badly for a mother-daughter relationship. For me, this goes far beyond the frills of dresses and lots of pink. The most important people in my life are females and i cant imagine life with out that. The GD the first time around was hard, but i knew we would have more children, so i coped just fine and got on well. The second time around, however, was totally different. It took me a long time to become attached. I love my boys so very much, i have to admit the attachment was quite the challenge until a couple of weeks after the birth of my second :blue:

I am currently 8 months PP but still breastfeeding however due to this i am not having cycles nor ovulating. I suffer from a condition called Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT) so i dont even produce half of what my baby needs each day. It's important to me that I BF my son until he is 1 year old. Ideally i would go longer than that, but i have some risks to waiting for TTC#3 that long (i'll get to that in a minute). So anyways, im currently trying to get my cycles going by taking soy. Today is my first dose and im taking 200mg of Soy Isoflavones. Heres to hoping it does the trick! If it doesn't work by Decemeber, then I will start weaning in Jan/February (DS2 turns 1 Feb 12th).

The reason why we are TTC our last baby is because I have multiple issues going on that need address but cant be during my child bearing years. (started ttc July 2012) First off I have severe pelvic organ prolapse (POP). I have 3rd degree bladder prolapse, 2nd degree rectal prolapse, and 2nd degree uterine prolapse (3rd degree is the most severe form). Any POP over 1st degree generally will not get better with exercise alone, or time. With the severity and the symptoms and implications on my life it will require surgery to fix. But they wont do surgery until im done having babies (makes sense). Thats one reason why we are TTC with a close age gap. The other reason is because i have rapidly progressing Endometriosis. I am 24 yrs old. Been told that i am lucky to have had my babies so young bc had i waited even a few more yrs, i may not have been blessed with them. So im at increased risk of infertility (which i do have issues with my cycle as it is, when i am having them). I do want to disclose that for whatever reason, many endo moms seem to produce more :blue: than :pink: They speculate it has something to do with the estrogen dominance. So my sway may not even matter :dohh: but im going to try anyways.

So in light of these learnings, its been advised to have our last baby sooner, rather than later. Quite honestly we would have been done at 2 if DS2 would have been :pink: (we love him but just being honest here!). Once we are done having the last, then we can get on with our lives and i can get the treatments i need. With that said, DH and I have decided that having :twingirls: or even :oneofeach: would be awesome, especially given that we cant have more kids after this. So we are gender swaying :pink: and also doing things to increase our odds of having twins....dont know if any of this will work or not, but we have nothing to lose!

Heres to hoping this works! We've got nothing to lose!
Awwwww its lovely to read people saying they want twins. The usual response is "I'd rather jump off a cliff". Awful people. Twins are amazing. I truly hope you get your set.

Sending lots of pink twin dust :dust:
Well, im 8 months PP and still BFing and i havn't had one cycle yet. Ive tried various methods with nursing to encourage a cycle, but it failed. So now im trying the Soy Isoflavones.

Today is my first day with the SI. I took 200mg (max amount but I know im starting at even lower estrogen than women with AF since im BFing without cycles, so it should be fine PLUS it will increase odds of multiple eggs OVing.).

So far im feeling fine. No symptoms or anything.
I have hypothyroidism and have to be careful when i take the SI though. As long as i take it at least 4 hours after my Levothyoxrine (thyroid meds) and space it accordingly, its fine and wont inhibit the medication from absorbing.

DH is also taking a small dose of SI (40mg) from now until I Ov. This will help sway :pink: bc it reduces :spermy: (note, dont do this if you have male factor infertility!!!!)

I really hope this kicks my body into Ov. IF it does work, i should Ov within the next 5-14 days, theoretically but not certain how this will work since im not starting on the traditional CD2-6 of taking SI. However, in theory I should Ov. sometime between October 23rd to November 1st. ...when i have cycles and if i actually Ov (many are annovulatory likely due to the Endo), im a late Ov.er generally around CD22 and I only have 10 day LP.

Hope this works!
Awwwww its lovely to read people saying they want twins. The usual response is "I'd rather jump off a cliff". Awful people. Twins are amazing. I truly hope you get your set.

Sending lots of pink twin dust :dust:

Aww thank you soo much hon! I would be honored! It would be especially sweet to have :twingirls: because we have the two boys who are so close in age, would almost be like two sets of twins :D
You are so blessed! I'll def have to hit you up for advice if this TTC :twingirls: thing works out!
I have been gassy for the last 20 minutes :blush: im quite certain its bc of the SI. I took the 200mg dose around 3:30 pm and its been about 6 hours (its 9:30pm now) so def enough time to get in my system. ... i hope this means the soy is busy at work!

Otherwise im feeling fine :D
:hi: pinkribbon! Nice to see you here :friends:

So other than the gassiness last night, ive felt fine :D
Elliot doesn't seem to be reacting to the soy either. I did try timing it so he was fed and then i take the SI, so its probably mostly out of my body by the time he eats again

So far so good. I just took my thyroid med for the day (around 9:40AM, its 10:15am now), so i'll start what i like to call "ringing the bells" :haha: basically thats the term i use for taking my supplements. I have to space out the supplements and doses because some can cancel out others and then of course i dont want to take too much at one time bc then my body wont absorb the amount i need.

So around 10:45AM i will take a dose of Calcium Citrate, a dose of Cranberry, a dose of Folic Acid, and a dose of Magnesium. :thumbup:
Feel free to hit me up f you do end up with twinnies! If only I could share my secret as to how I got them - I don't have a clue myself. They just happened outta nowhere lol.

Your medicine/supplement routine sounds extraordinarily hectic but hey, all for a very worthy cause :) I admire your effort and determination x
henrysmom, thats totally awesome! btw, your girls are so cute!!! are they identical or fraternal?...I will def be asking you bunches of questions should i be just as lucky!

the meds are going to get annoying quick, i think :lol: i'll do though. I just hope i can remember. DH is taking a bunch of stuff too. Most of it is for gender swaying :pink: but the surplus soy iso and folic acid mixed with BFing and a family history of twins will hopefully give me a boost for twinnies :D My maternal great grandmother had about 3 sets of twins (maybe even 4 but i cant remember). My little sister was supposed to be a twin as well but my mom had vanishing twin syndrome. Also my paternal grandmother had 2 sets of twins. (the died from SIDS, as did my great grandmothers babies).
Each day I will check off each item on the list as i take them (it's a lot to remember!!). The ones that are checked off when i update will have one color one day and a different color the next day. This will enable me to only have to update this comment and not flood the thread with the daily check off :thumbup:

Wake up:
~50mcg Levothyoxrine (thyroid meds)

1 Hour Later...
~315mg Calcium Citrate
~250IU Vitamin D
~40mg Vitamin C
~6 IU Vitamin E
~8,400mg Cranberry
~10mg Acidolphilus
~800mcg Folic Acid

~800mcg Folic
[~100mg B6
~1,000mcg Vitamin B12

~5 Soy Isoflavones (on day 3 of 5)
~30mg Calcium carbonate
~8,400mg Cranberry
~540mg Vitamin C
~6 IU Vitamin E
~800mcg Folic Acid

Supper Time:
~250IU Vitamin D
~315mg Calcium Citrate
~10mg Acidolphilus
~800mcg Folic Acid

Before Bed:
~375mg Magnesium
~472mg Calcium Citrate
~375IU Vitamin D
~8,400mg Cranberry
~40mg Vitamin C
~6 IU Vitamin E
~800mcg Folic Acid

Just realized im not taking enough Vitamin C :dohh:. Ill need to get more. The Vit C & E are in the cranberry. The Vit D is in the Calcium Citrate

EDIT***Found the Vit C and turns out we have B6, so im all set :D
I thought twins came from the father? Like the dad passes it to the daughter? Twins are beautiful and it's amazing how they happen if you think about it!
I thought twins came from the father? Like the dad passes it to the daughter? Twins are beautiful and it's amazing how they happen if you think about it!

It really is amazing! I am amazed by a baby forming, let alone multiples.

Nope, its down the female line. Most of the time twins that run in families are fraternal and its because there tends to be a genetic disposition to them due to things like hormone imbalances (like too much of one hormone or whatever) and so then the female release 2 eggs (or more) at ovulation instead of 1 egg like most females do. Twins are extraordinarily rare, but of the twins most are fraternal (each has their own egg). Even rarer are identical twins and so far science doesnt really know, what is the exact reason for one egg to split. Im not sure what the fathers role in the identical twins are (one egg splits in two and forms identical twins). But i do know the only role the dad plays in fraternal twins is simply having two sperms (1 sperm to fertilize each egg). but it's the moms body that hyperovulates, releasing 2 eggs
Mine are fraternal with no history in the family. Sounds like you have a HUGE chance, guppy!

Identicals are pure fluke. Fathers have no relevance whatsoever. Besides providing the little swimmers of course!
Ah I see! There are twins in my family but from my dad's side, my nana's brother was a twin. My nana decided to tell me this the day before my 12 week scan :dohh::haha:

I've had 6 scans so far and definitely only one womb dweller though!
aww, henrysmum- your twinnies were totally ment to be! Can i ask you a personal question? (dont answer if you feel uncomfortable) but how do you sleep at night? Do the twins sleep in the same crib or seperate cribs or do they both sleep with you? I always wondered how it works bc ive read that its good to keep them together since thats what they are used to be but i always wondered how it worked with them rolling and moving and stuff. :shrug:

pinkribbon - :haha: thats funny. I bet you were freaking out going into the 12 weeker lol

Thanks becca! I'll take all the :pink: vibes i can get!
Just took my 2nd dose of soy iso. ..im expecting some gas around 9pm tonight since it happened last night :blush: if not thats fine by me LOL ...DH would probably be relieved too :rofl:
Oh god yeah, the night before I don't think I slept! I was so panicked as our house just could not room two more babies, let alone ones I'd have sleeping together or at least alongside each other! Plus we couldn't afford two! I think if it happened I'd be thrilled but the idea is scary to me!

I can imagine twins having a lovely bond though.

Your poor OH, he will be bringing a clothes peg to bed this time next week :rofl:
:hi: Stalking! I'd love :twingirls: too as i already have 2 boys. I know it will be hardwork but to have 2 of each would be so amazing :)
My mum has a twin sister and her mum had triplet sisters so i'm hoping that may swing things in my favour!
:hi: Stalking! I'd love :twingirls: too as i already have 2 boys. I know it will be hardwork but to have 2 of each would be so amazing :)
My mum has a twin sister and her mum had triplet sisters so i'm hoping that may swing things in my favour!

it would be lovely to have 2 of each! they can all have their little playmate :cloud9: You sound like you have a decent chance!!! I hope you get your :twingirls: too! :dust:

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